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Psychiatric and psychological assessment after parasuicide is characterized by a number of difficulties. The interview is a strategically complex task for the patients trying to accommodate the wishes of the psychiatrist/psychologist and their own goals. The psychiatrist/ psychologist on the other hand needs to gain information about the event and the patient's mental state, has to assess the risk of further suicidal behaviour, and has to motivate the patient for treatment. In our experience a routine video prompted recall or self-confrontation interview, can be a helpful means of talking with the patient about his or her feelings and cognitions during the interview. Furthermore, it allows clarification of the processes leading to parasuicide. The procedure of administering a self confrontation interview is described, the theoretical background for interpreting the results is outlined and some examples of patient interviews are presented. It is demonstrated that this method allows access to additional information on the patients' thinking and emotions during the interview and that it also provides more details of the suicidal process.  相似文献   

A number of investigators have reported evidence of cognitive rigidity in suicide attempters (e.g., Levenson & Neuringer, 1971; Neuringer, 1964; Patsiokas, Clum, & Luscomb, 1979). It is important to note, however, that in all of the studies that found suicide attempters to be rigid, the test batteries had been administered to persons during their period of hospitalization immediately following a suicide attempt-thus, presumably, while they were still in the crisis period. The present study was designed as a step toward determining whether cognitive rigidity is a personality trait of suicide attempters or simply a transient characteristic limited to the crisis period. We administered tests for rigidity to persons who had attempted suicide but were well past the crisis period. These persons were less rigid than attempters from previous studies on the Rokeach Map Test (p less than .05) and the Alternate Uses Test (p less than .001). The implication is that if indeed there is a suicidal personality, rigidity is not a defining trait.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memory in suicide attempters   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

In the present study we investigated the relationship between suicidal behavior and aspects of bodily perception and parental care. Measures of bodily perception included measures of tactile sensitivity, body attitudes, and body experiences. Measures of parental care included parental bonding, negative and positive touch, and early maltreatment. One hundred and two adolescents (suicidal and nonsuicidal inpatients, and a control group) participated in the study. It was hypothesized that suicidal adolescents would (1) have higher tactile sensation thresholds, and more negative body attitudes and experiences; and (2) report less parental care, lower positive and higher negative parental touch, and higher parental maltreatment. It was also hypothesized that bodily sensitivity would mediate the relationship between suicidal tendencies and perceived negative early care. These hypotheses were confirmed. The role of a negative bodily self in suicidal behavior is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

The present study tested an ecologically based model, which predicted that hopelessness (individual level) mediates the effects of family dysfunction (interpersonal level) and socioeconomic status (sociocultural level) on both suicidal intent and suicidal ideation, within a sample of attempters. Subjects included adolescent males and females presenting at a general hospital emergency room following suicide attempts. Baron and Kenny's (1986) criteria for testing mediation models through multiple-regression analyses were employed. Little evidence of mediation was found. Hopelessness proved to be the best predictor of suicidal intent and ideation within a sample of attempters.  相似文献   

The study was carried out on a representative sample of Slovenian high school students (n = 3687) of whom 238 (137 girls and 101 boys) have already attempted suicide. Both suicide attempters and nonattempters were assessed by a questionnaire consisting of Zung's (1965) Depression Scale, Rosenberg's (1965) Self-Esteem Scale, sociodemographic data, information on suicide attempt, suicide ideation, family relations, and substance abuse. Statistical analyses indicated that groups differed in the levels of self-esteem, emotional reaction to family problems, running away from home, and substance abuse. The differences in the level of depression, frequency of suicide ideation, family suicide occurrence, smoking, and alcohol use were significant.  相似文献   

A total of 499 patients hospitalized for suicide attempts (attempters) between 1970 and 1975 were followed until 1982; of this group, 28 (5.6%) eventually committed suicide. Six (14.6%) of the 41 patients who had been interrupted during their initial attempts eventually committed suicide, whereas only 22 (4.8%) of the 458 patients who had not been interrupted eventually committed suicide. The interrupted attempters were approximately three times more likely to commit suicide than the uninterrupted attempters.  相似文献   

