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可持续发展之所以可持续,是有其深刻的伦理基础的.生态伦理毫无疑问是可持续发展的伦理基础.但这是不够的.本文指出,代际伦理是可持续发展必不可少的另一个伦理基础;只有生态伦理和代际伦理的共同作用,可持续发展才能具有完整而深厚的伦理基础.本文还指出,代际伦理是生态伦理与人际伦理结合部和交叉点上的一种伦理形态.  相似文献   

代际伦理问题是现代社会的一个越来越突出的问题,也是现代伦理学应该给予充分关注的一个问题。在有关文献中我们可以见到对代际伦理的零星论述,但对代际伦理的系统研究还有大量的工作要做。代际伦理是相对于代内伦理而言的。代内伦理是指某一代在与其相适应的特定社会环境  相似文献   

构建生态伦理道德观   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
人类属于地球。从人与自然的辩证统一关系出发 ,为了人类的可持续发展 ,当代人应确立“代际公平”、“代内公平”以及“人地公平”的现代生态伦理意识。不论是合理消费、控制人口、维护和平、适度发展 ,还是资源保护、科教兴国 ,都表达了人类与自然和睦相处的美好愿望 ,应该成为指导人类行为的新规范。  相似文献   

农村留守老人的家庭养老已经成了一个无法回避的公共问题.我们通过问卷调查与个案访谈对农村留守老人的家庭养老所凸显的代际伦理问题进行了实证研究.大多数留守老人在经济上的自立性、生活照料上的自理性、与子女沟通的低频度表明传统的“赡养”方式发生了变化;但是,外出子女对留守老人普遍的经济支持,情感互诉的高支持度又说明传统的“孝道”观念仍然发挥作用,大多数家庭亲子关系良好,以“奉献”主导的代际伦理的非对称性在维系着家庭养老实践.如何弘扬传统养老美德并实现现代转型,建立个人、家庭、社会和国家相结合的多元养老保障体系迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

论现代医学视野中的伦理与现代伦理视野中的医学   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
医学与伦理的关系从古代、近代到现代,经过了一个浑然一体、相互分离和重新融合的否定之否定过程。通过对这一过程的简要考察和分析,着重阐述了现代医学视野中的伦理与现代伦理视野中的医学应当所具有的本质形相。在现代医学视野中,现代医学伦理是来自人类伦理遗产和对现实生命道德问题的伦理认识结果两方面的理论交汇。现代伦理应当是多层次的理论与实践系统,其中包括道德哲学层次的思考;生命伦理中的道德原则和规范的构建;关于生命道德规范长入现代医学的机制问题的思考;现代医学伦理的发展与相关学科的相互借鉴的研究。在现代伦理的视野中,现代医学的本质在于,现代“大医学”的概念已经取代了对医学的传统认识;医学作为现代社会文化构成部分的特质逐渐地被揭示出来;现代医学已经成为特定社会职业群体以科学技术为主体的重要社会活动。站在现代医学和现代伦理各自的立场认识和了解对方,对全面把握二者之间的关系和推进二者之间的有机结合具有重要意义。  相似文献   

分配正义不仅存在于收入分配领域,还存在于自然资源在同代人或不同代人之间的分配过程之中。分配正义是人与自然、人与人之间和谐协调与可持续发展的伦理基础。与一般意义的分配正义主要是指对一定社会结构、社会关系和社会现象的一种伦理认定和道德评价相区别,环境伦理视阈中的分配正义主要体现自然资源在国家之间的公平分配、国内的公平分配、代际之间的公平分配、人类的需要与环境本身之间公平分配等层面,概括地讲,也就是代内正义、代际正义和种际正义。  相似文献   

城市弱势群体伦理关系现状的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今中国社会的伦理范型由传统到现代的转型过程中,社会弱势群体的伦理观念、道德风尚的转变是一个重要方面.本文基于问卷调查和理论分析,认为目前城市中社会弱势群体的伦理关系基本延续了"传统",但伦理关系的"性质"则趋向于"现代".在此基础上,着重探讨了弱势群体与其他群体、与社会发生伦理冲突的潜在风险及其产生的原因,并提出了相应的伦理对策.  相似文献   

