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Maladaptive cognitive responses to stressful life events represent well-replicated risk factors for depression. Research indicates that stressful life events that are dependent on the individual to occur or are interpersonal may generate more maladaptive cognitive responses than those that are independent and/or non-interpersonal. The current study examined the roles of sex and life event domains in eliciting depressogenic cognitive responses. Participants were 212 (71% female) undergraduate students who completed seven weekly questionnaires on participant-identified most negative and most positive life events over the previous 7 days. Additionally, participants reported levels of brooding and cognitive style in response to the most negative event and levels of positive rumination and dampening in response to the most positive event. Data were analyzed using mixed ANOVAs. Results indicated that females engaged in greater brooding regardless of event dependency. In addition, dependent and interpersonal life events generated greater brooding while dependent and non-interpersonal negative events generated greater negative cognitive style. An interaction between sex and domain was observed for dampening positive life events, such that males did not differ between interpersonal and non-interpersonal life events while females were more likely to dampen following interpersonal life events than non-interpersonal events.  相似文献   

Student subjects were given the task of writing down the spellings of a series of words (many of them homophones) presented auditorily. Some of the homophones had a negative and neutral interpretation, whereas others had a positive and neutral interpretation. Subjects low in trait anxiety (high extraversion, low neuroticism) produced more positive homophone interpretations than did those low in positive affectivity; this constitutes a positive interpretive bias. Subjects very high in negative affectivity (in terms of trait anxiety) produced more negative homophone interpretations than did those lower in trait anxiety; this constitutes a negative interpretive bias. Theoretical implications of these biases were discussed.  相似文献   

Across two studies, we test for sex differences in the factor structure, factor loadings, concurrent validity, and means of the Three Domain Disgust Scale. In Study 1, we find that the Three Domain Disgust Scale has indistinguishable factor structure and factor loadings for men and women. In Study 2, we find a small sex difference in sensitivity to pathogen and moral disgust and a large sex difference in sensitivity to sexual disgust, with women more sensitive to disgust across domains. However, correlations between Three Domain Disgust Scale factors and the five factors and 30 facets of the NEO Personality Inventory were indistinguishable between the sexes. These findings suggest that, despite mean sex differences in disgust sensitivity, the Three Domain Disgust Scale measures similar constructs in men and women. Implications for understanding the constructs measured by the Three Domain Disgust Scale are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex differences in predictors of smoking cessation were investigated among 337 male and 490 female participants in the RAND adolescent panel study. Participants reported smoking at least 11-20 times during the past year at Grade 10, with cessation defined as not smoking during the past year at Grade 12. Controlling for demographics, sex-specific analyses indicated that girls who quit smoking within 2 years had friends who smoked less frequently, perceived less parental approval of their smoking, had weaker intentions to continue smoking, used marijuana less frequently, attended fewer different schools, were more likely to have an intact nuclear family, experienced greater peer support, and rated themselves as healthier. Similar analyses for boys yielded results that were generally weaker and nonsignificant, with smoking quantity accounting for several associations in the sex-specific models. Despite these differences, interaction tests revealed significant sex differences for only three predictors. Implications of these results for understanding adolescent smoking cessation are discussed.  相似文献   

When viewing two conflicting stimuli in a stereoscope, males reported seeing objects significantly more often than human figures. The opposite effect was observed in females.  相似文献   

Many previous articles have suggested that social cues and situational information contribute differentially to perceptions of work-related competence of women versus men. Certain theorists have concluded that the perceived competence of women is more dependent upon social cues and less upon situational information than is the competence of men, while other theorists have concluded that the opposite is true. The present study empirically examined the relative contribution of these two classes of variables to the perceived competence of 583 employees of social service organizations in 23 states. In addition, the study investigated a rival hypothesis that occupancy of a supervisory position, not sex, is a more likely modifier of the relationship between competence and either social or situational factors. Contrary to all hypotheses, the results suggest that (a) there are no practically significant sex differences in sensitivity to social cues or situational information, and [b] occupancy of a supervisory position may have a direct impact on perceived competence, but position occupancy does not moderate [to a practically significant degree] the relationships between competence and social cues or situational information.  相似文献   

Differences between North American and East Asian cultures were examined in terms of the valence of psychological constructs. Americans were more likely than Japanese to focus on positive things. In contrast, Japanese ( vs Americans) were more likely to attend to negative information of the self, but not more or less likely to focus on negative things about others. Based on within-culture analyses, the Americans' data were better described by their tendency to focus on positive things over negative things than by their tendency for self-enhancement. In contrast, the Japanese data were better described by their self-critical tendency. This result was replicated in a second study. In addition, correlations between constructs with opposite valences were negative in the USA, but positive or absent in Japan.  相似文献   

In the original Kogan-Wallach Choice Dilemmas Questionnaire (CDQ), an oftused measure of risk-taking disposition, the central character in the majority of items is male. For this study, a revised 10-item CDQ was constructed with content appropriate for both sexes. Two forms were employed, identical in all respects except for the use of a male or female name to identify the central protagonist in each CDQ item. When the two forms were administered to male and female undergraduates, the female form elicited somewhat higher levels of risk taking. This effect was especially pronounced in the male subjects. When asked to specify how their peers would respond to each of the CDQ items, subjects attributed greater caution to female than to male peers relative to their own preferred risk level. The outcomes suggest that subjects (especially males) find highly achieving women in the CDQ items more exceptional than their male counterparts, and hence able to tolerate more risk. In striking contrast, subjects' female peers are considered a rather cautious lot.The present research was formulated in the course of discussions with Marvin Frankel. The authors are enormously grateful for his help and would also like to thank Kathleen Connor and Joel Kostin for their aid in statistical and computer analyses. An earlier version of of this article was presented as a paper at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, 1975. The article was completed during the period (1976–1977) that the senior author was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley.  相似文献   

