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一对男孩女孩经过一段时间的“拍拖”,彼此倾心相恋了,也情缠意绵起来。随着幽会次数的增多,感情也变得日新月异,热烈而疯狂,双方都会情不自禁地产生某种冲动,这种冲动最直接的表现为想贪婪地越过“疆界”,饱览情感中那最神秘、最诱人、最刺激、最美妙的一页。 有时候,由于外在因素的刺激(比如相互的亲吻、拥抱、抚摸等等),这种感情上冲动可能  相似文献   

<正>辩证地对待互联网很重要,我们在使用网络时要存着谨慎的态度,要让网络成为我们基督教作光作盐、荣神益人的新平台。作为基督徒,我们如何面对互联网铺天盖地的大潮,是盲目地投入,抑或孑然地跳出?这二者或许都不是正确的做法,正确的做法应当是辩证地对待互联网。那么,我们如何才能做到辩证地对待互联网呢?一、合理地利用网络——"四可"1.可利用网络交流正当的信息在当今时代,除了书信、电话等传统的通信方式,QQ、微信  相似文献   

孙瑞雯 《美与时代》2013,(11):70-70
健康的人格是幼儿实际交往过程中的一种十分良好的行为,是品德教育的一个十分重要的组成部分,在幼儿园的教育活动之中,德育工作一直是置于首位的,它是幼儿进行全面发展的一个十分重要的因素。  相似文献   

应该辩证地对待循证医学   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
随着临床流行病学、医学统计学、现代信息学等学科的发展 ,近年来在国内外迅速兴起了一门新的学科———循证医学 (EvidenceBasedMedicine,EBM)。按照循证医学的基本精神 ,为了保障临床医疗决策的科学性 ,要求医生将临床经验和科学依据结合起来 ,通过以下 5个不同的步骤得以实现 :( 1 )针对具体病人提出临床问题 (如诊断试验、治疗方案的选择等 ) ;( 2 )根据临床问题与专业 ,不断学习新知识 ,然后有效地检索、搜寻回答有关问题的最可靠的证据。如通过Cochrane图书馆(目前全世界共有 1 3个国家 1 5个中心 5 0 0 0多人参加Cochrane协作网 …  相似文献   

有一则童话耐人寻味:熊妈妈让小熊送一袋礼物给小松鼠,小熊高兴地背着袋子上路了。到了小松鼠家才发现袋子有个洞,  相似文献   

问题是数学的心脏。有思考价值的问题能成为促进学生积极思维的动力。学生具有运用数学知识去解决实际问题的能力固然很重要,但是提出一个问题往往比解决一个问题更有意义、更具有价值。学生能够提出问题,是敢于和善于揭示自己认知上的矛盾与冲突,积极探求未知的心理需求的具体表现,是一种难能可贵的学习品质,也正是我们培养学生具有创新能力的重要基础,只有在不断地提出问题和解决问题的过程中,才有可能去实现创新的目标。  相似文献   

刘立权 《天风》2022,(1):55-56
<正>商容是殷商时期一个很有学问的人,在他生命垂危的时候,老子来到他的床前问候说:"老师,您还有什么要教诲弟子的吗?"商容张开嘴让老子看,然后说:"你看我的舌头还在吗?"老子大惑不解地说:"当然还在。"商容又问:"那么我的牙齿还在吗?"老子说:"已经掉光了。"商容目不转睛地注视着老子说:"你明白这是什么道理吗?"老子沉思了一会儿说:"我想这是过刚的易衰,而柔和的却能长存吧?"商容点头笑了笑,对这个很有天赋的学生说:"天下的许多道理几乎全在其中了。"  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的方式,采用同胞不同经历问卷、关系网络问卷和问题行为量表对开封市1179名初高中学生进行研究。研究结果显示:(1)父母差别对待与外/内化问题行为呈显著正相关;同胞关系与外/内化问题行为呈显著负相关;父母差别对待和同胞关系呈显著负相关。(2)同胞关系在父母差别对待与外/内化问题行为之间起部分中介作用。(3)“父母差别对待→同胞关系→外/内化问题行为”这一中介路径的前半段受出生顺序调节;与年幼个体相比,父母差别对待对年长个体的同胞关系影响更大。出生顺序会调节父母差别对待对同胞关系的影响,提示二胎家庭要更关注年长个体的变化。  相似文献   