Clinicians must identify factors among suicide-attempting adolescents and their families that increase treatment adherence. Researchers assessed a consecutive series of 140 disenfranchised Latina adolescents (ages 12-18 years) and their mothers presenting at a large urban emergency room after a suicide attempt by the adolescent. Adherence was examined as it related to service delivery, individual background characteristics, and psychosocial factors (current symptomatology, treatment attitudes). Each factor was found to predict adolescent treatment adherence. Adolescents receiving a specialized emergency room program, those with a diagnosis of disruptive behavior disorder, and those from single-parent households attended significantly more therapy sessions compared to their suicide-attempting peers receiving standard emergency room care. Adolescents with a diagnosis of anxiety disorders and those whose mothers reported more psychopathology and perceived more cohesive family relationships tended to attend significantly fewer treatment sessions. The implications for the delivery of emergency room interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of rates of further suicidal behavior among individuals making medically serious suicide attempts may help to predict suicide and suicide attempt from baseline characteristics of the individual and the index suicide attempt. Data are drawn from a 5-year study of 302 individuals making medically serious suicide attempts with information collected by personal interview at baseline, 6, 18, 30, and 60 months after the index attempt. Within 5 years, 6.7% died by suicide; 37% made at least one nonfatal suicide attempt. Although baseline characteristics permitted a modest prediction of suicide attempt, only a very limited prediction of suicide was possible. Almost half of those who made serious suicide attempts made a further fatal or nonfatal attempt within 5 years. These findings imply the need for enhanced follow-up, treatment, and surveillance of all patients making serious suicide attempts.  相似文献   

Social skills and depression in adolescent suicide attempters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationship among depression, social skills, and suicidal behavior was examined in a sample of 41 adolescents hospitalized in a general medical setting following a suicide attempt. These subjects were compared to 40 nonsuicidal psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents. Level of depression, assessed using the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), and social skills, assessed via the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY), were evaluated for all subjects. The suicide attempters and psychiatrically hospitalized patients were not found to differ on either the CDI or MESSY. However, multiple regression analyses revealed the factor scores of the MESSY to be related to depression in both patient groups. The data provide support for the relationship between social skills and depression. Results are also discussed in terms of the similarities between adolescent suicide attempters and nonsuicidal psychiatrically disturbed adolescents.  相似文献   

Results from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) were compared for three groups of male inmates in federal penitentiaries: 47 suicide completers, 43 suicide attempters and, 123 non-suicidal controls. Analyses show that the groups differed on all 10 clinical scales and on at least 8 after Bonferroni correction. Attempters obtained the highest scores on 4 of 8 scales; they also posted the highest scores on 3 others, but differences were significant only against non-suicidal controls. Completers posted the highest score on only one scale (Mf), but the difference was significant only against non-suicidal controls. All told, completers proved more similar to non-suicidal controls than to attempters. Regarding profiles, completers are more strongly correlated with non-suicidal controls (r=0.95) than with attempters (r=0.86); non-suicidal controls are less strongly correlated with attempters (r=0.88). The fact that attempters seem more pathological than the others can mislead clinicians screening for suicide risk.  相似文献   

In this study, demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals with schizophrenia in a Chinese rural community who had attempted suicide at some time in their lives and those who had not made a suicide attempt were compared. Among individuals with schizophrenia, subjects with (n = 38) and without (n = 472) a lifetime history of suicide attempt were assessed with the Present State Examination. The results indicate that attempters had a significantly younger age, higher level of education, higher rate of lifetime depressed mood and hopelessness, and a larger number of positive symptoms than patients without suicide attempts. The logistic regression models also indicated that hopelessness, the number of positive symptoms and age were the most important predictors. Early interventions focusing on reducing hopelessness and controlling positive symptoms may help reduce the risk of suicide attempts among patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

