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In the context of covariance structure analysis, a unified approach to the asymptotic theory of alternative test criteria for testing parametric restrictions is provided. The discussion develops within a general framework that distinguishes whether or not the fitting function is asymptotically optimal, and allows the null and alternative hypothesis to be only approximations of the true model. Also, the equivalent of the information matrix, and the asymptotic covariance matrix of the vector of summary statistics, are allowed to be singular. When the fitting function is not asymptotically optimal, test statistics which have asymptotically a chi-square distribution are developed as a natural generalization of more classical ones. Issues relevant for power analysis, and the asymptotic theory of a testing related statistic, are also investigated.This research has been supported by the U.S.-Spanish Joint Committee for Cultural and Educational Cooperation, grant number V-B.854020. The author wishes to express his gratitude to P. M. Bentler who provided very helpful suggestions and research facilities—with an stimulating working environment—at the University of California, Los Angeles, where this work was undertaken. Thanks are also due to W. E. Saris who provided very valuable comments to earlier versions of this paper. Finally, it has also to be acknowledged the editor's and reviewers suggestions which led to substantial improvements of this article.  相似文献   

Using the theory of pseudo maximum likelihood estimation the asymptotic covariance matrix of maximum likelihood estimates for mean and covariance structure models is given for the case where the variables are not multivariate normal. This asymptotic covariance matrix is consistently estimated without the computation of the empirical fourth order moment matrix. Using quasi-maximum likelihood theory a Hausman misspecification test is developed. This test is sensitive to misspecification caused by errors that are correlated with the independent variables. This misspecification cannot be detected by the test statistics currently used in covariance structure analysis.For helpful comments on a previous draft of the paper we are indebted to Kenneth A. Bollen, Ulrich L. Küsters, Michael E. Sobel and the anonymous reviewers of Psychometrika. For partial research support, the first author wishes to thank the Department of Sociology at the University of Arizona, where he was a visiting professor during the fall semester 1987.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo experiment is conducted to investigate the performance of the bootstrap methods in normal theory maximum likelihood factor analysis both when the distributional assumption is satisfied and unsatisfied. The parameters and their functions of interest include unrotated loadings, analytically rotated loadings, and unique variances. The results reveal that (a) bootstrap bias estimation performs sometimes poorly for factor loadings and nonstandardized unique variances; (b) bootstrap variance estimation performs well even when the distributional assumption is violated; (c) bootstrap confidence intervals based on the Studentized statistics are recommended; (d) if structural hypothesis about the population covariance matrix is taken into account then the bootstrap distribution of the normal theory likelihood ratio test statistic is close to the corresponding sampling distribution with slightly heavier right tail.This study was carried out in part under the ISM cooperative research program (91-ISM · CRP-85, 92-ISM · CRP-102). The authors would like to thank the editor and three reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions which improved the quality of this paper considerably.  相似文献   

Data are ipsative if they are subject to a constant-sum constraint for each individual. In the present study, ordinal ipsative data (OID) are defined as the ordinal rankings across a vector of variables. It is assumed that OID are the manifestations of their underlying nonipsative vector y, which are difficult to observe directly. A two-stage estimation procedure is suggested for the analysis of structural equation models with OID. In the first stage, the partition maximum likelihood (PML) method and the generalized least squares (GLS) method are proposed for estimating the means and the covariance matrix of Acy, where Ac is a known contrast matrix. Based on the joint asymptotic distribution of the first stage estimator and an appropriate weight matrix, the generalized least squares method is used to estimate the structural parameters in the second stage. A goodness-of-fit statistic is given for testing the hypothesized covariance structure. Simulation results show that the proposed method works properly when a sufficiently large sample is available.This research was supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse Grants DA01070 and DA10017. The authors are indebted to Dr. Lee Cooper, Dr. Eric Holman, Dr. Thomas Wickens for their valuable suggestions on this study, and Dr. Fanny Cheung for allowing us to use her CPAI data set in this article. The authors would also like to acknowledge the helpful comments from the editor and the two anonymous reviewers.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo approach was employed to investigate the interpretability of improper solutions caused by sampling error in maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analysis. Four models were studied with two sample sizes. Of the overall goodness-of-fit indices provided by the LISREL VI program significant differences between improper and proper solutions were found only for the root mean square residual. As expected, indicators of the factor on which the negative uniqueness estimate occurred had biased loadings, and the correlations of its factor with other factors were also biased. In contrast, the loadings of indicators on other factors and those factor intercorrelations did not have any bias of practical significance. For initial solutions with one negative uniqueness estimate, three respecifications were studied: Fix the uniqueness at .00, fix it at .20, or constrain the domain of the solution to be proper. For alternate, respecified solutions that were converged and proper, the constrained solutions and uniqueness fixed at .00 solutions were equivalent. The mean goodness-of-fit and pattern coefficient values for the original improper solutions were not meaningfully different from those obtained under the constrained and uniqueness fixed at .00 respecifications.This investigation was supported in part by a grant from the Baylor University Research Committee (#018-F83-URC). The authors gratefully acknowledge the comments and suggestions of Claes Fornell and Roger E. Kirk, and the assistance of Timothy J. Vance with the analysis.  相似文献   

