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Two experiments involving temporal repetition of tachistoscopically presented visual stnnuh are reported. Experiment I employed an alphabet of four straight lines presented one, two, or four times. Experiment II employed three stimulus sets, such that the stimuli varied in size, brightness, or both, with the forms being presented either once or four times. The Ss made four-choice identification responses. Results indicate that multidomensionality is not a necessary condition for better Identification performance with multiple observations, and that this differential in favor of multiple observations persists after many, many experimental sessions.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated the effects of within-session stimulus repetition on texture discrimination. Six pigeons (Columba livia) searched for a contrasting target region (color or shape) randomly embedded within a larger distractor region for food reinforcement. Experiment 1 found that repeating features of the distractors, but not those of the target, across trials increased the accuracy of target localization relative to baseline. Experiment 2 found that subsequently switching the identity of a repeated distractor feature to the target decreased accuracy. Experiment 3 found that the effects of repeating a distractor feature influenced search performance for at least 60 trials after this learning. Experiment 4 found that differential stimulus-outcome relations can produce control by repeated target features. The results are discussed in terms of the factors and strategies involved in the control of avian visual search behavior.  相似文献   

Upper- and lower-case letters of the alphabet were presented sequentially to S using .2-sec and. 7-sec RSIs. Reaction times for naming the letters were recorded for three classes of stimulus events: the letter was identical in form and name to the immediately preceding one (stimulus repetitions); the letter had the same name but a different form than the preceding one (response repetitions); and the letter was different in form and name from the preceding one (nonrepetitions). The results showed a significant advantage of SR over RR that decreased as the RSI increased and depended on the similarity of the upper and lower cases for the particular letters. These results are comparable to those obtained in letter-matching studies. A model to account for the results is proposed.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to examine the extent to which the time required to detect a probe sound is determined by the acoustic characteristics of a preceding prime sound and by the nature of the response made to the prime. The results of Experiment 1 revealed that the effect of frequency repetition was facilitative when a response was made to the occurrence of both the prime and the probe, but was inhibitory when a response was made only to the probe. In contrast, there was no significant effect of location repetition when responses were made to both prime and probe but there was a strongly inhibitory effect when a response was required only to the probe. These results suggest that the acoustic characteristics of the prime along with information about any response made to it, are used in preparing and executing a response to the probe. Experiment 2 was designed to disrupt the temporal link between prime and probe as a way to discourage such retrieval. The results of the experiment revealed that although a response was required to both the prime and probe, no significant effect of frequency repetition was apparent but a robust inhibitory effect of location repetition emerged. In the third experiment repetition effects both within a trial (i.e., prime to probe) and between trials (i.e., probe to prime) were examined. A facilitative effect of frequency repetition was apparent when the interval between sounds was brief, and an inhibitory effect of location repetition was apparent when the interval between sounds was relatively lengthy. Taken together these results suggest that even simple perceptual judgments may be influenced by retrieval of information about a previous processing episode and that effects of frequency repetition and location repetition may be mediated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adults and 8-, 10-, 12-, and 14-year olds completed a serial reaction-time task with two stimuli mapped to each of two responses and 100-, 500-, and 1000-msec response-stimulus intervals (RSIs). Trials were classified as (1) identical (same stimulus and same response on two consecutive trials), (2) response equivalent (different stimulus but same response on two consecutive trials), or (3) different (different stimulus and different response on two consecutive trials). Identical and different trials were compared as a general indication of repetition effects. Response-equivalent minus identical reaction time identified stimulus contributions, and different minus response-equivalent reaction time identified response contributions. Adults received a repetition advantage at all RSIs and children received a repetition advantage at 500- and 1000- but not 100-msec RSIs. Stimulus contributions accounted for the repetition effect for both adults and children. At the 500- and 1000-msec RSIs, both the overall repetition effect and stimulus contribution were positive and decreased in magnitude as age increased. The response contribution was independent of RSI and was negative for 8- and 10-year-olds and near zero or positive for older performers. At the longer RSIs, positive stimulus contributions were sufficient to overcome the negative response contributions present for younger children.  相似文献   