现代西方社会发展转型中的伦理“断裂论”,已经成为现代社会伦理道德发展的一个基本理 论框架。这一问题轨迹,表现为“社会发展-道德问题-社会性问题-伦理断裂”。调研发 现,中国独特的伦理社会结构并没有发生变化,虽然改革开放以来诸多社会问题与西方问题 症状相似以及社会学意义上的数据类似,但是中国社会并没有发生“伦理断裂”,伦理社会 并未解体。在问题症状与发生学相似的背后,是二者实质性的差异,它表现为家庭伦理对 原子式个人的遏制;“无伦理”的市民社会并没有成为现实,伦理社会有机体仍然相互 关联、贯通。然而,当代中国社会仍面临着伦理断裂的诱发性问题,包括道德贱民的产生 、市场契约—信用的盛行以及国家意识形态的伦理亏空。  相似文献   

建立全球伦理的可能性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“全球伦理”作为历史范畴相对于狭义伦理是指广义伦理 ,相对于传统伦理是指现代伦理 ,相对于区域性伦理是指世界伦理 ,相对于既成形态的伦理是指动态伦理。这样的伦理是生成性伦理与继起性伦理、代内伦理与代际伦理、现实性伦理与虚拟性伦理以及多层次伦理的统一。建立全球伦理的可能性在于其生态的、经济的、文化的、政治的和伦理自身的根据 ,但是使这种可能性成为现实必须克服种种障碍 ,只有自觉地创造条件 ,才能促进全球伦理的建立  相似文献   

现代社会的伦理危机是由现代性伦理需求的供给不足所导致的.传统道德哲学不能满足有机团结的、远距离的现代社会及其行动结构所提出的伦理需求.伦理视阈中的组织,是实体性的道德责任主体和创生性的伦理实体.组织所具备的这两大伦理特征,能较好地承担现代社会的伦理需求.组织伦理的研究可以帮助解决现代社会的伦理危机,实现伦理和谐.  相似文献   


The authors examined, through an analysis of self-construals and beliefs about social interaction, the traditional and modern orientations of younger and older generations of Taiwanese people. The authors surveyed 169 pairs of parent-child dyads with a battery of structured questionnaires. Within-subjects analyses revealed high generational correlations as well as discrepancies in both traditional and modern characteristics. Between-subjects analyses further indicated that individual traditional and modern characteristics were affected by age and gender and by their interactions. The authors discuss (a) the pattern of generational similarities and discrepancies in the framework of culture stability and change and (b) the coexistence of traditional and modern characteristics in a rapidly changing society.  相似文献   


Drawing from basic human values theory and generational identity theory, we hypothesize that two self-focused values, self-direction and hedonism, will be negatively associated with reactions to generational diversity initiatives, and that this relationship will differ between millennials and non-millennials. As expected, our findings illustrate that self-direction and hedonism are negatively related to reactions to generational diversity initiatives. Additionally, self-direction’s influence on reactions to diversity initiatives is significantly higher for non-millennials than millennials. These findings suggest that generational differences affect cognitive processes surrounding reactions to generational diversity initiatives.  相似文献   


This special issue will examine and embrace the uniqueness of millennials. We look at a number of issues related to this generational cohort, examining what makes them unique, challenging and even assets to those they come into contact with in their lives. In our opening article we discuss the unique attributes of millennials, provide researchers a framework for generational research best practices, and provide an overview of the articles featured in this special issue.  相似文献   

Using a sociocultural framework, this cross-sectional study examined eating pathology among 235 Latino adolescents from the Southwestern U.S. who differed in generational status. Participants completed self-report measures of media pressures, internalization, social comparison, and eating pathology. Overall, results revealed stronger relationships between these sociocultural variables and eating pathology for girls. Girls reported greater social comparison, thin-ideal pressure and internalization, and eating pathology than boys. Generational status was positively correlated with these sociocultural variables and eating pathology for girls only. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses indicated that athletic-ideal internalization was a key predictor of eating pathology for girls but not boys. Discussion highlights gender, more than generational status, as critical to a sociocultural framework for eating pathology among adolescent Latino Americans.  相似文献   

