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The subjective importance of constructs elicited with the repertory grid technique (RGT) has been conjectured to depend on elicitation order. Constructs elicited early in an interview are assumed to be subjectively more important than later ones. For the RGT, this conjecture is based on only one empirical study with a small sample size using person role titles as elements. This study has not been replicated or tested for other domains. The research for other elicitation techniques shows that the conjecture does not always hold true for nonperson domains. To assess if the order importance relation can be replicated for person and nonperson domains, we conducted two RGT studies with different designs (German study, triadic, nonperson elements, N = 60; Spanish study, dyadic, person elements, N = 61). Construct importance was assessed using importance rankings and ratings. We found no relation between the order of elicitation and importance for the nonperson elements and only a small significant relation using persons as elements. The results indicate that the conjecture should be treated with caution, as it may be weaker than previously assumed for the personal domain and not generalizable to other domains.  相似文献   

Clinical research into panic attacks over the past two decades has led to the hypothesis that panic-disordered subjects may have a lower threshold to separation anxiety than normals. This hypothesis was investigated by measuring panic-disordered and normal subjects' reactions to viewing a film of a potentially anxiety-provoking situation. The extent to which individuals construe film through identification with the narrative's characters was also examined. To gauge these reactions a repertory grid was administered to 11 subjects with a history of panic disorder and 12 controls after they had watched a half-hour episode from a feature film in which a divorced couple fight acrimoniously over custody of their 17-yr.-old daughter. Five elements were characters mentioned in the film and two were of 'self,' one in a secure and another in an insecure situation. Ten constructs were elicited by a triadic sorting procedure and four were supplied. Ratings of elements on all constructs were subjected to a principal components analysis (INGRID). While the construals of the two groups were essentially similar, there were differences between them in terms of the perceived salience of the film's characters. Panic-disordered subjects also construed themselves as more insecure than did the normals. The results affirm the use of the repertory grid in the study of panic disorder and in the analysis of the perception of filmed events.  相似文献   

Film theory has advanced concepts for explaining how it is possible for film viewers to understand what they are seeing. Many of these concepts strongly imply that the production of meaning of a film lies within the film itself - the viewer's role being reduced to that of passive spectator. This study tests that assumption using a repertory grid analysis of constructs elicited from Australian and Hong Kong Chinese subjects as they interpreted a segment of a commercial film. The results showed that the Australian sample construed more emotionally than did the Hong Kong Chinese, who responded more at the level of the film's characterisation. They were also more specific in their construals while the Australians were more diffuse. Further analysis suggested that differences between the two groups were the result of judgments about different attributes of the film, rather than because of different patterns of construing. It was concluded that since there are major differences in the two groups' interpretations of the same film, in the field of film/spectator studies where semiotics and psychology come together, the repertory grid analysis is a useful research tool.  相似文献   

Personal construct theory has a focus on constructs rather than elements, as can be clearly seen in the corollaries proposed by George Kelly. Yet, in the operationalization of his fundamental postulate, namely the repertory grid technique, there is an equal focus on both constructs and elements. Here we examine the relative contributions to variation in the grid data of both elements and constructs and use the intraclass correlation to examine this in several data sets. It is shown that in many instances, elements contribute more to the variation in grid data, irrespective of whether elements and constructs are supplied or elicited, or whether the ratings are made construct by construct or element by element. Implications of this for both the theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Derivatives of Kelly's repertory grid have been widely used with children, but the prototype procedure is often simplified for the child's sake, with some loss of its exploratory power. The School Behaviour Game transposes the element elicitation and triadic construct elicitation phases of the repertory grid to a board-game for two (interviewer and child). It thus places a 'bizarre' procedure in a context that is meaningful from a child's viewpoint. The SBG was used in a study into children's perceptions of school. Its potential for guidance and counselling is considered.  相似文献   

We examined the process of transition from being a practitioner in a field to becoming an educator in the same field, using repertory grid technique and a longitudinal methodology. A total intake of Technical and Further Education beginning teachers was followed throughout their 2-year preparation program. At five intervals, 6 months apart, repertory grids were administered to the group, with the elements supplied relating to various roles and aspects of the self relevant to transition. Constructs elicited from the group mapped the transition process during the 2-year period and showed the changing emphasis over the course. Measurements of self-esteem and the effect of the transition on family relationships were also administered. Results showed that the nature of the transition was generally positive. The constructs elicited identified change in the transition process as experienced by the group under study. Initially constructs were general and included satisfaction, striving, and participation. They then revealed greater concern with issues of time, control, personal and professional development, and, finally, those attributes of “being qualified.” Specifically, results show the transition process to be a personal experience, and illustrate the beneficial function of proceeding through the transition process as part of a group.  相似文献   

