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中国共产党执政伦理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国共产党的执政伦理在价值取向上是先进伦理,在涉及领域上是公共伦理,在基本内容上是建设伦理,在表现形式上是制度伦理.在基本伦理原则上,党要坚持为民原则、人本原则、公正原则、和谐原则和责任原则.为此,需要提高伦理定向能力、伦理凝聚能力、伦理鉴别能力和伦理制约能力.  相似文献   

近五年来国外公共健康伦理始终围绕公共健康、公民权利、政府责任及其相互关系这一主线展开探讨,而公共健康伦理原则的价值排序、公共健康伦理的分析方法与公共健康伦理的教育普及则是其中的理论热点。关于公共健康伦理原则的价值排序问题有特定原则、中层原则和主导原则等排序主张。公共健康伦理的基本分析方法有美德伦理方法、公共善方法和罗尔斯主义方法等。让公共健康专业人员理解公共健康伦理知识,提高道德能力和培养职业道德情操则是公共健康伦理教育的重要目标。  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术的开展为医学伦理带来了新的内容和挑战。我国卫生部于2001年2月20日发布的《人类辅助生殖技术管理办法》中规定,人类辅助生殖技术的应符合有利于患者的原则、知情同意的原则、保护后代的原则、社会公益原则、保密原则、严防商业化的原则和伦理监督的原则。开展辅助生殖技术的条件之一是医疗机构建立生殖医学伦理委员会。伦理委员会是教育性、咨询性、义务性及独立组织。生殖医学伦理委员会应依据上述原则对人类辅助生殖技术的全过程和有关研究进行监督,开展生殖医学伦理宣传教育,并对实施中遇到的伦理问题进行审查、咨询、论证和建议。  相似文献   

音乐伦理原则是调整音乐主体之间关系的普遍要求和根本准则,也是指导音乐创作、音乐表演和音乐欣赏等活动的总方针,还是衡量音乐主体行为与品质的价值标准。音乐伦理原则是音乐伦理关系形成而产生的必然;是音乐伦理中占主导地位并起决定作用的普遍法则;确立音乐伦理原则是解决当代音乐道德问题的有效措施。以人为本与社会价值相统一、自由创造与道德责任相结合、美善合一是音乐主体必须遵守的三个重要伦理原则。这三个原则相互协调、相互支撑,共同构成了音乐伦理的价值准则框架。  相似文献   

建筑伦理的基本原则是建筑伦理研究的基础理论问题,在建筑伦理学的理论体系中占有重要地位。建筑伦理的基本原则分别是安全与行善原则、适用与人本原则以及美观与和谐原则。建筑伦理的三组基本原则既来源于规范伦理学和应用伦理学基本原则的指导,更来源于以维特鲁威建筑三原则为核心的建筑文化传统,他们构成了建筑伦理价值理念之间相互支撑、具有一定融贯性的价值准则框架,是指导建筑行为与建筑活动的一般性、原则性规范和根本性的道德要求。  相似文献   

●经济伦理的萌发是现代伦理学的一个新生长点 ●市场经济的确立是经济伦理萌发的现实基础 ●经济伦理具有宏观、中观和微观三层次的结构体系 ●经济伦理的基本原则,一是功利原则,二是公正原则  相似文献   

2015年3月至4月,联合国教科文组织在西班牙巴伦西亚召开了制定"保护非物质文化遗产伦理原则"的专家会议,并于2015年11月至12月举行保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会(IGC)第十届常会,审议并通过了《保护非物质文化遗产伦理原则》。伦理原则是国际社会对非物质文化遗产保护原则的最新论述,实质是一种鼓励和倡导。伦理原则是一个总的原则,在具体内涵上涵盖了主体、权利、发展、生态等具体原则。  相似文献   

试论土地伦理的内涵、原则和建设途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
土地伦理包括善待土地、土地健康和土地生态价值等多重含义,建立土地伦理的关键是确立土地伦理的基本原则,即公平、生态和效率原则,在明确土地伦理的内涵和原则的基础上,通过发展土地伦理教育、加强土地伦理的理论研究、推行土地修复和养护运动、改变现行的土地评价标准等途径加强土地伦理建设。  相似文献   

<正>《生命医学伦理原则》中文版出版《生命医学伦理原则》自1979年初版以来,一版再版,是当今世界读者最多、引用最多的生命伦理学经典名著。该书首次提出并论证了四大生命伦理原则:尊重自主原则、不伤害原则、有利原则和公正原则,形成了  相似文献   

对当前伦理重建问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、如何确立伦理原则的基点关于伦理重建的问题,这几年来一直为人们所关注和讨论,原因在于人们都深切地感到有必要重建和恢复我们社会的伦理秩序。但是在伦理重建过程中应如何确立伦理原则的基本点的问题,换句话说也就是把确立伦理原则的基本点放在哪里的间题却似乎被人们所忽视。那么在当前的伦理重建中,究竟应该把确立伦理原则的基本点放在哪里呢?我想这是人类在道德选择中始终存在的一个问题,也是中国伦理的重建同样要面临的问题,也就是说我们的伦理重建首先要解决的就是如何定位确立伦理原则的基本点的问题,这个问题换句话说也…  相似文献   

经济主体的伦理分析是马克思经济伦理思想的主要内容之一。马克思从人类主体活动的社会形式角度,把人类社会分成三个形态。对应于三种形态,经济主体的表现形式为原始丰富的人、异化的人、全面发展的人,在马克思看来,一定社会形态下现实的不同的人表现出不同的伦理特性。  相似文献   

