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道德资本作为一种精神资本、文化资本和价值资本,全方位地渗透于企业经济管理的诸方面,对企业发展发挥积极作用.它可以提升体育企业经营的道德境界、打造人性化的体育产品、增加体育企业的道德资产,从而最终实现体育企业做强做大做久,并保持基业长青与可持续发展.打造中国体育企业的道德资本,需要从道德环境建构、企业道德建设、政府监管等方面入手.作为企业“软实力”的道德资本,道德资本无疑对提升当代中国体育企业整体素质与国际竞争力,实现可持续发展无疑具有重要价值意义.  相似文献   

论资本运行中道德在席与缺席   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资本本是一个没有道德属性的客观存在,资本掌管者在使资本增值时,必定对他人与社会产生积极、消极影响,这种影响所体现的道德有无的属性,表现为资本运行时,道德在席与缺席。这种道德在席与缺席的属性对资本而言,是被承载的。它取决于支配资本的人们的主观目的与社会发展的客观需要是否一致。处理资本与道德关系的基本准则是:在资本运行中,让资本承载道德属性,保证道德在席。资本运行中道德在席是实现科学发展观的根本要求,是社会主义本质的具体体现,是构建中国特色的社会主义生产关系的必然选择。  相似文献   

伦理学是什么   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伦理学是关于优良道德的科学,是关于优良道德的制定方法和制定过程以及实现途径的科学。因此,伦理学分为元伦理学和规范伦理学以及美德伦理学。元伦理学主要通过研究“是与应该”的关系而提出确立道德价值判断之真理和制定优良的道德规范之方法:元伦理学是关于优良道德规范制定方法的伦理学。规范伦理学主要通过社会制定道德的目的、亦即道德终极标准,从人的行为事实如何的客观本性中推导、制定出人的行为应该如何的优良道德规范:规范伦理学是关于优良道德规范制定过程的伦理学。美德伦理学主要研究优良道德如何由社会的外在规范转化为个人内在美德,从而使优良道德得到实现的途径:美德伦理学是关于优良道德实现途径的伦理学。  相似文献   

“应该”是行为所具有的能够达到目的、满足需要、实现欲望的效用性 ,简言之 ,也就是行为的能够实现其目的的属性 ;“不应该”是行为所具有的不能够达到目的、满足需要、实现欲望的效用性 ,简言之 ,也就是行为的不能够实现其目的的属性。“应该”分为“道德应该”与“非道德应该”:前者是行为对于社会创造道德的目的的效用性 ,是行为的符合道德目的的属性 ;后者是行为对于非道德目的的目的——如个人目的——的效用性 ,是行为的不符合道德目的的属性  相似文献   

老龄道德资源是老龄道德品质及老龄道德文化成果的总称。老龄道德资源的代际传承是道德辐射与道德内化的统一。其伦理效力在于促进年轻一代的道德社会化,并通过道德资源的资本转化,推动实物资本增值。  相似文献   

本文探讨了实现国家伦理职能的手段和目标。实现国家伦理职能的手段 ,主要是法律和道德公共政策。后者相对灵活的政府的社会控制手段 ,是政府对各种道德变迁进行适时调整的政府行为。作为政府行为 ,道德公共政策表现出组成政府的政治系统的特征。国家伦理职能的目标 ,也就是道德公共政策所营建的善的生活形态。经过政府对社会道德生活所进行的宏观调控 ,建立起一种社会秩序 ,消除个人交往中的紧张状态和社会道德危机 ;最后 ,创建一种“高尚社会”。  相似文献   

诚信建设与价值导向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于社会经济体制的转型 ,传统诚信赖以发挥作用的基础与条件发生了重大变化 ,使“天然性诚信”相应地走向“建构性诚信”。诚信在道德价值体系中属于基础性的规范 ,这种基础性使诚信建设具有优先性。诚信建设既要承接传统、面向现代、与其他社会规范相协调 ,又要充分展现其层次性 ,使之成为攀登更高的道德价值目标的起点。  相似文献   

“道德资本”是一个组合概念,由“道德”和“资本”两个概念联结而成.道德资本论者要想实现这一关怀必须隐含一种伦理利己主义的道德理解,即它所理解的道德概念是一种伦理利己主义的道德概念,而这恰是其实践上软弱无力的理论根源.  相似文献   

道德的本真形态是“天理”和“良心”,即普遍的、至高无上的实践法则及其在人心中的体现。道德要通过人的理论和实践体现出来,就需要实现道德的学理化和规范化,从而形成道德理论与社会规范两种道德的派生形态。  相似文献   

道德的根本问题在于如何协调社会需求与个人私欲之间的冲突,并最终使社会需求完全压制与之相冲突的个人私欲.道德附魅以神魅作为道德的基础,从而使道德的社会需求借助神魅的力量战胜了不道德的个人私欲.道德祛魅重新找回了道德的世俗基础,以理性的利益祛除了非理性的神魅.祛魅后的道德以外在的利益赏罚机制为基础,通过将社会需求转化为个人私欲从而使个人遵守道德规范.  相似文献   

This paper argues for the importance of the political context of a society for bioethics. In particular, I argue that in a liberal constitutional society, such as the one we find ourselves in, no particular moral perspective is granted a privileged position. Rather, individuals are allowed to live their lives according to values they adopt for themselves, and the rights granted to protect this ability "trump" social consensus, and place boundaries on the social application of personal moral beliefs and values.  相似文献   