Several algorithms for covariance structure analysis are considered in addition to the Fletcher-Powell algorithm. These include the Gauss-Newton, Newton-Raphson, Fisher Scoring, and Fletcher-Reeves algorithms. Two methods of estimation are considered, maximum likelihood and weighted least squares. It is shown that the Gauss-Newton algorithm which in standard form produces weighted least squares estimates can, in iteratively reweighted form, produce maximum likelihood estimates as well. Previously unavailable standard error estimates to be used in conjunction with the Fletcher-Reeves algorithm are derived. Finally all the algorithms are applied to a number of maximum likelihood and weighted least squares factor analysis problems to compare the estimates and the standard errors produced. The algorithms appear to give satisfactory estimates but there are serious discrepancies in the standard errors. Because it is robust to poor starting values, converges rapidly and conveniently produces consistent standard errors for both maximum likelihood and weighted least squares problems, the Gauss-Newton algorithm represents an attractive alternative for at least some covariance structure analyses.Work by the first author has been supported in part by Grant No. Da01070 from the U. S. Public Health Service. Work by the second author has been supported in part by Grant No. MCS 77-02121 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In structural equation modelling (SEM), a robust adjustment to the test statistic or to its reference distribution is needed when its null distribution deviates from a χ2 distribution, which usually arises when data do not follow a multivariate normal distribution. Unfortunately, existing studies on this issue typically focus on only a few methods and neglect the majority of alternative methods in statistics. Existing simulation studies typically consider only non-normal distributions of data that either satisfy asymptotic robustness or lead to an asymptotic scaled χ2 distribution. In this work we conduct a comprehensive study that involves both typical methods in SEM and less well-known methods from the statistics literature. We also propose the use of several novel non-normal data distributions that are qualitatively different from the non-normal distributions widely used in existing studies. We found that several under-studied methods give the best performance under specific conditions, but the Satorra–Bentler method remains the most viable method for most situations.  相似文献   

Asymptotic distributions of the estimators of communalities are derived for the maximum likelihood method in factor analysis. It is shown that the common practice of equating the asymptotic standard error of the communality estimate to the unique variance estimate is correct for standardized communality but not correct for unstandardized communality. In a Monte Carlo simulation the accuracy of the normal approximation to the distributions of the estimators are assessed when the sample size is 150 or 300. This study was carried out in part under the ISM Cooperative Research Program (90-ISM-CRP-9).  相似文献   

The large sample distribution of total indirect effects in covariance structure models in well known. Using Monte Carlo methods, this study examines the applicability of the large sample theory to maximum likelihood estimates oftotal indirect effects in sample sizes of 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800. Two models are studied. Model 1 is a recursive model with observable variables and Model 2 is a nonrecursive model with latent variables. For the large sample theory to apply, the results suggest that sample szes of 200 or more and 400 or more are required for models such as Model 1 and Model 2, respectively.For helpful comments on a previous draft of this paper, we are grateful to Gerhard Arminger, Clifford C. Clogg, and several anonymous reviewers.  相似文献   

In item response models of the Rasch type (Fischer & Molenaar, 1995), item parameters are often estimated by the conditional maximum likelihood (CML) method. This paper addresses the loss of information in CML estimation by using the information concept of F-information (Liang, 1983). This concept makes it possible to specify the conditions for no loss of information and to define a quantification of information loss. For the dichotomous Rasch model, the derivations will be given in detail to show the use of the F-information concept for making comparisons for different estimation methods. It is shown that by using CML for item parameter estimation, some information is almost always lost. But compared to JML (joint maximum likelihood) as well as to MML (marginal maximum likelihood) the loss is very small. The reported efficiency in the use of information of CML to JML and to MML in several comparisons is always larger than 93%, and in tests with a length of 20 items or more, larger than 99%.  相似文献   

Algebraic properties of the normal theory maximum likelihood solution in factor analysis regression are investigated. Two commonly employed measures of the within sample predictive accuracy of the factor analysis regression function are considered: the variance of the regression residuals and the squared correlation coefficient between the criterion variable and the regression function. It is shown that this within sample residual variance and within sample squared correlation may be obtained directly from the factor loading and unique variance estimates, without use of the original observations or the sample covariance matrix.  相似文献   

