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道德焦虑:一种不可或缺的道德情感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德焦虑在本质上是一种道德情感.道德焦虑与羞耻感以及内疚感相比是更为基本的道德情感,它所需的条件更少.根据人类在远古时期以及幼年时期的情形,我们发现道德焦虑在产生与维持伦理秩序的过程中有重要作用.当进入伦理世界之后,道德焦虑则在主体行为净化和人格升华等方面具有重要的价值.  相似文献   

道德破窗现象是在缺乏有效监督、约束的情况下,由尚未修复的伦理道德溃口 所引发的群体性负面道德模仿与个体性道德自弃现象,它是“破窗效应”在伦理道德生活中 的现象呈现,在生活世界中有着广泛的体现,是一种客观存在的伦理现象。从表面上看,道 德破窗现 象滥觞于失序环境的强烈暗示和其中道德主体的从众模仿,但事实上,它形成于情境中主体 道德知识的缺乏、道德信仰的缺失、道德实践判断能力的阙如以及有效监督及惩罚的缺位。 道德破窗现象不仅成因复杂而且危害巨大,它有可能在私利的驱使下使恶行驱逐善行,导致 作恶合理化甚至普遍化,使伦理道德规范失灵,引发道德文明衰退。对此,可从四个方面进 行治理:推进社会教化与加强个体积习并举,减少道德无知和盲从;树立坚定的伦理道德信 仰,以防止主体价值观扭曲与义利迷失;推进公民道德建设,提升公民在复杂境遇中 的实践判断能力,做到知行合一;完善道德监督和赏罚机制,消除“失序”及其带来 的负面暗示,彻底铲除道德破窗现象产生、存在的土壤。  相似文献   

自由可划分为观念自由和实在自由,观念自由因仅在主体意识中产生,总是表现为对各种限制的力图超越,而实在自由因需在主体与对象的共在关系中形成,则必须正视和承认各种限制.道德作为一种利益关系的调节者,必然具有基于各种关系限制的约束性,但由于道德是人的内在需要,因而其约束性也会表现出一种自觉自愿的主动特征.道德自由作为自由与道德的概念组合,既是自由的道德与道德的自由之内在统一,也是约束与任性的统一,当主体成为纯粹的道德主体、主体之性完全成为道德之性时,约束即为任性,任性即为约束.此时,主体便达到了随心所欲而不逾矩的道德自由境界.  相似文献   

道德信仰的发生机制至少包括三个方面 ,即 :需要的体认机制 ;伦理义务的内化机制 ;道德心理的整合机制。需要的体认机制涉及到对人性、人生的价值、人的使命等问题 ,它是道德信仰形成的主体基础 ;伦理义务的内化机制涉及到人的社会伦理关系、社会规定性和制约性、社会价值、社会道德规范及其教化等问题 ,它是道德信仰形成的客观条件 ;道德心理的整合机制涉及到道德认知、道德情感、道德意志和道德人格等问题 ,它是道德信仰形成的主、客观方面的动态的统一。  相似文献   

道德记忆是人类运用其记忆能力,对其自身的道德生活经历进行记忆刻写而形成的一种记忆形式。道德记忆的价值维度,不仅在于它让我们记住了自己曾经有过的道德生活经历,更重要的在于它是建构人类道德生活的必要条件和重要内容。人类道德生活是由道德规范的强大生命力、道德文化传统、人类承担道德责任的事实等多种要素构成的一个系统,它的形成在很大程度上依赖人类的道德记忆状况。对于我们人类来说,刻写道德记忆本身也是一种道德责任要求。它要求我们每一个人严肃、认真、负责地对待自己的过去。  相似文献   

道德信仰简论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
道德信仰是时代的强烈呼唤。道德信仰的本质是人在道德人格上的自我超越,它具有高度的主体自觉性、形上性和价值整合性,具有道德境界的提升功能、道德人格的塑造功能、道德行为的动力功能和道德秩序的控制功能。  相似文献   

