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工程共同体的各个组成部分应该承担环境伦理责任.投资者应该对工程组织共同体如企业的环境保护负领导责任.工程组织共同体如企业应该承担起对自然、对市场、对公众的生态责任,从"淡绿"走向"深绿".工程师应该负有特别的责任,从"对雇主不加批评的忠诚"走向"批评的忠诚".工程职业共同体如工程师协会应该负有对工程师进行环境伦理教育以及制定相应的工程师环境伦理规范的责任.工程管理者应该承担起对工程活动进行环境管理的责任,由初学者转变为关心的公民,再转变为实用主义者,最后成为赞成行动主义者.工人应该承担避免因操作失误而引发环境灾难的责任.  相似文献   

全球性的金融危机凸显绿色信贷的现实意义。绿色信贷是当代国际社会发展的潮流和趋势,是对不符合产业政策和环境要求的企业(项目)进行信贷控制,旨在强调银行贷款或资助之企业(项目)的环境责任和社会责任。绿色信贷的实施是实现环境内生型绿色经济的重要保证,是环境伦理和环境金融的有机结合,将加快推进我国环境保护的历史性转变,使环境保护逐步融入各项社会管理体系,是一份神圣的社会责任。  相似文献   

从经济伦理学的视阈审视,将"经济责任"与"伦理责任"设定为企业社会责任中存有主次与先后的不同层序,是长期以来"经济"与"伦理"的分割式理解在企业社会责任问题上的显现.经济与伦理本质上是内在统一的.从这一立场出发,企业社会责任是经济责任与伦理责任内在统一、相互交融的"经济-伦理"责任.与此相对应,企业社会责任担当与评价的次序应遵循的原则是:企业在利润获取层面承担的社会责任优先于利润分配层面承担的社会责任.  相似文献   

环境保护成为经济伦理的重要价值,需要借助于一些条件.第一,作为经济发展基本前提的环境保护要以人的发展为目标,才能进入经济伦理;第二,经济伦理需要在可持续伦理、责任伦理、制度伦理的支持下,才能把环境保护纳入价值系统之中;第三,尊重自然的限度、善待生命、走循环经济之路、追求经济—环境效益等具体要求,是环境保护进入经济伦理的桥梁.  相似文献   

论环境伦理与经济可持续发展之关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从环境伦理问题相对独立性的角度重新审视经济可持续发展与解决环境伦理问题之间的关系。文章分析了思考环境伦理问题的视角和方法 ,并论述了当前落实环境伦理责任的可能途径。  相似文献   

利益相关者理论视野下的金融企业社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年全面爆发的美国金融危机影响波及全球。从企业伦理或经济伦理的角度来看,此次金融危机的根源在于传统的股东利益至上理念的内在缺陷。本文提出用利益相关者理论替代股东利益至上理论。利益相关者理论强调企业应该考虑股东、员工、客户、合作伙伴、社区、政府、环境、经济共同体等各方利益相关者的权益。金融企业必须转变传统的经营理念,积极引进利益相关者理论,履行其所应承担的企业社会责任,此乃克服金融危机的一种可能的和有效的路径。  相似文献   

在"经济本体论"思维的支配下,人们对自然的无节制索取,导致人类赖以生存的环境日益恶化,直接威胁着人类社会的生存与发展。因此,如何解决经济发展与环境保护的关系问题是目前全世界面临的紧迫问题,日益受到人们的关注。这一问题的本质其实就是经济与环境如何才能和谐发展的问题。我们需要破除抽象的经济-伦理-环境观,以伦理的智慧、生态的思维,在共生互动的生态实体中把握三者之间的关系,从而建构经济-伦理-环境的生态,并最终实现环境与经济的和谐发展。  相似文献   

政府责任与医疗弱势群体的医疗保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申曙光 《学海》2006,(1):39-46
本文系统探讨政府承担弱势群体医疗保障责任的问题。针对我国的实际情况,首先提出了“医疗弱势群体”的概念;然后以部分发达国家的实际作法为背景探讨了政府承担弱势群体医疗保障责任的理论与法理基础;随后分析了我国政府承担弱势群体医疗保障责任的历史与现状;最后,就我国政府承担医疗弱势群体医疗保障责任的总体思路等问题提出了建议。作者提出,政府不能逃避其应该承担的责任;要改变目前首先为有一定经济能力的人提供医疗保障的做法,优先解决医疗弱势群体的医疗保障问题;目前我国已具备将弱势群体一次性纳入医疗保障体系的财政能力。  相似文献   

