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该书收录了18位世界级重要学者的原创性论文,阐述了无神论古代历史、现代历史,无神论的含义,无神论的辩护等多个主题,内容涉及哲学、宗教、社会学、心理学等。在为无神论的辩护中,分析批判了古典与当代的多种有神论证,并维护了道德的无神论基础。  相似文献   

由浙江省社会科学院主办 ,国际教育基金会、佛光人文社会学院、杭州师范学院、宁波社会科学研究院参与合办 ,国际儒学联合会、中国孔子基金会、香港孔教学院赞助的“当代儒学国际学术研讨会” ,于 2 0 0 4年 4月 2日至 6日在美丽的杭州西子湖畔隆重举行。出席会议的学者共有 1 2 0多位 ,其中港台学者 1 5人 ,美国、加拿大、新加坡、韩国、日本等外国学者 1 6人 ,共收到论文 72篇。会议期间 ,与会学者围绕着“儒学的当代发展及其理论前瞻”的议题 ,展开了热烈讨论。(一 )当代儒学关于当代儒学的基本理论及其在现代社会中的价值与意义 ,乃至如…  相似文献   

阿尔弗雷德·诺斯·怀特海(Alfred North Whitehead,1861-1947),英国著名数学家、逻辑学家、哲学家。1925年自英国伦敦大学退休后来到美国哈佛大学任哲学教授,开始了其学术生涯中又一个辉煌的时期。他的主要哲学著作《科学与现代世界》(1926年)、《形成中的宗教》(1926年)、《过程与实在》(1929年)、《理性的功能》(1929年)、《观念的历险》(1933年)、《思想方式》(1938年)等,都是在美国完成的。怀特海哲学又称机体哲学、过程哲学,它以其原创性、深邃性、兼容性、超越性堪称当代西方哲学中的一块瑰宝,对当代西方哲学发展的后现代走向有着重要而深远的影响。但是长期以来,怀特海哲学在我国尚未引起足够的重视,研究成果也寥寥无几。近年来,随着后现代哲学特别是建设性后现代哲学研究的不断深入,作为建设性后现代哲学重要源头之一的怀特海哲学也日益为我国学者所关注。为了进一步推进国内的怀特海哲学研究,我们选译了他的部分重要论述,并且介绍了怀特海哲学的一些主要概念,目的在于引起学者更进一步的研究和探讨。另外,我们认为,当代著名后现代思想家、美国克莱尔蒙特大学过程研究中心主任J.B.科布(John B.Cobb,Jr.1925-)教授的两篇论文对我们了解怀特海哲学的当代意义,特别是它和当代中国的相关性,也是颇  相似文献   

周涛 《道德与文明》2011,(5):118-122
发展伦理学是一门新兴的规范性学科,美国的德尼.古莱和我国的刘福森是当之无愧的先驱者,他们都对发展伦理学做出了开创性的贡献。国内外学者就发展伦理学源于当代发展问题的价值反思方面基本上达成共识,但是就发展伦理学滥觞于以往学科的内在互动,是以往学科内在催生的必然结果方面,国外学者要优于国内学者。发展伦理学既源于当代发展问题的价值反思,也滥觞于各学科的内在互动。  相似文献   

发展伦理学是一门新兴的规范性学科,美国的德尼.古莱和我国的刘福森是当之无愧的先驱者,他们都对发展伦理学做出了开创性的巨大贡献。研究发现,国内外学者就发展伦理学源于当代发展问题的价值反思方面基本上达成共识。但是就发展伦理学滥觞于以往学科的内在互动,是以往学科内在催生的必然结果方面,国外学者要优于国内学者。本文试图论证发展伦理学既源于当代发展问题的价值反思,也滥觞于各学科的内在互动。  相似文献   

评《中国当代美学思想概观》庄锡华笔者很早就读到过陈辽、王臻中先生的许多研究当代美学史与当代美学家的论文,这些论文或纵横捭阖、提纲挈领地描画当代美学的发展线索,或鞭辟入里地解剖某一美学家的理论观点,给人以深刻的印象。现在,由他们主编的《中国当代美学思想...  相似文献   

