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规则多边图形的离散度与图形信号认知绩效的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用实验方法研究规则多边图形的离散度与图形信号认知绩效的关系。实验的自变量是图形的离散度参数,因变量是单位时间图形信号的视觉通道信息传递量。实验的刺激材料是25个离散度为0.3~0.7的规则多边图形。刺激材料的呈现与被试的反应记录都由计算机控制。结果表明:离散度适中(0.5左右)及偏小的图形信号认知绩效较高,离散度从0.5增大到0.6,认知绩效迅速下降,离散度继续增大,认知绩效仍有下降,但趋势平缓。  相似文献   

This field study used the Job Feedback Survey (Herold & Parsons, 1985) and performance data gathered from multiple sources to examine the relationship between the perceived organizational feedback environment and performance. Regression analyses indicated that, while holding the other feedback variables constant, feedback from supervisory and organizational sources was related to reported job performance while feedback from peers and self was not. Most of the unique variance in performance explained by feedback was also accounted for by feedback from organizational and supervisory sources. Negative expressions from organizational/supervisory sources (e.g., the supervisor expressing anger, the company communicating dissatisfaction with poor performance) were related to lower performance, and positive job changes initiated by these sources (e.g., increasing responsibility, assignment to special jobs) were related to higher performance. Higher performers did not receive more feedback than lower performers but did receive more total positive feedback. Supplemental issues, possible explanations, and implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the existence of a moderating effect for situational control of performance variance on the relationship between individual differences and performance. An experimental simulation was conducted and validity coefficients were calculated. Results supported the presence of the predicted moderating effect. The implications of these data for validation research and testing programs are discussed.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was conducted with 23 studies to assess the relationship between supervisory ratings and results-oriented measures of performance. As hypothesized, the corrected mean correlation was higher when a relative (versus absolute) rating format was used and when a composite (versus overall) rating method was used. These differences did not, however, account for all of the remaining variance around the relationship between ratings and results. Suggestions are offered for the direction of future research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature of psychometric properties of self-appraisals of work performance. It summarizes evidence of leniency, variability, halo, bias, and construct validity. Comparisons with appraisals by supervisors, peers, and subordinates suggest that self-appraisals tend to show more leniency, less variability, and less discriminant validity. Different factor structures have been found among self, supervisor and peer-ratings. On the other hand, self-appraisals showed less halo. Self-appraisals were significantly correlated with other sources in some studies and failed to correlate in many others. Existing data do not allow any conclusion whether the quality of self-appraisals is a function of scale format, amount or rater training, type of judgment, or purpose of appraisal. The effects of the observed psychometric qualities of self-appraisals on various applications are discussed. Problems may exist when they are used for administrative decision making, diagnosis of training needs, applied criterion measurement, measurement of constructs in basic research, or for selection purposes.  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation of the relationship between a measure of work group characteristics and both subjective and objective measures of group performance. To assess the relationship between the work group characteristics and performance, objective performance data and manager ratings were collected for customer service work groups who completed the measure. Correlational analyses provided evidence of a relationship between specific work group characteristics and various performance measures. In addition, a factor analysis of the measure provided a more parsimonious set of dimensions that were also related to the criterion measures. The results are discussed in terms of the factors related to work group effectiveness and their relevance to work groups in various types of organizations.  相似文献   

Significant research attention has been devoted to examining the relationship between HR practices and firm performance, and research support has assumed HR as the causal variable. Using data from 45 business units (with 62 data points), this study examines how measures of HR practices correlate with past, concurrent, and future operational performance measures. The results indicate that correlations with performance measures at all 3 times are both high and invariant, and that controlling for past or concurrent performance virtually eliminates the correlation of HR practices with future performance. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A gap in the conceptual development of the work experience construct was addressed by creating a framework specifying two dimensions along which work experience measures can vary. The dimensions of measurement mode (amount, time, and type) and level of specificity (task, job, organizational) formed nine separate categories of measures of work experience. The usefulness of the conceptual framework was tested by conducting a meta-analytic review of the existing literature on work experience using the dimensions in the framework as potential moderators of the experience-performance relationship. Results of the meta-analysis ( N = 25,911; K = 44) revealed an estimated population correlation of 27 between experience and performance after correcting for sampling error and criterion unreliability. In addition, the results showed that amount ( M = .43) and task-level ( M = .41) measures of work experience had the highest correlations with measures of job performance. In addition, work experience had the highest correlations with hard (e.g. work samples) as opposed to soft (e.g. ratings) measures of job performance ( M = .39 vs. M = .24). Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that self-restraint, a phenomenon often correlated with self-injurious behavior (SIB), may be maintained by negative reinforcement in the form of escape from the aversive properties of SIB (e.g., pain). We examined the effects of blocking SIB (and presumably removing any aversive effects) on the self-restraint of a 19-year-old male with severe mental retardation. Consistent with the negative reinforcement hypothesis, blocking SIB resulted in near-zero levels of SIB and moderate reductions in self-restraint.  相似文献   

