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西方表象活动周期理论与中国周易思想的一致性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在表象研究方面,继表象认知理论之后,新近提出的表象活动周期理论对表象的作用进行了深入的研究。它重申表象在问题解决中对目标计划、管理和调控的促进作用;更强调表象活动是一个周而复始的循环动态过程。同时,文章把表象活动周期理论与中国古传统文化周易等思想做了比较,发现两者有某些一致性,在表象研究方面中西方文化将趋于高度融合,其研究成果将为世界范围内的教育改革提供心理学理论依据。  相似文献   

"The 2012 China-Germany Symposium on Modern Development in Computability Theory and Its Applications" was concerned with new developments in computability theory,and aimed at the cooperation of Chinese and German computation scientists.It was held in Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou,China,during 17th to 22nd,September.During the symposium,scientists shared their recent works,  相似文献   

近年来听觉表象开始得到关注,相关研究包括言语声音、音乐声音、环境声音的听觉表象三类。本文梳理了认知神经科学领域对上述三种听觉表象所激活的脑区研究,比较了听觉表象和听觉对应脑区的异同,并展望了听觉表象未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

纪林芹  张文新 《心理科学进展》2011,19(11):1563-1571
长期以来, 发展心理学研究主要采取变量定向的方法。近年来, 随着发展心理学理论的发展和人类发展个体差异的科学事实的积累, 个体定向的方法得以发展并且成为发展心理学研究的主要方法思路之一。个体定向的方法关注作为整体的个体, 旨在确定有意义的同质性个体类别或亚组。个体定向的方法包括一系列的基本理论原则, 具体数据分析方法包括传统聚类分析、基于模型的聚类方法以及配置频次分析等。发展心理学研究需综合运用个体定向的方法与变量定向的方法。  相似文献   

颜色知觉恒常理论的回顾   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文对早期颜色恒常理论、系数理论、计算理论和 Octant模型作了简要回顾 ,并结合已有的研究成果进行评述。对影响颜色恒常性机制的主要因素进行了探讨。强调了知觉经验、记忆、认知决策等高级意识活动对颜色恒常知觉的作用 ,并尝试性地提出了描述颜色恒常知觉过程的一般参照框架。  相似文献   

“心理理论”是认知发展领域的研究热点之一,迄今已积累了大量行为研究的证据。心理理论具有领域特异的模块化认知机制,脑成像研究中也发现心理理论任务激活前额叶皮质等多个模块区域。论文阐述了真实表征与错误信念、心智互动等心理理论推理的神经机制,总结了该领域存在的问题并对今后研究的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

发展性计算障碍是一种影响算术技能获得的特定的学习障碍。截至目前,有关发展性计算障碍的认知与神经机制的理论尚存分歧,有关诊断与鉴别标准也未统一。近年来,对于发展性计算障碍的理论假设有从一般认知因素取向到数学特定因素取向发展的趋势。而随着脑成像技术的不断发展,对于发展性计算障碍神经机制的研究也从针对单个脑区的特异性功能发展到从功能连接网络角度进行研究。并且研究者们开始尝试开发基于数学认知基本理论的干预方法,并采用了利用生物技术手段的新方法。基因-脑-行为的整合研究将有助于全面揭示发展性计算障碍的发生机制,而建立在系统理论基础上经过科学评估的干预手段将可能有效促进障碍者的计算能力。  相似文献   

皮亚杰(Piaget Jean,1896—1980)不仅是著名心理学家,而且还是著名的哲学家、逻辑学家。他所创立的日内瓦发生心理学派研究儿童心理发生和发展的机制和规律,在以儿童智慧、言语和思维为中心课题而进行了系统的、深入的、探索性的研究中取得了丰硕的成果。之后,皮亚杰以发生心理学研究成果为出发点和基础而创造性地提出了发生认识论原理。发生认识论是发生心理学基本原理在科学认识论中的推广和应用。  相似文献   

多元智能理论的神经心理学基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
香港和澳门地区近年积极提倡素质教育 ,美国学者加德纳 (HowardGardner)的多元智能理论 (TheoryofMultipleIntellgences)逐渐受到教育工作者的重视 ,期望这理论可以作为适性教育的指导思想。本文旨在阐释人类心灵的生物构造 ,以及从神经心理学 (neuropsychology)角度分析心灵 (mind)发展的三个层面 (感知的、创意的、统整的 ) ;继而介绍加德纳如何通过介定智能的八项基准 ,来建立至目前为止关于人类认知发展最完整的理论 ;最后尝试根据心灵发展的三个层面 ,辨别“智能”和“智慧”的涵意  相似文献   

"心理理论"的神经机制:来自脑成像的证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘岩  张蔚  陈晶  高艳霞  王益文 《心理科学》2007,30(3):763-765
"心理理论"是认知发展领域的研究热点之一,迄今已积累了大量行为研究的证据.心理理论具有领域特异的模块化认知机制,脑成像研究中也发现心理理论任务激活前额叶皮质等多个模块区域.论文阐述了真实表征与错误信念、心智互动等心理理论推理的神经机制,总结了该领域存在的问题并对今后研究的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