唐君毅思想国际会议于1988年12月25日至28日在香港召开。出席这次会议的有来自中国、美国、新加坡等国和台湾,香港地区的学者80多人。会议主办机构为香港法住文化学院,协办机构为美国哈佛大学儒学研讨会,新加坡东亚哲学研究所、北京中国文化书院、台湾鹅湖杂志社和当代杂志社。法住文化学院院长霍韬晦先生主持了大会。我国学者周辅成、萧(?)父、李锦全、方克立、李稚甫、李宗桂、景海峰、罗义俊、黄海德、郭齐勇等应邀出席会议并在大会上宣读了论文,受到了与会学者的好评。台湾牟宗三、黄振华,美国杜维明、墨子刻(T·A·Metzger)等作了主题发言。  相似文献   

由《哲学研究》编辑部、吉林大学哲学基础理论研究中心与哲学社会学院、美国过程哲学研究中心联合主办的“哲学:基础理论与当代问题国际学术研讨会”,于2007年7月26日—27日在吉林大学召开。来自美国、英国、奥地利、加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡的10多位国外学者与来自中国大陆和台湾地区的20多位国内学者,对当代哲学如何推进自身的基础理论研究并回应当代现实问题进行了深入的研讨。首先,马克思哲学的理论主题及其当代阐释成为与会学者关注的重点论题,如何理解马克思的唯物史观及其开创的哲学革命成为讨论的焦点。有学者认为,马克思的哲学主…  相似文献   

探讨原创性科学研究的作用及特点,从遗传学发展史中选取某些典型事例进行分析,遗传学的百年历史记载着一批遗传学大师们的原创性科学研究的光辉业绩,他们的研究工作具有共同的特点,但在某一方面又有独到之处.原创性科学研究是学科形成和发展的原动力.原创性科学研究主要包含四个特点:卓越的科研思想、巧妙的实验设计、恰当的材料选择、精辟的结果分析.  相似文献   

2005年12月14日~16日,由中国人民大学伦理学与道德建设研究中心和广西大学公共管理学院联合主办的“当代中国社会道德状况研究”学术研讨会在广西大学召开。来自全国各地以及韩国、美国的80多位专家、学者出席了会议,提交论文近七十篇。会议围绕“当代中国社会道德状况及道德建构”这一研究主题,采取主题报告、小组自由讨论等形式,进行了广泛深入的沟通与探讨。与会专家、学者普遍认为,诚信友爱和社会公正是社会主义和谐社会的基本特征之一,社会主义和谐社会的建设离不开道德力量的支撑和引导。会议的主题属于全党、全国人民高度关注的重大…  相似文献   

A national study of ethics committees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conceived as a solution to clinical dilemmas, and now required by organizations for hospital accreditation, ethics committees have been subject only to small-scale studies. The wide use of ethics committees and the diverse roles they have played compel study. In 1999 the University of Pennsylvania Ethics Committee Research Group (ECRG) completed the first national survey of the presence, composition, and activities of U.S. healthcare ethics committees (HECs). Ethics committees are relatively young, on average seven years in operation. Eighty-six percent of ethics committees report that they played a role in ongoing clinical decision making through clinical ethics consultation. All are engaged in developing institutional clinical policy. Although 4.5% of HECs write policy on managed care, 50% of HEC chairs feel inadequately prepared to address managed care. The power and activity of ethics committees parallels the composition of those committees and the relationship of members to their institutions. The role of ethics committees across the nation in making policies about clinical care is greater than was known, and ethics committees will likely continue to play an important role in the debate and resolution of clinical cases and clinical policies.  相似文献   

Conceived as a solution to clinical dilemmas, and now required by organizations for hospital accreditation, ethics committees have been subject only to small-scale studies. The wide use of ethics committees and the diverse roles they play compel study. In 1999 the University of Pennsylvania Ethics Committee Research Group (ECRG) completed the first national survey of the presence, composition, and activities of U.S. healthcare ethics committees (HECs). Ethics committees are relatively young, on average seven years in operation. Eighty-six percent of ethics committees report that they play a role in ongoing clinical decision making through clinical ethics consultation. All are engaged in developing institutional clinical policy. Although 4.5% of HECs write policy on managed care, 50% of HEC chairs feel inadequately prepared to address managed care. The power and activity of ethics committees parallels the composition of those committees and the relationship of members to their institutions. The role of ethics committees across the nation in making policies about clinical care is greater than was known, and ethics committees will likely continue to play an important role in the debate and resolution of clinical cases and clinical policies.  相似文献   

