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The present study simultaneously assessed the relative contributions of feedback indicative of comprehension and the apparent age of the listener, either an adult or a doll which resembled a toddler, in a 2 (listeners) × 2 (types of feedback, C = comprehension, NC = noncomprehension) design. Two groups of children, a 3-year-old (N = 13, 7 boys, 6 girls) and a 5-year-old group (N = 12, 6 boys, 6 girls) were asked to tell stories to both the adult and doll in both C and NC conditions. The doll was constructed with an internal speaker such that it could actually carry on a conversation with the children. The conversations were taped, transcribed, and scored for mean length of utterance (MLU), transitional utterance length to each C and NC signal, and the proportion of child questions, exact self-repetitions, repetition and reductions, and rephrases/elaborations. The data analysis revealed that all children appropriately modified the length of their utterances (MLU) in the doll condition but not in the adult condition, indicating that they were sensitive to both the feedback and the nature of their listeners. Older children were more likely than younger children, and girls more likely than boys to adjust the length of their utterances appropriately to each type of feedback, slightly increasing the length of the subsequent utterance to a C signal and decreasing the length to an NC signal. The younger children were also more likely to respond with a simple repetition to NC cues from the adult.  相似文献   

Prior research with token reinforcement in the psychiatric population has been directed at work adjustment, more than at major symptomatic behaviors. The purpose of the present research, on the other hand, was to investigate the effects of feedback and token reinforcement on the modification of delusional verbal behavior in chronic psychotics. Six male and four female paranoid schizophrenic patients participated in the study. The results indicated that the effects of feedback were effective about half the time in reducing percentage delusional talk, but in at least three cases produced adverse reactions. Token reinforcement, however, showed more consistency and reduced the percentage of delusional verbal behavior in seven of the nine subjects exposed to this procedure. The effects of both feedback and token reinforcement were quite specific to the environment in which they were applied and showed little generalization to other situations. It would appear that using token reinforcement can reduce the percentage delusional speech of chronic paranoid schizophrenics.  相似文献   

The effects of delayed auditory feedback (DAF) on the performance of simple speech and keytapping tasks were compared. In the first experiment, each of the fourteen young adult subjects was asked to repeat the speech sound “b” in groups of three sounds. The subject heard his undelayed speech sounds through earphones. Under the delay condition, the speech sounds were delayed 244 millisec. before being returned to the subject's earphones. In the second experiment, each of the same subjects was asked to tap on a key in groups of three taps. The subjects heard an undelayed click through earphones each time they tapped on the key. Under the delay condition, the clicks were delayed 244 millisec. before being returned to the earphones. Graphic recordings were made of the time and intensity characteristics of tapping under both conditions.

The changes which occurred in speech and keytapping under DAF were qualitatively the same and consisted of increases in intensity and unit-to-unit time of both taps and speech sounds. When performing under DAF, the subjects also exhibited a tendency to repeat more sounds or to tap more times than had been requested. The percentage of change in intensity and time characteristics for speech and keytapping performances which occurred under DAF were not significantly different for the two motor systems. The amount of change in speech performance under DAF did not correlate significantly with the amount of change in keytapping performance.  相似文献   

Operant conditioning techniques were applied to the verbal behavior of three speech deficient children. Subjects A and B having no intelligible speech and Subject C having very little. Using candy and a puppet with a 13-yr-old boy (A), it was possible to condition vocalization rate. Using social reinforcement with a 6-yr-old boy (B), it was possible to extinguish animal-like sounds, to condition vocalization rate, and to shape a small vocabulary of syllables, but not to gain discriminative control over word emission. Using varied reinforcers, e.g., candy, praise, repetitions other own responses, and hand clapping with a 13-yr-old girl (C), it was possible to condition rate of verbalization, to establish appropriate mimicking, and to establish naming of five pictures. The results were consistent with the findings of Salzinger et al. (1965) and with those of Kerr et al. (1965).  相似文献   

This experiment investigates an apparent discrepancy in experimental measurements of the effect of texture predictability upon reading disruption under delayed auditory feedback (DAF). By measuring relative DAF decrement in three different ways, it is shown that the previous findings can be related; Fillenbaum's hypothesis of increased disruption by DAF with an increase in predictability of the material is rejected, less disruption being obtained after practice on a particular passage. Almost identical ratios of DAF rate divided by normal rate are found irrespective of the type of reading material and stage in practice. This has not been reported previously and suggests that behaviour under DAF may be related to behaviour under normal conditions by a multiplicative constant. These results are also consistent with the notion of limited channel capacity and the partitioning of attention between two sources of information.  相似文献   

