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A social neuroscience perspective on adolescent risk-taking   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
This article proposes a framework for theory and research on risk-taking that is informed by developmental neuroscience. Two fundamental questions motivate this review. First, why does risk-taking increase between childhood and adolescence? Second, why does risk-taking decline between adolescence and adulthood? Risk-taking increases between childhood and adolescence as a result of changes around the time of puberty in the brain’s socio-emotional system leading to increased reward-seeking, especially in the presence of peers, fueled mainly by a dramatic remodeling of the brain’s dopaminergic system. Risk-taking declines between adolescence and adulthood because of changes in the brain’s cognitive control system—changes which improve individuals’ capacity for self-regulation. These changes occur across adolescence and young adulthood and are seen in structural and functional changes within the prefrontal cortex and its connections to other brain regions. The differing timetables of these changes make mid-adolescence a time of heightened vulnerability to risky and reckless behavior.  相似文献   

Little is known about positive development across the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. The purpose of this paper was to use longitudinal data from a large community sample, the Australian Temperament Project, to investigate prospective associations between positive development at age 19?C20?years and changes in social, health, and behavioral outcomes at 23?C24?years. Data from 890 young adults (61.7% women) were analyzed using path analysis. Emotional health, physical well-being, friendship quality, reduced antisocial behavior, and positive development in young adulthood were predicted by higher levels of positive development in late adolescence, after controlling for baseline levels of respective outcomes, gender, and family socioeconomic status. Parent relationship quality and alcohol use were not significantly predicted. Based on these findings, interventions promoting positive development during adolescence should be investigated as a potential means of yielding positive social, health, and behavioral consequences well into young adulthood.  相似文献   

Personality disorders in juveniles are still a controversially discussed topic. The aim of this paper is to describe the recent trend in personality research in adolescence and to outline perspectives in research and assessment. Recent study results have pointed out that personality disorders in juveniles can be reliably assessed with diagnostic instruments that have been developed for adults. At the same time there is a lack of specific instruments that can represent the characteristics during adolescence and that can differentiate personality disorders from youth crises. As some personality disorder dimensions also describe unstable developmental criteria we will focus separately on this differential diagnosis and meaning of stable versus transient personality characteristics in youth. The prevalence of personality disorders seems to be higher in adolescence than in adulthood. The stability, however, is comparable in adolescence and adulthood. Psychopathy as a subtype of the antisocial personality disorder ?C that can also be assessed in juveniles ?C will be discussed regarding its core and behavioral dimensions as well as primary and secondary subtypes. Furthermore, we discuss forensic issues when assessing personality disorders with respect to criminal responsibility. Overall we can show that more diagnostic longitudinal studies are essential in order to clarify under which conditions personality disorders develop, which factors influence its course and which interventions can change them.  相似文献   

Studies have examined age-related changes in personality traits from adolescence through young adulthood, finding that aspects of negative emotionality decrease while conscientiousness increases over time. Varied mechanisms may underlie these transitions, including puberty-driven hormonal changes. Here, healthy adolescents completed the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire-Brief Form and self-report measures of pubertal status at baseline and after two years. Independent of age, pubertal status impacted primary trait scales of the MPQ-BF Constraint factor in a sex-specific manner. Females decreased in Constraint, and particularly Control, while males increased in Constraint, and particularly Harm Avoidance, with advancing puberty. Longitudinal analyses validated these findings for Control. Findings are discussed relative to males’ versus females’ achievement of optimal levels of behavioral control in adolescence.  相似文献   

