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Abstract : Lutheran Christians in particular have been taught in the Catechism to “fear and love God.” This article questions the assumption that in a contemporary context, fear and love can helpfully co‐exist, examining the different ways in which “fear of God” is a challenging concept for twenty‐first‐century Christians to understand. The article concludes with suggestions for how “fear of God” might be re‐interpreted and re‐articulated in a constructive way, leading to a more meaningful Christian life in the world today.  相似文献   

对竞和的现代从商之道进行企业伦理解读,我们不难发现,企业如果以竞和为自己的从商之道,必能形成一幅企业内部和谐、外部和顺、整体协调以及企业与整个社会义利共生的和谐图景。而这种义利共生的和谐图景,带给企业和社会的也不只是遵循企业伦理原则之义,还有和实生物、和气生财、和能致祥以及和成天下之利。  相似文献   

"科技的人性化"辨义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技的人性化近两年来成了学术界讨论的重要问题,但有关“科技的人性化”的含义却较模糊和混乱。对“科技的人性化”进行了概念上的疏理,“科技的人性化”有三层含义:复归科技固有的人性、限定科技的非人性属性的范围、赋予科技以人性关怀。理清“科技的人性化”,将有助于为科技异化的消除寻求到具体途径,有利于科技的健康发展。  相似文献   

It is possible that the physical and mental health of crime victims might be improved by forgiving those who have offended against them. To date, no research has been undertaken to examine the processes that influence victims' forgiveness. The goal of this project was to examine the forgiveness process in primary and secondary victims of violent and sexual crimes. In Study 1, qualitative data were collected by interviewing 21 people who had been affected by sexual or other violent crime. Data analysis identified five themes that were common to both primary and secondary victims, namely benefit of forgiveness, self‐forgiveness, perspective taking, offender behaviour, and time. An empowerment theme was unique to primary victims, and a principal victim theme was unique to secondary victims. To further explore these qualitative findings, a quantitative survey of 60 primary and secondary victims was conducted. Results confirmed that primary victims are pragmatic forgivers who are internally focused and forgive because that will benefit their healing. Conversely, secondary victims did not think forgiveness benefited, or would impact on, their own or the primary victim's recovery process. Neither group saw forgiveness as a moral issue, nor thought that forgiveness should influence whether an offender should face court.  相似文献   

This paper presents a heuristic model for the dynamics of psychoanalytic supervision. It is not a manual for how to perform supervision, but a model for how to identify and think about the complex elements and forces influencing the supervisory process. The point of departure is that psychoanalysis is a composite craft in which seemingly contrary elements like strict rules and creative intuitions have their place and interact. Several aspects of supervision are discussed: aims, learning processes, teaching methods, relationship, emotional atmosphere and evaluation. Competence is given a pivotal place in the model. The main feature of the model is that these aspects of supervision are all seen as suspended in a field of dynamic tensions between phenomena in real or apparent opposition. One example of this is the tension in the supervisory relationship between supervisor as instructor acting as an authority for the candidate whilst being a mentor fostering autonomy in the candidate. It is argued that related kinds of dynamics characterize several aspects of psychoanalytic supervision and that these tensions are inherent in analytic work. In conclusion a key word picture of the model is presented.  相似文献   


Camp programs provide children and adolescents with vital opportunities to grow and are recognized as effective social work interventions. Children and adolescents with learning disabilities (LD) are at risk to experience psychosocial difficulties, which may result in difficulty attending regular camps. Self psychology can increase our understanding of these children's camp experiences, because of its focus on the individual's subjectivity and interactions throughout the lifespan and in therapeutic relationships. This paper extends the application of self psychology to therapeutic summer camps with children who have learning disabilities, illustrated through examples. The paper concludes with practice principles.  相似文献   

诚信不仅是一种美德,而且是做人、做事的基本要求。良好的社会应该是人与人之间相互信任的诚信社会。为了形成诚信文化,社会应该对不诚实行为进行惩罚,而且这种惩罚应该有一种制度性的安排,在这种安排中政府的诚信是关键的环节。  相似文献   

吾敬东 《现代哲学》2006,(5):103-108
关于儒家伦理问题的讨论一直是中国哲学史界与伦理学界的一个热门话题,许多学者都抱着真挚的热情与善良的意愿努力开掘儒家传统伦理思想中的精微意蕴,并力图为现实生活与社会提供某种可资借鉴的范本。应当说其中的不少工作都有着深刻的理论价值和一定的现实意义,但也不能不看到,在讨论中有不少关涉核心问题的概念显得比较模糊甚或混乱,主要有伦理与德性、实践与思想、当然与可能、大众与精英、他律与自律、早期(先秦)儒家与后期(宋明)儒家等。对这些不同的概念做一辨析和梳理,将有利于关于儒家伦理问题的讨论在更深入和更精确的层面上进行。  相似文献   

人体系统非优性的进化论诠释   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从进化论的角度论述了人体系统非优性的成因,说明了生物竿化在人体系统中保留下大量的时空沉迹,其形式与特征表现为层次套叠,多元集合,转化退化。从而成为新与旧,高级与低级,复杂与简单,一句话就是优 与非优相互缠绕,相互作用,互补关联的协同统一性,而疾病的发生则是这种辩证统一的失调或破坏。  相似文献   

再论门静脉高压症的治疗观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
门静脉高压症的治疗主要是断流术和分流术,就此笔者于17年前在本刊发表过文章进行论述。17年后,此病的治疗观出现以下进展和变化:1,对立和统一:这两种手术联合施行可产生优势互补,代偿充分者更适合做分流术,否则以断流术为宜,这是观念上的突破;2,有创和微创:微创概念和技术的出现,使治疗手段多样化和观念更新,医生有了更多的选择;3,治标和治本:肝移植的临床一改门静脉高压的治标手段而向治本手段发展。  相似文献   

