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药物成瘾理论的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成瘾过程伴随着一系列脑机能和心理机能的改变,但对药物滥用如何导致这些改变以及它们如何诱发成瘾却存在着不同的解释。近年来,由于认知心理学和认知神经科学研究技术在该领域的应用,研究者对药物成瘾过程的认知机能及其脑机制获得了新的认识,且基于对负性生活事件及外部压力在维持药物滥用及诱发复吸行为中的作用的测量学研究和动物实验研究而提出的成瘾理论为该领域的研究开辟了新的思路。本文重点评述了药物成瘾的认知加工模型和以压力或负性情绪为核心的相关理论模型及其研究,并提出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

围绕学习、记忆、情绪及应激等心理因素与复发的关系,应用阿片类物质心理依赖研究条件性位置偏爱,条件性位置厌恶,Morris水迷宫量化觅药动机模型,行为及条件性行为敏感化等多种动物行为模型,从情绪相关学习、记忆在成瘾行为中的作用,不同神经核团与神经递质系统活动性的改变,应激相关因素易化的成瘾易感性,自然奖赏与成瘾药物奖赏相关记忆的比较研究等方面,对应激与记忆相关的吗啡心理依赖及复发的脑机制进行了系列研究  相似文献   

焦虑与风险决策的脑机制之间存在着高度重叠的部分(如:前额叶、杏仁核、前扣带回、纹状体、脑岛等),而且重叠的这部分脑机制也被卷入到了焦虑影响风险决策的过程中。本文通过综述这些脑区在二者关系间的功能及其对应的网络结构,试图探索了焦虑影响风险决策的神经机制,并借用风险敏感理论与认知资源理论,从情绪与认知双加工角度对此进行了阐述。未来对二者关系的研究可考虑从遗传基因、神经递质以及发展性等角度进行探索。  相似文献   

成瘾相关记忆长期性的脑机制一直是药物成瘾研究领域的难点与热点,该文简要介绍了成瘾记忆长期性分子机制的研究脉络,提示表观遗传学修饰可能是研究药物成瘾的新视角。成瘾药物可以调节染色体不同亚型组蛋白乙酰化水平,不同基因DNA的甲基化程度从而改变染色体的空间结构,进而调节基因的表达导致成瘾,特别是DNA甲基化改变的相对的稳定性可能是成瘾记忆长期存在的分子基础。记忆再巩固过程中学习记忆相关脑区的记忆促进基因与记忆抑制基因的表观遗传学改变可能是未来研究的新趋势  相似文献   

冲动性是一多维的概念,一般指个体缺乏足够预见性或对自身的行为结果缺乏考虑和判断。个体冲动性和物质滥用与成瘾之间存在双重关系,即个体特质冲动性是物质滥用与成瘾的重要危险因素,而滥用成瘾性物质又会进一步损害个体的冲动控制功能。本文将论述个体冲动性和物质滥用与成瘾之间的相关性及冲动性增加潜在的神经机制。了解个体的冲动特质和物质滥用与成瘾者冲动性的改变,研究物质滥用与成瘾者冲动障碍的神经生物学机制,不仅有助于我们揭示物质滥用与成瘾的发生、发展,以及脱毒后复发的脑机制,而且有助于我们探索药物疗法以外的行为干预手段。  相似文献   

成瘾的生物心理社会模型   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
杨波  秦启文 《心理科学》2005,28(1):32-35,31
成瘾的易感因素和维持因素是一个复杂的因果网络系统.有三种研究取向。生物学取向综述了成瘾的脑机制和遗传基因观。心理学模式主要介绍成瘾人格的研究现状,以及成瘾的强化观。社会因素则阐述了创伤性事件、父母及同伴压力对成瘾的影响。本文支持三个因素的相互作用导致了成瘾行为的发生,以期从成瘾易感和维持因素的探析上为生物心理社会模型(BPS)提供依据。  相似文献   

药物成瘾过程的心理-神经理论模型   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
药物成瘾一般被界定为强迫性药物寻求和药物摄入的行为模式,是一个由偶尔用药逐渐过渡到强迫性用药模式的过程。成瘾过程伴随着一系列脑机能和心理机能的改变,但对药物滥用如何导致这些改变以及这些改变如何诱发成瘾却存在着不同的解释。本文在简要评述拮抗过程模型和异常学习模型的基础上,重点讨论了诱因一易感化模型的主要观点及其行为实验和神经心理学证据,并提出成瘾理论研究进一步整合的可能性。  相似文献   

关于网络成瘾的心理学研究   总被引:149,自引:1,他引:148  
网络成瘾指一种心理上对网络的依赖,其概念与药物成瘾既有相似又有差异。目前还缺乏编制精良、应用广泛的测量工具。多数研究采用调查的方法,严格的实验研究很少。一些研究者提出理论模型从心理层面对其进行解释,其中具代表性的有:Young提出的ACE模型,Davis的认知-行为模型,以及Grohol的阶段模型,分别探讨了网络依赖的发生与网络的致瘾特征,网络用户的个体特质以及外在环境之间的关系。  相似文献   

