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性是人类生命的道德伤口.性是生命的核、质与根.人类掩藏性的信息,给生命以最大的神学、美学和伦理学的空间;也同时用潜伏的原理忧挂生命发生的神秘和戏剧性;性爱和情爱的形式改变了忏悔的精神说教,与科学实践、生活实践相结合,面临如何延续生命又如何避免蒙受尊严丧失的屈辱.  相似文献   

冯玉珍:理性、非理性与理性主义、非理性主义人类精神是理性非理性的矛盾统一体。理性表现为人类超越自我有限生命,追求必然性、普遍性及永恒无限的能力,是生命的灵性之光辉。非理性体现着生命的自然欲望和冲动,表现为追求感性、具体、有限性的特性。理性和非理性是互...  相似文献   

孙慕义 《学海》2004,(5):126-131
我们所关注的不应仅仅集中于生命科学技术的基督教伦理学或宗教神学问题的解答 ,它应包括所有生命问题的神学研究 ;这其中应指所有生命体的生存状态 ,主要以人的生命为主要研究对象 ,它应包括生理的、心理的、社会的和灵性的四个方面的生命 ;它不仅要解释和解决诸多的理论问题和文化问题 ,还应包含各宗教对生命问题的思想的比较研究 ;生命神学必须基本给出对临床医务活动、高新生命科学技术与死亡、与医学相关的社会问题、卫生经济政策以及生态问题的神学解释和评价方法等。生命神学应该是 :对生命诸问题的道德神学注释 ,是对人类生存状态和过程、生命科学技术、卫生保健和卫生经济政策的神学伦理学研究 ,是有关人和其它生命体的生命终极问题的学科 ;它应涵盖理论生命神学 (元生命神学与文化生命神学 )和应用生命神学 (医务或临床生命神学、生存与死亡神学、卫生经济与医疗保健政策神学、生态神学 )两部分。  相似文献   

黄国清 《天风》2017,(5):6-7
<正>我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盏。经文:约10:10,15:1-8;可10:45;太5:13-16人类的生命与生活乃是造物主眼中的主题,因为他一切创造都是为了人类,他的终极目的也是为了人类,神透过人类的生命与生活来彰显造物主的伟大、慈爱、大能与荣耀,也透过基督徒的生命与生活来建立更美好的世界。在英语中  相似文献   

现代性与后现代性问题已成为国内外学术界所关注的热点。然而,人们更多的是从人类社会历史演进的一般规律的视域,尤其是仅仅立足于先发现代化国家的现实,来讨论诸如现代性是应当继续保持还是应当重建、如何保持或重建,现代性要不要向后现代性转型、如何转型等问题。其实,现代性与后现代性问题不仅是先发国家所面临的问题,它同样也是后发国家所面临的问题。因此,我们不仅要从人类社会历史演进的一般规律的视域,还要从人类社会历史演进的特殊规律的视域,对这个问题加以研究。为此,本文以马克思主义跨越式发展观为指导,对当代后发国家所面临的…  相似文献   

学科语境的首要因素是学科宗旨。生命伦理学以保护人类生命及其相关权利为宗旨,其语境中人的尊严有三个主要特征:以生命尊严为内核,以人格尊严为外围;属于现代人类中心主义价值观;具有指导化解原则冲突、奠基相关权利、贯通法律和政策等作用,是生命伦理学建制化行动的指南。在如何对待人的问题上,"人的尊严"凝聚了宗教和世俗、伦理和法律、政府和民间的道德共识,是生命伦理学的宝贵资源。  相似文献   

21世纪是生命科学的世纪,生命科学的发展关系到人类的前途与命运,直接影响着21世纪人类的生存模式,因此,从源头上对生命科学的定义进行重新探索就显得尤为必要.本文试给生命科学做出如下定义:以人自身生命系统为研究主体;运用宇宙生命全息论和原初与续发理论,研究生命系统自身在信息能量主导下的生物功能、调控机理和演化规律;研究生命系统之间信息能量的沟通、转换与统一,最终实现生命系统个体的完善与整体的和谐;生命系统具有自相似性和普遍性的特点.进而给生命做了重新的定义:凡具有时空过程皆为生命.  相似文献   

医学目的与发展自我保健医学的意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着社会进步和医学的发展,应将医学的全域性发展与医学伦理模型和医学目的的全新转变有机地结合起来,即建立“公正、均衡的医学伦理模型”。其含义是强调生命质量价值;维护人人平等的健康权;实现各方面与医学和健康有关的权力与义务的统一。关键在于创建和发展自我保健医学。它是以现代科学理论为基础,研究人类生命活动、保健需求、自我保健行为及社会活动规律;并通过“自我保健医学”诊断和开具自我保健处方,实施健康促进工  相似文献   

