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社会人格取向的成人依恋研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
侯珂  邹泓  蒋索 《心理科学进展》2005,13(5):640-650
国外有关成人依恋的研究大致可以分为两大类:发展临床取向和社会人格取向,文章简要概述了两种取向的差异,并重点从社会人格取向的角度介绍了有关成人依恋的内部工作模型表征的社会认知研究和情绪调节策略的依恋类型差异的研究,以及成人依恋对亲密人际关系中目标信念、沟通和自我表露、归因和冲突解决、支持寻求和照顾行为等的影响研究。最后展望了该领域未来研究的趋势和方向。  相似文献   

文章综述了动态系统研究方法在社会心理学中的应用。社会心理学现象具有复杂性、时间性和动态性特点,动态分析方法如动态系统行为模式确定、动态系统稳定性分析、人工神经网络和元细胞自动机等计算机模型的应用,可以有效的捕捉到人类思维和行为的这些特点。目前动态分析方法已经在社会心理学的动态属性研究中取得了一定的进展。  相似文献   

星象学的人格心理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
董宣如  孔克勤 《心理科学》2003,26(4):701-703
1 引言 星象学(ASTROLOGY),是一门古老的方术。在《星象学:科学还是迷信?》一书中,艾森克和Nias(1982)将星象学定义为“对人们所相信的个体出生时行星的位置与他的人格、发展、职业、婚姻及普通的生活事件之间的联系的研究。星象学基于星象学意义上的黄道带、行星及其他特征,对不同个体的人格特质进行描述,但它并未解释为什么特定的  相似文献   

Marriage – the most important adult relationship in most people’s lives – has been theorized to affect biological processes, physical health, and mortality. This article highlights key findings in marriage and health research, focusing on the interpersonal processes through which marriage has been proposed to affect health. A model of marriage and health is presented that incorporates both main and stress-moderating effects of negative marital experiences –marital strain– and positive marital experiences –marital strength. Although many more studies have investigated marital strain than marital strength, current evidence suggests that both have potent effects on biology and health. The article concludes with a discussion of implications of this research for social and personality psychology, focusing on insights that may be gained from basic relationship science. Examples of three areas of relationship research – intimacy processes, commitment processes, and dyadic analysis – and their potential relevance for marriage and health research are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The key role of language is often neglected in explicitly formulated theories of cognition, affect, and social behavior. Implicitly, though, the relationship between language and mind is at the heart of psychological science. Two major research programs—linguistic universals and linguistic relativity—originate in opposite philosophical positions, assuming either that language reflects the mind's ideas and free will or that language differences govern and restrict the mind. However, modern psychological research was able to begin illuminating the power and richness of linguistic influences only after the priority debate was given up and language and cognition were treated as integral parts of the same process. Beyond the confines of referential communication, conceived as cooperative transfer of symbols referring to common world knowledge, some of the most intriguing phenomena are detached from referential bonds, reflecting unintended, emergent, or even random outcomes of verbal interaction. Indeed, the effectiveness of verbal priming may be actually contingent on language users' failure to understand the primes' referential meanings and implications.  相似文献   

Ideology: Its Resurgence in Social, Personality, and Political Psychology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ABSTRACT— We trace the rise, fall, and resurgence of political ideology as a topic of research in social, personality, and political psychology. For over 200 years, political belief systems have been classified usefully according to a single left–right (or liberal–conservative) dimension that, we believe, possesses two core aspects: (a) advocating versus resisting social change and (b) rejecting versus accepting inequality. There have been many skeptics of the notion that most people are ideologically inclined, but recent psychological evidence suggests that left–right differences are pronounced in many life domains. Implicit as well as explicit preferences for tradition, conformity, order, stability, traditional values, and hierarchy—versus those for progress, rebelliousness, chaos, flexibility, feminism, and equality—are associated with conservatism and liberalism, respectively. Conservatives score consistently higher than liberals on measures of system justification. Furthermore, there are personality and lifestyle differences between liberals and conservatives as well as situational variables that induce either liberal or conservative shifts in political opinions. Our thesis is that ideological belief systems may be structured according to a left–right dimension for largely psychological reasons linked to variability in the needs to reduce uncertainty and threat.  相似文献   

Articles published in five prominent personality journals for the three-year period 1993–1995 were reviewed in order to identify recent trends in personality research. Each article was assessed in terms of research methodology and content area. Research methodology has changed very little, the exceptions being a shift away from laboratory settings and a greater use of nonuniversity participants. Results for content demonstrate that over time certain topics emerge and fade from popularity. Current popular topics include traits, emotion/motivation, and health psychology. The general lack of advancement in methodology is discussed, and the current "hot topics" in content area are compared with those of the past. In addition, some comparisons are made between current personality research in North America versus research in Europe.  相似文献   

We reviewed a number of personality tests that are commonly used for personnel selection and found that some of the more popular tests provide a “correction” for faking. Additionally, a survey of researchers' preferences regarding correcting personality test scores for faking was conducted. The respondents, who were experienced in using personality tests for industrial‐organizational purposes, generally favored the use of faking corrections (69% were in favor). The apparently common practice of correcting personality scores for faking was contrasted with relevant conceptual, empirical, and statistical concerns as to the advisability of applying the correction for faking.  相似文献   

The social and personality psychology literature on aggression has largely focused on the factors that are associated with an increase in aggression such as provocation, violent media exposure, and trait anger. This work has been quite important in developing models of aggression. Less emphasis, however, has been placed on examining the factors that reduce this harmful behavior. We use a widely researched model of aggression to examine some factors that are associated with aggression reduction including self‐control, pro‐social experiences, and appraisal processes. These variables reduce the tendency to aggress, and our review addresses some potential processes involved. We suggest that a stronger research focus on the factors that reduce aggression can aid our understanding of not only why aggression occurs but also how to control it.  相似文献   

The use of interpersonal influence theory as an integrative model for counselling is described. This model relies heavily on theory and research in social psychology in particular, interpersonal power and attitude change. The use of constructs derived from the model is discussed for the three phases of the counselling relationship. Implications of the model for training are outlined.  相似文献   

Although experiences of positive psychological states such as self-actualization, love, happiness, meaning, authenticity, and spiritual connection are of interest to a number of psychologists, they are also difficult to study with rigorous scientific methods. This article argues that a complementary approach, or methodological pluralism, is appropriate and adequate for such study. The underpinnings of two approaches to psychological research methods, natural science and human science, are reviewed. Although these two approaches typically lead to different research strategies, quantitative and qualitative methods respectively, they have common values in assessing the truth-value of research claims, consistency of research findings, and neutrality of scientific conclusions. Three examples of research using complementary approaches are given: life satisfaction, meditation, and nature-based peak experiences.  相似文献   

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