Consider an old testX consisting ofs sections and two new testsY andZ similar toX consisting ofp andq sections respectively. All subjects are given testX plus two variable sections from either testY orZ. Different pairings of variable sections are given to each subsample of subjects. We present a method of estimating the covariance matrix of the combined test (X 1, ...,X s ,Y 1, ...,Y p ,Z 1, ...,Z q ) and describe an application of these estimation techniques to linear, observed-score, test equating.The author is indebted to Paul W. Holland and Donald B. Rubin for their encouragement and many helpful comments and suggestions that contributed significantly to the development of this paper.This research was supported by the Program Statistics Research Project of the ETS Research Statistics Group.  相似文献   

In this note, we describe the iterative procedure introduced earlier by Goodman to calculate the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters in latent structure analysis, and we provide here a simple and direct proof of the fact that the parameter estimates obtained with the iterative procedure cannot lie outside the allowed interval. Formann recently stated that Goodman's algorithm can yield parameter estimates that lie outside the allowed interval, and we prove in the present note that Formann's contention is incorrect.This research was supported in part by Research Contract No. NSF SOC 76-80389 from the Division of the Social Sciences of the National Science Foundation. The author is indebted to C. C. Clogg for helpful comments and for the numerical results reported here (see, e.g., Table 1).  相似文献   

Difference in the Formation of Attitude Toward Nuclear Power   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Determinants of attitudes toward nuclear power in Japan were assessed in a March 1999 survey. The results suggested that persons with interest in and knowledge about nuclear power judged its acceptability on the basis of their perceptions of the sufficiency of electric power and the risks of nuclear power, whereas persons with no interest in and knowledge of nuclear power did not respond on this basis. Although both types of respondents based acceptability on their trust in nuclear power operation and their perception of efficiency, the influence of perception of efficiency on acceptability was stronger for the interested and knowledgeable respondents than for the others. These results partially support the elaboration likelihood model or dual process theory.  相似文献   

计算机化自适应测验中原始题项目参数的估计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计算机化自适应测验(Computerized Adaptive Testing, 简称CAT)其安全性面临着新的挑战, 小题库的安全更受威胁。如何建设一个大型、优质的题库成为CAT研究中一个非常重要的课题。目前CAT题库的建设存在一些问题, 如成本高且保密性较差。尤其是等值技术较复杂且锚题重复使用容易造成泄露。如能在实施CAT过程中插入未经过参数估计的项目(原始题), 同时对原始题项目参数进行估计, 这对建设大型、优质的CAT题库来说其意义是不言而喻的。本文基于1PLM和2PLM对此进行研究, 提出了原始题在线估计的新方法以及推导出了求区分度参数a迭代初值的计算公式。研究结果表明:无论是模拟研究还是实证研究, 原始题被作答的次数对项目参数估计结果都会产生不同的影响, 并且原始题作答人数越多项目参数估计精度也越高。  相似文献   

在非等组铆测验设计中,铆题量占测验长度的多大比例比较合适,这个比例随测验长度的增大可否发生变化?这些是实际工作者和研究者非常关心的问题。该文在固定被试数和测验长度的条件下,探查铆题量所占测验长度比例(简称铆题比例)的变化对等值精度的影响,讨论了在实际等值中如何在等值精度和铆题比例之间取得平衡的问题。并在模拟研究的条件下,给出了几个反应实际等值精度的指标。  相似文献   

Yutaka Kano 《Psychometrika》1990,55(2):277-291
Based on the usual factor analysis model, this paper investigates the relationship between improper solutions and the number of factors, and discusses the properties of the noniterative estimation method of Ihara and Kano in exploratory factor analysis. The consistency of the Ihara and Kano estimator is shown to hold even for an overestimated number of factors, which provides a theoretical basis for the rare occurrence of improper solutions and for a new method of choosing the number of factors. The comparative study of their estimator and that based on maximum likelihood is carried out by a Monte Carlo experiment.The author would like to express his thanks to Masashi Okamoto and Masamori Ihara for helpful comments and to the editor and referees for critically reading the earlier versions and making many valuable suggestions. He also thanks Shigeo Aki for his comments on physical random numbers.  相似文献   

该文以平均数差异显著性检验为例,对实验数据进行假设检验后,继续对其统计检验力和效果大小进行估计的基本原理和方法作一介绍。  相似文献   

本研究通过蒙特卡洛模拟考查了分类精确性指数Entropy及其变式受样本量、潜类别数目、类别距离和指标个数及其组合的影响情况。研究结果表明:(1)尽管Entropy值与分类精确性高相关,但其值随类别数、样本量和指标数的变化而变化,很难确定唯一的临界值;(2)其他条件不变的情况下,样本量越大,Entropy的值越小,分类精确性越差;(3)类别距离对分类精确性的影响具有跨样本量和跨类别数的一致性;(4)小样本(N=50~100)的情况下,指标数越多,Entropy的结果越好;(5)在各种条件下Entropy对分类错误率比其它变式更灵敏。  相似文献   

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