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Weiblicher Trotz     
Female defiance is described in association with girls’ development during the anal phase in which aggression and eroticism are closely connected to the physical inner world. For women, for mothers and daughters, destructive phantasies and aggressive emotions can be such tabus that they remain unconscious as well as the associated guilt. Defiance is therefore sustained as a more or less socially accepted compromise in these moral conflicts and acts as a means of separation from inner and outer authorities.  相似文献   

Many anthropological explanations of magical practices are based on the assumption that the immediate cause of performing an act of magic is the belief that the magic will work as claimed. Such explanations typically attempt to show why people come to believe that magical acts work as claimed when such acts do not identifiably have such effects. We suggest an alternative approach to the explanation of magic that views magic as a form of religious behavior, a form of communication that promotes or protects cooperative social relationships. We suggest that all forms of religious behavior involve persons communicating acceptance of a supernatural claim and that this act communicates a willingness to accept nonskeptically the influence of the person making such a claim. Thus, religious behavior communicates a willingness to cooperate with the claim maker and others who accept his or her influence. We suggest that magic, which can be distinguished by the communicated acceptance of the claim that certain techniques have supernatural effects, also promotes cooperation. Different types of magic, including sorcery, love magic, and curing magic, can be shown to communicate different types of messages, such as a threat to use violence to punish unsocial behavior, sexual desire, or concern for a person's well‐being. Ethnographic examples are used to support this hypothesis. This approach requires no assumptions about whether the practitioners of magic do or do not believe that the magical acts work as claimed. It attempts only to account for the identifiable talk and behavior that constitute magical acts by examining the identifiable, and often important, effects of these acts on the behavior of others.  相似文献   

Using metacontrast masking to suppress the conscious registration of a prime stimulus, Breitmeyer, Ro, and Singhal (2004) showed that color priming produced by a masked prime disk occurs at unconscious stimulus-dependent rather than at percept-dependent levels of visual processing. The current set of experiments compares this type of unconscious stimulus-dependent priming to conscious priming produced by a prime that, in two separate ways, is rendered visible and thus activates percept-dependent visual processes. The results indicate that while the masked prime again acts at a stimulus-dependent level of processing, the unmasked, visible primes additionally act at a later percept-dependent level of processing.  相似文献   

J. H. Chajes 《Jewish History》2012,26(1-2):247-262
Not merely forbidden, magic was often constructed as a taboo in Jewish culture; its practice was restricted to particular persons while forbidden to general use. At once inviolable, sacred, and unlawful, magic is the object of what Freud called “holy dread.” That magic was taboo, however, does not mean that its adepts were viewed as evil or in rebellion against the authority of Jewish tradition. Magical adepts could be cultural heroes, and magical prowess so attractive and impressive that its attribution to rabbinic saints was a sine qua non of hagiographical traditions. Given this fraught status, the printing of Jewish magical materials could hardly have been anything but a complicated affair. This article explores some of the taboo-anxieties on display over the course of the history of the printed magical book in the Jewish world, exposing its tensions, ironies, and the interests of the various parties involved.  相似文献   

Awkward moments often arise between patient and analyst involving the question, "What do we call each other?" The manner in which the dyad address each other contains material central to the patient's inner life. Names, like dreams, deserve a privileged status as providing a royal road into the paradoxical analytic relationship and the unconscious conflicts that feed it. Whether an analyst addresses the patient formally, informally, or not at all, awareness of the issues surrounding names is important.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper considers disturbances of identity and developmental breakdown in the phase of ‘emergent adulthood’ with young adults together with a disturbance of the capacity of the Self for coniunctio. It is proposed that the capacity for effective intrapsychic linking as conceptualized in analytic psychology with the concepts of the coniunctio and the transcendent function, is disturbed because of an unconscious identification with an infertile ‘couple’. This unconscious couple fantasy can lead to a standstill of the transcendent function and prevents the growth of meaning via the linking between parts of the psyche. This can lead to considerable clinical disturbances. A clinical vignette from the treatment of an adolescent girl should illustrate these hypotheses. The patient had developed a not good enough internal space and she suffered from fragmentation anxieties. She tried to control these anxieties by obsessive behaviour and by forms of adhesive identification. The standstill of the transcendent function was manifested when the patient developed a negative therapeutic reaction.  相似文献   

In the fictional short story “Uncle Toros,” an aging survivor of the Armenian genocide has a recurring nightmare in which he is visited by an image of a Turkish police chief who would recruit, from Uncle Toros's native village, Armenian youth for the military. This dream is studied in terms of its image of the walnut tree, rotation about it (the alchemical circulatio), elements of Kundalini yoga (especially a blockage in Uncle Toros's throat), the idea of sacrifice (real vs. psychological), and the Jungian archetypes of the collective unconscious. The problem of identification with evil for the Armenian is raised, along with the need for an Auseinandersetzung (confrontation) through the inner experience of the unconscious with its phantom narratives and healing strength of the feminine.  相似文献   

