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大学生认知方式与人际交往及创造力之间关系的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李寿欣  李涛 《心理科学》2000,23(1):119-120
1问题提出 关于创造力与场依存——独立性的关系,国内外学者都有过论述,但是,对认知方式与创造力之间关系的定量研究,尚不多见。关于场依存性认知方式与人际交往之间的关系,威特金(Witkin)等人研究认为,场依存性的人是社会定向,他们对社会线索更敏感,更喜欢与人有联系的情境,而不喜欢独处;与他人相处,在社会行为特征和习惯方式方面表现得更熟练。场独立的人则是非社会定向,在人际关系中表现出更多自主性,较少考虑他人的意见。场依存性者的社会定向是否就说明他们社会交往技能高?在人际交往过程中不同认知方式的人会…  相似文献   

Despite an awareness of the inverse relationship between stress levels and job performance, researchers have not addressed the specific coping strategies used by salespeople in their efforts to cope with sales-related stress. A framework is developed that suggests dispositionally optimistic salespeople may employ different coping strategies than do pessimistic salespeople. Support for hypotheses that have been grounded in this broad proposition was developed in a study that employed a multi-firm sales sample. Optimists were found to employ more problem-focused coping tactics, while pessimists used more emotion-focused coping. Issues relating to why problem-focused coping tactics are preferable as well as how greater use of problem-focused coping may be promoted within a sales organization are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationships among parenting styles, perfectionism dimensions, and coping through an online survey. With structural equation modeling and a bootstrap method, the results demonstrated that perfectionism dimensions mediated the relationship between parenting styles and coping strategies among 376 undergraduates (women, 80.6%; men, 19.4%; Caucasian, 94.4%). Thus, parenting practices may be antecedents to perfectionism dimensions that contribute to an individual's ability to cope with stressful situations. The implications for counselors and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生生命智慧与应付方式的关系探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究探讨大学生生命智慧的现状,揭示大学生生命智慧与应付方式之间的关系.采用自编<大学生生命智慧问卷>和<大学生应付方式问卷>对472名大学生进行调查,结果发现:大学生生命智慧的整体水平较高,并存在明显的年级差异和性别差异;生命智慧与应付方式之间存在高相关,在面对挫折时,富有生命智慧的大学生多采用调整心态、调节情绪、总结经验、转换视角等积极的应付方式;生命非认知智慧是应付方式最重要的预测变量.  相似文献   

The way patients cope with the experience of having an episode and being hospitalized for psychiatric disorder may relate to symptom severity, social functioning, and psychological well-being. Coping was assessed among 70 psychiatric inpatients diagnosed primarily with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. The Brief COPE—a questionnaire developed in health psychology (C. S. Carver, 1997)—was administered in interviewer-assisted format during patients' stay on the ward. Thirty patients were re-interviewed an average of 6 weeks after discharge. Among patients with schizophrenia, schizophrenia symptom severity correlated inversely with adaptive coping (e.g., acceptance, planning, seeking support) but did not correlate with maladaptive coping (e.g., self-blame, denial). Among those with schizophrenia, deficits in adaptive coping also predicted relative increases in schizophrenia symptoms over time, controlling for intake symptom severity. Among patients without schizophrenia, maladaptive coping correlated concurrently with depressive symptoms. Several hypothesized associations between concurrent coping, functioning, and well-being were also documented.  相似文献   

This study expanded on previous research with African American college students at predominantly White institutions by examining the theoretically relevant but unexplored relations among racial identity attitudes and (a) both general and culture-specific stressors and (b) problem-focused coping styles. Ninety African American college students at a predominantly White university completed the Black Racial Identity Attitudes Scale, Black Student Stress Inventory, Problem Solving Inventory, and Problem-Focused Style of Coping Scale. A series of multivariate regression analyses revealed that specific racial identity attitudes were statistically significant predictors of both general and culture-specific stressors. In addition, one racial identity attitude status (immersion/emersion) was a unique predictor of general perceived stressors and problem solving. Results suggest the importance of racial identity schemata as a critical factor in predicting stress and coping responses of African American students at predominantly White institutions. The findings also underscore the utility in distinguishing between general and culture-specific stressors, which traditionally have been ignored in the psychological literature.  相似文献   

