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This study addressed the ego development of White women and Black men who were in cross-racial relationships. Twenty-one participants completed in-depth, individual interviews, focus group inquiries, and the Sentence Completion Test (SCT). The results indicate that a majority of the participants scored at the higher levels of ego development: 50% of the Black males and 67% of the White females were at the conscientious stage of ego development, 25% of the Black males and 22% of the White females were at the individuated stage. The results from the interviews and the focus groups substantiated the participants' scores on the SCT, exemplifying the complexity in which Black men and White women perceive themselves as individuals and others in relationships. Loevinger (1976, Ego development: Conceptions and theories. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.) contends that these higher stages represent a complex means of understanding oneself and of interacting in intimate relationships. The terms of African American heritage, African American, and Black are used synonymously and interchangeably, as are the terms of European American heritage, European American, and White.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether gender moderates the relationship between spirituality and psychological well-being. A secondary data analysis based on a cross sectional survey was implemented. A convenience sample of 508 participants (males = 143, females = 365; age range 18–65 with 66% in the 18–25 category) from the North-West Province of South Africa completed questionnaires on spirituality and psychological well-being after informed consent was obtained. Findings show that gender moderates the relationship between spirituality and psychological well-being. This moderation effect was stronger in the case of existential well-being rather than religious well-being as components of spiritual wellbeing, and also stronger in one of the sub-groups. Future studies may explore the role of contextual factors such as cultural orientation and other socio-demographic variables in this moderation effect, as well as gender based perceptions and practices of spirituality with a view to facilitate gender sensitive psychological well-being programmes.  相似文献   

大学生幽默风格与精神健康关系的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:测试幽默风格量表在中国大学生中的信度和效度,探讨幽默风格与精神健康之间的关系。方法:354名大学生接受幽默风格量表和症状自评量表(SCL-90)的问卷调查,4周后74名大学生重新填写幽默风格量表。结果:幽默风格量表所提出的4个因子结构在中国人的样本中也存在,该量表的信度和效度可接受。中国被试在4个子量表的得分均低于加拿大被试的得分。亲和型幽默、自强型幽默得分与症状自评量表的子量表以及总体症状指数得分全部呈现负相关,而嘲讽型幽默和自贬型幽默得分与症状自评量表的子量表以及总体症状指数得分全部呈现正相关。结论:(1)该量表的初步测试效度和信度可接受,但须结合中国文化作进一步的修订;(2)亲和型和自强型幽默有益于精神健康,但嘲讽型和自贬型幽默有害于精神健康;(3)中国人与加拿大人在幽默风格、幽默对精神健康起作用的方式上存在一定的文化差异。  相似文献   

Human sexuality is an inseparable part of the yearning for intimacy, merging, and touch, both for people in general and for those with severe mental disorders. The exploration and acceptance of sexuality and the yearning for intimacy are vital to the recovery process of people with severe mental disorders. Despite this importance, therapists appear to disregard sexual issues in therapy with people with severe mental disorders. This article discusses the sexuality difficulties of these patients resulting from their personal history and examines the difficulties of therapists and therapeutic institutions in dealing with these patients’ sexuality-related issues.  相似文献   


The psychological effects of pregnancy and birth have a profound effect on the parents' relationship, especially on their experience of intimacy. The nature of the impact on the couple depends on the developmental stage of each parent and the couple's ability to adapt to new circumstances. Three developmental stages are described and the “family constitution” is presented as the body of goals, rules and roles that governs the behavior of the family and effectively managing the constitution is introduced and applied to two sets of circumstances related to pregnancy. Finally, the implications of the above concepts for therapists and counselors are delineated.  相似文献   

In this article, I urge that mainstream discussions of abortion are dissatisfying in large part because they proceed in polite abstraction from the distinctive circumstances and meanings of gestation. Such discussions, in fact, apply to abortion conceptual tools that were designed on the premiss that people are physically demarcated, even as gestation is marked by a thorough-going intertwinement. We cannot fully appreciate what is normatively at stake with legally forcing continued gestation, or again how to discuss moral responsibilities to continue gestating, until we appreciate in their own terms the goods and evils distinctive of gestational connection. To underscore the need to explore further the meanings of gestation, I provide two examples of the difference it might make to legal and moral discussions of abortion if we appreciate more fully that gestation is an intimacy.  相似文献   

