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The main goal of this research is to study whether or not the order of presentation of the premises in a logical argument form, such as a conditional reasoning task, could affect the processing time of premises and conclusion and the conclusions that participants accept as valid in an evaluation task. One experiment is reported in which participants are asked to evaluate computer-presented conditionals. Half of the problems were presented in traditional order (“if p then q, p, therefore q”) and half in inverse order (“p, if p then q, therefore q”). The experiment showed that there was an order effect in processing the premises and conclusion: participants took longer to read the premises in traditional order than in inverse order, but they took longer to read the conclusion in inverse order than in traditional order. The finding is discussed with respect to the main theories of conditional reasoning.  相似文献   

Despite technological advances, trust still remains as a major issue facing autonomous vehicles. Existing studies have reported that explanations of the status of automation systems can be an effective strategy to increase trust, but these effects can differ depending on the forms of explanations and autonomous driving situations. To address this issue, this study examines the effects of explanation types and perceived risk on trust in autonomous vehicles. Three types of explanations (i.e., no, simple, and attributional explanations) are designed based on attribution theory. Additionally, four autonomous driving situations with different levels of risk are designed based on a simulator program. Results show that explanation type significantly affects trust in autonomous vehicles, and the perceived risk of driving situations significantly moderates the effect of the explanation type. At a high level of perceived risk, attributional explanations and no explanations lead to the lowest and highest values in trust, respectively. However, at a low level of perceived risk, these effects reverse.  相似文献   

A pair of pure-tone sine waves, with the first tone presented randomly to either ear, was presented simultaneously or sequentially. The order of occurrence of the tones (temporal order) and the number of tones perceived (fusion-nonfusion) were judged. Three values of stimulus intensity (40, 55, and 70 dB SPL) and 10 values of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA; 0, 1, 2, and 4 to 28 msec in 4-msec steps) were varied. Of major importance in this investigation was the relationship between the judgmental tasks of temporal order and fusion-nonfusion. Response time and accuracy were the dependent measures used to assess that relationship. The results of two groups of 10 subjects showed an increase in the percentage of correct nonfusion judgments with increases in stimulus intensity and SOA. For correct judgments of temporal order, no significant intensity or SOA effects were noted. Response time for the fusion-nonfusion task was significantly influenced by both stimulus intensity and SOA. For the response times associated with the temporal order task, intensity was significant. More important to this investigation was the observed Intensity by SOA by Task interaction for response time data. These results suggest a hybrid model, with different processes occurring within different stages of this model.  相似文献   


Self-reports of symptom experience and subjective ratings of health were obtained from 157 undergraduates. The format of the symptom-report question was varied so that half the participants underlined any symptoms (in a list of 30) they had experienced (endorse condition), whereas the remaining participants crossed out any they had not experienced (exclude condition). Within each of these conditions, half were asked to record symptoms over the last month, and half over the last year. Participants in the exclude condition reported, on average, 70% more symptoms than those in the endorse condition. More symptoms were reported over the last year than the last month. Adjusting for the number of symptoms reported and the perceived seriousness of the symptom set as a whole, participants rated their own state of health more negatively in the endorse than exclude condition. This is consistent with research on the “feature-positive” effect, suggesting that active responses have greater influence on self-perceptions. It is argued that self-report measures of health status must be interpreted in relative, rather than absolute terms, and that attention should be paid to the underlying cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Subjects constructed four-term linear orders from three sentences expressing the relationships between adjacent elements in the order. Successful performance was more likely when the second sentence introduced only one element not mentioned in the first sentence rather than two new elements and when the second and third sentences introduced new elements as grammatical subjects rather than objects. Except for the latter result, previously proposed theories of reasoning processes primarily in three-term series problems, predict other differences that failed to appear. Apparently, in longer series, memory limitations favor conditions in which each sentence after the first presents a relationship between a new and an old element in linguistic forms that identify the new element.  相似文献   

Influences on the perceived risk of purchasing online   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines whether the perceived risk of online purchasing by consumers varies with the frequency of previous purchases, satisfaction with previous purchase experiences, the good/service orientation of an intended purchase and the level of purchase decision involvement required. No association was found between the frequency of online purchasing and perceived risk, although satisfaction with prior internet purchases was negatively associated with the perceived risk of intended purchases, but only for low‐involvement products. Differences in perceived risk were associated with whether the intended purchase was a good or service and whether it was a high or low‐involvement product. Analysis of consumer perceived risks, disaggregated by type of risk and purchase situation, provides insight into impediments that may hinder the expansion of consumer purchasing using the internet. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

This experiment enquired: (1) whether right visual field (RVF) recognition superiority was greater in bilateral than in unilateral word presentation; (2) whether left field-favouring attentional or recall sets could be induced by presenting left visual field (LVF) words 20 msec prior to RVF words or by instructions to report LVF words prior to RVF words. Results showed: (1) all conditions studied yielded significant RVF superiority; (2) RVF superiority magnitude was significantly greater in bilateral than in unilateral presentation, suggesting the tenability of hypotheses that different mechanisms operate in these conditions; (3) neither earlier delivery nor earlier report of LVF words altered the pattern of RVF superiority in bilateral presentation, the later result demonstrating that differential receptive organization rather than differential recall of the two stimuli is responsible for RVF superiority in bilateral presentation.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms by which concepts are learned from examples by manipulating the presentation order in which the examples were presented to subjects. We introduce the idea of a rule-based presentation order, which is a sequence that respects the internal organization of the examples within a category. We find that such an order substantially facilitates learning, as compared with previously known beneficial orders, such as a similarity-based order. We discuss this result in light of the central distinction between rule-based and similaritybased learning models.  相似文献   