近年来,心理理论和元认知的发展问题已成为发展心理学界关注的热点问题。关于心理理论和元认知的发展关系问题,研究者存在争议。本文从心理理论和元认知的综合研究视角出发,对二者的含义、主要研究方法和关系进行了分析,从而为未来的相关研究提供一种角度。  相似文献   

问卷长度与作答型式的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从心理计量的观点来看,作答型式对心理测验及研究采用的问卷的信度和效度,均会构成严重威协。本文介绍了一些常见的作答型式及用来控制作答型式的传统统计方法。随后,我们指出由于这些传统统计方法都预先假定作答型式是稳定不变的,其效度便有疑问了;因为本文报告的研究证实了随着问卷长度的递增,作答型式会趋于刻板和不极端。因此,我们建议研究者在设计研究时,应尽量避免使用冗长的问卷。  相似文献   

This paper reports research conducted as a part of a continuing program designed to provide empirical delineation of the communication apprehension construct. Five studies are reported which indicate a substantial correlation (r =?.52 to r =?.72) between oral communication apprehension and self-esteem. Results from two college student samples (N = 192 and N = 272), two samples of elementary and secondary teachers (N = 202, N = 384), and a sample of federal employees (N = 211) indicate highly consistent relationships across age groups and occupational types.  相似文献   

跟踪操作业绩与人格特征的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究发现,跟踪作业的业绩与允许误差值之间有某种规律性的关系。因此,跟踪任务的操纵器设计应考虑最佳宽容度。本文还探讨了不同人格维度与跟踪作业业绩之间的关系。就单个人格维度而言,内倾者的跟踪作业业绩优于外倾者;较高精神质者优于较低精神质者。在神经质维度上表现出高神经质者作业业绩好于低神经质者的倾向。  相似文献   

This investigation expanded and refined a model of resistance to persuasion developed by Burgoon, Cohen, Miller, and Montgomery (1978). It is argued that a logical shortcoming of this model of resistance to persuasion is its failure to incorporate the notion of confirmation and disconfirmation of receiver expectations. Support was found for the prediction that violations of induced receiver expectations and the intensity of a persuasive message are mediators of resistance to persuasion. Positive violations of expectations induce counterarguing and lead to reversals of initial positive attitudes after receipt of a second message arguing on the same side of an attitude issue. Negative violations of receiver expectations decrease the probability of counterarguing, and increase the vulnerability of people to subsequent persuasive attacks. Strong support for the predictions was obtained in this investigation. Competing explanations for the results were ruled out through the utilization of a counterbalanced design and control procedures. These results provide a partial replication of the earlier empirical evidence supporting this new model of resistance to persuasion and cannot be explained by other models of resistance to persuasion. Moreover, the findings break new theoretical ground in their explanation of findings that appear counterintuitive without reference to this theoretical rationale.  相似文献   

用实验方法研究了图形离散度与图形信号传信绩效的关系。实验的自变量为图形的离散度参数,取值范围为0.3-0.7,应变量为通道容量,实验的刺激信号为25个矩形组合图形。结果表明,矩形组合图形的离散度与传信绩效的关系为一种非线性函数关系,离散度适中(0.5左右)的图形信号传信绩效较高。增大增减小图形的离散度均不利于信息的有效传递。  相似文献   

文化和性别在积极情绪和消极情绪中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国外关于文化和性别在积极情绪和消极情绪中的作用的新近研究认为,文化和性别及其相互作用会产生基本不同的积极情绪和消极情绪的连接模式.在个体文化的社会(如美国),人们倾向于以对立的方式(如两极方式)来体验和表达情绪;在集体文化的社会(如中国),人们倾向于以辨证的方式来体验和表达情绪.而且,女性在这种倾向性的表现上明显高于男性.最后,作者论述了该领域若干有待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

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