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Intradimensional operant discrimination schedules were employed, which eliminated the covariation of response and reinforcement rates that are found on most operant baselines. In Phase 1, one keylight (S(1)) controlled an increase in pigeons' treadle pressing, relative to another keylight (S(2)), while being correlated with a decrease in frequency of reinforcement. In Phase 2 both treadle pressing and reinforcement increased in the presence of one keylight, relative to the second. In Phase 1 the relatively flat treadle-press generalization gradients peaked at S(1), whereas the peaks of those in Phase 2 were shifted from S(1) in a direction away from S(2). It was postulated that these positive and negative stimulus-reinforcement contingencies influence the likelihood of obtaining peak shift through the operation of a classically conditioned "central motive state." How response-reinforcement and stimulus-reinforcement contingencies might contribute to the development of inhibitory effects of S(2) is discussed. Autoshaped key pecking also was produced by these procedures. During manipulations of stimuli, the gradients obtained for autoshaped key pecking were narrow and sharply peaked at the food-correlated stimulus (S(2)) in Phase 1. This failure to obtain peak shift for an elicited response suggests a difference in discriminative processes operating in classical and instrumental learning.  相似文献   

An incentive shift paradigm was used to test for the similarity of fear and frustration. In Experiment 1, rats trained to resist electric shock punishment showed neither a negative contrast effect nor any performance decrement when reward was shifted from 10 to one pellet. Experiment 2 replicated the basic findings of Experiment 1, but also showed that punishment training did not influence the magnitude of performance shift for animals receiving increases in reward magnitude. Finally, Experiment 3 additionally found that rats sensitized to punishment showed an increase in negative contrast effect. These results support the hypothesized functional similarity between conditioned fear and conditioned frustration with learned persistence or sensitivity to one generalizing to the other as suggested by Amsel's (1972) theory of persistence.  相似文献   

Negative incentive contrast effects (NCEs) have typically been attributed to frustration or the decremental generalization of learned associations. The purpose of these experiments was to clarify the relation of NCEs to the repertoires of functional search behaviors evoked by incentive downshifts. Rats shifted from 32% to 4% sucrose-solution decreased consummatory responses but increased nose-down locomotion, orientation, location entries, and sampling of alternatives relative to unshifted controls. These changes in behavior were terminated or failed to occur under incentive upshifts. Furthermore, reward downshifts did not produce avoidance of the location of the shifted incentive. Increased search occurred whether or not alternative reward locations were available. Together the evidence suggests that NCEs are related to evoked search modes supporting a repertoire of functional behaviors related to finding food.  相似文献   

Hungry rats were trained to press a lever and pull a chain concurrently, with one action being reinforced with a sucrose solution and the other with food pellets. In addition, in the first two experiments all animals experienced non-contingent presentations of the two incentives in the absence of the operant manipulanda while either thirsty or hungry and either before (Experiment 1A) or after (Experiment 1B) the instrumental training. When lever pressing was assessed subsequently in extinction under thirst, the animals pressed at a relatively high rate only if (1) this action had been reinforced with the sucrose solution rather than the food pellets during training and (2) they had received the non-contingent presentations of the sucrose solution and food pellets on days on which they were thirsty rather than hungry. A third experiment demonstrated that non-contingent exposure to the sucrose solution alone, but not to water under thirst was sufficient to bring about this type of motivational control of instrumental performance.  相似文献   

The optional shift performance of 52 reflective and 50 impulsive second-grade girls was assessed under two response-consequence conditions: (a) reward for correct responses only, and (b) reward for correct responses and a penalty for incorrect responses. Reflection—impulsivity was defined on the basis of performance on the Matching Familiar Figures test. The reflectives showed a significantly greater percentage of reversal shifts than the impulsives. The impulsives showed more reversal shifts under the penalty condition than the reward alone condition whereas the performance of the reflectives was the same in both consequence conditions. A test of statistical association indicated that reflection—impulsivity may be as strongly related to reversal shift performance as age and perceptual pretraining. The results are interpreted as indicating that individual differences in perceptual search strategies may have an important influence on the problem-solving behavior of children.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the influence of overtraining on the reversal of a concurrent discrimination. After rats are trained to criterion on two different discriminations in the same apparatus, the reversal of one of these proceeds more rapidly than when both are reversed. If the reversal is conducted after overtraining on the original discriminations, then the opposite pattern of results is observed. That is, learning about the reversal of both discriminations is more rapid than when only a single discrimination is reversed. Experiment 1 replicated this effect and suggested that it is not caused by differences in the rate of extinction during reversal learning. In order to test a cue-association account for these findings, Experiment 2 examined the effect of exchanging the negative stimuli of a concurrent discrimination. This manipulation had a disruptive influence on performance, but only when subjects were not overtrained on the original discrimination.  相似文献   

