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邓小平伦理思想作为马克思主义伦理学在当代中国的继承和发展,作为在中国特色社会主义现代化建设过程中道德建设的指导思想,具有十分重要的理论意义和现实指导价值.实事求是、"一个中心两个基本点"和社会主义市场经济,分别构成了邓小平伦理思想的哲学基础、时代背景和基本主题.邓小平伦理思想的内容十分丰富,其基本原则和基本理论既深刻地反映了中国改革开放和现代化建设的时代特征,具有鲜明的时代内容,又对科学分析当今我国的道德状况和进行道德建设具有重要的方法论指导意义.  相似文献   

中国传统经济伦理思想的近代演变初论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统经济伦理核心内容是对营利和私有产权的价值合理性的否定,中国传统经济伦理思想的近代(演变)可界定为鸦片战争前后至五四新文化运动时期资本主义性质的反传统衍变;其现代(演变)则是“五四”之后,资本主义和社会主义经济伦理思想相互交锋、消长、排斥与“融合”的历史进程。传统经济伦理思想近代演变的实质是为资本活动方式或资本的利益寻求工具价值和伦理合理性的过程,中国传统经济伦理的近代演变最终否定了资本主义经济制度的伦理价值合理性、确立了社会主义经济制度的伦理价值合理性。  相似文献   

陈泽勤 《现代哲学》2000,(4):103-105,64
邓小平在长期的领导工作中,关心教育,重视德育,先后从多角度、多侧面提出了关于德育的观点和意见,形成了富有创见的德育思想。我把邓小平德育思想概括为三个部分:一是“德育地位论”。邓小平认为德育在教育中处于重要的地位,在整个社会中德育要服从服务于经济建设。二是“德育目标论”。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,邓小平继承了毛泽东社会主义社会基本矛盾的思想。一方面以马克思主义关于社会主义社会基本矛盾理论的基本原理指导社会实践,另一方面又以改革开放的活生生的社会实践从多方面丰富和发挥社会主义社会基本矛盾理论,从而把社会主义社会基本矛盾理论发展到一个崭新的阶段。把邓小平关于社会主义社会基本矛盾的理论与实践放在马克思主义发展史上看,邓小平对社会主义社会基本矛盾理论的丰富和发展,突出表现在下述四个方面。  相似文献   

发展问题是当今世界上真正具有全球性、战略性的重大问题之一。中国作为发展中的大国,发展问题更具有紧迫性。邓小平的当代中国发展观是在改革开放和我国社会主义现代化建设实践中形成的,是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,具有鲜明而强烈的实践性。深入研究邓小平的当代中国发展观,就要注意克服发展观研究中的理论与实践相分离的现象,把邓小平的发展观与当代社会实践的研究结合起来。  相似文献   

刘金广 《美与时代》2014,(4):101-101
一、发挥村委班子的作用 党的十七大报告强调,要统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设;坚持把发展现代农业、繁荣农村经济作为首要任务。发展农村经济,需要在现有资源条件和生产力基础上,积极创新农村生产方式,以资源的优化配置和效率的逐步提高来促进增长方式的转变,推动农村经济又好又快发展。  相似文献   

西方伦理学的研究视野和考察视角随其历史的演进而滚动式地拓展。在希腊罗马伦理学中 ,只有哲学视野 (含存在论、认识论、人性论、生存论等视角 )。在中世纪基督教伦理学中 ,神学视野 (含神性论、神人关系论、灵魂论等视角 )统辖哲学视野。在近代西方伦理学中 ,哲学视野是脊梁 ,心理学视野 (以情感论视角为主 )和神学视野为两翼 ,而其他诸视野———如政治学的、历史学的、生物学的视野———充当侧肢。在现代西方伦理学中 ,哲学视野 (在原有视角之外新增价值论等视角 )、语言学视野 (含语义学、语用学等视角 )、心理学视野 (在原有视角之外新增潜意识论、发生认识论、需要—动机论、环境—行为论等视角 )和神学视野四强争雄的格局呈现出来 ,其他诸视野———生物学的、人类学的、经济学的、政治学的、历史学的、社会学的视野———则扮演配角。研究视野和考察视角的不断拓展为西方伦理学的发展提供了广泛的可能性。  相似文献   

