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“医学仁爱”是医学道德性质判断的一个常见命题,然而,基于对现实的思考,从个体自爱与爱他人的关系、医学对社会成员的选择性帮助是常态、人类的利他行为表达有诸多影响因素等方面论述了医学仁爱的条件性,又以医学人力资源的有限性、医学科学知识和技术能力的局限性、共情及其两面性、其他医疗资源的稀缺性等角度论证了医学仁爱的有限性。限于医学仁爱的条件性与有限性,需要进行医学德性隐喻祛魅、理解医学道德的有限性,且只有在全社会、医疗卫生系统和公众之间构建和施行其系统的道德行为准则,才能使医学回归其职业德性要求。  相似文献   

Recently, Ernest Sosa (2007) has proposed two novel solutions to the problem of dream skepticism. In the present paper, I argue that Sosa’s first solution falls prey to what I will refer to as the conditionality problem, i.e., the problem of only establishing a conditional—in this case, “if x, then I am awake,” x being a placeholder for a condition incompatible with dreaming—in a context where it also needs to be established that we can know that the antecedent holds, and as such can infer the consequent, i.e., “I am awake.” Sosa’s second solution, in terms of so-called reflective knowledge, is shown to land him in the dilemma of either facing yet another conditionality problem, or violating an internalist constraint that he explicitly grants the skeptic with respect to what kind of factors can be legitimately invoked in our account of how we may know the relevant antecedent. For these reasons, I conclude that Sosa has not solved the problem of dream skepticism.  相似文献   

萨特从“意识的意向性“出发建构的实存主义,具有反对本质主义的显赫动机;由实存主义出发得出“他人就是地狱”、自我与他人正相冲突的结论,也具有反对规范伦理学的典型意义;但以此出发构建一种伦理学的理论主张却是不可能实现的。根本原因在于:作为其理论基石的实存主义依然是一种形而上学的致思路径,以此为视点无法与具体的伦理经验相兼容,而且必然陷入悖谬。  相似文献   

This paper puts forward the idea that “relationality” can exist only in relation to something that is necessarily non-relational, and by extension argues in favor of such open structures for psychoanalytic theorizing. After making the distinction between relational theory and the Relational movement, it takes up and elaborates two registers of “non-relationality,” the domains of place and of the body.  相似文献   

The Davidic covenant is the basis of the hope for a restoration of the Davidic kingdom in Chronicles. The Chronicler's retention of both the unconditionality and conditionality of the Davidic covenant does not mean that he was inconsistent; in my view, he views the two as complementary. The royal promise is conditional in the sense that the Davidic kings are disciplined and punished, and the kingdom ceases to exist when it does not meet the conditions set down by YHWH; it is unconditional in that YHWH's will never depart from the kingdom, as seen in 1 Chron. 17:13 where YHWH distinguishes his promise to David from his promise to Saul. Following this line of thought, the Chronicler yearns for further change in the postexilic temple‐centered society through a restoration of the lost kingdom by appealing to the Davidic covenant. The latter subtends the preservation of the Davidic kingdom in the preexilic period and a possible restoration in the postexilic period.  相似文献   

论伦理秩序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实存的伦理关系是客观条件与主观条件的历史性统一,伦理关系本质上是现实合理性秩序中的关系,是有主体精神渗透其中并通过道德、法律、习俗等规则体系维系的关系,它的首要问题是秩序的合理性和正当性。研究伦理秩序应把道德和伦理两个概念加以区分;伦理秩序的顺畅和谐在于道德的有效调节,也在于法律的有效控制。伦理秩序在社会变革中经过必然与自由的辩证运动,使矛盾化解,推动社会和谐发展。和谐社会应当是以公正支撑的合理的伦理秩序的社会。  相似文献   

论儿童的心理理论与执行功能的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
以错误 信念任务和表面 现实任务为主要测量手段的大量心理理论研究的结果表明,儿童的心理理论大约在4岁左右才能形成。儿童的心理理论为什么不能在4岁之前形成?研究者利用执行功能的缺乏来解释这种现象。研究表明,抑制控制、规则使用、工作记忆等可能均是与心理理论相关的一些执行成分,但这些观点均受到不同程度的质疑。因此,关于心理理论和执行功能的关系,还需要开展大量的后续研究。新近提出的关于"冷"执行功能和"热"执行功能的区分,也许是进一步探讨心理理论和执行功能关系的新途径。  相似文献   

从起源上来看,古希腊的医学与哲学都是脱胎于原始宗教和神话。早期自然哲学虽然与原始宗教和神话研究内容相似,但它却是用理性、从自然本身解释自然现象。古代希腊哲学家们用诸如水、不定、数等来解释万物的本原,以及此后苏格拉底所开创的从个别现象中归纳出普遍性的定义法都影响了古代医学对人体和疾病现象的解释。古希腊医学兴起之后,又反过来对哲学产生影响。无论是柏拉图还是亚里士多德的哲学都深受医学观念的影响,希腊化时期的伊壁鸠鲁和斯多亚学派则更甚。  相似文献   