依据Rayleigh颜色匹配方法研制人眼颜色视觉定量测量实验装置,并对20名色觉正常和30名色觉异常大学生的颜色视觉进行测量。结果表明,色觉异常被试在Rayleigh匹配中点和匹配范围测量值上均与色觉正常被试者存在明显的差异。  相似文献   

先天性色觉异常的特性及检查方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
池海宏  孙秀如 《心理科学》1997,20(3):239-242
本文简单介绍了各种先天性色觉异常的特性及常用的色觉检查方法。不同类型的先天性色觉异常在颜色匹配、光谱感受性、色差辨别等方面均表现出不同的特点,色觉检查方法就是在这些特点的基础上,根据异常者的某一色觉缺陷设计的。常用的检查方法有假同色图测验,色相排列测验和色盲镜等。一般来说,不同的检查方法各有所长,并应用于临床的不同阶段  相似文献   

Virtual organisms animated by a computational theory of selection by consequences responded on symmetrical and asymmetrical concurrent schedules of reinforcement. The theory instantiated Darwinian principles of selection, reproduction, and mutation such that a population of potential behaviors evolved under the selection pressure exerted by reinforcement from the environment. The virtual organisms' steady‐state behavior was well described by the power function matching equation, and the parameters of the equation behaved in ways that were consistent with findings from experiments with live organisms. Together with previous research on single‐alternative schedules (McDowell, 2004; McDowell & Caron, 2007) these results indicate that the equations of matching theory are emergent properties of the evolutionary dynamics of selection by consequences.  相似文献   

Carl S. Helrich 《Zygon》2006,41(3):543-566
Abstract. I present a partially historical discussion of the basis of the quantum theory in nonmathematical terms using human knowledge and consciousness as an underlying theme. I show that the philosophical position in both classical and quantum theory is the experimental and mathematical philosophy of Isaac Newton. Because almost all the systems we deal with are multicomponent, we must consider the limitations and openness imposed by thermodynamics on our claims in both classical and quantum treatments. Here the reality of measurement stands in the way of any simple picture but also provides the basis for considerations of free will. Particular care is taken with the concepts of quantum measurement, entanglement, and decoherence because of their importance in the discussion.  相似文献   

许宗惠  林仲贤 《心理科学》1997,20(4):303-306
本研究采用类例判断法,在不同光源下对22张图片肤色样本逐一地进行主观评价。使用的照明光源为D65、CWF和A三种标准光源,色温分别为6500K、4150K和2856K。垂直照明,45°观察.肤色样本的视角为2°。实验结果表明:观察者在A光源下比D65光源更容易地评价肤色样本的质量,即在D65光源下的满意样本,在A光源下其喜爱程度趋于提高,而对不满意样本的喜爱程度趋于降低或基本相同;在三种照明条件下,被评为最佳肤色的样本与真实肤色有些偏离,色调略为偏黄,亮度较高,饱和度则非常接近;在肤色的波长范围内,亮度较高而饱和度偏低的肤色样本往往是优选样本。  相似文献   

Henry P. Stapp 《Zygon》2006,41(3):617-622
Abstract. Niels Bohr stated, and Werner Heisenberg reiterated, that “in the great drama of existence we ourselves are both actors and spectators.” Their emphasis stems from the fact that the entry of human beings into physics as actors constitutes the most fundamental philosophical departure of twentieth‐century basic physics from its eighteenth‐ and nineteenth‐century forerunners. Those earlier theories claimed that our human conscious thoughts are mere witnesses to, or by‐products of, essentially mechanically determined brain processes. In stark contrast, certain conscious decisions that are made by human beings, but that are not determined by any known law, statistical or otherwise, enter irreducibly into orthodox contemporary physical theory. These actions are required to counteract effects of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which ordains that the physically described process of nature, acting alone, produces not a physical world of the kind we experience but rather a continuous smear of potential possible worlds of the kind we know. This contradiction between theory and experience is resolved in orthodox contemporary physical theory by bringing certain effects of our conscious human choices into the dynamics in essentially the way that we intuitively feel that our conscious intentions affect the physical world, namely, via the effects of our intentional efforts on our physically described bodies. The moral implications of this profound change in physics are discussed.  相似文献   

Few nonverbal developmentally disabled children ever receive adequate vision assessment because of their limited language skills. The present study details a simultaneous discrimination procedure for measuring subjective visual acuity in such children. A stimulus fading procedure was used to train a discrimination between Snellen Es differing in orientation, and a psychophysical tracking method was used to determine acuity thresholds. The procedure was tested with 11 nonverbal autistic and schizophrenic children and validated with four nonpsychotic children. Eight of the psychotic children were successfully examined in one to three sessions. Two of these children were identified as having significant acuity losses. The validity assessment showed that the experimental procedure resulted in thresholds equal to or slightly lower than those obtained with the Illiterate E chart.  相似文献   

人眼深度运动知觉的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类的深度运动知觉,是通过检测二维平面内的相对运动而形成的。本文在心理物理学实验基础上,揭示该机制的数学与生理学实现形式。视觉系统中存在对视平面内的相对运动敏感的神经元,构成深度运动的检测机制,产生单眼深度运动知觉与双眼深度运动知觉。在心理学上,视觉利用物体视角变化及大小知觉的恒常性判断深度运动。文中还初步讨论了人类的深度运动知觉与蜜蜂,家蝇等昆虫的深度运动知觉的区别。  相似文献   

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