为了使公民道德能在我国整个社会文化生态系统中获得稳定的、可持续的快速发展,必须深入考察、全面审视和正确把握我国现今的文化生态系统,努力探寻使系统保持良性循环并不断优化的最佳途径,从而为公民道德建设提供一个健康、坚实的客观文化基础。  相似文献   

中国佛教伦理的理论基础可从佛教伦理内涵的旨趣、价值、自觉三个方面得到论证,即佛教伦理旨趣的根据是其人生解脱论,佛教伦理价值的基石是其因果报应论,佛教伦理自觉的本原是其心性论。  相似文献   

为了解决群众“看病难,看病责”的问题,国家大力发展社区卫生事业。社区首诊制作为其中一项重要的制度被各地纷纷响应,然而由于我国现阶段社区卫生事业基础尚很薄弱,开展社区首诊制的条件还不具备,因此开展起来困难重重。所以现阶段应以完善社区首诊制的基础条件为工作重心。  相似文献   

近年精神障碍患者伤人案件频发,由此提出精神障碍患者监护主体范围问题,特别是家庭成员无力履行监护职责情形,为兼顾患者权益及社会公众权利,作为独立伦理实体与法律主体的国家有道义承担该职责。国家承担监护精神障碍患者责任的伦理根源在于:既有家庭伦理难以适应社会发展现实性,又有国家职责伦理必要性、个体人权伦理合理性以及社会生产方式之可能性。精神障碍患者保护主体从家庭成员转为国家,有利于保护患者权益,确保个体权利发展,促进社会进步繁荣。  相似文献   

Although relatively little is known about ethnic differences in men's drive for muscularity, recent theoretical developments suggest that ethnic minority men may desire greater muscularity to contest their positions of relative subordinate masculinity. This study tested this hypothesis in a sample of 185 White, 180 Black British, and 182 South Asian British men. Participants completed self‐report measures of drive for muscularity, need for power, adherence to traditional cultural values, and ethnic group affiliation. Taking into account between‐group differences in body mass index, results indicated that White men had significantly lower drive for muscularity than Black and South Asian men, who were not significantly different from each other. In addition, greater need for power was significantly associated with higher drive for muscularity in ethnic minority, but not White, men. Greater adherence to traditional cultural values, but not ethnic group affiliation, was associated with lower drive for muscularity in all ethnic groups. These results suggest that ethnic minority men may desire greater muscularity as a means of negotiating masculinity and attendant ideals of appearance.  相似文献   

Pseudoscientific practices are commonly used and promoted in the field of developmental disabilities. Behavior analysts should anticipate encountering such treatments in practice and understand their ethical obligations with regard to these practices. Thoughts on why pseudoscientific practices are frequently sought are presented for context in understanding this complex issue. This discussion will serve to prepare behavior analysts for how to address situations in which clients may ask behavior analysts to use pseudoscientific practices. Additionally, this discussion covers arguments for the dangers of using pseudoscientific practices, a guide to resources for information on evidence‐based practice and ethics, and ideas on how to handle a situation in which a parent or caregiver asks the behavior analyst to integrate a pseudoscientific approach into the treatment of a child with a neurodevelopmental disorder.  相似文献   

Kristine Stache 《Dialog》2014,53(4):286-292
This article offers a proposal for a vision of theological education beyond the boundaries of training and teaching for traditional professional ministry roles. Particular attention will be given to the idea of education as formation and the shared role academic institutions have with congregations. Implications for reshaping definitions of student and faculty will be explored.  相似文献   

Chance and luck are regarded as two distinct causal agents that effect different results. Whereas chance is deemed utterly uncontrollable, luck elicits, at the very least, an illusion of control. Hence, need for control might be a decisive factor in determining whether an event is attributed to chance or to luck. More specifically, the greater is a person's need for control, the stronger would be that person's tendency to attribute events to luck. This proposition, along with its implications concerning effects of luck attributions on decision making, were tested in three experiments. The results showed that situational circumstances and personality dispositions that heighten individuals' need for control strengthen their tendency to attribute events and outcomes to luck. The results showed, further, that such attributions can affect the process of decision making.  相似文献   

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