人性:自然奠基、人文化成与价值创造──先秦儒学人性论的现代诠释祁润兴一天地之性人为贵。人性何以为贵?先哲的回答是:水大有气而无生,草木有生而无知,禽兽有知而无义;人有气、有生、有知亦且有义,故最为天下贵也。(《苟子·王制》)人类的气质、生命和自然智能...  相似文献   

尼采于19世纪80年代提出的"末人"和"超人"概念经常遭受误解,例如关于"超人"概念,常有来自法西斯主义和生物主义的曲解。时隔近一个半世纪,人类的末日感和未来之忧愈加炽烈,我们理当在新的形势下追问:谁是"末人"?"末人"是我们吗?谁是"超人"?"超人"是"未来人"吗?本文试图对尼采的"超人"概念做一个未来哲学或技术哲学的重新定位,目标在于朝向未来的人类文明之思。本文认为,任何关于"超人"概念的区域科学式理解都是不当的或者不够的;尼采的"超人"概念应与他的"上帝死了"命题相联系,更应与他的"权力意志"学说(关于人和生命之本质的重新规定),特别是与在"相同者的永恒轮回"学说中蕴含的"圆性时间"观相关联;尼采的"末人"是对进入技术工业的自然人类之本质的规定,"超人"则是关于未来新人的天才般的想象和预感,两者之间纠缠着自然与技术的二重性运动。而无论如何,今天我们不得不接着尼采思考人类的位置和命运,人类的自然性和技术性,以及自然人类向技术人类的过渡。  相似文献   

The status of research on human trafficking has been characterized as methodologically inadequate and lacking sufficient theoretical framework necessary for solution development. This review of sex trafficking in North America examined prior research regarding victim vulnerabilities through the theoretical lens of life course theory endeavoring to uncover life course dynamics resulting in exploitation in sex trafficking distinguishable by victim type. Shared and distinct life course dynamics emerged based on victim origin and route, gender, and age of onset that corresponded to the key components of Sampson and Laub's age-graded theory of informal social control. Indicators of harmful informal social control processes during childhood and adolescence were common across internationally and domestically trafficked boys and girls, with a desire for acceptance and love commonly exacerbating initial entrapment. Limited social capital typified victims experiencing initial exploitation during young adulthood, with internationally trafficked victims uniquely isolated due to citizenship status and language or cultural barriers. Through the application of life course theory, a more complete understanding of the dynamics affecting vulnerability to exploitation in sex trafficking can be gained, providing enhanced information regarding plausible strategies for prevention and intervention.  相似文献   

While trans employees have become more widely recognized in society, our understanding of their work experiences remains underdeveloped. In the current study, we investigate whether transitioning is associated with job satisfaction in England, Wales and Scotland. Using longitudinal data collected before and after sex reassignment surgery associations between job satisfaction and mental health/life satisfaction are examined for trans men and women. The estimations suggest that employees experience higher job satisfaction, mental health and life satisfaction after sex reassignment surgery than before. In addition, the estimations suggest that after sex reassignment surgery, the associations between job satisfaction and mental health/life satisfaction are stronger than before. Moreover, the estimations suggest that employees not only experience higher job satisfaction after sex reassignment surgery, but also during transitioning. The results suggest that, firms should not treat transitioning employees in a biased way, since their transition might entail positive personal and workplace advancements.  相似文献   

A S Onyehalu 《Adolescence》1983,18(71):627-630
There is abundant evidence relating to the paucity of sex-oriented knowledge by the average adolescent across cultures. Investigations have demonstrated that such sex learning, generally colored with misconceptions and misinformation, is obtained almost entirely from the peer group since cultural inhibitions and puritan attitudes often prevent open discussions of the subject of sex with teachers, parents or other adults. There is also every indication that adolescents' natural interest in and preoccupation with human sexuality is on the increase, aided by the current massive circulation of pornographic literature, adult examples of sexual irresponsibility and the strong desire to conform with peer norms. This paper therefore suggests that if premature teenage pregnancy as well as social, emotional and psychological consequences of teenage genital exploration is to be avoided or controlled, then a comprehensive program of sex education and sex counselling for boys and girls in the second decade of the life cycle is overdue.  相似文献   

