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王佳莹  缴润凯  张明 《心理学报》2016,(11):1370-1378
结合掩蔽启动范式和Go-Nogo范式,考察了任务设置影响负相容效应的机制。实验中以指向左或右的双箭头为掩蔽启动项,在两个Block中的Go试次中分别以箭头和汉字为目标项,要求被试对箭头或汉字做辨别反应,Nogo试次中不呈现目标项,被试无需反应。结果发现:Go试次中,只有在箭头任务设置下才出现负相容效应,脑电结果表现为一致条件下P3潜伏期显著长于不一致条件;Nogo试次中,箭头任务设置下的P3波幅显著大于汉字任务设置下的P3波幅。说明负相容效应受到任务设置这种自上而下认知控制过程的影响,且这种影响发生在阈下启动信息加工阶段。支持注意敏化模型,提示可以在更普遍的角度上理解负相容效应。  相似文献   

采用两个实验设计,在确保负相容效应(NCE)的产生主要来自反应抑制贡献的实验范式基础上加入引发显性注意转移的目标刺激,探讨了注意转移在负相容效应产生中的作用。具体来说,实验一在经典NCE范式中加入中性目标刺激,并操纵启动与目标的关系。发现,不相容条件下的反应时最短,无关条件次之,相容条件下最长。证明在该范式中反应抑制在NCE的产生中占主导地位。实验二则在实验一范式的基础上,加入左、中、右呈现的加号目标刺激。发现,两种目标类型的反应时结果模式均与实验一相似。结果表明,注意转移并非如Cole和Kuhn(2010)提出的能够独立引发NCE,它只是伴随NCE的抑制加工过程而出现,且其加工模式与抑制加工模式类似。  相似文献   

Previous studies observed compatibility effects in different interference paradigms such as the Simon and flanker task even when the task was distributed across two co-actors. In both Simon and flanker tasks, performance is improved in compatible trials relative to incompatible trials if one actor works on the task alone as well as if two co-actors share the task. These findings have been taken to indicate that actors automatically co-represent their co-actor’s task. However, recent research on the joint Simon and joint flanker effect suggests alternative non-social interpretations. To which degree both joint effects are driven by the same underlying processes is the question of the present study, and it was scrutinized by manipulating the visibility of the co-actor. While the joint Simon effect was not affected by the visibility of the co-actor, the joint flanker effect was reduced when participants did not see their co-actors but knew where the co-actors were seated. These findings provide further evidence for a spatial interpretation of the joint Simon effect. In contrast to recent claims, however, we propose a new explanation of the joint flanker effect that attributes the effect to an impairment in the focusing of spatial attention contingent on the visibility of the co-actor.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Developmental theorists posit that temperament contributes to preadolescent’s stress response styles. Findings from empirical studies, however, have yielded mixed results, thus indicating a need to consider moderators of this relation. Utilizing an analytic framework guided by resiliency theory [Zimmerman, M. A. (2013). Resiliency theory: A strengths-based approach to research and practice for adolescent health. Health Education &; Behavior, 40, 381–383], this study examined achievement goal orientation as a moderator of the relation between temperament and stress response styles.

Methods: 96 preadolescent–parent dyads (Mage?=?10.30 years, range?=?9–12 years) participated in the study. Preadolescents reported on their achievement goal orientation, coping and involuntary stress responses (ISRs) styles and a parent reported on children’s temperament.

Results: Multiple regressions revealed that effortful control positively predicted preadolescent’s predominant use of engagement coping and negatively predicted predominance of ISRs, but only for children with a predominant mastery goal orientation. For preadolescents with a predominant performance goal orientation, effortful control negatively predicted the predominant use of engagement coping and positively predicted predominance of ISRs. Negative affectivity and its interaction with goal orientation did not predict coping or ISR styles.

