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1 科学拥有自己特殊的话语卡尔·博格斯 (CarlBoggs)是美国洛杉矶民族大学社会科学院的教授。他长期以来 ,在工业化、技术变革、社会力量的变化以及大众运动的语境下 ,对知识分子作用进行了深入思考 ,从而形成独有的知识分子理论。博格斯认为 ,知识分子是思想的生产者和传播者 ,从古希腊以来 ,知识分子的社会地位就是决定性的。知识分子团体在知识和权力之间、统治和合法性之间、社会运动和意识形态之间建立了一种联系。随着现代化的到来 ,知识分子的作用发生了根本的变化 ,日益失去了批判的、革命的本质。占主导地位的知识分子类…  相似文献   

The migration of Jewish musicians from Arab countries to Israel in the 1950's generated many personal difficulties. The musicians were unable to achieve professional success in their homelands due to their religion, but the Israeli audience's understanding and appreciation of their talents was extremely limited during these formative years. We present a case report of an immigrant married couple, both musicians, who suffer narcissistic injuries stemming from their immigration and their way of coping. Failure in understanding the problems associated with issues of self-esteem, led to a chronic clinical stalemate. When this problem was addressed, forward movement became possible. The specific technical interventions and transference/countertransference dynamics are herein described.  相似文献   

笔者手中有这样一本出版物。这是前些年某省级科学技术出版社推出的一本科普读物,名曰:《人类面临不明现象》,从其文字的通俗易懂、生动有趣、引人入胜的特点来看,它的读者对象正是广大青少年。编著者在该书的前言中要求读者在阅读时"既不自囚于现代科学所能提供的认识客观世界的'取  相似文献   

在首届中国五台山国际旅游文化节闭幕仪式上,为了达到旅游淡季不淡的目的,五台山向海内外游客隆重推出"891"秋冬旅游项目(即八项特色旅游活动、九大佛事活动、一个佛俗民情年).在秋季来临之际,五台山旅游将高潮迭起,好戏连台. 此次推出的"891"旅游项目,将进一步彰显世界遗产地特有的风采.  相似文献   

In contemporary society,the number of students who major in philosophy at universities has decreased.Furthermore,as Richard Mervyn Hare said many years ago,"Most of my pupils are going to be,not professional philosophers,but businessmen,politicians,schoolmasters,clergymen,lawyers,journalists,civil servants,and,indeed,almost anything but philosophers;and a substantial number of these may be expected to reach the highest ranks of their professions" (Hare 1971,39).  相似文献   

五台山是华北屋脊,是离北京最近的高原。自古以来就是文殊菩萨道场,是培养高僧大德之圣地。当今能否成为培养近代世界体育冠军的胜地呢?请看它的地理环境。  相似文献   

This essay seeks to sketch the profile of Martin Bucer's viewson the doctrine of justification as developed in his 1536 commentaryon Romans, focusing in particular on his idiosyncratic languageof ‘threefold justification’ in his comments onRom. 2:13. This text is taken as a vantage point from whichto survey the history of interpretation of the Pauline conceptof justification within the Augustinian tradition, giving extendedconsideration to exegesis by Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. Bucer'sinitial discussion of the Pauline usage of o in the praefatato his commentary is examined next, and it is concluded thathis understanding of justification falls more or less withinthe trajectory charted by previous medieval interpreters. Turningthen to Bucer's comments on Rom. 2:13, it is argued that thenotion of ‘threefold justification’ arises as anattempt to integrate the early evangelical appropriation ofthe Scotist language of ‘divine acceptation’ withina traditional Augustinian account of justification as both eventand process. The resulting formula collapses predestinationinto justification, making the latter the unifying concept inBucer's soteriology. It is hoped that this essay will contributeto deepening our understanding of an oft-neglected reformerwhile at the same time broadening our understanding of earlyevangelical teaching on a central doctrinal locus.  相似文献   

Two streams of research looking at referent‐dependent judgments from slightly different angles are subadditivity research and research on the nonselective superiority bias. Both biases violate basic formal constraints: the probabilities of a set of exclusive events cannot add up to more than 100%, and a set of attractive candidates cannot all be rated as superior to the group mean. We examine in three experiments how these two biases are related, by asking the same participants to perform both kinds of tasks on the same material. Both biases appear to be widespread, even for sets where all alternatives are presented together, but they differ in the way they are affected by response format and experimental setup. Thus, presenting participants with an unbiased set of ratings will reduce but not normalize their probability estimates of the same alternatives; while presenting them with an unbiased (additive) set of probabilities will make most alternatives appear inferior to the group mean, inverting the superiority bias. Self‐reports reveal that additivity neglect and the nonselective superiority bias can be based on two main response‐strategies: (i) considering each alternative independently or (ii) comparing alternatives, while neglecting their complementarity. In both cases, assessments will be the outcome of a compromise between the perceived “absolute” merits of each alternative, its standing relative to referents, and properties of the response scale. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A gap exists in the literature with regard to the theoretical conceptualization of nonoffending parental and other caregiver (NOC) support of sexually abused children. Measures need to be developed that appropriately capture this construct. The purpose of this article is to present a qualitative study that asked 17 NOCs in different ways how they supported their sexually abused children after the disclosure of the sexual abuse. The multiple different types of support were coded and, using grounded theory, the structure of NOC support emerged from the data. The final structure of NOC support had 8 dimensions, including basic needs, safety and protection, decision making, active parenting, instrumental support, availability, sensitivity to child, and affirmation.  相似文献   

Rankian Will     
Otto Rank (1884–1939) served as Freud's closest partner in the psychoanalytic movement from 1906 to 1926. From 1923 on, Rank, initially with Ferenczi, focused on making analysis more therapeutic, emphasizing current experience in the session over historical exploration and interpretation. Rank settled on will as a missing factor, and wrote extensively about it after the break with Freud in 1926, when he moved to Paris. He emphasized the here-and-now, redefined “resistance” as a positive aspect of counter-will, and suggested a time limit for analysis. Ousted from analytic circles in 1930, he eventually moved to New York, continuing to treat patients and teach until his unexpected death at 55 in 1939. After decades of obscurity, Rank has gained readers and therapists whose orientation is interpersonal, client-centered, relational, humanistic, or existential. His influence on post-Freudian ego-psychology is finally being acknowledged as are his ideas about creativity, will, life-fear and death-fear, guilt, and ethics.  相似文献   

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