儿童人际冲突解决策略与欺负行为的关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
陈世平 《心理科学》2001,24(2):234-235
儿童处理人际关系能力是儿童社会化程度和社会适应的一项重要指标。在同伴交往中,有的儿童经常成为同伴攻击和欺负的对象,有的却很少成为受害者。其原因除了其自身生理条件、个性心理品质和行为习惯等因素之外,儿童的社会化发展水平是一个重要的原因。而反映社会化水平的一个重要的方面,就是儿童对人际冲突和人际矛盾的基本应  相似文献   

思维风格与创造性倾向关系的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本研究运用斯腾伯格编制的思维风格问卷与威廉斯编制王木荣等修订的创造性倾向问卷对大学生进行测量 ,比较了不同思维风格创造性倾向的高低 ,以及思维风格对创造性倾向的预测。发现可以从思维风格这种认知方式的角度对创造力作定性、定量的阐述 ,高创造性倾向者在某些风格上显著高于低创造性倾向者。本研究还探讨了大学生思维风格的特点 ,比较了不同专业及性别在思维风格上的差异 ,为了解我国大学生思维风格特点提供了一些资料。  相似文献   

There often appears to be a striking correspondence between mythic stories and aspects of reality. We will examine the processes of creative imagination within a neurobiological frame and suggest a theory that may explain the functions of myth in relation to the hidden aspects of reality. Myth is peppered with archetypal entities and interactions that operate to reveal hidden processes in reality that are relative to the human condition. The imagery in myths in a sense "sustains the true." That is, mythopoetic imagery keeps the interpretive process in experience closer to the actual nature of reality than the rational faculties operating alone are able to do. Indeed, whereas rationalizing can easily lead us awry, genuine myth rarely does. Explanations of events offered by cultures around the world are frequently couched in terms of mythic themes and events. An important function of myth is to provide a "field of tropes" that in-forms the lived experience of people. This paper focuses especially on those aspects of myth that represent facets of the quantum universe and give us clues as to the relationship between consciousness, symbolism, and reality.  相似文献   

贾文华 《心理科学》2012,35(1):142-147
目的: 考察留守儿童的心理适应性及其与人格特征和应对方式的关系。方法: 运用艾森克人格问卷 (儿童版)、简易应对方式问卷和心理适应性量表对332名农村留守儿童进行测查。结果:(1)留守儿童心理适应性总体发展具有显著的年级和安置方式差异而性别差异不显著。(2)留守儿童的人格特征可以直接影响其心理适应性;应对方式可以直接影响心理适应性中的个别因子,还可以通过人格特征间接的对心理适应性产生影响。结论:留守儿童的人格特征直接影响其心理适应性;应对方式主要通过人格特征间接的影响其心理适应性。  相似文献   

The current study examined the prospective relations between emotion suppression and maladjustment (i.e., depressive symptoms, family stress events, peer stress events, and family and peer support) among Vietnamese American (n = 372) and European American adolescents (n = 304). We found that at baseline Vietnamese Americans adolescents reported greater use of emotion suppression coping than European American adolescents. Multi-group structural equation modeling indicated that for European American teens emotion suppression was significantly related to increased depression symptoms and decreased quality of peer relationships. In contrast, for the Vietnamese Americans teens emotion suppression relations to later maladjustment was either nonsignificant or attenuated relative to the European American. These findings suggest ethnic group differences in both the utilization, and consequences and function of emotion suppression among Vietnamese American and European American adolescents.  相似文献   

中小学教师应对方式相关因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
申艳娥  叶一舵 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1523-1525
本文通过对530名中小学教师应对方式、一般自我效能感、社会支持的测试,探讨了三者之间的关系。结果表明:(1)教师一般自我效能感、社会支持对教师采用何种应对方式具有间接或直接的预测作用,且它们可能分别对某种类型的应对方式更具重要性。(2)高自我效能感、高社会支持的教师更倾向于采用适应性应对方式;低自我效能感、低社会支持的教师更倾向于采用情绪指向的应对方式。(3)教师一般自我效能感、社会支持的增加有助于教师压力的缓解和适应性应对方式的采用。  相似文献   


