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体验幸福是指基于体验效用的时刻评价方式获得的多重情感体验的整合结果。体验幸福的概念主要源于Kahneman等人对体验效应的重新发现与诠释。基于时刻评价的体验效用以及时刻效用的测量假设是测量体验幸福的理论依据。体验幸福的测量方法主要有体验取样法与日重现法。基于这两种方法的国民幸福账户与国民时间账户更加直接地分析了人们如何在各种日常活动中分配时间和进行情感体验。同时, 体验幸福的概念及其测量为公共政策的评价与制定提供了更加真实具体的、可供参考的科学依据。  相似文献   

去焦点化是指通过操纵个体对焦点以外的非焦点事件或因素的关注, 从而减少焦点事件对个体认知判断和情绪影响的一种策略。如何利用去焦点化减少聚焦错觉对体验幸福所造成的消极影响, 提升体验幸福, 是积极心理学关注的热点。研究发现, 可以通过去焦点化策略, 减少个体对不同类型消极情绪的聚焦错觉, 以达到提升体验幸福的目的。其心理机制可从注意分散假设和情感加工理论进行解释。未来研究可进一步关注: (1)一般去焦点化与自我相关去焦点化的比较与探讨; (2)去焦点化对后续体验幸福的影响; (3)重新聚焦对个体体验幸福的影响。  相似文献   

幸福体验是国内外学者与管理实践者关注的重要问题,文章基于工作要求-资源模型和资源保存理论,通过分阶段收集834名在职工作人群样本,构建并检验了"工作影响员工幸福体验的双路径模型"。研究发现:(1)工作要求通过工作-家庭冲突的完全中介作用,负向影响员工幸福体验的资源损耗路径;(2)工作资源通过工作-家庭促进的部分中介作用,正向影响员工幸福体验的资源增益路径;(3)工作资源中的上司支持缓冲工作要求对工作-家庭冲突的正向影响;(4)工作要求和工作资源交互影响员工幸福体验,高要求高资源的工作组合下,员工的幸福体验水平最高。研究从理论上揭示了工作影响员工幸福体验的内在心理机制,提出工作资源作为"利之刃"和工作要求作为"伤之刃"共同影响员工幸福体验的"双刃效应"。这些研究发现对于管理实践如何提升员工幸福体验也提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

美是人在欣赏客观事物和现象的过程中得到的一种心理体验。这种体验能引发愉悦、舒畅和幸福的心理感觉,并可升华为高品位的精神享受。由于美具有这一特殊功能和属性,所以成为人类在生生不息的过程中相对于物质追求而独立存在的一种意识和向往,更成为教师在课堂教学中孜孜以求的艺术境界。美感不仅渗透在社会生活的各个领域和层面,也贯穿于各科教学中 。在各级各类学校的所有课程中,尽管教学内容有别、方法各异,难易悬殊,要求也不尽相同,但在智力训练和智能开发的同时,培养学生健康的审美观却是一个共同的重大课题。要完成好这个课题,教师应…  相似文献   

幸福的体验效用与非理性决策行为的偏差机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于体验效用的幸福包括预期幸福、即时幸福和回忆幸福,这三者有极其重要的本质差异,导致决策偏差和非理性。本研究运用行为科学和认知神经科学相结合的研究方法,首次从行为层次—信息加工层次—脑神经层次三个层面,立体地开展幸福感的体验效用与非理性决策行为研究。研究计划分为三个部分:(1)预期幸福、即时幸福和回忆幸福的本质特点和行为规律;(2)三种体验效用产生偏差的认知心理机制;(3)体验效用与非理性决策偏差的脑神经机制。通过系列研究,拟解决三个关键问题:(1)在人类判断与决策过程中,预期、即时和回忆三种效用是如何影响人们的判断与决策?(2)三种体验效用出现偏差的信息加工特点和脑神经机制究竟是什么?(3)三种效用的偏差规律及对政府公共政策的启示。对这些问题的深入探讨,不仅对决策理论研究的发展是一个贡献;对政府管理制定有效的公共政策,避免"牺牲体验追求指标",解决"幸福悖论",同样有很强的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

一个人的性格如何,直接影响和决定着他的事业是否成功?他的人生是否幸福?大凡性情粗暴或抑郁或脆弱或怪癖的人都难以渡过人生的难关,而无法成就事业、失去人生的乐趣;相反性情或温和或开朗或坚强或豁达的人,却能把人生的难题酿造为调味品,并在体验  相似文献   

幸福是对个人具有重大意义的欲求得到实现后的一种美好的心理体验,国民幸福则是社会成员个人正当利益获得满足后的幸福感受的总和.由于幸福本身所具有的主观性、比较性、衰减性和非评价性特征,决定了国民幸福不可能被他人给予或创造,也决定了在一定的社会生活环境下国民必然具有期盼特续提升幸福的需要.政府虽然不能直接为国民创造幸福或给予国民幸福,但国民幸福与否却与政府直接关联.从根本上讲,政府存在的基本理由就是满足国民的幸福需要.为实现和不断提升国民幸福提供保障和创造条件,既是政府的天职,也是政府德性的直接体现.  相似文献   