In the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm, words (e.g., sour, candy, sugar,…) related to one critical word (e.g., sweet) typically are encoded in descending order of their association with the critical word. When recognition is tested, memory is greater for related words than for critical words, as predicted by extant memory models. Surprisingly, however, memory is not greater for unrelated words (presented in other encoding lists) than for related words, in contrast with predictions from these same models. In two experiments, we tested whether intralist presentation order is responsible for the unexplained results. Word lists were studied in standard or reversed order (ascending order of association to critical words). Subsequent recognition for related words was high when lists were presented in the standard order but very low when lists were presented in reverse. Results indicate that presentation order affects related-word false alarms, providing important new constraints for memory models.  相似文献   

A theory of perceived risk and attractiveness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
People judged both the attractiveness and risk of lotteries to win or lose money. The lotteries were designed to test whether risk and attractiveness judgments show systematic deviations from the simple sum of probability-by-utility-products analogous to (S)EU theory. Our results led to an alternative combination rule for probability and outcome information, with a relative weight averaging component and a configural (i.e., sign- or rank-dependent) probability weighting component. Ratings of risk and attractiveness were negatively correlated, but the two tasks showed systematic differences in the rank order of judgments. Both judgments could be fit by the same configural relative weight averaging model, but with different parameters (especially the sign-dependent probability weighting functions). Risk judgments were more sensitive to the probability of losses and zero outcomes compared to attractiveness judgments, which were more sensitive to the probability of gains. There were individual differences on the extent of this difference in probability weights between risk and attractiveness judgments.  相似文献   

Masin SC 《Perception》2003,32(10):1189-1198
Tests are reported of the possibility that local information from contour junctions and from corners of intersecting surfaces is used for perceived surface segregation. Stimuli were two intersecting squares with small disks occluding different parts of the squares. The perceived segregation of the squares from one another decreased as the amount of occlusion of parts of the squares increased. This segregation was less when disks occluded parts of contours than when disks occluded parts entirely inside the squares. Occlusion of parts of contours reduced segregation independently of whether contour junctions or corners were visible or invisible, both where the intersecting surfaces were transparent squares and when they were outlined squares. The present findings show that local information from contour junctions or from corners is not used for surface segregation, and confirm that this segregation is determined by global processes of grouping of areas and of extrapolation of contours.  相似文献   

The present study explores 2 key variables in social metacognition: perceived intelligence and perceived levels of knowledge about a specific content domain. The former represents a judgment of one's knowledge at an abstract level, whereas the latter represents a judgment of one's knowledge in a specific content domain. Data from interviews of approximately 8,411 female adolescents from a national sample were analyzed in a 2-wave panel design with a year between assessments. Higher levels of perceived intelligence at Wave 1 were associated with a lower probability of the occurrence of a pregnancy over the ensuing year independent of actual IQ, self-esteem, and academic aspirations. Higher levels of perceived knowledge about the accurate use of birth control were associated with a higher probability of the occurrence of a pregnancy independent of actual knowledge about accurate use, perceived intelligence, self-esteem, and academic aspirations.  相似文献   

Effects of perceived similarity on vicarious emotional conditioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present experiment tested the hypothesis that perceived similarity between observers and models enhances vicarious emotional conditioning. Subjects were led to believe that they were either similar to the model in beliefs and attitudes, different from him or were given no information about him. They then underwent a vicarious classical conditioning procedure by witnessing the model express pain reactions in conjunction with a neutral stimulus. Observers developed emotional reactions to the neutral stimulus alone after seeing it paired with modeled pain expressions. Preceived similarity, however, had no significant effect on either the level of vicarious conditioning or the rate of extinction. Subjects who had no information concerning the model displayed stronger autonomic responses to the model's pain expressions, and more frequent and intense autonomic responses to the conditioned stimulus during tests for acquisition and extinction. In correlational analyses, subjects in the latter condition also yielded a significant positive relationship between self-reported arousal and vicarious emotional conditioning. The obtained findings were interpreted in terms of the emotion arousing properties of unfamiliarity.  相似文献   

Effects of presentation complexity on rapid-sequential reading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The present paper explores the notion that an important difference between prior operational definitions of “cue” or “heuristic” information versus “message argument” information has to do with differential processing difficulty, and relative ordinal position of these two information types. In previous work, “cue/heuristic” information typically differed from “message argument” information not only in its contents, but also in it being (1) briefer, and (2) presented prior to the message information. We find that it is relative brevity and ordinal position rather than contents that ultimately explain the differences in persuasive impact between “cue/heuristic” versus “message argument” information. In so far as both “cues” and “message arguments” can vary in brevity and order with which they are presented, these findings are consistent with the view that these two information types do not necessarily differ in their persuasive impact.  相似文献   

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