佛教文化包孕的核心价值观与以德治国方略都以道德教育为主要内容,其主要任务都是实现道德理性,使人的道德修养渐趋完备。佛教文化的普世价值在探讨和解决古代中国社会道德自治的问题中有所发展、有所创新,并以"中国化"的语言和方式表达出佛教的基本理论。因而,佛教文化在形成道德自治的导向性上比儒家、道家更强,它无疑会对道德自治的形成和践行及以德治国方略产生重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

探讨自恋影响道德虚伪的内在机制和边际条件。通过对200名金融行业员工的问卷调查,发现个体的自恋倾向能正向预测道德虚伪水平,是权谋术而不是印象管理在自恋与道德虚伪之间起中介作用。进一步的分析还发现辩证思维调节着自恋与道德虚伪之间的关系——对辩证思维水平低的人而言,自恋正向影响道德虚伪; 而对辩证思维水平高的人而言,自恋不影响道德虚伪。结果对理解当代中国人自恋人格与道德特性的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

李晓明  傅小兰  王新超 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1154-1158
本研究基于Hunt和Vitell(1986)所提出的市场营销领域的道德通用理论模型,随机选取129名MBA学生为被试,采用Reidenbach和Robin的多维道德量表和情景研究法,旨在考察个体在应对企业决策中的道德问题时,不同道德评价取向对道德决策(整体性道德判断和道德意图阶段)的预测作用。结果表明:1)与对道德判断的单项目测量相比,多维道德量表对道德意图具有高的预测效度;2)道德公平、功利主义和契约主义对整体道德判断具有显著的预测作用;3)道德公平和相对主义对自我和他人道德意图具有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

浩然之气是儒家道德哲学的重要伦理命题。朱熹在其理学构架内重新对“浩然之气”进行诠释,在他看来,“知言”是养成浩然之气的关键,亦即要通过道德认知的方式涵养出道德勇气,将血气转化为浩气。如此养成的浩气,可以推动道德实践的落实,使人以一种无所疑虑、恐惧的状态去实践。浩气具有道德实践能力,即在朱熹的思想当中,气不是纯然消极的,气可以有积极的面向,这也是“浩然之气”道德性的重要展现。“浩然之气”作为“道德勇气”其时代价值也就能更充分地展现出来,即今天依旧需要具有道德实践力、能抗风险、坚守价值的道德主体,此种道德主体必定是一身浩气。  相似文献   

Moral Sentimentalism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a way reminiscent of Hume's approach in the Treatise, a reviving moral sentimentalism can use the notion of empathy to ground both its normative account of moral obligation and its metaethical account of moral language. A virtuous person is empathically caring about others and expresses such feeling/motivation in her actions. But the judgment that something is right or good is also based in empathy, and the sentimentalist can espouse a form of moral realism by making use of a Kripkean reference-fixer theory of the role of feelings of approval and disapproval in moral judgment.  相似文献   

道德生活史是一个国家和民族道德生活的历史叙述和再现,是以不同时期的道德生活为研究对象并力图揭示其发生发展线索的集描述性伦理学与规范性伦理学为一体的学科。道德生活史的研究因道德生活的本质特点决定了它有自己独特的研究视阈和原则要求。道德生活史的研究既是一种实证性的描述研究,同时又是一种规范性的价值研究,必须超越自然主义和超验主义的研究立场,而将自然主义与超验主义作一有机的整合,必须既联系伦理思想来进行研究但是又不能局限于伦理思想的研究,必须坚持事实与价值相统一、一元与多元相统一以及内容与形式相统一的研究原则。  相似文献   

Many have argued that moral judgment is driven by one of two types of processes. Rationalists argue that reasoned processes are the source of moral judgments, whereas sentimentalists argue that emotional processes are. We provide evidence that both positions are mistaken; there are multiple mental processes involved in moral judgment, and it is possible to manipulate which process is engaged when considering moral dilemmas by presenting them in a non-native language. The Foreign-Language Effect (FLE) is the activation of systematic reasoning processes by thinking in a foreign language. We demonstrate that the FLE extends to moral judgment. This indicates that different types of processes can lead to the formation of differing moral judgments. One implication of the FLE is that it raises the possibility that moral judgments can be made more systematic, and that the type of processing used to form them might be relevant to normative and applied ethics.  相似文献   

