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In a pursuit-tracking task consisting of 100 positioning movements between targets at 5 fixed positions, target location (proximity to the boundary of the task) varied independently of movement amplitude. Eighty-seven subjects performed 12 trials of the task, with target width (at 3 levels) as a between-subject variable. A microprocessor system detected the location of the end-point of each primary movement. Movement accuracy (measured as end-point dispersion not constant error) varied with target location but not movement amplitude, while movement time varied with both factors. The effect of target width on movement accuracy was less consistent. The observed effects are discussed in terms of a mass-spring model of muscular action. It is concluded that apart from having important consequences for the design of positioning experiments, these results call into question information-processing and impulse-variability theories which implicate movement amplitude in determining movement accuracy, and support theories which emphasize target location.  相似文献   

We examined differences in attentional control among school-age children who were monolingual English speakers, early Spanish-English bilinguals (who began speaking both languages by age 3), and later Spanish-English bilingual children (who began speaking English after age 3). Children's attentional control was tested using the Attention Network Test (ANT). All language groups performed equally on ANT networks; however, when controlling for age and verbal ability, groups differed significantly on reaction time. Early bilingual children responded faster on the ANT compared to both monolingual and later bilingual children, suggesting an attentional monitoring advantage for early bilinguals. These results add to evidence of advantaged cognitive functioning among bilinguals and are consistent with the possibility that children who begin speaking a second language earlier in childhood have greater advantages, due either to effects of acquiring a second language earlier or to longer duration of bilingual experience.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between movement velocity and distance and the associated muscle activation patterns in 18 individuals with focal hand dystonia (FHD) compared with a control group of 18 individuals with no known neuromuscular condition. Participants performed targeted voluntary wrist and elbow flexion movements as fast as possible across 5 movement distances. Individuals with FHD were slower than controls across all distances, and this difference was accentuated for longer movements. Muscle activation patterns were triphasic in the majority of individuals with FHD, and muscle activation scaled with distance in a similar manner to controls. Cocontraction did not explain movement slowing in individuals with dystonia, but there was a trend toward underactivation of the 1st agonist burst in the dystonic group. The authors concluded that slowness is a consistent feature of voluntary movement in FHD and is present even in the absence of dystonic posturing. Underactivation of the 1st agonist burst appears to be the most likely reason to explain slowing.  相似文献   

The magnitude of induced movement was measured as a function of the perceived depth between the test object and the plane of the induction object, with this perceived depth produced by stereoscopic cues. Three experiments were conducted. In each experiment, the induction object (a frame of constant physical size) was positioned at one of three distances with the test object (a point of light) placed successively at each of the three distances. Predictions of the magnitude of induction as a function of the depth separation of the test and induction object were made from the subject-relative and object-relative hypotheses of induced motion. It was expected, however, that neither of these hypotheses would predict the results independently of a factor described in the adjacency principle. This principle states that the effectiveness of whatever cues or processes determine the induced movement will decrease with increased depth between the test and induction object. The data indicate that the adjacency principle must be considered in explaining the results. The subject-relative rather than object-relative hypothesis as modified by the adjacency principle was most successful in predicting the results. Control conditions in which the frame was stationary and the point of light was physically moving were also used. Despite the fact that the relative displacement of the objects on the eye in the experimental and control conditions were the same, the results indicate that O could distinguish between these two kinds of conditions. Although the apparent movement was greater in the control conditions than in the experimental conditions, the reverse is true if the total perceived movement of the test and induction object are considered together.  相似文献   

Equations were developed to predict the apparent motion of a physically stationary object resulting from head movement as a function of errors in the perceived distances of the object or of its parts. These equations, which specify the apparent motion in terms of relative and common components, were applied to the results of two experiments. In the experiments, the perceived slant of an object was varied with respect to its physical slant by means of perspective cues. In Experiment I, O reported the apparent motion and apparent distance of each end of the object independently. The results are consistent with the equations in terms of apparent relative motion, but not in terms of apparent common motion. The latter results are attributed to the tendency for apparent relative motion to dominate apparent common motion when both are present simultaneously. In Experiment II, a direct report of apparent relative motion (in this case, apparent rotation) was obtained for illusory slants of a physically frontoparallel object. It was found that apparent rotations in the predicted direction occurred as a result of head motion, even though under these conditions no rotary motion was present on the retina.  相似文献   

Both clinical and laboratory studies demonstrate that seizures early in life can result in permanent behavioral abnormalities and enhance epileptogenicity. Understanding the critical periods of vulnerability of the developing nervous system to seizure-induced changes may provide insights into parallel or divergent processes in the development of autism. In experimental rodent models, the consequences of seizures are dependent on age, etiology, seizure duration, and frequency. Recurring seizures in immature rats result in long-term adverse effects on learning and memory. These behavioral changes are paralleled by changes in brain connectivity, changes in excitatory neurotransmitter receptor distribution, and decreased neurogenesis. These changes occur in the absence of cell loss. Although impaired cognitive function and brain changes have been well-documented following early-onset seizures, the mechanisms of seizure-induced dysfunction remain unclear.  相似文献   

Lateral eye movements and heart rate were recorded as 32 right-handed men answered verbal and spatial questions. Experimenter-to-subject distance (.8 and 1.5 m) and attention demand of instructions were manipulated in a 2 X 2 design. A significant main effect for distance and an interaction of distance by instructions appeared on the direction of eye movements independent of type of question. The greatest number of leftward eye movements occurred at the short distance with instructions demanding higher attention. These findings are consistent with evidence that emotional arousal produces greater right- than left-hemisphere activation.  相似文献   