Ethnic identity has been linked to a number of healthy psychological outcomes for African American adolescents. The levels of conflict and cohesion in the family environment have also been found to be predictive of adolescent mental health. This study examined whether the ethnic identity and levels of conflict and cohesion in the family environments were related to adolescents’ psychological adjustment. Participants included 61 African American adolescents, ages 10–14 years old, and their parents. Hierarchical regression models were used to determine the cumulative effects of ethnic identity and family functioning on adolescent mental health, specifically adolescent levels of depression, self-esteem, and interpersonal functioning. Results indicated that having a positive ethnic identity and a cohesive family environment were most strongly associated with psychological adjustment. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of family interventions.  相似文献   

In Men and Their Religion: Honor, Hope, and Humor (2002), I proposed that men have two primary ways of being religious—the religion of honor and the religion of hope. I also proposed that because these two religions do not always have their desired outcomes, men have developed a third way of being religious, the religion of humor. In A Time To Laugh (2005) I have expanded on my claim in Men and Their Religion that if men have three religions—honor, hope, and humor—the greatest of these is humor. In the course of doing the necessary research for a book on humor, I acquired and read a few books and a host of articles that explored the psychological benefits of humor. While I did not report on these studies in the book, I believe they are relevant to the assumption that a religion will have psychological benefits for those who embrace it. This article therefore provides a review of empirical studies of the psychological benefits of humor in order to answer the question whether a religion of humor is likely to have psychological benefits and, if so, what these might be.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations among personality, identity style, and fundamentalism. The initial sample included 808 students from 2 state universities (in the upper Midwest and Southeast United States). Of those students, 440 students self-identified as Protestant and were included. Testing mediation effects of identity styles on the relationship between personality and fundamentalism revealed only moderate direct effects between personality and fundamentalism, but 4 distinct patterns of indirect effects supporting the process-oriented model proposed by Duriez and colleagues. Results are discussed in terms of similarities and differences with other studies, with implications for future research outlined.  相似文献   

The relation of self-compassion to physical and psychological well-being was investigated among 182 college students. The self-compassion scale was delineated into three composites, following the proposition by Neff that self-compassion consists of three main components: self-judgment versus self-kindness (SJ–SK), a sense of isolation versus common humanity (I–CH), and over-identification versus mindfulness (OI–M). Findings support the association between self-compassion and psychological and physical well-being, but the composites demonstrate different influences. SJ–SK and I–CH were predictive of both depressive symptomatology and physical well-being, and SJ–SK and OI–M were predictive of managing life stressors. The results of this study support and expand prior research on self-compassion.  相似文献   

This study uses a cross-sectional research design to examine how individuals perceive recent experiences of identity change in various person, role, and social identities. Specifically addressed is how self-perceptions regarding the magnitude and direction of one’s experience of identity change relate to depression. A survey was administered to 854 study participants that measured perceived changes in 12 discrete identities (four person, four role, and four social identities) over a 6-month period. The results reveal that the more severe one perceives their experience of identity change to be, the greater their level of depression. However, generally, when one perceives that the direction of their identity change is progressive (rather than regressive), they are less likely to be depressed.  相似文献   

身份认同动机(identity motive,简称身份动机)是引导个体进行身份建构、寻求特定的自我概念与自我评价的心理需要,主要包括自尊、效能、连续、意义、独特、归属六种动机。近十年的研究表明,不同的身份动机在身份的建构、维持、防御与改变等过程中协同发挥作用,而且动机的满足可以增强幸福感和心理适应。未来研究应进一步检验动机维度、考察发展规律、开发实验范式、探究神经机制。  相似文献   

The Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being (QEWB) was developed to measure well-being in a manner consistent with how it is conceptualized in eudaimonist philosophy. Aspects of eudaimonic well-being assessed by the QEWB include self-discovery, perceived development of one's best potentials, a sense of purpose and meaning in life, intense involvement in activities, investment of significant effort, and enjoyment of activities as personally expressive. The QEWB was administered to two large, ethnically diverse samples of college students drawn from multiple sites across the United States. A three-part evaluation of the instrument was conducted: (1) evaluating psychometric properties, (2) comparing QEWB scores across gender, age, ethnicity, family income, and family structure, and (3) assessing the convergent, discriminant, construct, and incremental validity of the QEWB. Six hypotheses relating QEWB scores to identity formation, personality traits, and positive and negative psychological functioning were evaluated. The internal consistency of the scale was high and results of independent CFAs indicated that the QEWB items patterned onto a common factor. The distribution of scores approximated a normal curve. Demographic variables were found to predict only small proportions of QEWB score variability. Support for the hypotheses tested provides evidence for the validity of the QEWB as an instrument for assessing eudaimonic well-being. Implications for theory and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This research investigated the relationships of the Dark Triad traits, humor styles, and schadenfreude with 169 participants who completed the Short Dark Triad, the Humor Style Questionnaire, and a measure of schadenfreude. Significant correlations imply that those with salient dark traits (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, narcissism) elicit pleasure from others' misfortune. Additionally, schadenfreude can be a product of self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Indirect effect analysis revealed the significance of the indirect effect of the measured aggressive humor style on the Dark Triad's direct effects on schadenfreude. These results imply that those with salient Dark Triad traits enjoy others' misery as a means to undermine them. Hence, individuals with salient Dark Triad traits tend to engage in downward social comparison.  相似文献   