Conclusions: Findings suggest that a predominant mastery goal orientation may function as a promotive factor by enhancing the contribution of effortful control to engagement coping styles and buffering against unmanaged reactivity.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that left- and right-hand responses are facilitated when they are performed with the hand compatible with the orientation of a viewed object. This suggests that graspable objects automatically activate the motor representations that correspond to their orientation. It has recently been proposed that similar positive stimulus–response compatibility effects (PCE) may turn into negative compatibility effects (NCE) when a prime object is displayed very briefly. These NCEs are suggested to reflect motor inhibition mechanisms—motor activation triggered by briefly viewed objects may be treated by the motor system as unwanted, and thus it is rapidly inhibited. We examined whether the motor activation triggered by the orientation of a task-irrelevant object is similarly inhibited when the object is displayed briefly. In Experiment 1, a NCE was observed between the orientation of an object and the responding hand when the object was displayed for 30 or 70 ms. The effect turned into a PCE when the object was displayed for 370 ms. Experiment 2 confirmed that this motor inhibition effect was produced by the handle affordance of the object rather than some abstract visual properties of the object.  相似文献   

Visual targets which follow a prime stimulus and a mask can be identified faster when they are incompatible rather than compatible with the prime (negative compatibility effect--NCE). According to the self-inhibition hypothesis, the initial activation of the motor response is elicited by the prime based on its identity. This activation leads to benefits for compatible trials and costs for incompatible trials. This motor activation is followed by an inhibition phase, leading to an NCE if perceptual evidence of the prime is immediately removed by the mask. The object-updating and mask-triggered inhibition hypotheses emphasize the role of the mask content (i.e. whether the mask possesses target-like features). We show that the NCE may appear even if nonmasking neutral flankers are presented instead of a mask. Moreover, although with target-like flankers the NCE is larger, it occurred if flankers and targets are built from dissimilar elements. Therefore, masks/flankers can evoke an inhibition phase independently of whether or not they remove evidence for the prime and whether they are similar to the targets.  相似文献   

主动动作的时间压缩效应指主动动作到动作结果之间存在时间上的主观压缩。基于动作的主动控制感和因果关系的主动控制感是该效应的两种理论解释。本文首先分别介绍动作的主动控制感和因果关系的主动控制感, 并从行为和脑机制角度提供相应的证据解释时间压缩效应的机制。同时, 本文提出了在主动动作时间压缩效应中动作的主动控制感与因果关系的主动控制感之间可能存在的序列加工和平行加工的关系。  相似文献   

采用数字大小判断任务,探讨正负数混合呈现对负数SNARC效应的影响。结果发现,负数单独呈现条件下,负数出现反转的SNARC效应;负数和无加号正数混合呈现,且只对负数作反应条件下,负数有反转SNARC效应;负数和有加号正数混合呈现,且只对负数作反应条件下,负数出现反转SNARC效应;负数和无加号正数混合呈现,并对正负数分别作反应的条件下,负数有反转SNARC效应出现,而正数出现SNARC效应。说明负数空间表征受其绝对值大小的影响,绝对值较小的负数(-1、-2)表征在心理数字线的左侧,绝对值较大的负数(-8、-9)表征在数字线的右侧,且不能延伸至心理数字线左侧。  相似文献   

采用数字大小判断任务,探讨正负数混合呈现对负数SNARC效应的影响。结果发现,负数单独呈现条件下,负数出现反转的SNARC效应;负数和无加号正数混合呈现,且只对负数作反应条件下,负数有反转SNARC效应;负数和有加号正数混合呈现,且只对负数作反应条件下,负数出现反转SNARC效应;负数和无加号正数混合呈现,并对正负数分别作反应的条件下,负数有反转SNARC效应出现,而正数出现SNARC效应。说明负数空间表征受其绝对值大小的影响,绝对值较小的负数(-1、-2)表征在心理数字线的左侧,绝对值较大的负数(-8、-9)表征在数字线的右侧,且不能延伸至心理数字线左侧。  相似文献   

陈玉明  李思瑾  郭田友  谢慧  徐锋  张丹丹 《心理学报》2021,53(10):1094-1104
抑郁症患者的负性心境可能源于其抑制功能障碍。患者在主动遗忘负性材料时无法有效调用背外侧前额叶(the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, DLPFC)等负责抑制控制的额叶脑网络。同时, 患者对社会信息的加工比对非社会信息的加工存在更明显的认知神经障碍, 很难主动遗忘对自己不利的社会反馈信息。为了提高抑郁症患者对负性社会反馈的主动遗忘能力, 本研究采用经颅磁刺激技术(transcranial magnetic stimulation, TMS), 考察抑郁症患者在左侧(n = 32)或右侧DLPFC (n = 30)被激活后其记忆控制能力的改变。结果表明, 当患者的DLPFC被TMS激活时, 他们对社会拒绝的回忆正确率与健康对照组(n = 31)无差异, 且TMS激活右侧DLPFC还改善了患者对他人的社会态度。本研究是采用TMS提高抑郁症患者主动遗忘能力的首次尝试, 研究结果不但支持了DLPFC与记忆控制功能的因果关系, 还为临床治疗抑郁症、创伤后应激障碍、药物成瘾等患者的记忆控制缺陷提供了明确的神经靶点。  相似文献   