The memory enhancing properties of vasopressin, observed in active and passive avoidance procedures, could derive from its influence on central systems, but may also be mediated by its endocrinological properties. Very little is known about the effects of vasopressin on behavior in procedures other than the active and passive avoidance paradigms. The present experiments were designed to assess the effects of vasopressin on behavior observed in the eight-arm radial maze. In Experiment I, male Wistar rats (N = 7), which had been extensively trained to collect food from all eight arms in a radial maze, were subcutaneously injected with different doses of vasopressin 5 min before the start of the session (0.00, 1.25, 3.75, and 6.25 micrograms/kg). In Experiment II, another group of male Wistar rats (N = 7) received the same doses of vasopressin after having been extensively trained to collect food from four of the eight arms. In both experiments, subjects spent more time in the maze as the dose of vasopressin was increased. Vasopressin also disrupted performance by preventing the subjects from visiting all of the baited arms in the maze. Performance thus decreased, not because of the fact that vasopressin interfered with memory processes, but because of the fact that it produced behavioral inhibition. Thus, if vasopressin affects memory processes, such effects are likely to be mediated through vasopressin's actions on endocrine and behavioral systems, rather than through a direct action on the neural substrate underlying memory functioning.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to discriminate between two click frequencies. One frequency was associated with either variable-interval food reinforcement (Experiment 1) or free-operant avoidance (Experiment 2). The other frequency was associated with the absence of food in Experiment 1 and the absence of shock in Experiment 2. On a click frequency generalization test, the rats in both experiments showed positive peak shift with the shape of the relative gradients being very similar. This is the first reported instance of peak shift in rats when responding was maintained by an avoidance contingency. Nondifferentially trained controls showed that this shift was due exclusively to associative processes, with nonassociative stimulus factors in themselves apparently making no contribution to increased rates at particular stimulus values. These results show the comparability of appetitive and aversive control and support the position that gradient differences do not result from approach versus avoidance per se.  相似文献   

In 5 experiments the role of incentive learning in instrumental performance following a shift in primary motivation was examined. In Experiments 1 and 2 rats trained to perform an instrumental action reinforced by either pellets or maltodextrin when in a low-deprivation state were shifted to a high-deprivation state and tested in extinction. This shift in deprivation increased performance only if the animals had been exposed to the reinforcer in the high-deprivation state prior to instrumental training. Experiments 3, 4, and 5 examined the reverse shift training in a high-deprivation state and testing in a low-deprivation state, and found, similarly, that performance was only sensitive to this shift if animals were previously exposed to the reinforcer while in the low-deprivation state. These experiments support the conclusion that instrumental performance following revaluation of the reinforcer depends on a process of incentive learning.  相似文献   

Thirsty rats were trained to press a lever for either a sucrose solution or saline before performance was tested in extinction while the animals were either hungry alone or experiencing both hunger and a sodium appetite. Reinforcer-specific motivational control was observed in that the animals trained with the sucrose solution pressed more than those trained with the saline when they were tested hungry, but not when they were tested under combined hunger and sodium appetite. In order to assess the role of a Pavlovian incentive process in this effect, thirsty animals received non-contingent pairings of one stimulus with the sucrose solution and another with saline in the second experiment. In an extinction test the sucrose stimulus augmented lever pressing relative to the saline stimulus when the animals were hungry, but not when they were thirsty. In the subsequent experiments the contribution of the Pavlovian process was equated by giving concurrent training with both incentives. Lever pressing and chain pulling were reinforced concurrently, one with the sucrose solution and the other with saline, while the animals were thirsty. Once again, the animals pressed more in extinction if this action had been trained with the sucrose solution rather than the saline, but only if they were hungry rather than thirsty. Thus, instrumental performance across a thirst-to-hunger shift can also be controlled by an instrumental incentive process. The direct engagement of the instrumental process by this motivational shift contrasts to the absence of such control following a hunger-to-thirst transition (Dickinson & Dawson, 1987a), a fact attributed to the asymmetrical motivational interactions produced by water and food deprivation.  相似文献   

Accurate performance on the radial-arm maze is dependent upon the integrity of nicotinic-cholinergic, muscarinic-cholinergic, and dopaminergic systems. Pharmacological blockade of these systems with mecamylamine, scopolamine, or haloperidol impairs choice accuracy in the maze. We have previously demonstrated that the performance deficit caused by muscarinic blockade is enhanced by coadministration of the nicotinic antagonist, mecamylamine, and is diminished by coadministration of the dopamine antagonist, haloperidol. In the present study, it was found that the choice accuracy deficit produced by nicotinic blockade is enhanced, not antagonized, by coadministration of haloperidol. Thus, although both nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic systems are involved in radial-arm maze performance and antagonists of these receptors are additive in the deficits they cause, nicotinic and muscarinic interactions with dopaminergic systems are opposite in nature.  相似文献   

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