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When a response key is briefly illuminated before a grain reinforcer is presented, key pecking is reliably developed and maintained in pigeons, even if pecking prevents reinforcement (negative automaintenance). This experiment demonstrated that pigeons are sensitive to a negative response-reinforcer contingency, even though it does not eliminate responding. Within individual pigeons, two kinds of trials were compared: red key trials, in which reinforcement was negatively contingent on responding, and white key trials, in which reinforcement was unrelated to responding. Reinforcement frequency in non-contingent trials was yoked to the obtained reinforcement frequency in negatively contingent trials. All eight pigeons pecked substantially more on the non-contingent key than on the negative key, and preferred the non-contingent key to the negative key on occasional “choice” trials where both were presented together. When the stimuli correlated with the two conditions were reversed, the pigeons' behavior also shifted. These response differences are taken as evidence that pigeons are sensitive to the negative response-reinforcer contingency.  相似文献   

A procedure is described which disrupts response-reinforcer contiguity and response dependency and which demonstrates how the location of the response dependency in interval schedules can be regarded as a controlling variable in its own right. Rats' lever pressing produced sucrose on a recycling conjunctive fixed-time 30-second fixed-ratio 1 schedule of reinforcement. Reinforcement occurred only at the end of the fixed-time component on this schedule and only if a response had occurred during that component. This produced a pause-respond-pause pattern during the interreinforcer interval for all animals. When the location of the response dependency was then restricted to a 10-second period in the middle of the fixed-time component, the pattern was accentuated and response rates increased for all animals, while postreinforcement pauses decreased sharply for two animals. When responding was required in the first 10 seconds of the fixed-time component, responding peaked earlier in the interval for all animals. Response rates were slightly below those in the previous conditions, while postreinforcement pauses were between 2 and 6 seconds across animals.  相似文献   

The key pecking of pigeons was autoshaped to three key colors paired with food in discrete trials. Then, the effects of three different color-correlated contingencies were compared: reward (presentation of food contingent on pecking), omission (presentation of food prevented by pecking), and extinction (no food). Two measures of performance were used: initial response (the number of trials with each color on which at least one peck was made) and multiple response (the total number of pecks per trial). In general, the reward color produced more pecking than the omission color, the omission color more than the extinction color, and the extinction color more than on blank trials with an unlighted key, although (relative to reward) omission produced a higher level of initial than of multiple responding. These results point clearly to the importance of stimulus-reinforcer continguity in the control of pecking.  相似文献   

This article presents an interpretation of autoshaping, and positive and negative automaintenance, based on a neural-network model. The model makes no distinction between operant and respondent learning mechanisms, and takes into account knowledge of hippocampal and dopaminergic systems. Four simulations were run, each one using an A-B-A design and four instances of feedfoward architectures. In A, networks received a positive contingency between inputs that simulated a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an input that simulated an unconditioned stimulus (US). Responding was simulated as an output activation that was neither elicited by nor required for the US. B was an omission-training procedure. Response directedness was defined as sensory feedback from responding, simulated as a dependence of other inputs on responding. In Simulation 1, the phenomena were simulated with a fully connected architecture and maximally intense response feedback. The other simulations used a partially connected architecture without competition between CS and response feedback. In Simulation 2, a maximally intense feedback resulted in substantial autoshaping and automaintenance. In Simulation 3, eliminating response feedback interfered substantially with autoshaping and automaintenance. In Simulation 4, intermediate autoshaping and automaintenance resulted from an intermediate response feedback. Implications for the operant-respondent distinction and the behavior-neuroscience relation are discussed.  相似文献   

Pigeons emitted almost exclusively short-duration key pecks (shorter than 20 msec) when on negative automaintenance procedures, in which pecks prevented reinforcement. Peck durations under fixed-interval and fixed-ratio reinforcement schedules were generally two to five times longer than pecks under a negative automaintenance schedule. However, initial key pecks were of short duration, independent of procedure. The frequency of short-duration pecks was insensitive to differential reinforcement, while the frequency of long-duration pecks was sensitive to differential reinforcement. It is proposed that short-duration pecks arise from the pigeon's normal feeding pattern and are directly enhanced by food presentation, while long-duration pecks are controlled by the contingent effects of food presentation. The implications of the existence of two classes of pecks for the functional definition of operants and the separation of phylogenetic and ontogenetic sources of control of key pecking are discussed.  相似文献   