Attempting weight loss is an increasingly common behavior for many people and a variety of practices are used. However, lapses in self-control may hinder progress. This study explores how women construe their weight-loss practices. In 10 semistructured interviews, the repertory grid technique (RGT) was used to explore elicited bipolar constructs using weight-loss practices as elements. Qualitative interpretation of the grids highlighted the fundamentally different ways self-control was seen as being enhanced. The amount of weight to be lost and self-esteem issues were interpreted as impacting expectations of increased self-control from practices. Suggestions for future research into these relationships are outlined.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of patients (n = 166) on a wheat free diet showed improvements in patients diagnosed as wheat sensitive over patients not so diagnosed (p = 0.05). Clinical history indicated marked differences between these groups in perceptions of health. Individual follow up studies indicated that a Semantic Differential grid, derived from a patient group (n = 20) through semantic and repertory techniques, was a good indicator of these clinical perceptions. The results of one patient in this group are presented and show the typical results obtained by principal component analysis of the semantic grid administered over two visits to the hospital. Patient perception of well being shown by the grid analysis was confirmed by clinical history. The implications of this semantic approach for patient self reporting and clinical counselling are discussed. Larger scale studies are currently being planned on wheat sensitivity and associated psychological effects, using a variety of psychological measures, in a large range of patient groups (including Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis).  相似文献   

As part of an investigation into criteria used by counsellor trainers to distinguish between good and bad students of counselling, experienced counsellor trainers were asked to complete a repertory grid. Each trainer was asked to list five good counsellor trainees and five not so good or bad counselling trainees they had worked with, as elements for the grid. Repertory grid forms were provided by the researcher with spaces for ten constructs which were elicited from the trainers in the standard triadic manner. For each elicited construct subjects were asked to rate each trainee on a five point scale. Twenty-seven correctly completed grids were collected. The 262 constructs elicited were conflated into 22 semantically similar categories by the researcher and independent raters. The data was subjected to statistical analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Services (SPSS). Overall the constructs that were most frequently used in describing trainees were open-closed, personable/aloof, secure-insecure, professionally skilled-unskilled. The mean differences for scores of good and bad trainees for each of the 22 conflated constructs were calculated. The greatest mean difference related to professional competence. The 22 conflated constructs were subsumed into three categories, and the mean of the difference between ratings for good and bad trainees within each category was calculated. Counselling related competence showed the greatest mean difference. Implications for counselling course curricula and the selection and assessment of counsellor trainees are discussed.  相似文献   

In a repertory grid experiment based on elicited personal constructs we tested several predictive implications of a computational model of interpersonal judgment developed by Lefebvre, Lefebvre, and Adams-Webber (1986). Results are compared with related findings within the framework of personal construct theory.  相似文献   


Hepatitis B and C viruses are more prevalent among injecting drug users than HIV. This study explored drug users' illness representations of hepatitis B and C using repertory grid methodology. Initially, nine drug users were presented with six elements including hepatitis B and C, and HIV. Constructs were elicited via the sequential form variation of the method of triads. Elements were rated on elicited constructs using a five-point scale, and analyzed using “Flexigrid”. In a second quantitative research stage, 52 drug users were presented with six elements and supplied constructs. Results of the first stage indicated participants were able to generate constructs relating to Leventhal et al.'s (1980) features of illness representations. Most constructs, however, were causal in nature. Participants perceived hepatitis B, C and HIV similarly along the causal component. This similarity on the causal component was largely replicated in the second research stage. Participants, however, distinguished HIV from hepatitis B and C along serious, cure and timeline features. Participants did not distinguish hepatitis B from hepatitis C. The implications of these results for health promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the use of repertory grids in psychological research has proliferated, studies of their psychometric properties are relatively rare. For this reason, we studied the reliability and convergence of several measures of cognitive structure derived from grids, including intensity, percentage of variance accounted for by the first component, cognitive complexity, ordination, extremity of ratings, self-ideal discrepancy, and self-other discrepancy, as well two measures of rating stability, construct consistency and factor loading consistency. Eighty-two Spanish (Catalan) and American participants completed small and large grids on each of four occasions, which enabled exploratory analyses of the impact of grid size and subject characteristics on the structural scores obtained. Results indicated that the majority of scores showed impressive test-relest reliability (modal r = .85 for periods up to 1 month), but also suggested a gradual tightening effect across subsequent administrations. In general, scores intercorrelated in theoretically anticipated ways, converging on the assessment of cognitive differentiation and discrimination of elements within construct dimensions. The results have implications for the reactivity of structural scores to variations in grid format, as well as for use of grids in the study of sex differences and cross-cultural comparisons.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the notion of Interpersonal Construct Differentiation (ICD) and its measurement, using measures derived from the repertory grid technique. To study the nature of these measures and factors such as grid size and type of scale that could affect them, a set of randomly generated grid data sets are compared to a sample of grids administered to subjects, among which we can distinguish a clinical (n = 422) and a nonclinical (n = 304) sample. Results show that ICD related measures derived from 140 randomly generated grids are clearly distinct from those of subjects. Subjects' grids show lower levels of ICD, polarization, and conflict. Grid size and type of scale exert a powerful mathematical effect on the values of these measures, as illustrated by the sample of random grids, but the grid size effect seems to vanish when applied to the subject sample. However, this mathematical effect should not be ignored in further research.  相似文献   

