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This article reports a 3-year follow-up study of a sample of women engineering and home economics majors who were previously studied as freshmen. It was hypothesized that persistence in the two curricula would be related to sex roles, with feminine-typed women more likely to leave engineering and masculine-typed women more likely to leave home economics. The findings did not generally support this hypothesis, however. Women in the two majors who persisted were not found to differ significantly from women who changed majors or dropped out on either sex roles or on ratings given as freshmen of their satisfaction with and certainty of college major. Persisters in engineering had higher college entrance SAT math scores than changers or dropouts. Those who changed majors from home economics tended to go into less traditional fields than home economics. Nearly all of the women who changed from engineering chose another nontraditional or male-dominated field as their second major.  相似文献   

The medical ethicist is a fairly recent addition to the clinical setting. The following four potential roles of the clinical ethicist are identified and discussed: consultant in difficult cases, educator of health care providers, counselor for health care providers and finally patient advocate to protect the interests of patients. While the various roles may sometimes overlap, the roles of educator and counselor are viewed as being more congruent with the education and training of medical ethicists than are the roles of consultant and patient advocate.  相似文献   

Difficulties clinicians experience in appropriately treating men attempting to adopt nontraditional sex roles are discussed and suggestions made to ameliorate these difficulties. While the impact of the women's movement has made therapists more sensitive to societal influences on the behavior of women, comparable attention has not been paid to societal influences on the sex-role stereotypical behavior or to the price paid by men who violate stereotypical sex-role expectations. Further, clinicians who have been socialized into dominant societal values may have difficulty tolerating men who are trying to abandon higher status traditional masculine values for nontraditional ones; such clinicians are unlikely to provide decent treatment for males espousing new sex roles.  相似文献   

Johanna Shapiro 《Sex roles》1977,3(2):173-184
Counseling and therapy have frequently been attacked by feminists for the role they play in socializing women to a limited and ultimately untenable sex role. Male counselors in particular have been singled out as special oppressors of women. This study attempted to determine whether, in fact, counselor behavior and attitudes operated as a means of sex-role socialization, and whether male counselors tended to be more biased than female counselors when interacting with female clients. Subjects were eight male and eight female graduate students in counseling psychology who conducted initial interview sessions with two client-confederates, volunteer graduate students trained in role-playing situations representing a typical and an atypical sex-role condition. Videotapes of the interviews were subsequently analyzed to assess counselor reinforcement patterns of specific client cue sentences. In addition to these behavioral data, paper-and-pencil inventories were used to determine counselors' perception of clients, counselors' degree of attitudinal sex-stereotyping, and client-confederates' subjective evaluation of counselors. Contrary to expectations, results indicated that counselors as a whole exhibited more behavioral bias with typical than with atypical clients. Further, counselors reacted more positively toward the atypical than toward the typical clients, and counselor response to a global sex-role inventory indicated that counselors described the healthy, well-adjusted female as significantly more instrumental than the healthy, well-adjusted male. Female counselors appeared to be both more reinforcing and less punishing than male counselors with female clients in both roles, as well as less behaviorally biased than the male counselors. Female counselors also evaluated the atypical clients more positively than did the male counselors, and were in turn evaluated more positively than were the male counselors by clients in both roles. The study concludes with a discussion of implications for counselor training.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines the interaction and tensions between Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) from the perspective of Chinese immigrant practitioners residing in British Columbia. The study also examines (a) how immigration affects TCM practice in BC, (b) the role of legislation in standardizing TCM practice, (c) official barriers crected by government and the medical establishment, and (d) the role of local communities in negotiating TCM services in BC. The findings identify barriers in TCM practice, integration, and research, and suggest that professionalization could create a common ground for interaction and integration between the two systems.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that more people wanting help for emotional problems go to the clergy than to any other professional group. Many of these distressed persons manifest psychotic symptoms; yet little attention has been given to pastors' opportunity and responsibility in aiding persons suffering from psychoses. A model of pastoral care of the severely emotionally distressed is presented by describing five potential pastoral roles: availability, assessment (present episode and past history, mental status, specific symptoms), synthesis (hierarchy of probabilities), treatment (linkage, primary care [in collaboration], primary care [alone], support), and follow-up. Clinical vignettes illustrate these various roles.  相似文献   

John Altrocchi  Ross D. Crosby 《Sex roles》1989,20(11-12):639-648
To clarify and develop a measure of the concept of traditional vs. egalitarian marriages, a 13-item scale was developed and administered to two traditional groups (N=35) and three egalitarian groups (N=51), and then to four cross-validation groups (N=52). Two distinct factors or dimensions were identified. In both analyses the traditional and egalitarian groups were significantly different on the first factor, designated “the leader,” and not on the second, socioemotional factor. Reliability and initial validity of the scale in measuring leadership in the marital dyad are thus demonstrated. However, the concept of traditional vs. egalitarian marriages either needs to be narrowed to refer to leadership only or there needs to be empirical demonstration that other dimensions can be fruitfully included.  相似文献   