我国已进入老龄化社会。老年幸福是老年这一特定人生阶段的幸福,它以老年个体的存在为形式,关涉到老年群体与社会整体的关系,是老年人的主观体验感受和整体生活实践。老年幸福实现的伦理基础就在于幸福权的确立、社会正义的实现和老年需求的满足。老年幸福的实现离不开制度保障,需要进一步完善落实养老政策、完善老年权益实体法律制度和完善老年权益程序法律制度。  相似文献   

获得感是一个具有心理内涵与时代特色的新生概念。为了探究获得感的结构内涵,通过自由联想法形成量表的初始项目,先后进行两次预测并根据结果修订量表。然后对量表进行正式施测并检验其信效度,同时采用中文版生活满意度量表和幸福倾向量表进行效标效度检验。结果显示,中国人的获得感是个体对获取自身需求满足的内容、实现途径与所需条件的认知评价以及在此过程中的心理体验,包括获得体验、获得环境、获得内容、获得途径和获得分享五个维度。信效度分析表明,编制的中国人获得感量表符合心理测量学的标准,可用于相关的社会心理研究与应用。  相似文献   

学诚 《法音》1995,(10)
言行平淡话人生──重温弘一大师《青年佛徒应注意的四项》感言学诚一、绪言在现实生活中,温饱问题基本上已经得到解决。衣食丰足难道就是人生的意义吗?诚然不是。生存与生活,是两个概念不同的词汇。温饱足够仅是人类生存的先决条件,而在食丰盛未能满足人类对幸福的需...  相似文献   

This study examined the relation of self-compassion to positive psychological health and the five factor model of personality. Self-compassion entails being kind toward oneself in instances of pain or failure; perceiving one’s experiences as part of the larger human experience; and holding painful thoughts and feelings in balanced awareness. Participants were 177 undergraduates (68% female, 32% male). Using a correlational design, the study found that self-compassion had a significant positive association with self-reported measures of happiness, optimism, positive affect, wisdom, personal initiative, curiosity and exploration, agreeableness, extroversion, and conscientiousness. It also had a significant negative association with negative affect and neuroticism. Self-compassion predicted significant variance in positive psychological health beyond that attributable to personality.  相似文献   

“乐”——中国人的主观幸福感与传统文化中的幸福观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾红  郭斯萍 《心理学报》2012,44(7):986-994
中国人的幸福感重视人际与集体的和谐, 重视精神的感受。这样的幸福感特点很大程度上受传统文化中幸福观的影响。儒、道、佛三大流派各有自己独特的幸福观:儒家既承认父母俱存、兄弟无故的现实感性之乐, 又强调追求仁义的理性之乐; 道家提倡超越现实的顺应自然之乐和祸福相依的幸福观; 佛家则讲求进入涅槃和普渡众生之乐。各家在追求理想人格、追求审美的过程中, 各自发展又互相融合, 形成对中国人幸福感影响深远的三大幸福观:(1)不以个人情感为重点而代之以人际关系和社会和谐的集体主义幸福观; (2)幸福感与道德感、审美感相连; (3)追求理性之乐。  相似文献   

工作幸福感是个体工作目标和潜能充分实现的心理感受及愉悦体验, 是一个需要组织和个人持久努力和投资的动态过程, 包括工作投入、心流体验、工作旺盛感、工作满意度、工作积极情感等宽泛的结构。有必要从暂时、个体和单元三个水平对工作幸福感进行研究。随着研究方法的进展, 工作幸福感的研究呈现出个体差异和个体内波动结合的趋势。工作幸福感多水平动态形成机制模型整合了组织和工作环境因素、个人特征以及人与环境的交互作用, 体现了工作幸福感的动态特征, 解释了人类基本心理需要的满足是工作幸福感形成的心理机制。外溢?交叉动态模型解释了幸福感在不同生活领域的外溢以及在工作团队成员或家庭配偶之间的传递, 有助于推动工作幸福感不同测量水平的效应研究。未来需要通过实证研究检验工作幸福感的动态因果模型, 探讨不同水平的工作幸福感对绩效的影响机制, 更多地研究心流体验、心理旺盛感、高兴和自豪等工作幸福感指标, 加强对工作幸福感的干预研究。  相似文献   

In this commentary, I provide a brief background of the meta‐experience of emotions, the philosophical and psychological literature on happiness, and further discuss the influence of culture on happiness. The meta‐experience of emotions implies that there are primary and secondary emotions (i.e., emotions about emotions), similar to the concept of meta‐cognitions. Primary and secondary emotions are closely associated with one's cultural background and happiness. Most scholars throughout history believe that happiness per se cannot be taught. However, it is possible to teach practices that lead to the path towards happiness. Promising strategies include loving‐kindness and compassion meditation. These strategies are based on Buddhist teachings, which are deeply rooted in a collectivistic culture. This illustrates the close association among emotions, approaches towards happiness, and cultural background.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the structural relationship between ideals on pleasure and pleasure as a human psychological phenomenon in Chinese thought. It describes the psychological phenomenon of pleasure, and compares different approaches by pre-Qin Confucian and Daoist scholars. It also analyzes its development in Song and Ming Confucianism. Finally, in the conclusion, the issue is transferred to a general understanding of happiness, so as to demonstrate the modern value of the classical ideological experience.  相似文献   