The demonstration of a repetition effect in recognition memory when context at the time of test is different from that occurring during presentation places limits on the role played by context in interpretations of recognition memory. Four experiments are reported that explore those limits, including a situation in which the repetition effect does not obtain due to the nature of the context. The data are interpreted in terms of the important interaction between item information and contextual information in theoretical accounts of recognition memory.  相似文献   

When there is a relatively long interval between two successive stimuli that must be detected or localized, there are robust processing costs when the stimuli appear at the same location. However, when two successive visual stimuli that must be identified appear at the same location, there are robust same location costs only when the two stimuli differ in their responses; otherwise same location benefits are observed. Two separate frameworks that inhibited attentional orienting and episodic integration, respectively, have been proposed to account for these patterns. Recent findings hint at a possible reconciliation between these frameworks—requiring a response to an event in between two successive visual stimuli may unmask same stimulus and same location costs that are otherwise obscured by episodic integration benefits in identification tasks. We tested this hybrid account by integrating an intervening response event with an identification task that would otherwise generate the boundary between same location benefits and costs. Our results showed that the intervening event did not alter the boundary between location repetition benefits and costs nor did it reliably or unambiguously reverse the common stimulus-response repetition benefit. The findings delimit the usefulness of an intervening event for disrupting episodic integration, suggesting that effects from intervening response events are tenuous. The divide between attention and feature integration accounts is delineated in the context of methodological and empirical considerations.  相似文献   

Recall of auditory items can be disrupted by presentation of an irrelevant auditory stimulus (a stimulus suffix). Previous researchers have suggested that suffix effects are not found on recognition tests. Two experiments are presented here that demonstrate suffix effects on recognition tests. These results suggest that suffixes interfere with item information and that suffix effects cannot be attributed solely to retrieval processes.  相似文献   

This articlereports three experiments that investigate the role ofcontext in repetition priming using a lexical decision task. The experiments show that repetition priming is either eliminated or significantly reduced if a change in context also alters the perceived sense of a nonhomographic target word. If perceived sense is not altered, a change in context is inconsequential. This points to the important role played by perceived sense in repetition priming. An explanation within a sense-specific activation framework is proposed in preference to a modified processing view.  相似文献   

A combined working memory/repetition priming task was administered to 13 young (mean age 23) and 13 elderly (mean age 69) adults. Each participant memorized a sample target face at the beginning of a trial and then determined whether each of 13 serially presented test faces matched the sample target. In each trial, both the target and one particular distracter face were repeated during the test phase. Within-trial repetition priming effects indicated the contribution of implicit memory to task performance. Response times decreased as items were tested repeatedly within a trial, but this decrement was greater for distracters than for targets. Young and older participants were equally accurate at identifying targets, but elderly were slightly less accurate for distracters. Elderly participants showed repetition priming effects for both targets and distracters, while the young showed such effects only for distracters. The results suggest that active maintenance in working memory, but not inhibition or rejection of distracters, may suppress implicit memory systems.  相似文献   

Visual memory and stimulus repetition effects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent investigations of memory for randomly configured patterns indicate that visual memory can involve distinct short-term and long-term components. The appearance of a visual recency effect that is confined to the last-presented item is believed to result from the active visualization of this item during the retention interval. Studies of the retention of familiar visual information have also suggested that the short-term effects observed are a result of active visualization. In a review of these studies, however, we argue that the effects obtained with familiar visual information are not necessarily a result of active visualization and, indeed, may not involve anything other than long-term visual memory. For example, Rabbitt and Vyas (1979) observed a visual recency effect in a serial choice reaction time task involving familiar information. That this recency effect was confined to the final item accords with the results obtained with unfamiliar visual information. However, this choice reaction time task did not require subjects to remember previous stimuli, so it is unlikely that they actively visualized them. With the case for a distinct short-term visual memory currently resting on the recency effect interpreted as reflecting a process of active visualization, this result is especially important. In the second part of the present paper, we report a series of experiments that provides an understanding of the visual recency effect in the serial choice reaction time task. We conclude from these studies that this effect is not due to visualization or to a visual trace either decaying or being overwritten by a succeeding stimulus.  相似文献   