Hypothesizing that genetic factors partially govern sensitivity to interpersonal cues, we examined whether a polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) in the serotonin transporter gene would moderate spouses' sensitivity to positive and negative partner affect. Before and after marital discussions, participants from 76 couples (total n = 150) reported their affective states. Spouses carrying the short allele of the 5-HTTLPR were more responsive to their partner's preinteraction positive affect and anxiety/nervousness, compared with spouses with two long alleles. These data support the contention that the serotonin system influences affective responses to social stimuli. In contrast to the view that the 5-HTTLPR primarily affects response to adverse experiences, these results suggest that this polymorphism moderates sensitivity to positive as well as negative affect.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory have associated sensitivity to punishment (SP) with negative affect and sensitivity to reward (SR) with positive affect. However, few studies have examined the expression of these systems and their response to cues of reward in daily life. The current study employed experience sampling methodology (ESM) to assess the association of SP and SR with affect and perceptions of situations in daily life. SP was positively associated with negative affect and negatively associated with positive affect in daily life, whereas SR was associated with positive affect and one aspect of negative affect, irritability/anger. Furthermore, high SP participants experienced smaller increases in positive affect and smaller decreases in negative affect in some situations that were perceived as positive, in comparison to low SP participants. In contrast, high SR participants experienced greater decreases in negative affect in some situations that were perceived as positive, in comparison to low SR participants.  相似文献   

Interactions between two types of affect sensitivity and two types of affect regulation were tested: low sensitivity to positive affect and high sensitivity to negative affect were expected to become maladaptive when self-motivation and self-relaxation are low, respectively. Consistent with expectations, specific Sensitivity × Regulation interactions emerged: low sensitivity to positive affect (i.e., independent, schizoid-like personality) was only associated with reduced emotional well-being when self-motivation was low. High sensitivity to negative affect (i.e., self-critical, avoidant-like personality) was only associated with psychosomatic symptoms when self-relaxation was low. In a subsample, the same results were obtained longitudinally. Findings support the distinction between affect sensitivity and affect regulation. Furthermore, affect regulation can be differentiated into self-motivation and self-relaxation.  相似文献   

Positive and negative affect, measured by the Bradburn Affect Balance Scale, were studied in a longitudinal sample spanning from 1971 to 1994. The sample (N = 2,804) represented 4 generations of families. Linear trend analyses compared generations over time for positive and negative affect and also examined the possible influences of neuroticism and extraversion on initial levels of affect and patterns of change in affect. Negative affect decreased with age for all generations, although the rate was attenuated among the oldest adults. Higher neuroticism scores also attenuated the decrease in negative affect across time. For positive affect, the younger and middle-aged adults showed marked stability, but the older group evidenced a small decrease over time. Higher levels of extraversion were related to more stability in positive affect.  相似文献   

Sex and sexual orientation related differences in processing of happy and sad facial emotions were examined using an experimental facial emotion recognition paradigm with a large sample (N = 240). Analysis of covariance (controlling for age and IQ) revealed that women (irrespective of sexual orientation) had faster reaction times than men for accurate identification of facial emotion and were more accurate in identifying male faces than female ones, whereas men performed the same regardless of the sex of the face. However, there were no overall sex differences in accuracy. These findings suggest a limited role for sex in the perception of facial affect.  相似文献   

Sex differences in pain and thermal sensitivity: the role of body size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex differences in heat-pain and thermal sensitivity were investigated in 32 women (20 to 60 years of age) and 32 men (17 to 63 years of age) who had no somatosensory impairments. Pain thresholds were measured with stimuli of two different durations (phasic and tonic). Warmth and cold thresholds were assessed as indices of thermal sensitivity. Stimulation was applied to the hand and to the foot by an apparatus containing a Peltier thermode. There were no sex differences in heat-pain thresholds. Women had significantly lower warmth thresholds than men (more pronounced on the foot than on the hand), but similar cold thresholds. Measures of body size (weight, height) correlated much more strongly with thermal than with pain sensitivity, and helped to explain the sex difference in the warmth threshold. A reduction of sex differences to body-measure differences appears likely, but could not be demonstrated unequivocally.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of psychoticism (P) and neuroticism (N) on emotional responding, a re-analysis was carried out on subjective and physiological data collected while Ss (n = 50) repeatedly imagined anxious (intrusive) or depressive, and pleasant thoughts or images. High N was associated with a greater negative mood state subsequent to imagining the distressing cognitive stimuli, though there was no relation with physiological reactivity. However, high P scorers did evidence less overall cardiac reactivity and, to a lesser extent, fewer skin resistance responses than low P Ss. The results are discussed in light of the moderating influence that stimulus and response characteristics as well as gender differences can have on the interaction between personality traits and emotional responding.  相似文献   

C H Liu  A Chaudhuri 《Perception》1998,27(9):1107-1122
The question whether face recognition in photographic negative relies more on external features and pictorial cues than in photographic positive was studied in five experiments. Recognition of whole faces as well as both external and internal features of the faces was compared in experiments 1 and 2. The conditions in which views of faces between learning and test were either identical (hence providing maximum pictorial cues) or different (hence reducing such cues) were compared in experiments 3, 4, and 5. The results showed that recognition of internal features in two-tone and multi-tone images suffered more from use of photographic negatives than recognition of external features. Testing with both multi-tone and two-tone images revealed that the deficit caused by view changes between learning and test was no more severe with negatives than with positives. Finally, removing external features made recognition of different views equally more difficult for positives and negatives. Overall, these results point to a qualitative rather than quantitative difference between processing face images in photographic positive and negative.  相似文献   

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