Acting in the theatre involves complex psychological processes, commented upon since antiquity by philosophers, and more recently by theatrical theorists. In the early 1990s, the author entered graduate school in drama with the explicit aim of studying the psychology of the theatrical process in vivo.Based on his experiences in three productions, he developed a hypothesis: As actors and their director inhabit a play's text, the play's text inhabits them.The habitation of the play's text becomes manifest in the day-to-day interactions of the actors with each other, and with the director. These interactions often involve transference enactments(Nuetzel, 1995). Unfortunately, those who had been most open with the author requested that he suppress the most compelling data. In this report, the author describes his own experience playing Father Dewis in Sam Shepard's (1981) Buried Childin order to demonstrate the central role of transference enactments in the evolution of theatrical performance.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence that the objectification of women by other women can be attenuated by drawing attention to their competence. Primarily European American female undergraduate participants (N?=?154) from the Midwestern part of the United States rated photographs of college-aged female models dressed provocatively a) standing against a plain background (control condition), b) showing athletic competence (standing near a swimming pool holding a trophy), and c) showing academic competence (solving a math problem on a whiteboard). Results showed that compared to the control condition, the models showing competence were rated lower on objectification variables and higher on capability variables regardless of their provocative manner of dress.  相似文献   

The current study examined the effects of cuing autobiographical memory retrieval in 12 older participants with dementia through immersion into a historically authentic environment that recreated the material and cultural context of the participants’ youth. Participants conversed in either an everyday setting (control condition) or a museum setting furnished in early twentieth century style (experimental condition) while being presented with condition matched cues. Conversations were coded for memory content based on an adapted version of Levine, Svoboda, Hay, Winocur, and Moscovitch (2002) coding scheme. More autobiographical memories were recalled in the museum setting, and these memories were more elaborated, more spontaneous and included especially more internal (episodic) details compared to memories in the control condition. The findings have theoretical and practical implications by showing that the memories retrieved in the museum setting were both quantitatively and qualitatively different from memories retrieved during a control condition.  相似文献   

A lottery was implemented to encourage the elderly clients of a residential home to use activity materials any time they wished, independently of staff intervention and the institutional routine of the home. During baseline, there were minimal levels of independent use of activity materials by residents. Various conditions were implemented but only the introduction of a £20 lottery prize brought about a significant increase in the frequency of independent use of activity materials. A follow‐up suggested that the reinforcing properties of the activity materials themselves eventually maintained the target behavior.  相似文献   

Compared to 135 women in traditional training programs (health care — nursing assistantship), the 151 women in nontraditional training programs (trades and technology — welding, drafting, electronics engineering technology, air conditioning technology, metal fabrication, etc.) were expected to report more egalitarian sex role attitudes and to perceive their peers in the program as more egalitarian also. They were expected to demonstrate greater academic success than traditional women in these nontraditional programs. Overall support was found with the exception that nontraditional women in the nontraditional program expected more difficulties than the traditional women outside than program. These findings were interpreted as reflecting person by environment fit and the consensual validation of sex role attitudes made possible by perceived similar-minded peers. The greater difficulties foreseen by women in the nontraditional program suggested systemic discrimination in the work force outweighed person by environment fit, in the women's assessment of nontraditional career opportunities.  相似文献   

Sue Grand presents a case of “a near-death clinical impasse,” conjuring “God at an impasse.” She questions the philosophical premises and culture biases that inform the foundations of psychoanalytic theory. She asks how we rewrite “the psychoanalytic subject.” This commentary explores the themes of clinical impasse, psychoanalysis and religion, martyrdom and self-sacrifice, the negative Oedipus or “Jacob complex,” multiplicity of selves, and psychoanalytic witnessing. Most important, it challenges the tendency to polarize the Jewish and Christian narratives such that Judaism is depicted as “this worldly” in contrast to Christianity, which is seen as celebrating martyrdom in identification with Christ. It argues for psychoanalysis to recognize the spiritual value of submission and surrender without splitting them into polar oppositions.  相似文献   


Following release, former hostages face many challenges and may struggle to regain control over their lives. Research and evidence on how to effectively address the needs of hostages during their release and afterwards is lacking. The International Committee of the Red Cross has extensive experience in managing hostage situations and has strengthened the practice of care offered to its own affected staff by developing an inter-professional comprehensive seven phase care model adapted to incidents of extended duration with multiple stressors. This includes strong coordination between the different actors involved, combined with long-term peer, social and organisational support, as well as workplace reintegration with guidance by colleagues, and specialised counselling when necessary, to ensure positive outcomes, and minimise permanent sequelae.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships between two independent regulatory mode orientations, locomotion and assessment, and well‐being in organizational contexts. Results from a sample of 320 employees revealed that locomotion was negatively associated with burnout and psychological strain whereas assessment was positively associated with burnout and strain. The effects of locomotion and assessment on burnout and strain were mediated by workaholism and work engagement. Both locomotion and assessment predicted greater workaholism; however, locomotion was positively associated whereas assessment was negatively associated with work engagement. In turn, workaholism predicted greater burnout and strain, and work engagement predicted less burnout and strain. Implications for employee health and organizational success are discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty women who chose to pursue a male-dominated career, the ministry, were interviewed about components of career choice and professional development including sex and function of their role models and educational experiences. Sex-role orientation employing the Bern Sex Role Inventory and family data were also collected. Findings indicate a complex interaction of sex and function of role models with age and sex-role orientation of subjects.  相似文献   

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