The Children in the Community (CIC) Study is an ongoing investigation of the course of psychiatric disorders including personality disorders (PDs) in an epidemiological sample of about 800 youths. In addition to tracking developmental trajectories over 20 years from adolescence into adulthood, the CIC Study has used prospective data to investigate early risks for Axis II disorders and symptoms (including both environmental factors and early characteristics), implications of comorbidity with Axis I disorders, and associated negative prognostic risk of adolescent PDs into adulthood. The substantial independent impact of PD on subsequent Axis I disorders, suicide attempts, violent and criminal behavior, interpersonal conflict, and other problematic adult outcomes confirms the importance of attention to these problems when they manifest in early adolescence. The implications of study findings for potential changes in the DSM are discussed.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a developmental period that entails substantial changes in affective and incentive-seeking behavior relative to both childhood and adulthood, including a heightened propensity to engage in risky behaviors and experience persistent negative and labile mood states. This review discusses the emotional and incentive-driven behavioral changes in adolescents and their associated neural mechanisms, focusing on the dynamic interactions between the amygdala, ventral striatum, and prefrontal cortex. Common behavioral changes during adolescence may be associated with a heightened responsiveness to incentives and emotional cues while the capacity to effectively engage in cognitive and emotion regulation is still relatively immature. We highlight empirical work in humans and animals that addresses the interactions between these neural systems in adolescents relative to children and adults, and propose a neurobiological model that may account for the nonlinear changes in adolescent behavior. Finally, we discuss other influences that may contribute to exaggerated reward and emotion processing associated with adolescence, including hormonal fluctuations and the role of the social environment.  相似文献   

Studies have examined age-related changes in personality traits from adolescence through young adulthood, finding that aspects of negative emotionality decrease while conscientiousness increases over time. Varied mechanisms may underlie these transitions, including puberty-driven hormonal changes. Here, healthy adolescents completed the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire-Brief Form and self-report measures of pubertal status at baseline and after two years. Independent of age, pubertal status impacted primary trait scales of the MPQ-BF Constraint factor in a sex-specific manner. Females decreased in Constraint, and particularly Control, while males increased in Constraint, and particularly Harm Avoidance, with advancing puberty. Longitudinal analyses validated these findings for Control. Findings are discussed relative to males’ versus females’ achievement of optimal levels of behavioral control in adolescence.  相似文献   

A substantive number of children and adolescents are bullied by their peers, with serious risks for the victims’ emotional, behavioral, physical, and academic adjustment. However, while the immediate and short-term consequences of peer victimization in childhood and adolescence are very well documented, knowledge about the potential long-term consequences for victims’ functioning once they reach adulthood is only slowly emerging. Based on prospective, longitudinal data from different countries, the 4 papers in this special section investigate the association between peer victimization suffered in childhood and adolescence and victims’ developmental outcomes in late adolescence/early adulthood. This introduction highlights the major findings of each paper and discusses the implications for future research.  相似文献   

Adolescents' future expectations are a potentially important precursor of adult attainment and may illuminate how males and females vary in schooling and work. Thus, this longitudinal study examined gender variation in developmental trajectories of educational and occupational expectations from adolescence to adulthood and in connection to corresponding adult attainment. National data (NELS:88) including individuals aged 14 to 26 and hierarchical linear modeling analyses yielded several findings: Males and females had similar developmental trajectories of educational expectations from adolescence to adulthood with the sample average expecting to attend college. Probabilities of expecting a professional occupation were lower for males than females. Adolescent educational and occupational expectations predicted corresponding attainment in adulthood, although the relationship varied by gender. Males who reported high occupational expectations in adolescence had higher occupational attainment in adulthood compared to males with low occupational expectations, whereas females' adult occupational attainment did not vary by their adolescent occupational expectations. Gender variation in expectations and attainment is discussed in light of historical changes, and future directions of research are proposed.  相似文献   

This study examined differences on major aspects of attaining adult status in the transition from adolescence into young adulthood. The attainment of developmental tasks and the quality of parent–child relationships were compared across adolescence and young adulthood. In addition, the extent to which relationships with parents are related to the attainment of young adulthood developmental tasks was also investigated. The study was conducted on 169 Israeli adolescents, early young adults, and late young adults. Results showed that developmental tasks are attained at different stages, and that the consolidation of adult status is achieved closer to the end of the third decade of life. Relationships with parents were found to be more positive following the transition from adolescence to early young adulthood. Adaptation of young adults was explained by the quality of relationships with parents and especially with fathers.  相似文献   