论齐景公与晏婴的和谐关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以《晏子春秋》为据,对齐景公与晏婴的和谐关系进行初步探讨,分析二人之间关系和谐的基础,描述和谐的表现,分析其历史作用及局限,认为正是这种和谐关系才使得齐国出现了政局相对稳定的局面。  相似文献   

心理理论和语言能力的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
心理理论和语言能力的关系已日益引起研究者们的关注.文章综述了以非人灵长类动物、正常儿童和特殊人群为对象进行的有关心理理论和语言关系的研究,从比较和发展的角度进行了理论分析.提出一定的语言能力水平也许是通过心理理论测试的前提条件,但二者有着不同的发展规律,并表现为复杂的共存关系.  相似文献   

大数据技术的进步,给传统科学哲学带来了诸多挑战。科学哲学家们需要重新思考数据的本质,进而深入思考数据的特性以及与信息的内在关联。对数据本质的理解主要有两种:一是关系论,二是表征论。以大数据技术的发展为依据,可知关系论更加合理,同时可将信息解释为数据加意义。数据和现象的区分,可以进一步为我们提供理解数据之本质的途径。从大数据的发展看数据和现象的区分,可以得知在不同语境中对数据的定义是不同的,因此数据的两种定义其实并没有冲突。通过对香农的信息定义的解读,可知信息和数据之间有着内在的关联,二者是关系实体的不同表述方式。解决问题的关键在于该定义所使用的语境,以及是否赋予意义在此关系之上,因此数据就是信息,万物皆可信息化或数据化。  相似文献   

In Skinner's (1957) conceptual analysis, the process of self-editing is integral to the dynamic complexities of multiply determined verbal behavior, but the analysis has generated little in the way of an experimental analysis. The majority of scientific work on self-editing has taken place within linguistics and cognitive psycholinguistics. Here we compare and contrast behavioral and cognitive psycholinguistic approaches to self-editing, highlighting points of contact that can be identified despite fundamental differences in theoretical styles. We conclude that the two approaches are not mutually exclusive on all dimensions, and suggest that a consideration of cognitive psycholinguistic research may help to spur an experimental analysis of self-editing from a behavioral perspective.  相似文献   

主观幸福感与人格关系的研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
杨秀君  孔克勤 《心理科学》2003,26(1):121-123
主观幸福感(Subjective Well-bing,简称SWB)是衡量个人和社会生活质量的一种重要的综合性心理指标。几千年来,哲学家们都在争论美好生活的质量这一问题,从这些争论中得出的一个结论是美好的生活是快乐的(尽管哲学家们对快乐的定义有所不同)。因为不管在其它方面是如何的优越,不满意的和压抑的社会不可能是一个理想的社会。Diener和Suh在这些哲学观点的基础上提出主观幸福感是评估社会生活质量的三种指标之一(另外两种是经济的和社会的指标)。HJ积极的SWB是美好生活和美好社会的必要条件。  相似文献   

Though the names “Judith Butler” and “Martin Heidegger” rarely come together in Butler and Heidegger scholarship, the critical encounter between these philosophers might help us conceptualize the relationship between freedom and marginalization. In this paper, I will read Butler from the perspective of the Heidegger of Being and Time and claim that what Butler's philosophy suggests is the radical dependency of one's freedom on the cultural resuscitation of socially murdered racial, sexual, ethnic, religious, and sectarian/confessional minorities. More specifically, I will claim that the socially sanctioned subject's freedom is dependent on the marginalized Other's freedom, and, conversely, the marginalized Other's freedom is dependent on the socially sanctioned subject's freedom.  相似文献   

Most accounts of asyntactic comprehension fall along a spectrum from pure representational accounts to pure processing accounts. The double dependency hypothesis of Mauner, Fromkin, and Cornell (1993) is an example of the former, while the SYNCHRON model of Haarman and Kolk (1991; see also Kolk, this volume) is an example of the latter. This paper attempts to demonstrate some of the ways that these two approaches interact. We introduce GENCHRON, a computer model based on Haarman and Kolk′s SYNCHRON. GENCHRON is a parser subject to the kinds of processing deficits examined in Haarman and Kolk (1991). We present a simple grammar which leads GENCHRON to produce the kinds of semantic representations which Mauner, Fromkin, and Cornell (1993) propose for asyntactic comprehenders.  相似文献   

禅宗对中国文人画艺术美学的影响十分深远,其在唐宋之际勃兴,在明清时期禅学书画论大放异彩——除了整体风格追求境界的超然、韵味之美外,其不拘一格的手法创造出了一种禅学意义上的“怪美”.这一“怪美”的审美趣味彰显独立个性,不为俗世牵绊,以世事为背景,承袭陶渊明、竹林七贤等魏晋以来的“怪才”而另有独创.  相似文献   

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