The influence of complexes on implicit learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A century ago, Jung looked into the unconscious through complexes by using word association tests. Jung wrote, 'modern psychology with its investigation of complexes has opened up a psychic taboo area riddled with hopes and fears', and complexes remain an unexplored taboo area of research. In the present study, we have investigated the influence of complexes on unconscious cognitive processing, in particular on implicit learning. We have found that complexes shown to disturb conscious cognitive processing in fact enhanced the attention of the subjects and their performance on an implicit learning task. These results suggest that complexes are not just abstractions, but have various actual influences on both conscious and unconscious processing.  相似文献   

Moral masochism     
The author questions the existence of unconscious guild and unconscious need for punishment. His thesis is that the self-destructive acts and sufferings of the moral masochist are not caused by an unconscious need for punishment, but rather by a flight from severe castration anxiety into masochistic acts. The analysis of the latent castration anxiety leads to the maturation of the superego. Clinical material from one case is used to support this thesis. Further material from the same case shows how the moral masochism of adolescence and adulthood grew out of the feminine masochism of latency. In addition, the author discusses another case of moral masochism which reviews the intricate relationship between psychic health and moral codes. The importance of the cultural atmosphere is emphasized, particularly what the moral masochist extracts from it.  相似文献   

Sociologists have increasingly been using theories and models borrowed from cognitive science and psychology to address questions of personal motivation. One influential model is the dual-process model, a cognitive model which holds that individuals think and act either unconsciously and automatically, or consciously and deliberately. Through an analysis of conversations between individuals who are sexually attracted to minors, however, I find that these individuals’ sexual desires cannot be reduced to strictly automatic or deliberate means. Due to the taboo nature of this sexual preference in these individuals’ locales, their unconscious sexual desires are frequently called into question and made conscious.  相似文献   

The authors inquire as to how far psychoanalysis uses its inherent capabilities to decipher the inner structure of subjectivity in present-day psychoanalytic practice and thinking. They maintain that in psychoanalytic practice, the analyst's unresolved neurotic conflicts cause him to create conscious mystifications of his own unconscious situation, thus distorting his understanding of the patient's unconscious in a systematic manner.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that hemispheric asymmetries for conscious visual perception do not lead to asymmetries for unconscious visual perception. These studies utilized emotionally neutral items as stimuli. The current research utilized both emotionally negative and neutral stimuli to assess hemispheric differences for conscious and unconscious visual perception. Conscious perception was measured using a subjective measure of awareness reported by participants on each trial. Unconscious perception was measured by an "exclusion task," a form of word-stem-completion task. Consistent with predictions, negative stimuli were consciously perceived most often when presented to the right hemisphere. Negative stimuli presented to the right hemisphere showed no evidence of unconscious perception, suggesting that the hemispheric asymmetry for the conscious perception of negative information occurs at the expense of unconscious perception.  相似文献   

Various philosophical definitions of free will are first considered. The compatibilist definition, which says simply that acts are freely willed if they are not subject to constraints, is identified as much used in the legal system and essentially impervious to scientific investigation. A middle-ground "incompatibilist" definition, which requires that freely willed acts be consciously initiated, is shown to be relevant to the idea of mens rea and in the author's view not actually incompatible in principle with a fully scientific worldview. Only the strong libertarian definition, which requires that freely willed acts have no physical antecedents whatsoever, makes the existence of free will very hard to swallow scientifically. However, with regard to the middle-ground "incompatibilist" definition, three different lines of scientific experimental evidence are then described, which suggest that, in fact, consciousness is not the real cause of much of what is generally considered as voluntary behavior. Many voluntary actions are initiated preconsciously, with consciousness kept informed only after the neural events leading to the act have begun. It is suggested that a reasonable way of integrating these experimental findings with the idea that persons do have a somewhat more than compatibilist version of free will is to acknowledge explicitly that a person is a mixture of conscious and unconscious components. In this scenario, the mind in mens rea would have to be judged guilty if it contained either conscious or unconscious intentions to perform the guilty act.  相似文献   

DSM-III criteria are used to describe the pathological manifestations of narcissistic and borderline disorders. The former gives rise to the Grandiose Self and the need to control the world. The delinquent act is an attempt to gain such control. The latter demonstrates ego splitting, primitive terror and rage stemming from the failure of the primary maternal introject. The attempt to compensate for inner turmoil and lack of object relatedness leads to delinquent acts. Citing three probationers referred by the court for group therapy, benefits and obstacles encountered in the use of outpatient group therapy are discussed as an approach to solving the unique problems presented by these delinquents.  相似文献   