Depue RA  Collins PF 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》1999,22(3):491-517; discussion 518-69
Extraversion has two central characteristics: (1) interpersonal engagement, which consists of affiliation (enjoying and valuing close interpersonal bonds, being warm and affectionate) and agency (being socially dominant, enjoying leadership roles, being assertive, being exhibitionistic, and having a sense of potency in accomplishing goals) and (2) impulsivity, which emerges from the interaction of extraversion and a second, independent trait (constraint). Agency is a more general motivational disposition that includes dominance, ambition, mastery, efficacy, and achievement. Positive affect (a combination of positive feelings and motivation) is closely associated with extraversion. Extraversion is accordingly based on positive incentive motivation. Parallels between extraversion (particularly its agency component) and a mammalian behavioral approach system based on positive incentive motivation implicate a neuroanatomical network and modulatory neurotransmitters in the processing of incentive motivation. A corticolimbic-striatal-thalamic network (1) integrates the salient incentive context in the medial orbital cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus; (2) encodes the intensity of incentive stimuli in a motive circuit composed of the nucleus accumbens, ventral pallidum, and ventral tegmental area dopamine projection system; and (3) creates an incentive motivational state that can be transmitted to the motor system. Individual differences in the functioning of this network arise from functional variation in the ventral tegmental area dopamine projections, which are directly involved in coding the intensity of incentive motivation. The animal evidence suggests that there are three neurodevelopmental sources of individual differences in dopamine: genetic, "experience-expectant," and "experience-dependent." Individual differences in dopamine promote variation in the heterosynaptic plasticity that enhances the connection between incentive context and incentive motivation and behavior. Our psychobiological threshold model explains the effects of individual differences in dopamine transmission on behavior, and their relation to personality traits is discussed.  相似文献   

The physiological and psychological effects of diabetes on women show changes with age. Behavioral interventions on behalf of diabetic women must be based on an understanding of these life span changes. A review of selected articles from the medical and psychological literature that focus on special issues for a diabetic woman during preadolescence, adolescence, and adulthood is presented. Recommendations are made for behavioral interventions with diabetic women in regard to "sick" role adjustment, peer conformity pressures, eating disorders, sexuality, and pregnancy.  相似文献   

Identity development and separation–individuation in parent–child relationships are widely perceived as related tasks of psychosocial maturation. However, a dynamic, developmental perspective that explains how intra-personal change in identity evolves from transactions between parents and children is not sufficiently represented in the literature. In this article, a selective literature review of psychological approaches to identity development and separation–individuation is presented with a focus on how the role of parents has been covered by approaches to identity development and on how general mechanisms of identity change could be filled with content by processes of separation–individuation. Afterwards, dynamics of identity development and separation–individuation are integrated based on the conceptualization of parents and children as two interrelated identity systems. Specifically, it is illustrated how interpersonal differences in long-term related changes in identity formation, identity evaluation, autonomy, and separateness and attachment between parents and children, could be explained by parent–child transactions in the transition between childhood and adolescence and between adolescence and emerging adulthood. Finally, implications of an integrative perspective for future empirical research are discussed.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a time of dramatic changes including rapid physical growth, the onset of sexual maturation, the activation of new drives and motivations, and a wide array of social and affective changes and challenges. This review focuses on behavioral changes in this interval and is organized by the claim that a key set of these adolescent changes are part of a more general re-orientation of social behavior. More specifically we hypothesize that pubertal maturation is associated with the activation of social and motivational tendencies, which in turn influence behavior and emotion in adolescence depending upon interactions with social context. We focus on evidence for two examples of these motivational changes: (1) increases in sensation-seeking (motivational tendency to want to experience high-intensity, exciting experiences) and (2) stronger natural interest in—and pursuit of—contact with peers and potential romantic partners. We consider how these motivational changes contribute to the broader social re-orientation of adolescence, including exploration of social experiences, development of skills and knowledge relevant to taking on adult social roles, individuation from family, and establishment of an individual identity, all of which represent core developmental tasks during this period in the life span ( 9, 16 and 62). The paper also emphasizes the importance of investigating and understanding the direct influences of puberty on behavior and disentangling these from the broader set of changes during adolescent development.  相似文献   