In experiments 1 and 2, we examined the learned helplessness and immunization effects using a test in which appetitive responding was extinguished by delivering noncontingent reinforcers. Contrary to learned helplessness theory, "immunized" animals showed performance virtually identical to that of animals exposed only to inescapable shock, and different from nonshocked controls. Experiment 2 suggests that the helplessness effect and the lack of immunization are not due to direct response suppression resulting from shock. In Experiment 3, where the immunization effect was assessed by measuring the acquisition of a response to obtain food when there was a positive response-reinforcer contingency, immunization was observed. These results cannot be explained on the basis of proactive interference, but suggest that animals exposed to the immunization procedure acquire an expectancy of response-reinforcer independence during inescapable shock. Thus, immunization effects may reflect the differential expression of expectancies, rather than their differential acquisition as learned helplessness theory postulates.  相似文献   

Hungry pigeons received food periodically, signaled by the onset of a keylight. Key pecks aborted the feeding. Subjects responded for thousands of trials, despite the contingent nonreinforcement, with varying probability as the intertrial interval was varied. Hazard functions showed the dominant tendency to be perseveration in responding and not responding. Once perseveration was accounted for, a linear operator model of associative conditioning further improved predictions. Response rates during trials were correlated with the prior probabilities of a response. Rescaled range analyses showed that the behavioral trajectories were a kind of fractional Brownian motion.  相似文献   

Learned helplessness theory predicts that animals exposed to inescapable shock acquire an expectancy of response-reinforcer independence, which proactively interferes with learning of response-reinforcer dependence. The theory also predicts that this expectancy can increase sensitivity to subsequent instances of response-reinforcer independence. These experiments test the latter prediction in a paradigm that minimizes the confounding effects of shock-induced activity deficits. Rats were trained to respond for food, then given either escapable, inescapable, or no shock. Subsequently, they received two sessions of response-contingent food followed by sessions of noncontingent food deliveries. During this phase, inescapably shocked animals decreased responding faster than did controls. Experiment 2 replicated this finding with a different schedule of food delivery and a procedure that more directly minimized the possibility that the outcome is due to either direct or indirect shock-induced activity changes. These results support the prediction that uncontrollable aversive events can increase an animal's sensitivity to noncontingent response-reinforcer relationships.  相似文献   

Over the years there have been varied attempts to explain or predict recidivism, which is a phenomenon whereby psychiatric patients are hospitalized repeatedly. Recent efforts to predict relapse have used specific symptoms (Harris, Bergman, & Bachrach, 1986), diagnoses (Kastrup, 1987; Lally, 1989), postdischarge treatment compliance (Caton, Koh, Fleiss, Barrow, & Goldstein, 1985), and the level of emotional expression in the family environment (Doane, Goldstein, Miklowitz, & Falloon, 1986) as relapse predictors. Despite progress, many unanswered questions remain. The present study examined recidivism from the perspective of personal construct psychology (Kelly, 1955). The Dependency Grid was administered to 33 first-admission patients, 39 recidivists, and 26 controls. As hypothesized, recidivists identified the smallest social network and the fewest people on whom they believed they actually could rely in a crisis. In contrast, patients experiencing their first admission offered an extensive array of individuals to whom they felt they could turn in a crisis. Controls reported the greatest number of social resources potentially available to them, but then selectively chose a sample of them as individuals on whom they would be comfortable relying. Results are discussed in terms of support for Kelly's personal construct theory.  相似文献   

Following exposure for a minimum of 500 to 600 trials, three of four naive squirrel monkeys eventually pressed a response key, illumination of which always preceded delivery of a food pellet. Three other naive monkeys did not press the key when the pellets were delivered randomly with respect to key illumination. Despite some similarities to autoshaping using pigeons, the data indicate many points of difference when squirrel monkeys are used as subjects. Although key-food pairings were shown to be important in the acquisition of the key-press response, they were ineffective in maintaining the response when either a negative response-reinforcer dependency was introduced, or when there was no scheduled response-reinforcer dependency (fixed trial). Not all demonstrations of autoshaping can be considered to be under the control of those processes that are primarily responsible for the phenomena obtained in pigeons.  相似文献   

Three experiments describe the effects of manipulating the frequency of response-reinforcer contiguity in a recycling conjunctive schedule. The schedule arranged that a reinforcer was delivered after 30 s provided at least one response had occurred; otherwise the next cycle started immediately. In Experiment 1, this schedule produced the typical pause–respond–pause pattern, with most responses at mid-interval; and, when a limited number of contiguities between responses and food delivery were added, the pattern became more like the monotonic scallop seen on fixed-interval schedules. In Experiment 2, the schedule was initially presented with an additional contingency that allowed contiguity on every trial. Fixed-interval-like behavior occurred and tended to persist as contiguities were gradually eliminated. In Experiment 3, the recycling conjunctive schedule alternated with a condition in which a large number of contiguities occurred. The pause–respond–pause pattern and fixed-interval-like performance occurred with few or many contiguities, respectively. The results of all three experiments illustrate how contiguity interacts with a small number of other variables to determine performance on interval schedules and illuminate previous findings with fixed-interval and fixed-time schedules.  相似文献   

