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西季威克的伦理思想不仅完善了功利主义,而且还提出了独特的直觉主义伦理思想.而这一崭新的思想又是同他深化亚里士多德的德性伦理学和康德实践伦理学,特别是康德的实践理性直接相关的.因此,在西季威克的伦理思想中,不仅能够看到西方现代伦理学的雏形,而且能看到传统西方伦理思想的深化.从这一意义上说,西季威克是西方传统伦理向现代伦理转变的一个关键人物.  相似文献   

康德伦理学的主旨自然是要为人类行为提供一条先天有效的普遍实践法则,以回答"我该做什么"这一中心议题.为了保证实践法则的普遍有效性,康德提出伦理学必须排除一切来自心理学和人类学的东西,伦理学的原理绝对不能建立在经验人类学基础上,于是,在纯粹道德学说的先验形而上学和经验人类学之间作出严格分离.按康德自己的说法是:纯粹道德学说不可建立在人类学上,但它能够而且必须运用到人类学上.作者在这里主要指出了康德晚年出版的一部重要伦理学文献:《伦理的形而上学》,这部书的意义尤其在我国没有得到应有的重视,处在许多康德伦理学研究者的视野之外,是造成某些片面理解的原因之一.翻译弗尔施纳这篇文章的意义在于有利于我们完整地考虑康德伦理学思想的系统布局,消除不必要的对康德的一些误解.  相似文献   

费希特伦理学在西方哲学史上具有非常重要的意义。首先,从费希特哲学的内部看,他的伦理学说是以知识学为原则从"自我"推演出来的,因而属于知识学的有机组成部分,并且是对知识学基本原理的验证和重要补充;其次,从伦理学的发展史看,费希特伦理学是对康德道德学的继承和发展,它不仅凭借"职责"学说赋予道德法则以实质的内容,克服了康德道德学的形式主义缺陷,而且提出了共同体主义思想以克服康德道德学的个体主义立场,从而标志着近代义务论伦理学向德性伦理学的范式转变;最后,从现代性批判的角度看,费希特的德性伦理学转向意味着他对现代社会中自我封闭的原子式个体的解构和对疏离冷漠的人际关系的批判,并在正义与德性何者优先的争论上主张德性的绝对优先性。  相似文献   

本文阐述了卢梭视野中的"人类"主题,试图与卢梭一道对抽象人观念进行批判性研究。一方面,卢梭区分了两种东西:属于同人性不可分割的特征的东西与属于偶然可变的东西,另一方面,卢梭主义人类学解释的因素处于上述区分的延伸之中。至于卢梭主义人类学中具体人与抽象人的调和,文章区分了本体论或认识论角度与伦理学立场,进而主张站在伦理学立场来理解卢梭的抽象人观念。卢梭肯定"抽象人"的存在,期望达到自由意志意义上的自由。我们进一步指出,拉博埃西对卢梭起着潜移默化的作用,特别强调"自愿奴役"是意志能力丧失的根据。  相似文献   

探讨康德伦理学与后果主义的关系,乃至探讨是否存在一种康德式的后果主义,是当代英语世界康德伦理学研究的一个热点问题。卡米斯基和帕菲特提出的康德式后果主义都产生了较大的争论和影响。卡米斯基通过把康德伦理学划分为基础理论和规范理论两个层面,指出从康德义务论的基础理论可以发展出一种规范的后果主义。帕菲特通过改造康德的普遍法则公式,并结合契约论和规则后果主义的相关要素,建构了一种康德式的契约论后果主义。这两种理论虽然都以不同的方式偏离了康德伦理学的原初立场,但对于我们全面认识当代康德伦理学研究的现状及其与后果主义的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着伦理学的发展,伦理学的主题发生了现代转向:从以"善"为核心的德性伦理学逐渐向以"正当"为核心的现代道德哲学转变,其中康德的伦理学在此次转向中起着重要作用,成为联系传统的德性伦理学和现代道德哲学的关键环节。  相似文献   

韩燕丽 《现代哲学》2023,(6):117-124
关于儒家伦理学能否解读为美德伦理学,学界一直存有争论。争论的实质可以归结为儒家伦理学究竟能否解读为严格意义上的美德伦理学,而不是儒家伦理学能否解读为一种关于美德的伦理学,这是因为后者似乎是一个显而易见的事实:任何进路的伦理学理论都可以有关于美德的伦理学,无论是康德主义的伦理学还是后果主义的伦理学,包括儒家伦理学,这没有什么可争论的。真正需要弄清楚的是儒家伦理学究竟能否解读为严格意义上或标准意义上的美德伦理学。证成儒家伦理学可以满足严格意义上的美德伦理学的两个基本要求,即基础性要求和完备性要求,可以解读为严格意义上的美德伦理学,不仅可以推动儒家伦理思想的深入研究与创新,还可以彰显儒家伦理学的当代价值。  相似文献   

康德哲学有两个伦理学概念,第一个同"物理学"(探究"自然的因果性")相区别,把"自由的因果性"或"自由法则"(Freiheitsgesetze)置于思想的中心,第二个同"法权学"(源自罗马法的ius)相区别,"不为行动立法(那是ius的事),而只为行动的准则立法",因而是"德性论"的伦理学(ethica)。后人往往遗忘康德第一个伦理学概念,而仅仅依据与法权学相对的第二个伦理学概念言说康德,因而产生了许多误解。本文指出,这个误解源于黑格尔,已经延续了二百多年,但黑格尔对康德的指控自相矛盾,无视康德文本。许多英美的现代阐释者延续这一误解,试图把"法权论"从康德伦理学中分离出去,本文对这些观念进行了批驳,阐释了这两个伦理学概念如何是统一的、一致的,必须把康德伦理学作为一个体系、一个整体,才能准确地理解和把握。  相似文献   