The effects of speaker expectation of listener competence and the feedback indicative of the listener's comprehension were compared on their power to elicit simplifed speech. The experiment used 2×2 design and a “foreigner” accomplice as a listener in an interview situation. Expectation was varied by having the accomplice introduce herself using either highly accented, dysfluent English or slightly accented, fluent English. The verbal feedback was varied by having the accomplice signal comprehension success (yeah, Ok, or nods) or comprehension failure (what? huh? or frowns and quizzical looks). Forty adult subjects spoke to the accomplice in one of the four conditions. The interviews were taped, transcribed, and scored for measures of mean length of utterance (MLU), false starts/dysfluencies, repetitions/rephrasals, and questions. Analyses revealed that the subjects used shorter MLUs, more repetitions/rephrasals, and more questions when the accomplice signaled comprehension difficulty. When the subjects expected the listener to be linguistically incompetent, they tended to repeat and rephrase more often than when they expected listener competence. It was clear that regardless of the speaker's initial expectation of the listener's linguistic competence, verbal feedback during conversation will elicit simplified speech.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of individually delivered verbal and graphic (process) feedback alone and in combination with praise on the data-recording behavior of 12 direct-care trainers (DCTs) who recorded their reinforcer deliveries contingent on their clients' appropriate behavior. Also, the study examined the effect of the time of feedback delivery on subsequent DCT data-recording behavior. Correspondence checks were conducted and a three-phase multiple condition experimental design was implemented. All feedback conditions produced a difference in data-recording behavior. Time of delivery of feedback also appeared to have an effect on the amount of data recorded. ©1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sparks G  Grant DE  Millay K  Walker-Batson D  Hynan LS 《Journal of Fluency Disorders》2002,27(3):187-200; quiz 200-1, III
Delayed auditory feedback (DAF) has been documented to improve fluency in those who stutter. The increased fluency has been attributed to the slowed speech rate induced by DAF, but recent experiments have suggested that increasing the speech rate may also decrease stuttering under DAF. This investigation described the effect of combining a fast speech rate and DAF on the fluency of four people who stutter. Fluency of the two mildly dysfluent subjects was the same for both no DAF and DAF conditions at normal and at fast oral reading rates. In contrast, the two severely dysfluent subjects improved in fluency from the no DAF to the DAF conditions. They were found to be dysfluent at both normal and fast oral reading rates without DAF. The results of the study point to the need for further research on the relationship between speech rate and stuttering frequency under conditions of DAF and no DAF. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Readers will learn about and be able to describe how the frequency of stuttering is affected by: (1) speech rates; (2) DAF; and (3) how stuttering severity influences such effects.  相似文献   

Participants memorized target words in silence or while ignoring neutral or valent (positive or negative) distractor words that could be either possessor-relevant or other-relevant. Distractor words impaired recall performance, but valent distractor words caused more disruption than neutral distractors, and negative distractors caused more disruption than positive distractors. The results are problematic for explanations of the irrelevant speech effect within working memory models that do not specify an explicit role of attention in the maintenance of information for immediate serial recall.  相似文献   

Several ways have been developed and applied to improve the environmental footprint of road transportation while contributing to a better road efficiency and safety. However, independently of these measures, the individual’s behavior as a commuter and/or as a driver is also a major issue that cannot be ignored. As a result, the aim of this paper was to assess the impacts of delayed feedback on driving performance considering indicators such as average speed, excess speeding, extreme braking and acceleration; fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, among others. Data on driving behavior was collected over a period of 6 months through the use of an on-board device installed in 40 light-duty vehicles in the region of Lisbon, Portugal. Two driving monitoring periods of 3 months each were considered: without feedback (Phase 1) and with feedback (Phase 2). Additionally, the short-term (weekly and bi-weekly) impact of feedback on performance was also assessed.The major findings indicate that both experimental and control groups increased fuel consumption and CO2 emissions over 5%. Both male and female drivers presented increases in these indicators with female drivers presenting higher values (up to 8%, as opposed to the 4% presented by male drivers). These results are related with increases in the number of accelerations, idling and number of small trips (below 2 km) between monitoring periods. Regarding the immediate impact of feedback on driving behavior, results indicate that when receiving negative feedback (revealing a performance decline), behavior would improve the following week. The opposite was found for positive feedback, with drivers worsening performance after being informed they had improved the previous week. Such findings might give an indication that people react differently to the feedback provided, and might depreciate the information provided when negative results are reached.  相似文献   

Fifteen undergraduate students recorded a standard reading passage under simultaneous auditory feedback (SAF) and delayed auditory feedback (DAF, 210 ms). These pairs were rated for articulation and fluency differences, reading rate differences, pitch differences, loudness differences, and overall differences in quality of speech by the fifteen speakers and by ten peer judges. Results suggest that naive speakers under DAF form a self-impression of the effects of DAF upon their speech that is not different from the qualitative ratings of independent peer judges. The hypothesis that there was no overall difference between self and peer ratings was not rejected. Implications for the use of DAF as a research or treatment modality, or as both, are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence showing that a word's cognate status is an important dimension affecting the naming performance of bilingual speakers. In a recent article, Kohnert extended this observation to the naming performance of an aphasic bilingual (DJ). DJ named pictures with cognate names more accurately than pictures with non-cognate names. Furthermore, having named the pictures in Spanish helped the subsequent retrieval (with a delay of one week between the two tests) of the same pictures' names in English, but only for pictures with cognate names. That is, there was a language transfer but only for those translation words that were phonologically similar. In this article we first evaluate the conclusions drawn from these results by Kohnert, and second we discuss the theoretical implications of the facilitatory effects of cognate words for models of speech production in bilingual speakers.  相似文献   

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