环境伦理与国际公正   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
环境伦理学应当关注国际公正。正确认识和处理国际公正问题是有效解决环境问题的基本前提。当我们研究环境伦理的国际公正问题时 ,主要涉及三个相互关联的方面 :1环境资源所有权或享有权分配方面的公正 ;2依托于环境资源的经济利益获取和经济成本承担方面的公正 ;3为保护环境而建立的国际经济、政治制度方面的公正。  相似文献   

市场经济是信用经济.经济主体缺乏诚信,交易行为则难以进行.企业诚信的实现离不开企业自身的努力,更需要生长的环境,政府在培育诚信的生长环境这一公共资源上,起着关键的作用.世界上许多国家的政府,通过法律的手段,使得伦理要求制度化,帮助他们的企业建立伦理自控机制,明确并落实伦理责任,以实现诚信.在世界范围内,美国比较早地由政府通过立法,运用"胡萝卜加大棒"的手段帮助企业建立伦理自控机制,明确伦理责任,切实有效地维护诚信的生长.美国于1991年11月1日颁布并开始实施的"组织的审判准则"就是这样一项法规.它不仅对美国国内企业诚信的维护起了推动作用,对世界上其他国家(包括澳大利亚、欧洲诸国、加拿大、南非等)企业诚信的建立也起了促进作用.本文通过介绍和分析"组织的审判准则"(以下简称"准则")的内容和影响,说明政府在运用法律,建立企业内在自控机制,落实伦理责任,实现诚信中的作用,以期对中国经济伦理的发展有所启示.  相似文献   

Granted the far-flung impacts of humanity on the future and the biosphere, Hans Jonas has rightly called for our responsibilities to be reconceptualised, and where responsibilities are non-reciprocal Chris Groves has put forward a model of the ethics of care to underpin them. In view, however, of Derek Parfit's work on responsibilities with regard to the possible but unidentifiable people of alternative possible futures, the author suggests that an ethical model grounded in relations, while helpful, is insufficient with regard to these impersonal responsibilities, and is not sufficiently strengthened by resorting to ‘constitutive value’. To meet the need for further models, he first presents two familiar ones (those of bequests or legacies and of stewardship or trusteeship), and then a new model appropriate for responsibilities towards unidentifiable parties, based on hospitality and generosity, and Jesus' parable of the great banquet as in Luke 14. This model also has its shortcomings, but could, alongside the others, assist people to take non-reciprocal responsibilities seriously.  相似文献   


There are three broad ethical issues related to handling public health emergencies. They are the three R's—rationing, restrictions and responsibilities. Recently, a severe shortage of annual influenza vaccine in the US, combined with the threat of pandemic flu, has provided an opportunity for policy makers to think about rationing in very concrete terms. Some lessons from annual flu vaccination likely will apply to pandemic vaccine distribution, but many preparatory decisions must be based on very rough estimates. What ethical principles should guide rationing decisions, what data should inform these decisions, how to revise decisions as new data emerge, and how to implement rationing decisions on the ground are all important considerations. In addition, ethicists might be able to help policy makers think through the importance of international cooperation in surmounting global rationing dilemmas and to accept the inevitable responsibilities of government in making and implementing rationing decisions.  相似文献   

There are three broad ethical issues related to handling public health emergencies. They are the three R's-rationing, restrictions and responsibilities. Recently, a severe shortage of annual influenza vaccine in the US, combined with the threat of pandemic flu, has provided an opportunity for policy makers to think about rationing in very concrete terms. Some lessons from annual flu vaccination likely will apply to pandemic vaccine distribution, but many preparatory decisions must be based on very rough estimates. What ethical principles should guide rationing decisions, what data should inform these decisions, how to revise decisions as new data emerge, and how to implement rationing decisions on the ground are all important considerations. In addition, ethicists might be able to help policy makers think through the importance of international cooperation in surmounting global rationing dilemmas and to accept the inevitable responsibilities of government in making and implementing rationing decisions.  相似文献   