History is a central part of any academic discipline, as how scholars write and think about the history of their field helps define its identity. This paper presents an overview of the key issues involved in writing histories of the psychology of religion, particularly as these issues appear in the Chinese context. Attention to these issues will help Chinese scholars write rich histories of their field that acknowledge their connection to Western research while appreciating the powerful distinctive characteristics of the Chinese situation. The paper provides a number of practical suggestions that may help Chinese researchers in this process.  相似文献   

In introducing the works included in this special issue, this essay identifies some general ways that these and other narratives can function in ethical explorations in the field of education. The essay not only articulates ways that narratives can be useful to education scholars, but it also provides pedagogical reasons to connect stories with ethics in classrooms. It concludes with a brief nod to the dangers that Plato, contemporary scholars and teachers have about combining narratives with ethical inquiry, and touches upon some ways to temper them.  相似文献   

This article considers the relationship between business ethics and philosophy, specifically in relation to the field and persons working in it. The starting point is a grammatical one: business ethics by the rules of grammar belongs to ethics. In terms of academic disciplines, it belongs to applied ethics, which belongs to ethics, which belongs to practical philosophy, which belongs to philosophy. However, in the field of business ethics today one will seldom meet colleagues from philosophy; instead, they will come from business, applying business studies perspectives, approaches, and increasingly quantitative methods. This article provides empirical evidence that today the three top journals with “business ethics” in their titles (and “awarded” a high impact factor) are mostly run (in terms of their editorial boards) by business scholars with PhDs in business. The article compares the three journals today with their inaugural issues and finds that at their inception all three were run by a majority of philosophers. The article discusses six possible explanations for this shift and provides suggestions for how to bring business ethics back to philosophers (and vice versa).  相似文献   

This article argues that environmental ethics can deemphasize environmental problem‐solving in preference for a more exemplarist mode. This mode will renarrate what we admire in those we have long admired, in order to make them resonate with contemporary ethical needs. First, I outline a method problem that arose for me in ethnographic fieldwork, a problem that I call, far too reductively, “solution thinking.” Second, I relate that method problem to movements against “quandary ethics” in ethical theory more broadly. Third, I discuss some interpretive work I am engaged in about Henry David Thoreau and how it bears on the methodological issues my fieldwork raised. I argue that some of the most important icons of right relation to environment, especially Francis of Assisi and Thoreau, should be envisioned as far more politically invested than they usually are. They demonstrate to scholars of religious ethics that an exemplarist ethic focused on character need not neglect politics.  相似文献   

The editors of the JRE solicited short essays on the COVID-19 pandemic from a group of scholars of religious ethics that reflected on how the field might help them make sense of the complex religious, cultural, ethical, and political implications of the pandemic, and on how the pandemic might shape the future of religious ethics.  相似文献   

This article discusses linkages and parallels between economic ideas of Muslim scholars and Christian scholastics with the objective of finding common ground in the history of the subject that may increase understanding of our traditions, boost cooperation and strengthen the bonds between our associations. It also aims to provide material that may counteract the divisive elements in the West-centric thesis that propagates the clash of civilizations. By way of introduction, it begins with an account of the contexts in which Muslim dialecticians and European scholastics emerged and the foundations on which they based their work. It then traces the links that brought them close to each other and presents a number of cases on which the two traditions have similar views. The article concludes with a note that ethics and human values were the overriding considerations of both scholastics and Islamic scholars, and that, in spite of enormous changes in economic principles and practices, this concern for humanity has not changed. If economics is enriched with these values, they will surely increase efficiency, justice and stability, leading to harmony and peaceful co-existence.  相似文献   

国外军事医学伦理学的发展概论   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
走入战场的医生与正在进行与军事有关的医学研究的人员应具有的独特伦理准则,是军事医学伦理学研究的核心。但是军事医学伦理的准则始终受到战争的挑战。在新的反恐战争中,西方的军事医学伦理困惑聚增,使这一学科迅速发展并经历激烈争论。我们应关注西方的医学伦理在军事领域的延伸。  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical companies are major sponsors of biomedical research. Most scholars and policymakers focus their attention on government and academic oversight activities, however. In this article, I consider the role of pharmaceutical companies’ internal ethics statements in guiding decisions about corporate research and development (R&D). I review materials from drug company websites and contributions from the business and medical ethics literature that address ethical responsibilities of businesses in general and pharmaceutical companies in particular. I discuss positive and negative uses of pharmaceutical companies’ ethics materials and describe shortcomings in the companies’ existing ethics programs. To guide employees and reassure outsiders, companies must add rigor, independence, and transparency to their R&D ethics programs.  相似文献   

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