本研究依据社会信息加工理论探讨了感知社会支持对道德敏感性的影响,并基于社会认知模型探讨了道德认同内在化和表征化在其中的中介作用。对387名中国大学生进行问卷调查分析,结果表明感知社会支持显著正向影响道德敏感性,仅道德认同内在化在感知社会支持和道德敏感性间起中介作用。这一研究结果拓展了有关道德敏感性影响因素的研究,为增强个体道德敏感性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

论道德惩罚及其目的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德惩罚作为一种非强制性的制裁手段对于规约和范导道德行为体的行为有着重要的作用。道德惩罚通过公共舆论、传统习俗、内心信念和道德良心等对违背道德法则的行为或坏的道德品质予以谴责,对社会道德风尚产生不良影响的行为体的道德权利予以限制和剥夺,从而促使该道德行为体实现由恶向善的转化,达到维护道德良知的、重申道德秩序的目的。  相似文献   

Human rights are claimed to be innate and based on moral principles. Human rights attitudes have been shown to be related to political ideology, but there have been few studies investigating their relationship with morality. Using moral foundations theory, we examine whether morals can predict human rights attitudes across two studies. The first study used questionnaires to show that human rights are based exclusively on individualizing moral foundations; however, increases in individualizing and decreases in binding foundations predict increases in human rights endorsement. Moral foundations also mediated the relationship between political identification and human rights. Both individualizing and binding foundations performed a role in explaining the lower endorsement of human rights by conservatives as compared to liberals. The second study used textual analysis of newspaper articles to show that human-rights-related articles contained more moral language than other articles, in particular for the individualizing foundations. Conservative newspapers had a greater use of binding foundations in human rights articles than liberal newspapers.  相似文献   

Human beings’ moral life can be divided into two forms, one based on moral instincts and the other on moral judgments. The former is carried on without deliberation, while the latter relies upon valuations and judgments. The two can ultimately be viewed as man’s innate moral nature and acquired moral conventions. Theoretically, preference for the former will lead to naturalism and for the latter to culturalism, but this is the reality of man’s moral life. Moreover, there may be a parallel relation between the moral structure of human life and the grammatical structure of human language. Translated by Yu Xin from Zhexue yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches), 2007, (12): 72–78  相似文献   

This paper shows that moral progress is a substantive and plausible idea. Moral progress in belief involves deepening our grasp of existing moral concepts, while moral progress in practices involves realizing deepened moral understandings in behavior or social institutions. Moral insights could not be assimilated or widely disseminated if they involved devising and applying totally new moral concepts. Thus, it is argued, moral failures of past societies cannot be explained by appeal to ignorance of new moral ideas, but must be understood as resulting from refusals to subject social practices to critical scrutiny. Moral philosophy is not the main vehicle for disseminating morally progressive insights, though it has an important role in processes that lead to moral progress. Yet we have grounds for cautious optimism, since progressive moral insights can be disseminated and can, sometimes, have constructive social effects.  相似文献   

The present study examines how dilemma type (personal or impersonal moral dilemma), language (native or foreign) and emotion arousal to a dilemma could affect Chinese–English bilinguals' deontological vs utilitarian moral choices regarding 39 moral dilemmas. How emotion arousal plays a mediating role in the effects of dilemma type and language on moral choices is also investigated. As shown in multilevel analyses, participants made fewer utilitarian choices for personal dilemmas than impersonal dilemmas. Although emotion arousal of dilemmas significantly mediated this effect of dilemma type, the indirect effect of dilemma type through arousal on moral choices was inconsistent with the direct effect of dilemma type on moral choices. For the effect of language, participants made more utilitarian choices in the Footbridge (personal) dilemma that was presented in foreign language than in native language. However, this effect was not mediated by arousal, suggesting that it could not be attributed to the emotion‐reducing effect of foreign language. Moreover, there was no language effect on moral choices in analyses that included all 39 dilemmas or only 22 personal dilemmas, indicating the need in future research for further identifying the potential mediators that trigger the foreign language effect on moral choices.  相似文献   

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