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近些年 ,随着人们物质生活的极大提高 ,休闲旅游、追求精神享受成为人们生活的重要部分 ;伴随着我国国际地位的提高 ,对外开放的扩大 ,许多海外游人纷纷到中国旅游观光。他们除了欣赏享受自然风景的优美外 ,游览人文景观、感受历史文化的丰富内涵也逐渐成为旅游的热点 ,而道教名胜旅游便是其中的重要部分。道教是根植于中华文化沃土的传统宗教 ,迄今有一千八百年的历史 ;道教文化是中华传统文化的重要组成部分 ,对我国民族心理的形成有着重要影响。北京白云观是道教全真龙门祖庭 ,誉为“天下第一丛林” ,每年有成千上万的海内外游客慕名而至…  相似文献   

孔令宏博士是近年来活跃于中国哲学界中的一位充满朝气、勇于创新的年轻学者。最近几年,他的《中国道教史话》、《朱熹哲学与道家、道教》和《儒道关系视野中的朱熹哲学》相继出版,系统而深刻地挖掘了道教思想,极大地宏扬了民族文化,在学术界反响很大。现  相似文献   

陈仕铎学术深受道教医学影响,而他的临床经验也神奇有效,至今为中医界所重视。深入研究他的医学思想,将进一步揭示道教与医学的密切联系及其现代价值。本文主要探讨道教思想对陈士铎医学及命门水火理论的影响,及其与医药临床的结合特点。  相似文献   

道教神仙不死信仰,反映了中国古人解决死亡问题的终极理想,可把它看作是我们祖先的"科幻"意识。道教神仙不死具有"魔幻""奇幻"的色彩,但其主要成分还是一种古代"科幻",具有所谓"‘原始’科学的一面",故与中国古代科技结为并蒂莲,命运休戚与共。道教那种把信仰与科技结合起来孜孜不倦追求的探险精神,在当今世界高科技领域中也是不难寻觅踪影的。  相似文献   

苏颂(1020—1101),字子容,北宋福建泉州南安(学界还有同安说、晋江说等)人。苏颂一生从政五十多年,政绩显赫。朱熹评价他"道德博闻,号称贤相,立朝一节,终始不亏"。①然不止于政治、道德之声望,苏颂更以其博学洽闻  相似文献   

道教是中国本土所固有的宗教,道教文化是中华传统文化的重要组成部分。在道教文化中,道教教义思想居于基础和核心的地位。自祖天师立教以来,道教教义思想经历不断丰富发展的几个大的阶段,如魏晋南北朝时的神仙之道、隋唐时期的重玄之  相似文献   

林其锬 《中国道教》2007,6(5):33-37
宗教是民族文化的支柱,是形成民族的重要自然力。中国道教是中国土生土长的固有宗教,若从东汉汉安元年(142)祖天师张道陵感太上授以《正一盟威之道》及《太上三五都功》诸品经,正式创立道教算起,迄今已有1865年的历史。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,随着中国传统文化研究的兴起,中国道教学研究日趋活跃,成果渐丰。近年来,一些学者开始从道教史、道教哲学的角度介入道教思想史研究,使道教思想史的学科建设有所进展。但从总体上看,中国道教思想史研究作为道教学研究的一个领域,在学术界尚未得到应有的重视,  相似文献   

甘罗 《中国道教》2018,(3):66-67
习近平总书记多次在重要讲话中谈到,中华民族优秀的传统文化是国家发展和民族振兴的“根”与“魂”。传统文化中的忠、孝、节、义不仅是古圣先贤倡导的做人立世准则,更是中华民族优秀传统文化的精气神。  相似文献   

本文力求在吸收已有道教研究成果的基础上,尝试以现代哲学观念,对道教的价值关怀予以分析说明以建立符合现代学科要求的道教哲学形态。由于目前的工作仅是初步提出自己对道教哲学的一种理解,希望能够对此正处于建设中的学科的进展有所推动。  相似文献   

道教有许多积极的教义精神和内容,都是通过宫观展示和发挥出来的。依托宫观,道教在历史的过程中进步发展,展现了道教作为一种文化载体特有的精神风貌,许多著名的高道也是在各个历史的时代中依赖宫观环境发  相似文献   

道教戒律在传统社会中发挥着重要的社会协调功能。探讨道教戒律的这种社会道德意义,可以促进对道教本身和对传统社会的认识。一、道教戒律对传统伦理道德的吸收传统社会伦理道德的基础是儒家伦理思想。儒家伦理道德重宗法等级,讲究血缘亲情关系,也重地缘伦理关系,它适合于中国传统社会以农业生产为基础的文明形态,因而在中国封建社会历史上始终都居于社会伦理的核心地位。它不仅影响社会伦理,亦且影响传统政治和法律,使得传统政治与法律呈现出伦理化的特征,形成中国传统社会以伦理为本位、家国一体、君父同格的特征,而三纲五常则成为社会的…  相似文献   

一、斋醮中“疏文”的重要性斋醮、章表、疏文是演道的一种形式。现存的斋醮有开坛、奏请、洒净、符水、诵经、神像开光、上疏奏表、存思、焚表;阴事的有:摄招、破狱、宝符等内容,可谓博大精深。疏文则为斋醮重中之重。“疏文”简单地说:“就是凡人祈求于神仙的文函”,它与人之  相似文献   