Separate groups of rats received 500 trials of lever-press training under autoshaping (food delivery followed 10-second lever presentations, or occurred immediately following a response); operant conditioning (responding was necessary for food delivery); and classical conditioning (food followed lever presentations regardless of responding). Each group then received 500 trials on an omission procedure in which food was omitted on trials with a response. Another group received 1000 trials on the omission procedure, and a fifth group, random control, received 1000 uncorrelated presentations of lever and food. The autoshaping, operant, and classical groups reached high response levels by the end of initial training. Acquisition was fastest in the autoshaping group. Responding remained consistently low in the control group. The omission group responded at a level between the control group and the other three groups. During omission training, responding in these three groups declined to the omission-group level. During omission training, the rats continued contacting the lever frequently after lever pressing had declined. Response maintenance under omission training seems not to require topographic similarity between the response and reinforcer-elicited consummatory behaviors.  相似文献   

Naive rats were trained to leverpress with a 30-sec delay-of-reinforcement contingency from the start of training. In Experiment 1, the delay interval for different groups of subjects included a signal in the first 5 sec, a signal in the last 5 sec, or no signal at any time. Rats with the signal at the start of the delay interval learned most rapidly. Rats with the signal at the end of the delay failed to learn. In Experiment 2, a choice procedure was used, in which each of two levers was associated with its own 30-sec delay of reinforcement. The delay for one lever included a 5-sec signal at the end of the delay. The delay for the second lever had no signal in its 30-sec delay. Preference was in favor of the lever without the signal in the delay interval. The results demonstrate that the acquisition of new response can be blocked in a manner analogous to the blocking of Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   

For three pigeons (Experiment 1), the presentation of a red response key ended with a food presentation either following two responses separated by at least 10 seconds (a DRL contingency) or following a 10-second response-free period (a DRO contingency). For three other birds (Experiment 2), a brief stimulus presentation terminated the DRL and DRO contingencies. A white side key was presented next and ended with response-dependent food following one contingency and a timeout following the other. Since the contingency on the red key was unsignaled, differential responding on the white side key could indicate that the two response-reinforcer relations had been discriminated. In Experiment 1, the red-key duration and number of responses influenced white-key responding following the contingency that predicted the timeout. A response-initiated DRO was instated, and the influence of red-key duration and response number on white-key responding was diminished. In both experiments, the 10-second time criterion in both contingencies was varied from 0.34 second to 10 seconds. Even at short time intervals the DRO and DRL contingencies were readily discriminated. Pigeons tended to class the two contingencies according to a rule that did not involve simply stimulus duration, numbers of responses, or even the time between a response and its consequence.  相似文献   

Three pigeons were exposed to a positive automaintenance procedure in which each trial began with a brief tone followed by the transillumination of a small central area of the response key for 10 sec. Key illumination was followed by food on 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, and 0% of the trials. The effects depended on the dependent variable observed. The mean rate of responding during key illumination rapidly increased and then decreased slightly as the percentage of key illuminations paired with food increased. The number of key illuminations during which at least one response occurred increased as a negatively accelerating function of the percentage of key illuminations paired with food, and the mean latency to the first response during the key illuminations decreased as a negatively decelerating function of the percentage condition. The mean rate of sustained responding during key illumination was not systematically affected by changes in the percentage conditions.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the relation between depressive vulnerability factors and the duration of symptom disturbance, defined as the length of time during which mood states are elevated above a certain threshold. We examined the duration of mood disturbances in male (N=31) and female (N=71) college-aged individuals who completed mood checklists twice weekly for 10 weeks. Results showed that dependency and self-criticism were related to the mean severity of ratings across all checklists and the mean duration of disturbances, as well as the number of disturbances lasting at least 7 or 14 days. Some evidence for the congruency model was found. Dependency and self-criticism moderated the relation between vulnerability congruent hassles and mood. Sensitivity analyses showed that altering the threshold at which symptom scores were designated as symptom disturbances did not affect the pattern of results for dependency and self-criticism. Results have implications for the debate concerning the relation between vulnerability factors and depressive severity.  相似文献   

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