舍勒情感现象学的起点是对康德哲学的批判,这一批判所指向的是康德哲学 中的先天论。针对康德认识论中的“形式先天”,舍勒试图代之以“质料先天”;针对康德 伦理学中的“理性先天”,舍勒试图代之以“情感先天”。由“质料先天”与“情感先天” 主张所构成的新“先天论”,确立了舍勒情感现象学的基础。通过强调“情感先天”,舍勒 试图将伦理学建基于“情感”之上,以克服康德伦理学中的形式主义与理性主义倾向,实现 伦理学的精神转向。舍勒对康德先天论的批评昭示了伦理学理应充满对人的关怀,直面人的 丰富的情感体验,深入揭示情感的本质和意义,并使人在情感活动中服从本心的召唤。  相似文献   

伊格尔顿认为,康德的道德法则仅仅在形式而不是内容上模仿了审美,他还在拉康思想的启发之下将康德义务论伦理学归入"象征界伦理学",因为那种纯粹形式的道德律近似于拉康的象征界秩序。康德反对英国经验主义基于摹仿的伦理观念,但伊格尔顿指出,康德那种纯粹形式主义的伦理观念对现代社会的影响是南辕北辙的,抽象法则不是人类的目的,人的价值应当像艺术品一样,既是类存在也是个体存在。道德法则、美学以及人本身,这三者只以自身为目的。最终伊格尔顿提出,考察文学艺术的美学与人类学价值,必须重返亚里士多德的伦理学思想。  相似文献   

Ferenczi’s understanding of the primitive defenses required to cope with trauma, such as introjection, identification with the aggressor, atomization and reckoning, supports the author’s clinical observations of patients who introject a pain mother. Introjecting a pain mother assures that the terrorism of the original external event of a suffering mother keeps the internal suffering going, resulting in being tormented by pain. Such an introjection creates technical difficulties for the analyst. A clinical case is presented to demonstrate.  相似文献   

Kham K  Blake R 《Perception》2000,29(2):211-220
The perceived depth of regions within a stereogram lacking explicit disparity information can be captured by the surface structure of regions where disparity is explicit: stereo capture. In two experiments, observers estimated surface curvature/depth of an untextured object (a 'ribbon') superimposed on a cylinder textured with dots, the cylinder curvature being defined by disparity (stereo depth) or by motion parallax (kinetic depth: KD). With the stereo-defined cylinder, depth capture was obtained under conditions where the disparity of the ribbon was ambiguous; with the KD, cylinder depth capture was obtained under conditions where the motion flow of the cylinder was in a direction parallel to that of the ribbon. These results demonstrate yet another similarity between KD and stereopsis.  相似文献   

人们在面对不可抗拒的巨大的自然灾害时,总有一种无奈和无助之感,这时社会上最易出现各种迷信说法。“天谴”说和“天佑”说可以算是很有代表性的言论。到底如何看待自然灾害,它们与“天谴”和“天佑”有何关系?本方将从历史和文化及无神论的角度对上述问题进行分析。  相似文献   

The effects of extinction and of response-independent (free) reinforcement in decreasing rates of key pecking by pigeons were compared in single schedule (Phase 1) and multiple (Phase 2) conditions. In both phases, response rates decreased more rapidly with extinction than with free reinforcement conditions. Behavioral contrast was obtained from subjects trained in a multiple schedule involving extinction in Phase 2, whereas subjects trained in a multiple schedule involving free reinforcement showed a slight negative induction effect. Whether subjects experienced extinction or free reinforcement under single stimulus conditions did not affect subsequent performance in the discrimination situation of the second phase. Disinhibition testing was carried out at the end of both phases, but there was no evidence for disinhibitory effects under any condition.  相似文献   

Emotions are expressed in the voice as well as on the face. As a first step to explore the question of their integration, we used a bimodal perception situation modelled after the McGurk paradigm, in which varying degrees of discordance can be created between the affects expressed in a face and in a tone of voice. Experiment 1 showed that subjects can effectively combine information from the two sources, in that identification of the emotion in the face is biased in the direction of the simultaneously presented tone of voice. Experiment 2 showed that this effect occurs also under instructions to base the judgement exclusively on the face. Experiment 3 showed the reverse effect, a bias from the emotion in the face on judgement of the emotion in the voice. These results strongly suggest the existence of mandatory bidirectional links between affect detection structures in vision and audition.  相似文献   

The technique introduced here induces the organization of information in memory from systematic inspection of regularities in free recall. The form of the representation of this organization is an “ordered tree.” The technique has the advantage of being based on a theory of the way in which the data were generated and can be shown to produce a unique structure that captures all the kinds of regularities the theory of recall prescribes. Also presented is a collateral technique for measuring the amount of organization evidenced in a struture, as well as a procedure for identifying errors. The experimental work shows the technique's ability to recover the details of an organization presented to subjects and provides converging evidence for the particular structures induced from the pattern of recall pauses. In addition, the application of the technique to structures unknown a priori produced organizations that were easy to interpret and a second set of pauses that further confirmed the details of the induced structures.  相似文献   

Two studies focusing on differences in thinking strategies between intellectually gifted and creative children were undertaken. In the first study (N = 29), ethnographic techniques of observation along with testing and problem-solving interviews were used in a regular classroom. Three subjects (one high IQ and high creativity, one high IQ and low creativity, and one low IQ and high creativity) were identified for intensive observation. In the second study, testing procedures and problem-solving interviews were completed with 30 children who were placed in a gifted program within an urban school system. Both studies produced evidence supporting the link between imaging abilities and creative thinking.  相似文献   

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