We describe our motivational analysis of ingroup bias. Central to our approach are two functions of ingroup bias: an identity function (the creation and expression of one's social identity) and an instrumental function (the facilitation of intergroup competition and social change). We present a research programme on the determinants of these two functions in which we have focused on socio-structural factors (group status and status stability), psychological factors (group identification and threat), and strategic considerations concerning the audience to which ingroup bias is communicated. In addition, we relate the different functions of ingroup bias to different forms of ingroup bias (symbolic versus material forms of ingroup bias; ingroup favouritism versus outgroup derogation). Our conclusions centre on the social and diverse nature of motivations underlying ingroup bias, and the integration of identity and instrumental perspectives on this phenomenon.  相似文献   

2004年10月29日至11月3日,海峡两岸纪念老子楼观授经祈祷法会、楼观台修复奠基仪式暨学术报告会、大陵山祭拜老子墓及临潼明圣宫开光庆典活动在陕西西安举行。参加本次活动的有全国人大常委、中国道协副会长张继禹道长,中国道协副会长、陕西省道协会长任法融道长、台湾中华道教总会秘书长张柽先生以及新加坡、马来西亚、韩国、日本等国家的嘉宾及国内道教界人士300多人,国家宗教局外事司司长郭伟女士一行应邀出席了本次活动。陕西省人大副主任陈再生、省人大秘书长岳松华同志会见了张柽先生一行。省人大陈再生副主任和省政府原副省长徐山林…  相似文献   

道教神仙信仰与人们的社会追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神仙信仰是道教信仰中重要的组成部分,由于神仙信仰而期望得道成仙、长生不死,不仅是古代修道者终生不渝的追求目标,也为当时社会中许多不同身份的人所企盼和津津乐道。这种久远漫长的历史现象,既说明道教作为我国本土出现并承传至今的宗教,与世世代代生息繁衍于华夏大地上的中  相似文献   

This article reports 3 studies in which the authors examined (a) the distinctive characteristics of anger and contempt responses and (b) the interpersonal causes and effects of both emotions. In the 1st study, the authors examined the distinction between the 2 emotions; in the 2nd study, the authors tested whether contempt could be predicted from previous anger incidents with the same person; and in the 3rd study, the authors examined the effects of type of relationship on anger and contempt reactions. The results of the 3 studies show that anger and contempt often occur together but that there are clear distinctions between the 2 emotions: Anger is characterized more by short-term attack responses but long-term reconciliation, whereas contempt is characterized by rejection and social exclusion of the other person, both in the short-term and in the long-term. The authors also found that contempt may develop out of previously experienced anger and that a lack of intimacy with and perceived control over the behavior of the other person, as well as negative dispositional attributions about the other person, predicted the emergence of contempt.  相似文献   

The Self-Regulation of Motivation Model suggests that the experience of interest is an important source of human motivation and that people often strategically regulate the experience of interest. Previous work based on this model suggests that the social context may influence this process at multiple points. The present research focuses on whether talking to others about an activity experience is one means by which individuals evaluate how interesting that activity is. In Study 1 college students completed questionnaires that asked about real life experiences where working on an activity was more interesting because they worked with others. They described experiences that occurred first in any domain, and then that occurred specifically in the school domain. Results suggested that the more students talked with others about the activity after it happened the more they reported greater interest in the activity after the conversations. In the school domain, this was especially true for Latinos and for individuals who scored higher on the Relational Self-Construal scale. Study 2 employed a lab paradigm to control for the task that individuals talked to others about and to examine whether the nature of listeners’ reactions influenced the speaker’s interest even after the study was ostensibly over. First, replicating Pasupathi and Rich (2005, ‘Inattentive listening undermines self-verification in personal storytelling’, Journal of Personality 73, pp. 1051–1086) college students who talked to a distracted friend about a computer game during the lab session reported a significant drop in interest relative to those who talked to attentive friends, regardless of whether the attentive listeners agreed or disagreed with participants. Importantly, interest ratings at a 4–6 week follow-up were affected by the perceived responsiveness of listeners during spontaneous conversational retellings outside the lab, controlling for interest levels at the end of the lab session. Taken together, results suggest that social interaction plays an important role in regulating activity interest even beyond the immediate activity experience.  相似文献   

看过《红楼梦》的读者,都很佩服曹雪芹对生活细节的描写。尤其是逢过节、婚丧大事,曹公一枝生花妙笔写得有情有致,有详有略。既无雷同之处,又无隙疵可寻。比如第五十三回,写宁国府、荣国府过年了的情景,是这样描述的:“已到了腊月二十九日了,各色齐备,两府中都换了门神、联对、挂牌,新油了桃符,焕然一新。宁国府从大门、仪门、大厅、暖阁、内厅、内三门、内仪门并内垂门,直到正堂,一路正门大开,两边阶下一色朱红大高烛,点的两条金龙一般。资日由贾母有封诰者。皆按品级着朝服,先坐八人大轿,带领众人进宫朝贺行礼,领宴毕回…  相似文献   

In public good dilemmas, group members often differ in the extent to which they benefit from provision of the public good (asymmetry of interest). In the current paper, we argue that people may readily accept such financial differences in interest when their social needs are met by being accepted by the others. When people are socially rejected, however, members having a low rather than a high interest in the public good may display negative emotional and retributive reactions. This reasoning was supported by the findings of a first experimental study in which we manipulated people's interest in the public good and social rejection. These effects were replicated in a second experimental study and it was further shown that this two‐way interaction between social rejection and interest in the public good was moderated by people's social value orientation. The negative reactions to low interest (vs. high interest) in the public good when being socially rejected were especially prominent among group members with a proself orientation. Taken together, the current studies illustrate the importance of studying how financial and social needs interact to determine emotional and retributive actions in social dilemmas. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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