One's happiness is expected to be affected by the happiness of surrounding others. This socio-psychological nature of happiness, however, has not been fully examined in the literature of social psychology. The current study examined if this “psychological interconnection of happiness” occurs when (i) individuals have strong personal social capital and/or (ii) individuals belong to a community where other members have strong social capital. We analysed a large social survey dataset sampled from 408 communities in Japan (N = 7295). The psychological interconnection of happiness was measured by calculating the correlation between individual happiness and perceived community happiness. The multilevel analyses revealed that the psychological interconnection of happiness was moderated by community-level social capital above and beyond individual-level social capital, while individual-level social capital did not have a significant moderation effect.  相似文献   

吴伟炯 《心理学报》2017,(11):1449-1459
本文从社会过渡带和心理过渡带两个方面对"通勤悖论"进行解析,构建了通勤时间影响幸福感的理论模型。通过对广州市白领的追踪调查和多项式回归分析,结果发现:(1)婚姻状态(社会过渡带)具有调节作用,未婚员工通勤时间负向影响生活满意度,已婚员工通勤时间对生活满意度和快乐度有曲线影响;(2)恢复体验(心理过渡带)具有交互效应,心理解脱调节了未婚员工通勤时间与通勤效用的关系,放松体验调节了未婚员工通勤时间与快乐度的关系;(3)已婚员工通勤时间与通勤效用和快乐度的关系受放松体验调节,与生活满意度的关系受心理解脱调节;(4)通勤时间对生活满意度和快乐度的影响,以及婚姻状态和恢复体验的交互效应,以通勤效用为中介;(5)员工在"通勤时间陷阱"(1.75~2.75小时)的效用均衡。结论有助于分析"通勤悖论"的深层原因,对城市管理、企业管理和个人都具有积极启示。  相似文献   

Modern philosophy is characterised by various objections to the Aristotelian conception of happiness as the supreme good of human life. In this paper, I focus on the objections raised by two key thinkers of the modern period, namely Blaise Pascal and Friedrich Nietzsche. Both philosophers formulate important counter- arguments to the teleological claim that happiness is the highest good towards which all human beings naturally direct their efforts. Their target is not any specific definition of happiness as a particular kind of activity, or a particular kind of good. Instead, they express a more fundamental scepticism about the very possibility of happiness being the ultimate end of human life. As I show, Pascal's and Nietzsche's radical point is that, since reason alone can never answer for certain the question of whether or not happiness is the ultimate aim of human existence, philosophy should not concern itself with the question of happiness. The paper has three parts. I first sketch an outline of Pascal's sceptical argument with regard to happiness, and then present his positive definition of happiness, after which I do the same for Nietzsche. The third part is devoted to a critical assessment of their positions in light of an alternative argument developed by John Cottingham.  相似文献   

Flow theory postulates that the psychological state of flow emerging when one engages in activities where skill level and challenge are both high, results in ‘optimal’ subjective experiences relative to other psychological states, and is intrinsically motivated. The experience sampling method was used on a sample of college students to compare daily activities associated with flow (high skill, high challenge) to the psychological state of control (high skill, moderate challenge) in relation to the subjective experiences of enjoyment, happiness, intrinsic motivation, and cognitive involvement. Contrary to flow theory, enjoyment, happiness, and intrinsic motivation were characteristic of activities associated with being in ‘control,’ as opposed to flow. Flow activities were associated with being cognitively involved in the task at hand. We believe such theoretically important findings have been masked when using the original four-channel model of flow, but are clarified with use of the revised experience fluctuation model.  相似文献   

蒋奖  徐凤  曾陶然  徐亚一 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1782-1790
体验购买是指为了获得生活经历或经验而进行的购买, 与其相对应的是实物购买, 指的是为了拥有物质类商品而进行的消费行为。这两种购买类型对于个体的快乐有着不同的影响, 体验购买比实物购买更让人感到快乐和愉悦, 其中的原因存在于以下5个方面:体验随时间的推移而改善, 变得越来越美好; 体验与自我的联系更为紧密; 体验购买不易引起社会比较; 体验能够满足基本心理需要, 尤其是关系需要; 体验易于分享。未来研究可以从以下3个方面着手:(1) 探索购买类型对快乐感的长期影响以及对不同取向幸福感的作用, 体验优先的适用范围; (2) 改进现有回忆和想象的研究范式, 提高生态效度; (3) 结合我国实际情况开展购买类型与快乐感的本土化研究。  相似文献   

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