药物成瘾是指持续使用成瘾药物, 出现耐受性和戒断症状并严重阻碍正常社会功能的精神疾病。工作记忆在调节药物成瘾行为中扮演了中心角色:在神经易感性和易感人格特质基础上, 低工作记忆容量导致危险决策和去抑制性, 进而影响寻求药物和复吸行为。目前的研究基于已经产生成瘾的个体, 无法区别神经易感性、人格特质以及工作记忆缺陷是药物成瘾的原因还是结果; 而且, 仅从认知角度研究药物成瘾的原因, 会忽视该行为受多个因素影响的事实。  相似文献   

从心理理论的脑机制研究看心理理论与执行功能的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
心理理论发展与执行功能的关系以及心理理论脑机制的研究是近年来心理理论研究中的一个热点。文章首先对心理理论与执行功能关系的研究现状进行了分析与概括,提出了目前研究中的问题;然后从介绍了心理理论脑机制研究现状,并以此为基础探讨了心理理论与执行功能的关系。  相似文献   

Spirituality persists as a mechanism of behavior change for addiction recovery. The aim of this project was to carefully attend to how those in recovery construct meaning of their experience of addiction, regardless of the addiction treatment modality or ideological framework. Participant accounts reflected the increased public interest in and research funding based on the brain disease model of addiction (BDMA). The qualitative study used interpretive phenomenological analysis to investigate the experiences of six adults (age range from 24 to 72) with at least three years of sustained recovery from substance use disorders. In-depth key informant interviews tracked their construction of their experiences and their understanding of addiction. Participants who entered recovery after 2010 sought to integrate BDMA-related constructs into their understanding of addiction and recovery. Addiction recovery narratives featuring BDMA-related constructs integrated neuroscience-related ideas with spirituality-related constructs rather than completely replacing the latter. Notable innovations and paradoxical tensions were found within participant accounts. Such features echo the insights on secularity of Harvard philosopher Charles Taylor, particularly his notion of the “buffered self,” which offers a theoretical framework for understanding these shifts in meaning-making. For persons entering recovery in the twenty-first century, the brain disease model of addiction carries more explanatory authority than it does for previous generations, despite the lack of agreement across addiction-related neuroscientific findings. As a model, it engenders more mechanistic, agential, brain-centered (“buffered”) senses of self, ostensibly making it less compatible with spiritual understandings of addiction than other medical models of addiction. However, this study’s findings indicate that those in recovery are likely to devise complex narratives of the etiology of addiction that combine elements from various models.  相似文献   

张颖  冯廷勇 《心理科学进展》2014,22(7):1139-1148
随着认知神经科学技术的发展, 青少年风险决策的发展认知神经机制成为了新近的一个热点课题。从双系统理论模型(社会情感神经网络系统、认知控制神经网络系统)出发, 对与青少年风险决策相关的大脑结构、功能的变化进行了阐述, 重点分析了新近的大脑功能连接、脑网络的研究; 阐述了青少年风险决策认知神经机制的主要理论模型:双系统模型和三角模型。未来研究还应加强对认知神经机制理论模型的检验、整合和创新, 从社会认知神经科学的角度深入研究社会参照系统(同伴关系、亚文化等)在青少年风险决策中的作用及机制, 以及从认知神经层面如何预防和干预青少年高风险行为。  相似文献   

A thorough analysis of the question of whether we possess "free will" requires that we take into account the process of exercising that will: that is, the neural mechanisms of decision making. Much of what we know about these mechanisms indicates that decision making is greatly influenced by implicit processes that may not even reach consciousness. Moreover, there exist conditions, for example certain types of brain injury or drug addiction, in which an individual can be said to have a disorder of the will. Examples such as these demonstrate that the idea of freedom of will on which our legal system is based is not supported by the neuroscience of decision making. Using the criminal law as an example, we discuss how new discoveries in neuroscience can serve as a tool for reprioritizing our society's legal intuitions in a way that leads us to a more effective and humane system.  相似文献   

应激是有机体在受到真实或者潜在的威胁刺激时所表现出来的全身性非特异性反应, 伴随着紧张和焦虑的心理体验, 交感神经系统的兴奋, 糖皮质激素分泌的增多以及脑干−边缘系统−前额叶神经环路的改变。应激对个体在风险决策行为中的风险寻求和风险回避倾向, 社会决策行为中的利己和利他倾向都会产生重要影响。策略使用异常、习惯化和自动化反应增强、反馈学习过程以及奖惩敏感性的改变是应激影响决策行为的认知基础; 应激激素的分泌, 及杏仁核、前额叶等在决策过程发挥重要作用的脑区活动的改变则为应激作用于决策行为的神经基础。未来研究应重点关注:应激的个体差异与应激对决策影响效应多样性的关系; 综合多种指标对应激进行测量; 考察应激的时序效应; 揭示个体的最佳应激水平; 加强对慢性应激影响决策以及应激对决策影响效应可逆性的研究; 揭示应激影响决策的神经机制。  相似文献   