Although existing literature demonstrates that developmental benefits are associated with religion for adolescents, little is understood about the dynamics of this relationship. Drawing on social capital theory, this study tested a conceptual model exploring socially embedded religious influences on moral outcomes. A three-dimensional model of social capital demonstrated how social interaction, trust, and shared vision enable social ties associated with religiousness to influence moral behavior. Structural equation modeling was used with data gathered from 735 urban youths to test a proposed model of the effects of religiousness on moral outcomes. Results suggested that religiously active youths report higher levels of social capital resources and that the influence of adolescent religiousness on moral outcomes was mediated through social capital resources. Suggestions for further research and implications for faith-based youth development organizations are considered.  相似文献   

中国历史上的农村贫困医疗救助   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从医学史的角度回顾我国历史上的济贫思想和实践,分析不同时代农村医疗救助的形式、内容和特点,指出农村贫困医疗救助具有悠久历史传统,现代意义上的医疗救助是社会保障体制的重要组成部分,充分利用我国乡村社会以情感和道德为主体的互助历史传统,建立与经济社会发展相适应的贫困医疗救助制度是当今政府和社会的重要任务,也是历史发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

The paper argues that an assessment of individualism requires distinguishing five individualistic claims about the self and society: 1) Philosophical Individualism holds that individuals are distinct from society in their reality and capacity for knowledge; 2) The dignity of the individual is a moral belief about the status of human beings; 3) The ideal of individuality is a value belief about the value of diversity; 4) Moral individualism is a comprehensive moral theory based upon philosophical individualism; 5) Political liberalism is a theory of social justice based on construing human dignity in terms of equal liberty. It is argued that philosophical individualism should be rejected and, hence, moral individualism, that individuality is desirable but not obligatory, and that political liberalism, if it can avoid a tendency toward favoring individualistic conceptions of the good, is necessary for dignity in a modern society.  相似文献   

在中国传统的道德取向中,既有皮亚杰、科尔伯格的“道德公正”,也有吉利根、诺丁斯的“道德关怀”,但是,这两种道德取向在中国社会是以“差序格局”的样态运作的,即以“差序公正”和“差序关怀”的形式存在于中国人的道德判断中。“差序公正”和“差序关怀”的概念准确地表征了中国人道德取向的集体偏见。随着改革的不断深入,各项制度的不断建立和完善,人们的现代化层次不断提高,这种集体偏见正在逐渐得到克服和纠正。  相似文献   

This essay focuses on the issue of immorality, an issue that has largely been understudied in anthropology. It examines two types of immoral behavior in contemporary Chinese society, drawing on cases widely agreed upon by ordinary people to be morally wrong. Next, it analyzes moral experiences and moral sentiments among individuals who either were victims of immoral acts or recalled their own feelings of being immoral. Ethnographic evidence shows that immorality tends to be intuitive and emotional in actual social actions but in recollections of moral experiences it is reflected upon with rational reasoning and justification. Immorality is essentially the violation of the social, which may explain why ordinary people use immorality to define and defend their social behavior in everyday life. The recent emphasis on moral reasoning and ethical choice in anthropological studies of moralities has overlooked the social in the moral as well as the role of moral sentiments and intuitions in social actions.  相似文献   

The National Conference of Catholic Bishops has argued for significant government involvement in health care in order to assure respect for what they regard as the right to health care. Critics charge that the bishops are wrong because health care is not a right. In this article, it is argued that these critics are correct in their claim that health care is not a right. However, it is also argued that the premise that health care is not a right does not imply that the market is the most equitable and just system for providing health care. Natural law arguments in the tradition of Roman Catholic social teaching lead to the conclusion that a just and prosperous society has a moral obligation to provide health care even if there is no such right. Further, there are strong moral grounds for concluding that the bishops are correct in their claim that health care ought not to be considered a market commodity. It is argued that if health care ought not to be considered a commodity, then national health insurance is the best available alternative for fulfilling the social obligation to distribute health care resources justly and fairly at this time in American history. The bishops' case for government involvement can be made on the strength of the Catholic tradition in theological argumentation, independent of the claim that health care is a right.  相似文献   

在个体层面上,“利己”与“道德”是人性中的两种德性,二者并不矛盾;在型构社会层面上.为了维系合作秩序的扩展,须构建与市场社会相适应的社会性道德基础。中国的传统社会缺失了社会性道德这一维度,休谟在特定的历史时期所提出的社会性道德论说对于建设中国当下的市场经济有特别的理论借鉴意义。普世性的道德准则是经济学的前提,经济学自身的价值判断准则也同样拒斥不道德的经济行为。“市场经济可以不讲道德”的命题是不成立的。  相似文献   

“三个代表”重要思想,从伦理学上进行分析,饱含着深刻的伦理智慧,浸润着美善和正义的光华,它既可以理解为一种全新的政治伦理,又可以指谓一种进步的社会伦理,还可以从经济伦理、科技伦理和文化伦理等角度加以阐释与论证。因此,我们有理由认为,“三个代表”的伦理精神和伦理目标将构成当代中国社会的主流伦理,成为指导我国当前公民道德建设的伟大旗帜和促成中华伦理文化伟大复兴的理论指南。  相似文献   

Would a just society or government absolutely refrain from shaming or humiliating any of its members? “No,” says this essay. It describes morally acceptable uses of shame, stigma and disgust as tools of social control in a decent (just) society. These uses involve criminal law, tort law, and informal social norms. The standard of moral acceptability proposed for determining the line is a version of perfectionistic prioritarian consequenstialism. From this standpoint, criticism is developed against Martha Nussbaum’s view that to respect the dignity of each person, society absolutely must refrain from certain ways of shaming and humiliating its members and rendering them objects of communal disgust.  相似文献   

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