The care of the patient with cancer requires the development not only of a medical plan, but an ethical plan as well. This plan should integrate the physician's and the patient's perceptions of medical and ethical propriety. Jewish biomedical ethical principles are based on the teaching of the Old Testament and its various interpretations. In this paper, I discuss how these principles can be used to help guide the physician caring for the patient with cancer. Other ethical systems could be applied in a similar fashion.  相似文献   

We explore the impact of construal level on decisions involving conflicts between multiple ethical principles. Whereas abstract mindsets are associated with a focus on ethical issues and superordinate concerns, concrete mindsets are associated with financial self-interest. With abstract mindsets, we find that people abide by rather than violate ethical principles when only the self would benefit (single principle) but they violate ethical principles when doing so is a conduit for a greater social good (multiple principles). With concrete mindsets, people violate ethical principles for personal gain with less concern for the impact on the greater social good. Specifically, with abstract mindsets, people were dishonest to secure larger donations (Study 1) and dishonest to make larger (smaller) donations to charities that supported (threatened) the greater social good (Study 2a, Study 2b) whereas with concrete mindsets, people focused more on dishonesty for personal gain (Study 1, Study 2a, Study 2b).  相似文献   

中国传统经济伦理思想的近代演变初论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统经济伦理核心内容是对营利和私有产权的价值合理性的否定,中国传统经济伦理思想的近代(演变)可界定为鸦片战争前后至五四新文化运动时期资本主义性质的反传统衍变;其现代(演变)则是“五四”之后,资本主义和社会主义经济伦理思想相互交锋、消长、排斥与“融合”的历史进程。传统经济伦理思想近代演变的实质是为资本活动方式或资本的利益寻求工具价值和伦理合理性的过程,中国传统经济伦理的近代演变最终否定了资本主义经济制度的伦理价值合理性、确立了社会主义经济制度的伦理价值合理性。  相似文献   

《人体器官移植条例》已经颁布实施,人体器官移植是一种公认的涉及敏感伦理问题的外科手术。通过分析《条例》是否充分体现了国际通行的生命/医学伦理原则,研究了人体器官移植进行进一步伦理规范的必要性,提出了人体器官移植应遵循的具体医学伦理原则。特别强调了其中的"公正"实体原则和"伦理审查"程序原则。  相似文献   

Jeremy Posadas 《Dialog》2016,55(1):70-78
Contrary to popular perception, the majority of the United States population belongs to the working class, not the middle class (even under different definitions of class). But in the discourses of policy‐making, popular culture, and Christian theological scholarship alike, the working class has almost completely disappeared—which contributes to deifying economic and political inequalities. To counteract this disappearance, class must be established as a constructive theological locus, and justice for the working class (qua working class) established as both ethical norm and practical objective.  相似文献   

经济现象广泛存在于社会生活,对经济现象的认知是儿童社会认知的重要组成部分。儿童对经济现象的认知包括对基本经济概念、经济原则、经济规律和经济行为的认知等。研究表明,儿童对基本经济概念的理解随着年龄的增长而不断发展,但是受环境和经验因素的影响,存在跨文化的差异。儿童对不同经济概念理解的发展是不同步的。儿童可能很早就出现对基本经济概念内隐性的理解。儿童对经济原则和经济规律的理解也是随着年龄的增长而不断发展的,并且和他们对基本经济概念的理解息息相关。储蓄行为是一种重要的经济行为。12岁的儿童能够理解储蓄的多重目的,并仍处于发展之中。  相似文献   

Our premise is that ethics is the essence of good forensic practice and that mental health professionals must adhere to the ethical principles, standards, and guidelines of their professional bodies when they communicate their findings and opinions. We demonstrate that adhering to ethical principles can improve the quality of forensic reports and communications. We demonstrate this by focusing on the most basic principles that underlie professional ethical standards and guidelines, namely, Fidelity and Responsibility, Integrity, Respecting Rights and Dignity of Persons, and Justice and Fairness. For each principle we offer a brief definition and explain its demands. Then we identify ways in which the principle can guide the organization, content, or style of forensic mental health report writing, offering illustrative examples that demonstrate or abuse the principle.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and discusses ethical issues associated with the increasingly common use of multiple reminders in postal survey research. When undertaking postal surveys, it is common to improve response rates by contacting survey recipients multiple times encouraging them to complete the questionnaire. The ethical implications of the use of multiple reminders are rarely discussed in the literature advocating their use. The paper briefly reviews the arguments encouraging use of multiple reminders, and identifies and discusses the potential ethical issues raised by their use in postal surveys. A set of principles is then proposed for using multiple reminders in an ethically responsible way. It is argued that by following these principles, the use of multiple reminders should present no increased potential for harassment or coercion of survey recipients compared to alternative survey techniques. The use of these principles in a recent postal survey is then presented and discussed; a 60% response rate was achieved utilising multiple survey reminders in a way consistent with this set of principles.  相似文献   

It is almost universally accepted that traditional provider-patient relationships should be governed, at least in part, by the ethical principles set forth by Beauchamp and Childress (Beauchamp and Childress, Principles of biomedical ethics, 1979). These principles include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice (Beauchamp and Childress, Principles of biomedical ethics, 1979). Recently, however, the nature of medial practice has changed. The pervasive presence of computer technology in medicine raises interesting ethical questions. In this paper we argue that some software designers should be considered health care providers and thus be subject the ethical principles incumbent upon “traditional” providers. We argue that these ethical responsibilities should be applied explicitly rather than as a passive, implicit, set of guidelines.  相似文献   

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