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Prior research reveals that the encoding of affective stimuli is biased in a metaphorically consistent manner (e.g., good = up; bad = down). For example, negative words are evaluated faster if they are presented in a low versus high vertical position. The present studies extended this view by investigating whether such biases also correlate with individual differences in emotional experience. Specifically, in two studies, we examined whether vertical metaphor would be useful in understanding negative affect as manifested in neuroticism and depressive symptoms. We found support for this premise. That is, the higher the neuroticism (Studies 1 and 2) or depressive symptoms (Study 2) of participants, the faster they were to respond to or detect lower (versus higher) spatial attention targets. These results suggest that negative affect in general, and depressive symptoms in particular, appear to bias selective attention in a direction that favors lower regions of physical space.  相似文献   

The present study presents evidence that young children's comprehension of the locatives ‘in’, ‘on’, and ‘under’ is, at least in part, contextually determined. Children aged 1;6–3;0 were given tasks with verbal instructions which were either contextually congruent or incongruent. The results were interpreted in terms of the non-linguistic as well as linguistic strategies apparently used to interpret speech. The results and interpretation are in contrast to those of earlier research.  相似文献   

1905年5月22日我生于柏林一个中等阶级家庭。我就读于蒙森中等人文学校,学习拉丁文和希腊文,学习法语和文学,学习德国文学和作文,学习算术和历史。在中学读柏拉图著作,我很受感动。在课外时间,我读了很多文学,包括亚里士多德与康德的著作,读过易卜生的关于皇帝朱连的一出戏剧,通过这一戏剧,我才知道(当时并不晓得)些拿破仑的思想。  相似文献   

法国哲学家利科尔(Paul Ricoeur)生于1913年。在雷恩学习哲学结业以后,接替J. 依波利特,在斯特拉斯堡大学(1950—1955年)教授哲学。他先后在巴黎索邦大学(从1956年起)、南特大学(1966—1978年,1969年3月至1970年3月任南特大学哲学系主任)、芝加哥大学教授哲学。现在他是法国国家科学研究中心现象学和解释学研究所的主任。  相似文献   

A. Smirnov 《Synthese》1947,5(11-12):503-505

尽管汉语学界对汤普森的研究已经有二十多年了,也出了一些有分量的成果,但是,对汤普森的研究的系统性、整体性和深度都不够,有待学术同仁进一步努力。在未来推进汤普森研究的进程中,需要树立自觉的阶级意识的文化发生学研究的立场,强化对汤普森历史性思想的研究,加强对汤普森阶级学说、文化学说及历史研究的统一性的研究,以构建一个整体性的汤普森的哲学形象,将汤普森的哲学思想真正转化为我国哲学建设的一种有利资源,而不是仅仅增添又一个学术泡沫。  相似文献   

本文为1985年6月14日在授予P.里克尔黑格尔奖时在斯图加特发表的演讲,论述里克尔的哲学思想在当代哲学思潮中的发展。  相似文献   

梅锦荣 《心理学报》1985,18(4):41-47
本研究的结果显示中译及英文MMPI在新加坡使用时不但具颇高之信度,且两者可视作相等之版本。有关资料亦表明受中文教育和受英文教育的新加坡华人在MMPI上有不同的反应倾向。前者之剖析图属2.8类型,其选答模式与香港地区者相似。后者之剖析图则属8.9类型,其选答模式与美国者较为接近。 在比较中国与新加坡华人在量表的顺序排列时,发现后者在Ma量表之T分数占较高的等级,在Pa量表则占较低的等级。与香港地区比较时,则新加坡华人在Si量表之等级较高。有关量表顺序排列之等级相关則表明了受中文教育的新加坡华人与中国和香港地区之MMPI剖析图,有显著的相似性。但受英文教育的新加坡华人则仅男性之剖析图与香港地区者相似。进一步证实了受不同语文教育的新加坡华人在性格上有差异。 本研究收集的资料,不但可供解说测验之参考,亦可作为进一步效度研究的基础。在跨文化的研究上更提供了有用的资料。  相似文献   

Patients participating in an in vim fertilisation with embryo transfer (IVF and ET) programme face uncertainty at each stage of the procedure. Research on heuristics and on stress lead to predictions about behaviour in situations of uncertainty. It was predicted that IVF and ET participants would overestimate the likelihood of success, due to publicity the process has received, and would underestimate the likelihood of an earlier, less publicised. stage in the procedure. Both predictions were confirmed in a total of 70 participants (26 women at out-patient clines, 23 of their partners and 21 surgical in-patients). All the men and all but one woman overestimated the likelihood of becoming pregnant and having a baby. and most of the surgical patients underestimated the likelihood of egg recovery. Estimates were not related to patients' confidence about their information, confirming previous evidence about confidence in inaccurate judgements based on heuristics. Data on patients' distress as indicated by mood rating show high anxiety at points of uncertainty and Pailure, as found in other studies of stress. While the couples shared their inaccurate judgements. they did not necessarily share their distress. The results are discussed in terms of patients' decision making. coping strategies and the implications for doctor-patient communication.  相似文献   

在判断中,“(?)P”作为负判断的否定,等值于判断“P”;在概念中,“(?)P”作为负概念的否定,是否也是概念“P”呢?这是我讲授《形式逻辑》的第二个二难。(第一个二难见《逻辑与语言学习》1990年第一期)。因为不管(?)P是P.还是(?)P不是P,都会使人陷入二难的境地。先看(?)P不是P: 在概念中,(?)P若不是P,就会和一些教材的论述相矛盾。苏天辅著《形式逻辑》列出戾换法的公式是:SAP→SEP→PES→PAS→SIP→SOP 在这里,结论“SOP”本来应该是“SOP”,而结论的谓项变成了“P”,显然,苏天辅老师认为,在概念中,“(?)P”就是“P”;  相似文献   

R.H.P.Sia是参与肺炎球菌转化研究的学者之一,该研究对于发现DNA是遗传物质的研究具有非常重要意义,此后诸多参与DNA研究的学者都成为知名学者,但关于R.H.P.Sia在史料和相关研究中却鲜有发现。根据一些散在的、极为稀少的资料对R.H.P.Sia进行还原,确认R.H.P.Sia为北京协和医学院谢和平(Richard Ho-Ping Sia),认为其远离历史视野原因包括淹没在黄金时代的浪潮里;华人同行中的小人物;受限于时代发展的大环境;失去学术道路的引领者;失落于历史研究的选择性。  相似文献   

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