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唯物史观是马克思主义的理论基础。我国是以马克思主义为指导思想的社会主义国家,进行科学无神论的宣传和教育,是思想领域的一项长期任务。邪教“法轮功”的形成及其危害,使科学无神论的宣传和教育更加具有现实和迫切的意义。 无神论是和有神论相对立的思想体系。这个思想体系没有固定的内容,只有一个核心目标,即揭示鬼神的不存在。随着科学和人类思想的发展,有神论不断变换着自己的形态,无神论也就必须不断发展自己的理论。无神论和有神论的这种关系,为无神论规定了长期战斗的任务。  相似文献   

按照科学社会主义的基本原则,国家要实行宗教信仰自由政策,共产党要坚持进行无神论宣传教育,这两者相辅相成,缺一不可。开展无神论宣传教育,主要靠宣传部门和教育部门,要设立专门的研究机构,出版相应的书刊。科学无神论的核心是马克思主义宗教观,应该让它进入中学和大学的教科书。  相似文献   

当人类以日新月异的发展欢呼着走进21世纪大门时,无不感谢科学给人类社会带来的巨大的物质文明与精神文明,无不高唱科学理性的赞歌。但是,20世纪末世界范围内涌动的伪科学、反科学乃至邪教的社会逆流,却发出了与人类社会进步不和谐的音符,开始搅乱人们的思想,迷惑人们的视线。愚昧迷信、迷功尚教的盛行,使得一些人对于科学的作用与意义以及社会地位发生疑问,甚至有人说,20世纪是科学的世纪,21世纪则应该是宗教精神的世纪。面对这样的声音,不能不让人担忧人类前途与命运,这样的状况会对青少年发生什么样的影响?青少年是祖国未来的建设者和社…  相似文献   

对大学生、研究生加强科学无神论教育,是当前高等院校“两课”教育应当引起重视的一个重要课题。这个方面所以受到一些人的忽视,其中有两个重要的原因,一个是他们担心开展科学无神论教育会影响宗教信仰自由,关于这一点已经有很多论述,阐明宣传无神论与宗教信仰自由是不矛盾的.故在此不再多叙,另一个举足轻重的原因是,这些人认为,有了马克思主义哲学原理课,无神论教育就不必考虑了,他们认为是不言自明的事情,因此需要多说几句。  相似文献   

申:看来,“对科学的迷信也是迷信“这类说法确实不妥.“科学并非万能“的说法,从理论上并没有什么错,在我国当前形势下这样强调出来却易招致误读,效果不佳.……  相似文献   

《中国无神论史》编写工作座谈会于1981年8月2日—8月5日在北京召开。中国社会科学院民族研究所、世界宗教研究所、南京大学、武汉水运工程学院、新乡师院和中国社会科学出版社六个单位的部分同志参加了会议。会议就《中国无神论史》编写工作的指导思想,该书的性质、规模、写作方法、写作计划和某些无神论史的理论问题进行了认真、细致的讨论。  相似文献   

中国无神论学会及其理论刊物《科学与无神论》,在文化理论学界已经声誉渐起,学会正副理事长都是社会学界名望人士,群贤突显,累绩名震。学会的刊物独树一帜,在思想理论战线有惊世骇俗  相似文献   

1.通过邮局和自行发行5000册2.通过"中国知网"发行用户总计:2928个,个人读者分布在13个国家和地区。具体情况如下:中国大陆地区:高校:北京大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学等;  相似文献   

拿到《科学无神论》(大中小学系列读本) 后,一口气将其中的小学生、中学生读本读完,然 后把小学生读本拿给上小学四年级的儿子,看到他 也深深的被书中的章节所吸引。我相信这是一套适 合孩子们阅读的、宣传科学知识的好书:一套有益 于孩子们树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观的, 有益于他们成长的好书。  相似文献   

Little is known about how the content of advertisements is remembered. We studied how product interest, thematic congruence between advertisement and programme, and the typicality of the elements of an advertisement affect memory for new product ads in television, radio, and printed media. Participants were exposed to a single type of media with two embedded ads. After a filler task, they completed a true/false recognition task. In television and radio, accuracy was higher for the interesting product ads. In three experiments, we found no effect of thematic congruence, and the standard effect of typicality. In printed media, where participants are free to read the ads or not, the differences in hits and false alarms in typicality were due to a change in the response criterion and not to an effect on memory. We conclude that different results can be obtained depending on the exposure to different media. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A recent trend in screen media is the casting of older women who have bodies that are the shapes and sizes of younger women. These aging beauties can be found in shows such as Cougar Town and Desperate Housewives. It was predicted that heavy viewers of these media would report stronger eating disorder symptomatology, greater body ideal discrepancies, and stricter food choices than light viewers. Participants were 166 midlife women (M: 44.57 years) who completed an online questionnaire that asked about body ideals, disordered eating, food choices, and exposure to aging beauty programming. Results demonstrate that media exposure was associated with stronger reports of disordered eating, greater discrepancies between actual body size and both women's ideal body size as well as perceptions of how others wanted them to look, and stricter food choices when around other people. Ideal self-discrepancies mediate the association between aging beauty media and disordered eating symptomatology. Our study builds on extant work related to media consumption, body concerns, and eating behaviors among a non–college-aged sample.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the differences in the representation of gender on male- and female-targeted channels with regard to recognition (i.e., the actual presence of men and women) and respect (i.e., the nature of that representation or portrayal). To this end, the presence of men and women on two female- and two male-targeted Dutch channels (N = 115 programs, N = 1091 persons) were compared via content analysis. The expectation that men’s channels would portray a less equal and more traditional image of gender than women’s channels was generally supported by the results. Regardless of genre as well as country of origin of the program, women were underrepresented on men’s channels, while gender distribution on women’s channels was more equal. The representation of women in terms of age and occupation was more stereotypical on men’s channels than on women’s channels, whereas men were represented in more contra-stereotypical ways (e.g., performing household tasks) on women’s channels. Since television viewing contributes to the learning and maintenance of stereotyped perceptions, the results imply that it is important to strengthen viewers’ defenses against the effects of gender stereotyping when watching gendered television channels, for instance through media literacy programs in schools.  相似文献   

This study describes a longitudinal analysis of the relationship among neuroticism, extraversion, educational level, perceived social support, escape viewing, and psychological distress in crime victims. A sample of 170 crime victims completed self-report measures of these concepts. Personality traits, educational level, and baseline rates at 3 months postcrime of perceived social support and escape television viewing were modeled as predictors of psychological distress at 6 and 9 months postcrime. Neuroticism and extraversion significantly predicted psychological distress following victimization. Escape viewing had direct effects on distress and mediated the relationship between neuroticism and distress. Distress symptoms at 3 months were the strongest predictors of distress at 6 and 9 months postcrime.  相似文献   

在科学迅猛发展的今天,伪气功、伪科学和封建迷信思想的大肆泛滥不得不引起我们教育工作者的高度警惕。每逢想起那位年方十九,花样容颜的音乐学院高材生,竟然痴迷邪教,拿年轻的生命做赌注,自取灭亡时,便感到痛心无比。惋惜之余,更加深了思考和责任感。21世纪大学生的思想道德素质和文化素质如何,直接关系到中华民族的命运,祖国的前途。破除迷信,加强对大学生进行思想素质和科学素养教育已刻不容缓,迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

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