Intersensory facilitation refers to the more rapid reaction time (RT) to a target in one modality and an accessory stimulus in a different modality compared to a RT to the target alone. Prior studies suggest two processes contribute to the phenomenon, termed the preparatory state and energy integration which refer to the action of accessory stimulation in providing forewarning and intensifying the reaction signal, respectively. Experiment I factorially varied foreperiod duration, light (target) intensity and tone (accessory) intensity in a discriminative RT task. The results were that foreperiod (preparatory state) and intensity (energy integration) effects were additive, implying that they affected separate processing stages. Accessory stimulus intensity affected false alarm rate on catch trials. This suggests that energy integration involves a form of response bias (increased likelihood of responding) and not facilitation (more rapid information processing). Experiment II indicated that comparable energy integration effects obtain with tone as target and light as accessory, as well as vice versa. The findings further indicated that RT to a bisensory pairing is more rapid when attention is directed to the more potent member of the pair.  相似文献   

Stimulus generalization of the effects of punishment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Three pigeons were trained to respond to seven spectral stimulus values ranging from 490 to 610 mμ and displayed in random order on a response key. After response rates had equalized to these values, a brief electric shock was administered when the subject (S) responded to the central value (550 mμ) while positive reinforcement for all values was maintained. Initially, there was broad generalization of the resulting depression in response rate, but the gradients grew steeper in the course of testing. When punishment was discontinued, the rates to all values recovered, and equal responding to all stimuli was reattained by two of the Ss. Stimulus control over the effects of punishment was clearly demonstrated in the form of a generalization gradient; this probably resulted from the combined effects of generalization of the depression associated with punishment and discrimination between the punished value and neutral stimuli.  相似文献   

Rewards have long been known to modulate overt behavior. But their possible impact on attentional and perceptual processes is less well documented. Here, we study whether the (changeable) reward level associated with two different pop-out targets might affect visual search and trial-to-trial target repetition effects (see Maljkovic & Nakayama, 1994). Observers searched for a target diamond shape with a singleton color among distractor diamond shapes of another color (e.g., green among red or vice versa) and then judged whether the target had a notch at its top or bottom. Correct judgments led to reward, with symbolic feedback indicating this immediately; actual rewards accumulated for receipt at study end. One particular target color led to a higher (10:1) reward for 75% of its correct judgments, whereas the other singleton target color (counterbalanced over participants) yielded the higher reward on only 25% of the trials. We measured search performance in terms of inverse efficiency (response time/proportion correct). The reward schedules not only led to better performance overall for the more rewarding target color, but also increased trial-to-trial priming for successively repeated targets in that color. The actual level of reward received on the preceding trial affected this, as did (orthogonally) the likely level. When reward schedules were reversed within blocks, without explicit instruction, corresponding reversal of the impact on search performance emerged within around 6 trials, asymptoting at around 15 trials, apparently without the observers’ explicit knowledge of the contingency. These results establish that pop-out search and target repetition effects can be influenced by target reward levels, with search performance and repetition effects dynamically tracking changes in reward contingency.  相似文献   

Although repetition is generally assumed to enhance the accessibility of memory for rehearsed material, recent research has suggested that prolonged repetition might actually be detrimental under some conditions. In the present work, we manipulated repetition duration and learning condition (intentional vs. incidental) in an effort to clarify the relationship between repetition and memory. Replicating previous findings, memory for repeated items declined with increased repetition under incidental-learning conditions. However, increased repetition had the opposite effect under intentional-learning conditions. Taken together, these results provide evidence for distinctive mechanisms of memory acquisition during repetition that vary depending on learning context.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined a distinction between kinds of repetition priming which involve either the identification of the form or meaning of a stimulus or the production of a response on the basis of a cue. Patients with Alzheimer's disease had intact priming on picture-naming and category-exemplar identification tasks and impaired priming on word-stem completion and category-exemplar production tasks. Division of study-phase attention in healthy participants reduced priming on word-stem completion and category-exemplar production tasks but not on picture-naming and category-exemplar identification tasks. The parallel dissociations in normal and abnormal memory cannot be explained by implicit-explicit or perceptual-conceptual distinctions but are explained by an identification-production distinction. There may be separable cognitive and neural bases for implicit modulation of identification and production forms of knowledge.  相似文献   

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