The election of President Barack Obama offers a unique opportunity to test the impressionable‐years hypothesis—the theory of political socialization that predicts that widely experienced political events can have a lasting impact on the political attitudes of individuals who experience that event in their youth, thereby creating a generational distinction. Using data from an original survey embedded in the 2010 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, we examine the racial attitudes of White youth who came of age during Barack Obama's presidential campaign and election to see if those individuals are significantly more liberal on racial attitudes than older generations of Whites. In other words, we look for early evidence that an “Obama generation” has emerged. We find there are indeed early signs of a generational distinction. Members of the “Obama generation” are more strongly opposed to racial resentment, but they exhibit similar levels of opposition to old‐fashioned racism as older cohorts. Additionally, we uncover that the factors that traditionally structure racial attitudes among Whites, most notably contact, education, and residential proximity, work quite differently for members of this generation. We take these findings as initial evidence that Barack Obama's presidency will have a lasting impact on the racial views of a generation of Americans.  相似文献   

“Generational analysis” is proposed that would consider actual cohort or generational suicide risk. Personality characteristics of different generations are discussed as they may affect suicide, its prevention, and intervention. In addition, annual suicide data for 1968–1991 are presented for the “Boom” generation (born 1943–1960) and for the young group of Americans called 13ers (the 13th generation of Americans; born 1961–1981). Results indicate that Boomers are presently 1 of every 3 suicides and 1 of every 4 Americans, while 13ers are 1 of 4 suicides and 1 of 3 in the population. Consistent with previous cohort analysis studies, these two cohorts are at greater risk than earlier generations at the same chronological age, with 13ers higher than Boomers for the ages they have thus far attained. It is recommended that researchers, theorists, and mental health professionals consider generational issues, and that suicidology expand its attention to the life cycles of generations.  相似文献   

陈坚  连榕 《心理科学进展》2011,19(11):1692-1701
代际工作价值观的发展归结于社会文化的变迁。对代际工作价值观发展的研究契合了当前工作场所员工代际差异和冲突的研究趋势, 同时也有助于人们把握特定国家社会文化发展的脉络。这类研究是以“重大历史事件”作为划分“代”的主要标准, 以社会文化属性作为研究探讨的主要内容。目前, 多数西方的代际工作价值观研究发现, 西方国家的员工在工作中心化、利他观、内在工作价值观和外在工作价值观等方面呈现不同的发展规律。而我国由于社会历史文化的不同, 其发展趋势必然呈现不一样的特点。为此, 下一步的研究应在严格区别社会文化独特性的前提下, 采取合适的研究方法和“代”的划分标准, 重点研究工作价值观的“代单位”发展规律, 并拓展研究内容深度,特别是加强中国本土化研究力度, 这对于中国组织的人力资源管理有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

在现代生命伦理学的讨论中,主要关注的是改造医患关系中的权力关系。通过强调人权和对个人尊严的尊重,对脆弱人群授予权利已经达到。然而,在卫生保健中,权力的不平衡依然普遍存在。这在相当程度上与对社会不公正的关注不够有关。那种权力的不平衡加之新的权力形式的发展,例如,通过新的遗传生物技术,产生了对日益增长的社会不公的恐惧与忧虑。由此,扩展与公共卫生有关的伦理学讨论将受到关注。政治哲学研究也需要变为改造国际权力关系和改善人口健康。  相似文献   

The lived experiences of eight African American women college students were explored from an interpretive phenomenological analytic framework. The researchers identified six main themes about participants and their reported family dynamics: (a) collectivistic yet disconnected, (b) avoidance, (c) functioning in dysfunction, (d) gendered differences, (e) motivation to change the family's homeostasis, and (f) talking about generational trauma as a motivator to repair communication. Implications for culturally responsive counseling and generational trauma-informed counselor training are discussed.  相似文献   

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's radio address “The Younger Generation's Altered Conception of the Führer,” has much to teach us about what kind of pastoral leadership is needed in our present social and political contexts. Personal antipathies have blossomed into generational antinomies, and the resentments of one side versus another threaten to take over our perceptions of reality and perhaps even reality itself. In looking at Bonhoeffer's diagnosis of why the “younger generation” was seeking a strong-man leader to help them demolish the adversaries who had aggrieved them, we can see ourselves. In listening to Bonhoeffer's cure, we may find our own medicine.  相似文献   

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