In this essay the term ‘scene’ which has been developed in the German psychoanalytic discussion, is confronted with the terms ‘total situation’ and ‘psychoanalytic field’, showing common features as well as differences. Thereafter four child observations are presented, through which light is thrown onto the scenic structures which make the foundations of early experience. In the precedence of scenes those structures are omnipresent whereas subjectivity only gradually builds up. It is shown how the development of subjectivity and the differentiation of consciousness and unconscious go along with overcoming the precedence of scenes, by breaking them up and reorganizing them. Thus scenes can become metaphors, which are used for ‘translating’ experience and for building up the contact barrier.  相似文献   

This introductory article to the special issue zooms in on the literature on political emotions with a specific focus on methodological questions of “how to study” political emotions. To the extent that methodological matters are addressed in the extant literature, the associated challenges are often portrayed as a clash between social science and natural science disciplines, a clash frequently illustrated by the meeting between political science and neuroscience. Rather than being a clash between academic disciplines, this article argues that many of the methodological challenges facing emotional research have their origin in scholars' diverse views on the relationship between themselves as researchers and political emotions as a research object. In the light of this acknowledgment, the article encircles and discusses the methodological challenges associated with three key conceptual distinctions between: (1) individual and collective emotions, (2) emotions and reason, and between (3) involuntary political emotions and the strategic usage of political emotions. Using the contributions to this special issue as illustrations, the article argues in favor of moving beyond mutually exclusive dichotomies regarding these conceptual distinctions and offers pathways for dealing with current methodological challenges to emotional research. It points to methodological pluralism, transparency, and context‐sensitive research strategies.  相似文献   

Research has shown that the tempi of familiar songs are remarkably well-remembered with a high degree of accuracy. The goal of the present research was to determine whether this ability generalizes to various types of ecological sounds and, if so, how rate information is encoded into the cognitive system. Across three experiments, participants were familiarized with a set of sounds and later asked to remember the rate of each. Experiment 1 revealed that the inherent rate of sounds is incidentally learned such that subsequent recognition is comparable across both prospective and retrospective paradigms. Experiment 2 confirmed these findings through an adjustment task and further demonstrated that memory for event rate remains highly accurate regardless if attending is initially directed toward a sound's rate and/or pitch qualities. Lastly, Experiment 3 assessed the ability to recognize event rate vs. duration when the two dimensions systematically co-vary with one another and revealed that rate variations influence duration recognition but not vice versa. These overall findings are discussed relative to a framework that emphasizes the role of event structure in time judgment behavior.  相似文献   

坚持科学发展观 促进中医药学现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中西医各有短长都不要无限夸大自身的优势。中西医互补整合是现代医学发展的潮流。学术争论不要政治化,科技管理要法制化,学者必须从浮华世态中醒悟过来,重建学者应有的人格和道德,纯洁科学的神圣殿堂。坚持科学发展观,中医药学才有长足的进步。  相似文献   


Several useful multi-volume reference works have been published during the past 2 years. This review essay profiles several of these resources and introduces them to theological librarians and their patrons.  相似文献   

妇产科临床实践中处处可以体现辩证唯物主义哲学原理的作用,以辩证的思维去认识妇产科疾病,树立整体观念、认清病情发展的主要矛盾、建立个体化治疗的概念、认识疾病的本质、建立疾病预防的观念、密切关注病情的发展变化,有利于正确的,临床决策。  相似文献   

经络实质的思辨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对古人认识经络方法的综合分析,结合现代有关研究,论证了经络是古人在总结对人体生命现象多方面客观认识的基础上,经过古代哲学抽象所形成的理论路线图,而非一种独立的客观实体.肯定了腧穴-脏腑相关性的存在,否定了循经感传即经络的假说,并强调了研究人体体表-脏腑相关性的重要性.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine an integrated model of the work–family interface (WFI) linking work–family demands (workload and family conflict), resources (supervisory support and family support) and role satisfaction in a Chinese context. The four‐factor structure of WFI comprises direction of influence (work to family vs family to work) and types of effect (work–family conflict vs work–family enrichment). A longitudinal design was used to collect data from 409 Chinese employees at three time points, separating measures of antecedents (T1), WFI (T2) and outcomes (T3) in time. The results based on structural equation modelling (SEM) reveal that: (1) the direction and types of effect were two underlying dimensions of the WFI, supporting the four‐factor structure; (2) demands were more strongly related to conflict, while resources were more strongly related to enrichment; (3) work–family conflict and enrichment were related to role satisfaction, regardless of the direction of influence.  相似文献   

The way that critical thinking has been framed as aneducational objective has led, on the one hand, to itssuccessful saturation of educational discourse and, onthe other, to an equation of critical thinking withdemonstrable rhetorical skills. This essay suggeststhat both critical thinking and obstacles tosuccessful critical thinking are most commonly foundin the activities of everyday life. Humans deploycritical thinking in expressions of socialimagination, illuminations of our selves andrelationship, and in ethical choices and publicengagements. By reframing critical thinking,educators may find ways to enrich its exercise both inand out of the classroom.  相似文献   

刘敬东 《现代哲学》2003,(3):113-121
本文从理性、自由、国家观、理性-非理性动力结构、两个世界的历史理念等方面解读了黑格尔历史哲学的意义或启示;阐述了它自身存在的问题和由此受到的批判或挑战。本文从批判与建构的双重维度出发,重新审视、反思了在批判黑格尔历史哲学的过程中存在的问题和教训。  相似文献   

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