Recent work has given rise to the view that reward-based decision making is governed by two key controllers: a habit system, which stores stimulus-response associations shaped by past reward, and a goal-oriented system that selects actions based on their anticipated outcomes. The current literature provides a rich body of computational theory addressing habit formation, centering on temporal-difference learning mechanisms. Less progress has been made toward formalizing the processes involved in goal-directed decision making. We draw on recent work in cognitive neuroscience, animal conditioning, cognitive and developmental psychology, and machine learning to outline a new theory of goal-directed decision making. Our basic proposal is that the brain, within an identifiable network of cortical and subcortical structures, implements a probabilistic generative model of reward, and that goal-directed decision making is effected through Bayesian inversion of this model. We present a set of simulations implementing the account, which address benchmark behavioral and neuroscientific findings, and give rise to a set of testable predictions. We also discuss the relationship between the proposed framework and other models of decision making, including recent models of perceptual choice, to which our theory bears a direct connection.  相似文献   

风险决策是指个体对不同选项及其概率进行权衡之后做出决定的过程。它是一个复杂的加工过程, 需要平衡奖赏选项的诱惑和损失选项的忧虑。风险决策能力是人脑最重要的高级功能之一。在现实生活中, 风险决策能力具有非常大的个体差异, 而遗传和环境各自都在其中起着关键的作用。在这篇文章中, 我们首先综述近年来风险决策研究领域中探讨遗传影响风险决策加工的研究, 包括双生子研究与分子遗传学研究。在介绍分子遗传学研究时, 按照基因所属神经递质系统, 分别介绍了多巴胺递质系统相关基因(如COMT、DAT等)、五羟色胺递质系统相关基因(如SLC6A4、TPH1等)和其他基因(如BDNF)对风险决策能力个体差异的影响。随后, 我们探讨了环境对风险决策个体差异的影响, 以及基因-环境交互作用对风险决策个体差异的影响。接下来, 我们介绍了将脑的结构与功能作为内表型来考察基因和环境对风险决策个体差异的影响的最新进展。在文章的最后, 我们指出今后对风险决策个体差异的研究应该同时考虑遗传和环境, 并考察脑的结构和功能在其中的中介作用。  相似文献   

When decision makers are confronted with different problems and situations, do they use a uniform mechanism as assumed by single-process models (SPMs) or do they choose adaptively from a set of available decision strategies as multiple-strategy models (MSMs) imply? Both frameworks of decision making have gathered a lot of support, but only rarely have they been contrasted with each other. Employing an information intrusion paradigm for multi-attribute decisions from givens, SPM and MSM predictions on information search, decision outcomes, attention, and confidence judgments were derived and tested against each other in two experiments. The results consistently support the SPM view: Participants seemingly using a “take-the-best” (TTB) strategy do not ignore TTB-irrelevant information as MSMs would predict, but adapt the amount of information searched, choose alternative choice options, and show varying confidence judgments contingent on the quality of the “irrelevant” information. The uniformity of these findings underlines the adequacy of the novel information intrusion paradigm and comprehensively promotes the notion of a uniform decision making mechanism as assumed by single-process models.  相似文献   

网络成瘾者的行为冲动性——来自爱荷华赌博任务的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐四华 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1523-1534
以84名大学生为被试(网络成瘾和对照组被试各42名),采用感觉寻求量表和爱荷华赌博任务(Iowa Gambling Task)范式比较两组被试在感觉寻求水平和决策行为反应模式方面的差异.结果发现,与对照组被试相比,网络成瘾者的感觉寻求总分和去抑制、厌恶单调及寻求激动和惊险三个分量表得分显著增加,在IGT任务中优先选择收益和惩罚频率高的不利扑克牌,其冒险的决策策略并没有随着决策次数的增加而改变.这表明网络成瘾者的决策功能受损并表现出“即时收益优先”的决策模式和对强化物潜在风险的高耐受性.  相似文献   

During decision making, individuals are prone to rely on external cues such as expert advice when the outcome is not known. However, the electrophysiological correlates associated with outcome uncertainty and the use of expert advice are not completely understood. The feedback-related negativity (FRN), P3a, and P3b are event-related brain potentials (ERPs) linked to dissociable stages of feedback and attentional processing during decision making. Even though these ERPs are influenced by both reward- and punishment-related feedback, it remains unclear how extrinsic information during uncertainty modulates these brain potentials. In this study, the effects of advice cues on decision making were investigated in two separate experiments. In the first experiment, electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded in healthy volunteers during a decision-making task in which the participants received reward or punishment feedback preceded by novice, amateur, or expert advice. The results showed that the P3a component was significantly influenced by the subjective predictive value of an advice cue, whereas the FRN and P3b were unaffected by the advice cues. In the second, sham-controlled experiment, cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (ctDCS) was administered in conjunction with EEG in order to explore the direct contributions of the frontal cortex to these brain potentials. Results showed no significant change in either advice-following behavior or decision times. However, ctDCS did decrease FRN amplitudes as compared to sham, with no effect on the P3a or P3b. Together, these findings suggest that advice information may act primarily on attention allocation during feedback processing, whereas the electrophysiological correlates of the detection and updating of internal prediction models are not affected.  相似文献   

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