One recent priority of the U.S. government is developing autonomous robotic systems. The U.S. Army has funded research to design a metric of evil to support military commanders with ethical decision-making and, in the future, allow robotic military systems to make autonomous ethical judgments. We use this particular project as a case study for efforts that seek to frame morality in quantitative terms. We report preliminary results from this research, describing the assumptions and limitations of a program that assesses the relative evil of two courses of action. We compare this program to other attempts to simulate ethical decision-making, assess possibilities for overcoming the trade-off between input simplification and output reliability, and discuss the responsibilities of users and designers in implementing such programs. We conclude by discussing the implications that this project highlights for the successes and challenges of developing automated mechanisms for ethical decision making.  相似文献   

All of finance is now automated, most notably high frequency trading. This paper examines the ethical implications of this fact. As automation is an interdisciplinary endeavor, we argue that the interfaces between the respective disciplines can lead to conflicting ethical perspectives; we also argue that existing disciplinary standards do not pay enough attention to the ethical problems automation generates. Conflicting perspectives undermine the protection those who rely on trading should have. Ethics in finance can be expanded to include organizational and industry-wide responsibilities to external market participants and society. As a starting point, quality management techniques can provide a foundation for a new cross-disciplinary ethical standard in the age of automation.  相似文献   


This article highlights ethical issues in publication. It addresses the provenance of ideas, problems with joint authorship, plagiarism, and the practice of duplicate submission of material for publication. Confidentiality and privacy matters, and the protection of human subjects in publication of research and clinical case studies are also discussed. The article further examines biases in literature reviews, and in the biased selection of one's best results for publication, intentional misinterpretation of data and the slanting of discussion, summary, and conclusions. Finally, the article deals with ethical problems that can arise in the publication of sponsored research, and the ethical responsibilities of editors and readers.  相似文献   

Ethical Responsibilities of Nanotechnology Researchers: A Short Guide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little if any of the scholarly literature on nanotechnology (NT) and ethics is directed at NT researchers. Many of these practitioners believe that having clear ethical guidelines for the conduct of NT research is necessary. This work attempts to provide such guidelines. While no qualitatively new ethical issues unique to NT have yet been identified, the ethical responsibilities identified below merit serious attention by NT researchers. Thirteen specific ethical responsibilities arising at three levels are identified. They are derived by applying four fundamental ethical responsibilities of scientists and engineers to the specific conditions of NT research and researchers in contemporary Western societies. Since society is placing increasing importance on producing scientists and engineers who combine high technical competence with a sensitive ethical compass, study of the ethical dimension of NT, including the identified ethical responsibilities, should become a required element of the formal education of all NT researchers.  相似文献   

This case raises ethical issues involving conflicts of interest arising from industrial funding of academic research; ethical responsibilities of laboratories to funding agencies; ethical responsibilities in the management of a research lab; ethical considerations in appropriate research design; communication in a research group; communication between advisor and graduate student; responsibilities of researchers for the environment; misrepresentation or withholding of scientific results.  相似文献   

Schrag B  Ferrell G  Weil V  Fiedler TJ 《Science and engineering ethics》2003,9(4):569-77; discussion 578-82
This case raises ethical issues involving conflicts of interest arising from industrial funding of academic research; ethical responsibilities of laboratories to funding agencies; ethical responsibilities in the management of a research lab; ethical considerations in appropriate research design; communication in a research group; communication between advisor and graduate student; responsibilities of researchers for the environment; misrepresentation or withholding of scientific results.  相似文献   

王财玉  吴波 《心理科学》2018,(3):621-626
绿色消费虽然受到越来越多的关注,但消费者的绿色承诺很难转化为实际的购买行为,出现了消费者的不作为现象。本研究试图探讨时间参照对消费者不作为的影响以及环保意识是否能够有效抑制这种不作为。研究发现,消费者在近期情境下对绿色产品的购买意愿低于远期,出现了绿色消费不作为现象,即个体更倾向于在将来而不是现在购买绿色产品。尤为重要的是,环保意识对消费者不作为的弱化作用受制于个体的产品环境怀疑:产品坏境怀疑较低时环保意识的弱化作用明显,而产品环境怀疑较高时环保意识的弱化作用则不存在。  相似文献   

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