The present study investigated the influence of interpersonal conflict management styles on language expressions and the differences in expressions in same-sex relational categories based on specific in-group-out-group classifications. Questionnaires were administered to 367 university students in Japan. After reading a scenario, participants reported on actual language use and gave ratings on an interpersonal conflict management scale. The results revealed that Japanese change their expressions, along with psychological styles, depending on the relational target. They also indicated psychological constructs were related to their equivalent expressions. The results suggested that future research should take into consideration the potential differences in behavior and interaction posture inherent in various relational and situational categories.  相似文献   

Attempts to explain the experience of somatic complaints among children and adolescents suggest that they may in part result from the influence of particular strategies for coping with anger on the longevity of negative emotions. To explore these relationships British (n = 393) and Dutch (n = 299) children completed a modified version of the Behavioral Anger Response Questionnaire (BARQ), and two additional questionnaires assessing anger mood and somatic complaints. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that for both the UK and Dutch samples two coping styles, Social support-seeking and Rumination, made a significant contribution to somatic complaints, over and above the variance explained by anger mood. A tendency to repeatedly think or talk about an angering event as a way of coping seems to underlie the observed negative health effects. In addition, tentative support is given for a broader range of strategies to cope with anger than just the traditionally studied anger-out and anger-in styles.  相似文献   

The present study examined the connection between conflict styles used with siblings in adolescence and conflict styles utilized in current romantic committed relationships. Questionnaires were administered to 144 participants. Results indicate that multiple types of conflict styles used with siblings during adolescence correspond to similar conflict styles used in adult romantic relationships. Implications for therapy and family life education are discussed.  相似文献   

小学儿童的尊重观念与同伴关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用开放式尊重观念问卷考察了502名三到六年级小学生的尊重观念,探讨儿童的尊重观念与其友伴关系的联系。结果表明,双向尊重的儿童比单向尊重的儿童具有更多的友伴数和更好的友谊质量,但双向尊重的儿童不一定是受欢迎儿童;在不同社交地位的儿童中,被拒绝儿童比其他类型的儿童在一般尊重观念和对朋友的尊重观念上更多地具有单向尊重观念(主要是自我取向尊重观念)。因此,同伴关系的不同侧面——友谊关系和群体社交地位与儿童尊重观念具有不同的联系  相似文献   

The vulnerability-stress model for schizophrenia posits that relapses are at least partly determined by interacting triggering and protecting psychosocial factors. This study examined social support and general coping style in 42 consecutively admitted DSM:III schizophrenic patients, who were followed prospectively for up to four years. In a second part of the study, a subgroup of the patients were interviewed using the Life Event and Difficulty Schedule 9 months after discharge or at relapse. Patients contented with low social integration had a higher relapse rate over four years than patients lacking of social provisions, but wanting more. We found an excess of life events three weeks before relapse compared to events reported in the non-relapsing group. Suggesting a buffering effect of social factors, time between life event and relapse was significantly extended among patients with a high availability of attachment and a coping strategy characterised of active support seeking.  相似文献   


This study examined whether adult attachment was predictive of conflict resolution behaviors and satisfaction in romantic relationships. It adopted a two-dimensional conceptualization for both adult attachment style (model of self, model of others) and conflict resolution behaviors (concern for self, concern for others). Both adult attachment dimensions, Avoidance and Anxiety, were predictive of conflict resolution behaviors and relationship satisfaction. Gender differences existed in conflict resolution behaviors, but they were not as strong a predictor as attachment characteristics of conflict resolution and relationship satisfaction. No gender differences were found in attachment styles.  相似文献   

The existence of an unaware psychic space that influences the way we think, perceive, and decide has been known for over a century. This space, defined by Freud as the “unconscious,” contains in itself unaware psychic contents. Its sophisticated adaptive functions, implicit and unaware, allow individuals to transform an enormous amount of information into explicit behaviors, influencing their behaviors. In this article, we advance the hypothesis that there is a strong relationship between the unconscious, personality styles, and decisions under conditions of temporal and emotional pressure. The fact that an increase in the quality of a performance follows an increase in excitation, at least up to a certain threshold, clarifies the concept. Beyond this level of activation, not only are the benefits starting to diminish, but we also notice the onset of dysfunctional conditions that consist of anxiety, inner tension, difficulty in concentration, and inability to decide.  相似文献   

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