The present study presents and evaluates the Computer-Administered Rep Test (CART). The CART is a micro computer program that automates both the administration and scoring of a repertory grid based measure of cognitive complexity. Preliminary evaluation of the CART indicates that it provides a useful alternative to traditional paper-and-pencil administered repertory grid measures of cognitive complexity. We also examine the effect of an alternative scoring approach on the reliability of scores derived from role repertory grid measures of cognitive complexity. Results indicate that this scoring approach substantially enhances the reliability of cognitive complexity scores derived from both the paper-and-pencil and computer-administered measures.  相似文献   

This article advocates a position of critical reflection in relation to common adaptations of repertory grid procedures. The fact that even subtle procedural variations can register a substantial impact on the content and structure of personal construct systems highlights the responsibility that researchers and practitioners have to understand their own contributions to the grid outcomes that they interpret. A position of "reflexive scrutiny" is developed in a way that is consistent with the tenets of Kelly's (1955) personal construct psychology, and exemplified in the subsequent articles in this special section on repertory grid methodology.  相似文献   

The dominant method of analyzing repertory grid data in order to produce a joint spatial representation of constructs and elements has been Slater's INGRID procedure, often labeled "principal components" but more accurately described as a singular-value-­decomposition. This approach also involves centering the grid about construct means. In this article, it is shown that this removes a relationship between construct means and first component loadings for constructs. It is also shown, however, that a strong relationship between element means and element first component loadings remains. Ways of overcoming this problem are examined.  相似文献   

The effect of personal construct elicitation methods on construct content and structure was addressed in two studies. In Study 1, a between-subjects design was used to compare Kelly's (1955) original Triadic Difference method of elicitation with a Dyadic Opposite method. Study 2 used a fully-crossed, mixed factorial design to compare Kelly's (1955) Triadic Difference method with Epting, Suchman, and Nickeson's (1971) Triadic Opposite method. Results showed that "difference" methods of construct elicitation produced significantly higher levels of construct differentiation, lower numbers of positive emergent construct poles, and less socially undesirable implicit construct poles than "opposite" methods (see also Caputi & Reddy, in press). Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to a critical reappraisal of repertory grid methods.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to explore the relationship, suggested by recent developmental approaches, between several aspects of self-knowledge organization and depressive symptomatology in late adolescence, within the comprehensive framework of Kelly's personal construct psychology. The repertory grid technique was used to obtain six measures of self-knowledge organization: global differentiation; polarization; presence of conflicts; and discrepancies between actual self, ideal self, and others. Two inventories were used to create two samples of late adolescents according to their level of depressive symptoms. Results supported the expectations of greater global differentiation and actual–ideal self discrepancy (or lower self-esteem) for adolescents with depressive symptoms, as well as a higher likelihood of intrapersonal conflicts. However, discrepancies between self (actual or ideal) and others (identification, and perceived adequacy of others), and polarization showed no significant differences. Furthermore, the association of symptom severity with different grid measures was stronger for adolescents with depressive symptoms. Results and limitations of this study are discussed, and the potential of using personal construct theory and the repertory grid technique in studies of self-knowledge and psychological adjustment during adolescence is explored.  相似文献   

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