自主控制眼跳是眼跳类型之一。自主控制眼跳实验范式为研究各种脑损伤,神经疾病和精神失调提供了一种新的研究手段,为研究眼跳的神经机制以及反应抑制、空间工作记忆等高级认知功能提供了重要的方法。文章介绍了自主控制眼跳的两种实验范式:反向眼跳和记忆导向眼跳,阐述了自主控制眼跳的神经机制及其实验范式的应用,指出自主控制眼跳实验范式为评定精神分裂症等脑功能失调病人的神经功能状态提供了重要的信息,为研究各种脑功能失调和精神疾病提供了重要的研究方法。今后的研究趋势是眼跳研究与神经成像技术和临床观察相结合  相似文献   

We show that time priming leads consumers to adopt an alternative-based evaluation strategy, whereas money priming elicits the use of an attribute-based evaluation strategy. In Experiment 1, we used process tracing in Mouselab to test this proposition, and the results suggested that the effect of time versus money priming on the choice of product-evaluation strategy was mediated by a holistic versus piecemeal information-processing. The results of Experiments 2A and 2B showed that the use of time versus money priming to trigger the choice of an alternative-based versus attribute-based evaluation strategy may result in systematic preference reversals. Specifically, when time (versus money) was primed, the participants were found to be more likely to choose a product dominating on a verbally described (versus numerically described) attribute (Experiment 2A), and one dominating on a non-alignable (versus alignable) attribute (Experiment 2B).  相似文献   

Visual stimuli (primes) that are made invisible by masking can affect motor responses to a subsequent target stimulus. When a prime is followed by a mask which is followed by a target stimulus, an inverse priming effect (or negative compatibility effect) has been found: Responses are slow and frequently incorrect when prime and target stimuli are congruent, but fast and accurate when prime and target stimuli are incongruent. To functionally localize the origins of inverse priming effects, we applied the psychological refractory period (PRP-) paradigm which distinguishes a perceptual level, a central bottleneck, and a level of motor execution. Two dual-task experiments were run with the PRP-paradigm to localize the inverse priming effect relative to the central bottleneck. Together, results of the Effect-Absorption and the Effect-Propagation Procedure suggest that inverse priming effects are generated by perceptual mechanisms. We suggest two perceptual mechanisms as the source of inverse priming effects.  相似文献   

SNARC效应(Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes)是指被试对数字做按键反应时,对于较小的数字,按左键的速度快于按右键;对于较大的数字,按右键的速度快于按左键。本研究以ERP作为测量手段,采用修正的大小判断任务,旨在探究数字正负号及其异同对SNARC效应的影响。行为结果发现,在反应时上,当目标数字与基线数字正负号相同且基线数字为+5时,一致条件显著快于不一致条件。ERP结果发现,当目标数字与基线数字正负号相同时,无论基线数字为+5还是–5,在反应选择阶段,不一致都比一致条件更负且均诱发了P3。当目标数字与基线数字正负号相异时,若基线数字为+5,一致比不一致条件在刺激呈现阶段诱发了波幅显著更小的N300;若基线数字为–5,一致比不一致条件在反应执行阶段诱发了更正的LPP。无论目标数字与基线数字正负号相同还是相异,在反应选择阶段,不一致都比一致条件更负且均诱发了P3,表明出现了SNARC效应。同时,SNARC效应的出现激活了额叶头皮位置,负数加工伴随左额叶的激活,而正数加工伴随右额叶的激活,溯源分析结果进一步表明SNARC效应定位于额叶与顶叶。这些结果说明负数按实际大小表征在心理数字线上,支持了负数空间表征的个体发展论假说;表明符号捷径机制会改变SNARC效应的发生时间;同时证明了负数与正数的空间表征具有不同的优势半球。  相似文献   