There are no sex differences in cognitive ability but enduring sex differences in competitiveness, life goals, the relative emphasis on agency versus connection. Policy-makers' and feminist emphasis on equal opportunities and family-friendly policies assumes that sex discrimination is the primary source of sex differentials in labour market outcomes—notably the pay gap between men and women. However, some careers and occupations cannot be domesticated—examples are given—and this also poses limits to social engineering. Recent research shows that high levels of female employment and family-friendly policies reduce gender equality in the workforce and produce the glass ceiling. Preference theory is the only theory that can explain these new trends, the continuing pay gap and occupational segregation. Preference theory implies that there are at least three types of career rather than one. However, the differences between men and women's career goals are smaller than sometimes thought.  相似文献   


Sexual behavior is a core activity not only for our genes, but also for individual happiness. It is therefore important to assess how this aspect of life functions in industrialized nations. Adopting the idea that society should aim at maximizing happiness, the question is whether the present situation is optimal, or if we should strive toward cultural changes that may improve the impact of sex. Sex is associated with some of the strongest rewards the brain has to offer, and consequently should serve to improve quality of life. There are, however, numerous pitfalls in that sex easily elicits negative emotions. Certain aspects of sexuality may reflect what is referred to as a ‘disease of modernity’; that is, the present environment is causing an increase in the prevalence of sex-related misery. The text use both an evolutionary and a bioecological perspective to understand human behavior. Biological (nature) and ecological (environment or nurture) factors are considered in order to assess how to improve the impact of sex on quality of life.


This paper examines the legal, moral, ethical, and Jewish religious issues involved inin vitro fertilization and surrogate motherhood. Also briefly discussed are the topics of artificial insemination and sex organ transplants. Jewish views on these subjects are based on the cardinal principles that life is of infinite value, that human life is sacred, and that the divine license to heal granted to the physician carries with it certain well-defined obligations and restrictions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the consistency of outcome framing effects on choice across two arenas of outcome: human life and money. Past research has yielded notable variability in the magnitude of framing effects. One possible contributor to the variation in magnitude is outcome arena. Past research has varied along this dimension without systematically assessing its effects. Undergraduates (N= 297) responded to three decision scenarios involving either human lives or money in which outcomes were framed either positively or negatively. Based on prospect theory, an interaction between framing and arena was predicted, such that a greater framing effect was expected in the human life arena (i.e., more risky choices were expected when outcomes involved human life than money in the negative frame and the reverse in the positive frame). Results were only partly consistent with this prediction. Regardless of frame, subjects made riskier choices when outcomes involved human lives rather than money. This was not expected for the positive frame. Even though human lives presumably have greater utility than dollars, subjects in the positive framing condition made riskier choices regarding human life than money. Additionally, no overall framing effect was observed. There was a significant sex by frame interaction such that only women exhibited framing effects on choice. This extends the finding of sex differences in framing to the monetary arena. This has important implications for the conduct of future studies on framing as well as for the interpretation of past and future framing research.  相似文献   

The gaze of other dogs and humans is informative for dogs, but it has not been explored which factors predict face-directed attention. We used image presentations of unfamiliar human and dog heads, facing the observer (portrait) or facing away (profile), and measured looking time responses. We expected dog portraits to be aversive, human portraits to attract interest, and tested dogs of different sex, skull length and breed function, which in previous work had predicted human-directed attention. Dog portraits attracted longer looking times than human profiles. Mesocephalic dogs looked at portraits longer than at profiles, independent of the species in the image. Overall, brachycephalic dogs and dogs of unspecified breed function (such as mixed breeds) displayed the longest looking times. Among the latter, females observed the images for longer than males, which is in line with human findings on sex differences in processing faces. In a subsequent experiment, we tested whether dog portraits functioned as threatening stimuli. We hypothesized that dogs will avoid food rewards or approach them more slowly in the presence of a dog portrait, but found no effect of image type. In general, older dogs took longer to approach food placed in front of the images and mesocephalic dogs were faster than dogs of other skull length types. The results suggest that short-headed dogs are more attentive to faces, while sex and breed function predict looking times through complex interactions.  相似文献   

Using the controversy surrounding the views of the Princeton University ethicist Peter Singer as a foil, the authors address the commonly held view that the appropriate time to terminate the life of a human being is when the individual has lost consciousness and there is no hope that he or she will regain it. They make an admittedly dubious case for the vegetative state, with which loss of consciousness is commonly equated, in order to clear the way for a more defensible basis for the termination of a human life, that of the person’s own personal, even if idiosyncratic view of when his or her life is no longer worth living.  相似文献   

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