This study considers variables that best distinguish among attempters, ideators, and nonsuicidal youth in a sample of 527 homeless and runaway adolescents from four Midwestern states. Univariate results indicate that attempters are significantly more likely than ideators and nonsuicidal youth to have experienced physical or sexual abuse by an adult caretaker, to have experienced sexual victimization while on their own, and to have a friend who attempted suicide. Multivariate analyses reveal five variables that best distinguish among the three groups: self-esteem, depression, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and having a friend who attempted suicide. Further analysis suggests that the accumulation of these risk factors greatly increases the chance that these youth will engage in suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the brooding subtype of rumination is associated with increased suicidal ideation, but findings are inconsistent with respect to reflection, considered to be the more adaptive form of rumination. This study investigated the circumstances under which reflective rumination might be associated with increased suicidal ideation by examining whether a suicide attempt history moderated the relationship between the ruminative subtypes and current suicidal ideation. Thirty-seven young adults who reported a past suicide attempt and fifty-nine young adults without a suicide attempt history completed measures of rumination and depression symptoms in an initial study session. They then completed a measure of suicidal ideation and hopelessness during a second study session. Overall, brooding was associated with higher self-reported suicidal ideation, whereas reflection was not significantly associated with ideation. However, reflection - but not brooding - interacted with suicide attempt history to statistically predict suicidal ideation, even after adjusting for symptoms of depression and hopelessness, whereas brooding no longer predicted ideation after adjusting for these symptoms. These findings qualify earlier suggestions that reflection is a more adaptive form of rumination by indicating that among vulnerable individuals - in particular those with a history of a suicide attempt - a higher degree of reflective rumination is associated with increased suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

Suicidal behavior is a potentially lethal complication of late-life depression. In younger adults, suicide has been linked to abnormal decision-making ability. Given that there are substantial age-related decreases in decision-making ability, and that older adults experience environmental stressors that require effective decision-making, we reasoned that impaired decision-making may be particularly relevant to suicidal behavior in the elderly. We thus compared performance on a probabilistic decision-making task that does not involve working memory ("Cambridge Gamble Task") in four groups of older adults: (1) individuals with major depression and a history of suicide attempt (n = 25), (2) individuals with major depression with active suicidal ideation but no suicide attempt (n = 13), (3) individuals with major depression without suicidality (n = 35), and (4) nondepressed control subjects (n = 22). There was a significant effect of group on quality of decision-making, whereby the suicide attempters exhibited poorer ability to choose the likely outcome, compared with the nonsuicidal depressed and nondepressed comparison subjects. There were no group differences in betting behavior. The suicide attempters differed in several aspects of social problem-solving on a self-report scale. Quality of decision-making was negatively correlated with the score on the impulsive/careless problem-solving subscale. These data suggest that older suicide attempters have a deficit in risk-sensitive decision-making, extending observations in younger adults. More specifically, older suicide attempters seem to neglect outcome probability and make poor choices. These impairments may precipitate and perpetuate suicidal crisis in depressed elders. Identification of decision-making impairment in suicidal elders may help with designing effective interventions.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to investigate the complete 'pattern' of a suicide attempter (SA) within the set of Big Five traits. Two models were used: M1, which includes the five main dimensions of Big Five in the analysis; and M2, which includes facets of those dimensions which were identified as important in M1. The study consisted of a group of SA (men - 326, women - 299) and a group of healthy volunteers (HV) (men - 143, women - 190) with a similar age range. Discriminant analysis (DA) showed that the factors most significant in discriminating the personality pattern of a male SA are (in decreasing order): (E) Extraversion, (N) Neuroticism, (C) Conscientiousness and (O) Openness; and for a female SA these factors were (E) Extraversion, (C) Conscientiousness and (A) Agreeableness. In M2 for men, the largest contribution to pattern recognition is (N3) Depression. Moreover, in M2 for men significant characteristics were (in descending order): (E6) Positive Emotions, (O1) Fantasy, (E4) Activity, and also (N2) Angry Hostility, (C3) Dutifulness, (C4) Achievement Striving, (C2) Order and (O6) Values; and for women: (E4) Activity, (C6) Deliberation, (C2) Order, (A6) Tender-Mindedness, (E5) Excitement Seeking, (E6) Positive Emotions, (C4) Achievement Striving, (A2) Straightforwardness, (C5) Self-Discipline and (E1) Warmth. Analysis of the obtained data demonstrates that suicide attempts amongst males, can largely be associated with personality variables reflecting negative emotions; while female suicide attempts are primarily associated with variables regarding activity and self-regulation.  相似文献   

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