It has puzzled research workers in perception that stereoscopic acuity decreases with decreasing observation distance, or, equivalently, increasing angle of convergence. Experimental results presented in this paper, as well as evidence published previously, show that the reduction in acuity might be due to rotation of the eyes around their visual axes during convergence which would introduce a disparity for the test lines. Stereoscopic acuity is known to be worse for disparate images. It was proved experimentally that cyclodisparity did lead to a decrease of stereoscopic acuity, supporting this explanation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to study the early processing stages of encoding and recognition of slow movement in a short-term motor-memory paradigm. These stages were examined by determining whether Laabs' (1973) differential decay rates for location of movement and distance of movement could be replicated when the interfering activity was performed during the criterion and replication movements. 20 subjects performed a linear-positioning task in a 2 X 2 X 2 (count X movement type X retention interval) experimental design. 10 subjects in one condition counted backwards by 3s during the criterion and replication movements. There were no detrimental effects for location and distance-cue reproduction when attention was shared with counting backwards. Like Laabs' results, location of movement was maintained over the 15-sec. interval while distance of movement spontaneously changed. These results supported the notion that the early stages of encoding and recognition of cues for movement can occur unaffected by a secondary task.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/HYPOTHESIS: The degree of attention directed to a stimulus and the presence of anisometric representations can alter the perception of the magnitude of a stimulus. We wanted to learn if normal right-handed subjects' estimates of distance traveled are influenced by the right-left direction or hemispace of movements. METHODS: We had blindfolded participants estimate the distance their arm was moved in a rightward or leftward direction, in right and left hemispace. Since we wanted subjects to estimate the distance traveled rather than compute the distance between the start and finish points, the subjects' arms were passively moved in sinusoidal trajectories at a constant speed. RESULTS: Subjects estimated leftward movements as longer than rightward movements, but there was no effect of hemispace. COMMENTS/CONCLUSIONS: People often attend more to novel than routine conditions and therefore participants might have overestimated the distance associated with leftward versus rightward movement because right-handed people more frequently move their right hand in a rightward direction and learn to read and write using rightward movements. Thus, leftward movements might be more novel and more attended than rightward movements and this enhanced directional attention might have influenced estimates of magnitude (distance).  相似文献   

To investigate potential age-related differences in performance gains (compensation and optimization) and losses (failure to actualize potential) of collaboration with a familiar partner, the authors compared pairs of older (N = 75; 69% women) and younger (N = 75; 52% women) age-homogeneous same-gender friends who interacted or worked alone to generate strategies for solving interpersonal and instrumental problems. Two indexes of strategy fluency (total and unique number of strategies) and 2 indexes of strategy type (content of strategy repertoires and strategy selected as most effective by older and younger adults) were examined. Strategies generated by interacting pairs were compared with nominal pair scores. Nominal pair scores indexed dyadic potential and were created by pooling the performance of 2 individuals who worked alone. Age differences in strategy fluency and type were largely similar to prior research based on individual problem solvers. Interacting pairs produced fewer strategies than nominal pairs, but there were no differences in strategy type. For interpersonal problems, older adults were relatively more likely to actualize their dyadic potential.  相似文献   

In the context of a French validation study, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was administered to more than 3000 French speaking mothers of 5‐year‐old children. Scores were factor‐analyzed. Principal components analysis revealed four dimensions: externalizing and internalizing behavior problems, immaturity and somatoform disorders. Another sample of 40 mothers participated in a longitudinal study, filling in the CBCL when their children were 5 years old. These children had been observed previously in the Strange Situation (SSP) at 21 months. Several dichotomous variables derived from the SSP (e.g. secure versus insecure, proximal versus distal interaction with the mother, avoidant behavior) have been used as predictors of the four dimensions extracted from the CBCL. Hierarchical regressions showed that proximal behaviors with the mother, which reflect temperamental characteristics independently of the quality of attachment, predicted internalizing problems, whereas avoidance of the mother, or insecure–avoidant attachment, predicted internalizing as well as externalizing problems at 5 years of age. These results show that attachment and temperament, as assessed by the SSP, may each have specific implications for later behavior problems. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether visuomotor transformations that support the computation of movement distance (i.e., extent) and movement direction rely differentially on integration of egocentric and allocentric visual information. To accomplish that objective, the authors factorially arranged 17 participants' open-loop reaching movements from 2 movement-start locations with mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior (AP) variants of the induced Roelofs effect (IRE). The 2 movement-start locations in combination with the 2 IRE configurations enabled the authors to examine the impact of illusory movement pertaining to distance (i.e., AP-IRE) and direction (i.e., ML-IRE) information. AP-IRE and ML-IRE configurations across the 2 movement-start locations reliably influenced reaching endpoints in a direction consistent with the perceptual effects of the illusion. These findings suggest that unitary visual information involving interactive egocentric and allocentric visual cues supports the specification of both movement distance and movement direction.  相似文献   

The present experiments examined the role of imagery ability in recall of either the terminal location or the distance of a preselected horizontal linear movement following changes in the recall starting position. Subjects were selected on the basis of their scores on a shortened version of the Betts Questionnaire upon Mental Imagery (Betts Q.M.I., Sheehan 1967). Both high and low imagers were assigned to one of four groups, HIL, LIL, HID, LID, the last letter indicating the movement cue (terminal location or distance moved) to be recalled. Recall of the appropriate movement cue from one of four new recall starting positions occurred after either a 5-sec or 30-sec unfilled retention interval. Analysis of constant error indicated all groups were unable to recall the specified movement cue independent of the other source of information, even when subjects were given explicit instructions to utilise an imagery strategy. The data corroborate our earlier findings that memory for self paced movements is based on an interaction of location and distance cues derived from the criterion movement.  相似文献   

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