Among executive functions (EFs), research has highlighted specific inhibition difficulties in preterm children. The present paper reviews and classifies the studies that assessed response inhibition and interference control abilities in preterm children and adolescents aged 3 to 16 years. Most behavioral studies agree on a developmental delay at early school age in inhibition abilities and a catch-up before adolescence, with lesser response inhibition difficulties at pre-adolescence. However, persisting interference control difficulties have been reported into early adulthood. These results are discussed, along with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) findings. Finally, this paper outlines methodological issues that need to be overcome in order to define the developmental trajectory of inhibition abilities in the preterm population.  相似文献   

The interest in Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) in emerging adulthood has grown in recent years, and it is now acknowledged that the signs and symptoms of DCD persist into adolescence and adulthood. Nevertheless, the long-term impact of DCD is still poorly understood, and little is known about positive orientations of young adults with DCD. This review discusses some of the persisting features of DCD, with a particular emphasis on psychosocial difficulties, self-perception and the impact of comorbid developmental disorders. The role of the parent in emerging adulthood in DCD is an area that has received little research focus, but it seems likely that parents have a key role to play in positive outcomes. The need to provide appropriate assessment, intervention and support for young adults with DCD is discussed in terms of the need to provide comprehensive and continued support for all aspects of the disorder, which also takes into consideration the impact of DCD on the wider family unit.  相似文献   

Articles on "Identity and Emerging Adulthood" can include any identity-related topic that pertains to people in the 18-29 age period. I prefer the term emerging adulthood to "youth," "young adulthood," or "the transition to adulthood" because emerging adulthood is a term that has been more clearly defined in its developmental meaning. Emerging adulthood has been conceptualized as a period marked by exploration and instability, and these characteristics certainly pertain to identity issues. The explorations of emerging adulthood are often identity-related, in that they tend to concern love, work, or ideology. The instability of emerging adulthood is a reflection of the changes young people make in the course of their identity explorations. Although identity has traditionally been regarded as a topic that especially pertains to adolescence, today in industrialized societies identity explorations tend to continue into emerging adulthood and in fact become more systematic and serious than in adolescence. Articles submitted to Identity that concern the emerging adulthood period should have a developmental context, not necessarily in line with previous ideas about emerging adulthood but reflecting a consideration of how the developmental characteristics of emerging adulthood may be similar to or different from adolescence or (later) adulthood. For more information about emerging adulthood, see Arnett (2000) in American Psychologist and the web site <http://www.s-r-a.org/easig.html>.  相似文献   

尤媛  王莉 《心理科学进展》2020,28(4):612-625
行为抑制型儿童相较于普通儿童更容易在童年中期和青春期出现心理障碍, 具有更高的发展风险性。此类儿童比非抑制型儿童表现出更多的退缩动机、更长的预期过程与前注意过程、更少的注意控制、对负性信息更多的注意偏向、异常活跃的反应监控过程和更慢的习惯化过程。这些与心理障碍患者相似的认知神经过程是儿童行为抑制性与心理障碍间的重要联系途径, 并能作为预测指标筛选有更高发展风险性的个体。除儿童本身的特质外, 环境因素也能通过塑造认知神经过程, 进而影响儿童的发展结果。因此在未来的研究中, 可以考虑不同文化背景下的儿童行为抑制性与心理障碍关联的认知神经过程差异。进而从个体特质和环境因素两方面寻找行为抑制型儿童发展的保护性因素。  相似文献   

Depression often emerges during adolescence and persists into adulthood. Thus, it is critical to study risk factors that contribute to the development of depression in adolescence. One set of risk factors that has been recently studied in adolescent depression research is eating- and weight-related disturbances (EWRDs). EWRDs encompass negative cognitions related to one’s body or physical appearance, negative attitudes toward eating, and unhealthy weight control behaviors. However, there have been no comprehensive reviews of EWRDs and depression research that are contextualized within developmental frameworks of adolescent depression. Thus, this review will summarize research findings on the relation between EWRDs and depression in adolescence using a cognitive vulnerability developmental framework. First, a brief overview of epidemiological findings on depression is provided in order to highlight the importance of examining depression in adolescence. Second, a cognitive vulnerability developmental framework that can be used to conceptualize depression in adolescence is described. Next, theories and findings on EWRDs and depression in adolescence are summarized within this framework. Research limitations and suggestions for future research are provided. Finally, implications of this review related to the assessment, intervention, and prevention of depression in adolescence are provided.  相似文献   

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