高绩效工作系统是一系列以提升组织绩效为目标的人力资源管理实践的集合或捆绑。已有研究发现高绩效工作系统也可能对员工产生负面影响。针对此问题, 本文首先澄清了高绩效工作系统的概念, 从管理理念分析其可能产生负面影响的原因。厘清了高绩效工作系统对组织和员工带来的不同效果, 从多元论的视角分析其负面影响的来源。基于工作要求−资源模型、自我决定理论、归因理论和过犹不及效应, 阐释高绩效工作系统对员工负面影响的内在机制。并进一步从个人和组织层面分析高绩效工作系统产生负面影响的边界条件。最后, 提出未来的研究方向和建议。  相似文献   

The present study explored the role of the responding agent in a social context. To do so, we developed a compatibility task with socially relevant but task-irrelevant stimuli (own face, neutral face, and a friend's face). Participants were required to perform naming responses to coloured diamonds, while the faces were presented as irrelevant stimuli. We observed faster responses in face–name compatible than in incompatible conditions. When the task was distributed among two friends, we observed a compatibility effect in a joint go/no-go condition, in which both participants performed their go/no-go tasks together. In contrast, no compatibility effect was obtained in an individual go/no-go condition. Further, the experiment showed that this joint compatibility effect was based on the compatibility between the irrelevant face and the responding agent. This result demonstrates that features of the responding agent play a crucial role in the joint compatibility effect.  相似文献   

Simon效应是指与反应要求无关的刺激位置和反应位置在同侧时, 个体反应更快更准确的现象。对于Simon效应的产生机制, 大多数研究者认为, 在不同实验情境中获得的Simon效应有共同的产生机制。但是, 越来越多的证据显示, 在刺激形式、排列方式、刺激—反应规则以及反应方式等因素的影响下, 存在两种不同性质的Simon效应, 即视觉运动Simon效应和认知Simon效应。视觉运动Simon效应源于刺激位置自动激活其同侧反应所产生的影响, 认知Simon效应源于转译生成的编码间的相互干扰, 两者分别与背侧通路和腹侧通路的加工有关。  相似文献   

Amso D  Johnson SP 《Cognition》2005,95(2):B27-B36
We used a spatial negative priming (SNP) paradigm to examine visual selective attention in infants and adults using eye movements as the motor selection measure. In SNP, when a previously ignored location becomes the target to be selected, responses to it are impaired, providing a measure of inhibitory selection. Each trial consisted of a prime and a probe, separated by 67, 200, or 550 ms interstimulus intervals (ISIs). In the prime, a target was accompanied by a distractor. In the probe, the target appeared either in the location formerly occupied by the distractor (ignored repetition) or in another location (control). Adults exhibited the SNP effect in all three ISI conditions, producing slower saccade latencies on ignored repetition versus control trials. The SNP effect obtained for infants only under 550 and 200 ms ISI conditions. These results suggest that important developments in visual selection are rooted in emerging inhibitory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Consistent evidence shows that practising with spatially incompatible stimulus–response trials modulates performance on following tasks requiring the solution of cognitive conflict such as the Simon and Stroop tasks. In the present study we assessed whether a spatially incompatible practice can modulate another effect that is thought to be due to a conflict between two response alternatives, the affordance effect. To this end, we requested participants to categorize pictures of common objects on the basis of their upright or inverted orientation. A group of participants performed the categorization task alone, while the other two groups performed the categorization task after practising with a spatial compatibility task with either a compatible or an incompatible mapping. Results showed that the spatially incompatible practice eliminated the affordance effect. These results indicate that the conflict at the basis of the affordance effect is not unavoidable but it rather permeable to modulations affecting the response selection stage. Indeed the “emit the alternative spatial response” rule acquired during the spatially incompatible task can transfer to and modulate how the subsequent affordance task is performed.  相似文献   

刘湍丽  白学军 《心理学报》2017,(9):1158-1171
在回忆时,以刚刚学过的部分项目作为提取线索,被试的回忆成绩反而比没有任何线索时的回忆成绩差,这一现象被称为部分线索效应。该效应通常被认为是抑制执行控制过程对非线索项目记忆表征强度抑制的结果。本研究以Stroop效应量(实验1)和工作记忆容量(实验2)为指标,从个体差异角度考察了认知抑制能力对部分线索效应的影响。结果发现,Stroop效应量与部分线索效应各指标呈显著负相关,Stroop效应量越小,部分线索效应各指标的值越大;工作记忆容量与部分线索效应各指标呈显著正相关,高工作记忆容量个体的部分线索效应各指标的值也更大。结果表明,认知抑制能力越强,部分线索对回忆的破坏作用越大,研究结果支持部分线索效应的提取抑制假说。  相似文献   

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