H Gekle 《Psyche》1992,46(6):499-533
With the term "working alliance", as it was discussed by R.R. Greenson in noted publications, an understanding of work was introduced that corresponds with the dominant contemporary idea of work as a purely instrumental and technical process which is alien to the original "spirit" of Freudian Analysis. The author shows that psychological work, which in analysis is carried out cooperatively by analyst and analysand, needs transference to be successful, a transference with the help of which the analysand is able to discuss and specify his unconscious psychological conflicts. In Greenson's understanding the working alliance--supposedly neurosis-free--appeals to the rational part of the ego and introduces a normative understanding of reality. The transference relationship, by contrast, gives room to those psychic forces which refuse to obey the authority of the ego and its tendencies to conventionalize and suppress unconscious material.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to test the hypothesis that an unconscious conflict between a wish to attain symbiotic oneness with another person on the one hand and personal independence on the other, should be weakened by alcohol if the main effect of intoxication is to reduce the strength of psychological inhibitions. In turn, a reduction in such conflicts should improve motor performance. Data indicated no such effects, and it was concluded that the disinhibition hypothesis as an explanation of alcohol-related behavior was not supported.  相似文献   

Using detailed clinical examples, the author illustrates the function of conscious and unconscious identifications with former training analysts, supervisors, teachers, and theorists in the mind of the working analyst. As compromise formations, analytic identifications are the product of loving and aggressive wishes, defenses against those wishes, and self-punitive trends that accompany the analyst in the work. The analyst's stance at any given moment has an identificatory history that may become conscious at certain times with certain patients. While the analyst's identifications modify over time, following a predictable developmental path, they are never fully given up, but consciously and unconsciously remain an active part of the analyst's inner life. During the clinical hour they are responsive to both the analyst's and the patient's conflicts, and they coexist in a dynamic reciprocal relationship with the patient's inner life.  相似文献   

Peters and Lau (eLife, 4, e09651, 2015) found that when criterion bias is controlled for, there is no evidence for unconscious visual perception in normal observers, in the sense that they cannot directly discriminate a target above chance without knowing it. One criticism of that study is that the visual suppression method used, forward and backward masking (FBM), may be too blunt in the way it interferes with visual processing to allow for unconscious forced-choice discrimination. To investigate this question, we compared FBM directly to continuous flash suppression (CFS) in a two-interval forced-choice task. Although CFS is popular, and may be thought of as a more powerful visual suppression technique, we found no difference in the degree of perceptual impairment between the two suppression types. To the extent that CFS impairs perception, both objective discrimination and subjective awareness are impaired to similar degrees under FBM. This pattern was consistently observed across three experiments in which various experimental parameters were varied. These findings provide evidence for an ongoing debate about unconscious perception: normal observers cannot perform forced-choice discrimination tasks unconsciously.  相似文献   

Sending young children to boarding school may be considered a particularly British form of child abuse and social control. The trauma of the rupture with home may be followed by other ordeals such as emotional deprivation and, in extreme cases, physical and sexual abuse. The taboo on expressing emotion, which is common in such institutions, may lead to an encapsulation of the self. Consequently, the needs of the distressed child/self remain active, but unconscious, within the adult. This maybe disguised by an armoured, and very often socially successful, persona. The psychological interplay, between these two facets of the personality, may be detrimental to intimate relationships. In clinical practice the emotional conflict between a desire for intimacy and anticipated exile comes to the fore. Three examples demonstrate how within the transference this may lead to a dependent and erotic atmosphere, which abruptly changes to sever all connection. Changes in the frame, breaks in analysis, and confessions of emotional need are all points at which vigilance is required if such disturbance in analysis is not to end in its abrupt termination.  相似文献   

The authors describe an interruption in communication in the analyses of two patients, which gradually brings the analytic process to a halt/standstill. They propose several hypotheses for understanding this situation. One explanation is mutual identification of primitive superegos in the analytic couple which generates a moralizing effect thereby hindering investigation and discovery. They emphasize the importance of countertransference involvement which partly provokes this particular type of impasse. They also suggest the idea of shared acting out, with complementary participations of analyst and patient. In this way the analytic couple supports a 'bastion' which protects against the risk of breaking the omnipotence of patient and analyst or contributes to this omnipotence. Their shared unconscious phantasy feeds collusion linked to unconscious persecutory guilt. The authors also describe movements to break free from this impasse. The enclave created by the analytic couple is detected and subsequently worked through by way of the patient's contribution of dream material and the analyst's work with her countertransference.  相似文献   

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