为探索幼儿教师职业压力、心理资本和职业认同对职业幸福感的影响机制,随机选取川渝两地幼儿教师328名,用幼儿教师工作压力源问卷(KTOSQ)、幼儿教师职业认同问卷(KTPIQ)、教师心理资本问卷(TPCQ)和幼儿教师职业幸福感量表(KTOWBS)进行调查.结果表明:(1)幼儿教师职业压力是风险性因素,降低其职业幸福感.心理资本是保护性因素,提高其职业幸福感,且心理资本的保护作用主要表现为直接效应;(2)幼儿教师职业认同在职业压力和心理资本对职业幸福感的影响中起完全中介作用.以上研究结果对保护和提高幼儿教师职业幸福感具有重要理论价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

The growing rate of smoking cigarettes among the youths necessitates examining its contributing factors. Accordingly, we aimed to compare smoking and nonsmoking university students in their attachment styles, perceived loneliness, and psychological well-being. To this end, we recruited 100 current smokers and 100 nonsmoking students by using a convenience sampling method from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. All participants completed the Adult Attachment Scale, Loneliness Scale, and General Health Questionnaire. Data analysis indicated that compared to nonsmokers, smokers had a more anxious attachment style and they felt lonelier. Moreover, current results showed that smokers suffered from higher rates of psychological problems than nonsmokers. These results suggest that smoking is influenced by a set of psychological factors and therefore, prevention and treatment programs targeting these factors may be effective in reducing the rate of smoking cigarettes among university students.  相似文献   

高中生压力源和心理健康的研究   总被引:60,自引:5,他引:55  
楼玮群  齐铱 《心理科学》2000,23(2):156-159,155
本研究对2986名上海高中生对压力感受进行了调查。因素分担 些压力可以归为六大类别:社会人际关系及性发展方面,学习和学业方面,与发母交往方面,未来前途方面,经济方面,以及健康方面。资料显示高中生最大的三种压力源多与学习或学业有关,而压力最小的三种压力源主要与性发展的和健康有关。  相似文献   

This study examined friendship types in developmental trajectories of perceived closeness and balanced relatedness. In addition, differences between friendship types in the development of constructive problem solving and depression were examined. Questionnaire data of five annual waves were used from two adolescent cohorts (cohort 1: M = 12.41 years; cohort 2: M = 16.37 years). Growth Mixture Modeling revealed two developmental trajectories in cognitive representations of perceived friendship intimacy: interdependent and disengaged friendships. Adolescents in interdependent friendships were characterized by high perceived closeness and balanced relatedness across adolescence. Furthermore, adolescents in disengaged friendships had lower levels of and smaller increases in constructive problem solving. Girls in disengaged friendships showed smaller increases in balanced relatedness and higher levels of depression than boys in disengaged friendships and adolescents in interdependent friendships.  相似文献   


Identity formation is the core developmental task of adolescence. The three-factor identity model provides a parsimonious framework for unraveling the dynamic process by which youth form and revise their identity over time. In this article, studies conducted with the three-factor model are reviewed, showing how they can provide new insights to address three main questions: (a) How do adolescents develop their identity? (b) How is adolescent identity related to well-being and psychosocial functioning? (c) How does the cultural context in which adolescents come of age influence this process? Importantly, the extent to which adolescents are successful in forming and maintaining a stable identity is influenced by the context in which they live, and is strongly intertwined with their psychosocial functioning.  相似文献   


People today often express considerable despair about old age and the aging process. Older adults who experience frequent losses of connections with important persons can feel considerable despair in old age. Nevertheless, many older people retain hope in the face of situations that elicit despair and demonstrate what gerontologists call the “paradox of well being” in later life. Often, their hope is expressed in humor. This paper traces the connections among humor, hope, and religious faith in older adults. It argues that even persons who suffer from dementia can continue to express what Viktor Frankl called the “defiant power of the human spirit” through their humor.  相似文献   

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