最近,不少读者来信提出有关飲食问題方面的疑难,要求解答穆斯林为什么不吃猪肉的问題者尤多。为此,特将本刊試刊第三期上所载马力克同志写的“为什麼不吃猪肉——关于饮食的几个問題”一文重新发表在这里,以供读者参考,对于有关这个問題的来信我们就不另一一作覆了。本文刊出前,作者对文题和內容都曾有所改動。  相似文献   

十多年来,随着教育改革的不断推进,以全面提高人的整体素质为宗旨的素质教育不断深入,与之相伴,心理健康教育由逐渐被认识和重视,发展到部分地区中小学开展实验研究,并取得了显著成效:为此教育部分别于1999年8月13日和2002年8月1日颁发了《关于加强中小学心理健康教育的若干意见》和《中小学心理健康教育指导纲要》,心理健康教育成为现代学校教育的一个重要标志。  相似文献   

In this paper I give considerable attention to Richard Rorty's attempt to make plausible a conception of non-rational semantic and cultural change - change which Rorty insists on describing as identical with progress - in order to show the extent to which this attempt is compromised from the start by an unjustifiably narrow and inconsistent view of reason. The point of this immanent critique is not just to make Rorty's view of non-rational change look bad. It is meant to do more justice to his claim that intellectual and moral progress is inseparable from speaking and acting differently by incorporating this claim into a philosophically enlarged picture of reason. So the value of taking Rorty's claims about change seriously lies less in showing the shortcomings of his conception of reason than it does in bringing a sense of urgency to the need to renew the project begun by Kant, Hegel, and German Idealism - the project of conceiving reason as an agency of change by reinterpreting reason in terms of self-determining freedom.  相似文献   

Causal layered analysis (CLA) is an emerging qualitative methodology adopted in the discipline of planning as an approach to deconstruct complex social issues. With psychologists increasingly confronted with complex, and “wicked” social and community issues, we argue that the discipline of psychology would benefit from adopting CLA as an analytical method. Until now, the application of CLA for data interpretation has generally been poorly defined and overwhelming for the novice. In this paper we propose an approach to CLA that provides a method for the deconstruction and analysis of complex social psychological issues. We introduce CLA as a qualitative methodology well suited for psychology, introduce the epistemological foundations of CLA, define a space for it adoption within the discipline, and, outline the steps for conducting a CLA using an applied example.  相似文献   

Because of the increase in the number of women seeking treatment for alcoholism in recent years, it is essential that counselors give careful consideration to how this client population can most effectively be helped. Three counselors from the Alcohol Institute of the Eastern Maine Medical Center, Bangor, were interviewed for this article. Their perceptions and experiences as alcoholism counselors are integrated with some of the current research on alcoholic women to provide a framework for professionals in a variety of settings to develop an awareness of the specific issues affecting alcoholic women and to begin to address these issues with their clients.  相似文献   

规范化培养全科医生是一项长期、复杂、艰巨的任务。过渡时期,规范化培养全科医生主要通过对基层医生的转岗培训、强化定向培养全科医生的技能培训、基层医生通过成人高等教育提升学历层次、三级医院医生到基层服务四种途径来实现。四种途径皆存在一些影响培养效果的弊端,需要进一步深入研究;着眼长远,规范化培养全科医生又容易受社会因素干扰,统一规范比较困难,全科医生制度容易流于形式等。保障全科医生的福利待遇并建立激励机制,增强职业认同感和岗位吸引力,是规范化培养全科医生保持持续活力的关键。  相似文献   

The lore surrounding the mythical Witches' Sabbat and contemporary reports of UFO abductions share three main characteristics: the use of masks, the appearance of "Men in Black," and references to flight and abduction. We review these three commonalities with particular focus on the aspect of flight and abduction. We argue that narratives of the Witches' Sabbat and UFO abductions share the same basic structure, common symbolism, and serve the same psychological needs of providing a coherent explanation for anomalous (ambiguous) experiences while simultaneously giving the experient a sense of freedom, release, and escape from the self. This pattern of similarities suggests the possibility that UFO abductions are a modern version of tales of flight to the Sabbat.  相似文献   

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