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Large unilateral lesions of superior colliculus, but not amygdala, result in strong ipsiversive progression tendencies and permanent neglects of visual, auditory, and whisker-touch stimuli presented on the contralateral side of the body. Combined collicular-amygdaloid lesions also yield circling behaviors and multimodal neglects that are completely independent of the order or laterality of the amygdaloid lesion. Rats with colliculectomy either neglect or else turn away from pinches of the contralateral ear and forepaw. Subjects with combined lesions display more crossed orientations, and this tendency is greatly potentiated by ipsilateral lesion placement. The nature and time course of the crossed response in rats with sensory neglects is reminiscent of the clinical syndrome described as alloaesthesia or as contralateral sensory displacement.  相似文献   

In two separate experiments, rats with bilateral lesions of the superior colliculus showed significantly poorer relearning of a horizontal/vertical stripe discrimination than control animals. In Experiment 1, all animals showed disruption of performance when a stimulus--response (S--R) separation was introduced by raising the stimuli above the site of responding. However, the colliculectomized rats were much more disturbed by the S--R separation than were animals in the control group. In Experiment 2, all animals showed lower performance levels when conflicting patterns were introduced into the upper portion of the stimulus doors, but this time the rats with collicular lesions were less disturbed than the control animals. It is suggested (a) that when the stimulus and response sites are discontiguous, animals must make an appropriate orienting response in order to effectively sample the visual stimuli and (b) that lesions of the superior colliculus alter performance by interfering with this orienting behavior. The impairment in relearning is tentatively attributed to the absence of preoperative overtraining on the discrimination task.  相似文献   

One-trial passive avoidance training was given to Wistar rats and retention of the task was measured 30 min and 24 h later. Atropine (60 micrograms) was injected into the anterior caudate nucleus 2 min after training. Excellent retention was evident 30 min after training, whereas a significant deficit in memory was found when retention was tested 24 h after training. These results suggest that blockade of cholinergic activity of the caudate nucleus induced shortly after training interferes with the consolidation of long-term memory but not with short-term memory processes.  相似文献   

The present series of experiments found that high volumes of a glucose-saccharin solution consumed by rats prior to testing (i.e., a preload) produced a small, but significant suppression of established schedule-induced drinking (Experiment 2). This reduction in polydipsic drinking did not appear to be due to the caloric value of the preload (Experiment 1) or to any changes in food motivation, since Experiment 2 showed that there were no changes in lever pressing on a fixed-interval 1-min food schedule. In Experiment 3, the glucose-saccharin preloads produced a complete suppression of water deprivation-induced drinking. While schedule-induced drinking does appear to be a nonhomeostatic form of drinking, under certain testing conditions, it is sensitive to manipulations which affect homeostatic thirst mechanisms.  相似文献   

Two experiments reported the effects of prefeeding normal and septal rats prior to their daily sessions on a differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL-20) schedule. Prefeeding reduced responses and increased reinforcements in the case of septal animals, regardless of the level of body weight. In the case of normal animals, prefeeding led to a decrease in responding and an increase in the number of reinforcements obtained only when the animals were at 85% of ad-lib levels, prefeeding, although it decreased responding, also decreased the frequency of obtained reinforcements. These results implied an impairment in normal animals in the discrimination of response feedback by stimulation arising from stomach distention.  相似文献   

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