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Collaborative inhibition refers to the finding that pairs of people working together to retrieve information from memory—a collaborative group—often retrieve fewer unique items than do nominal pairs, who retrieve individually but whose performance is pooled. Two experiments were designed to explore whether collaborative inhibition, which has heretofore been studied using traditional memory stimuli such as word lists, also characterizes spatial memory retrieval. In the present study, participants learned a layout of objects and then reconstructed the layout from memory, either individually or in pairs. The layouts created by collaborative pairs were more accurate than those created by individuals, but less accurate than those of nominal pairs, providing evidence for collaborative inhibition in spatial memory retrieval. Collaborative inhibition occurred when participants were allowed to dictate the order of object placement during reconstruction (Exp. 1), and also when object order was imposed by the experimenter (Exp. 2), which was intended to disrupt the retrieval processes of pairs as well as of individuals. Individual tests of perspective taking indicated that the underlying representations of pair members were no different than those of individuals; in all cases, spatial memories were organized around a reference frame aligned with the studied perspective. These results suggest that inhibition is caused by the product of group recall (i.e., seeing a partner’s object placement), not by the process of group recall (i.e., taking turns choosing an object to place). The present study has implications for how group performance on a collaborative spatial memory task may be optimized.  相似文献   

We compared the consequences of two stressors, 'unnatural' inescapable footshocks (IFSs) and 'natural' social defeat (SD), on behaviours typically sensitive to stress [sucrose preference, open field (OF), elevated plus maze (EPM) and acoustic startle responses (ASRs)] and the association with pre-stressor plasma corticosterone concentration. After initial blood sampling, rats (n?=?20 per group) were exposed to either 10 IFSs (1?mA intensity, 5?s duration each) or to 1?h SD (defeat by an aggressive resident male rat and further exposure but separated in a small cage) or to control procedures (handling). Rats were tested once for ASR (day 19), while the other behavioural tests were applied once weekly for 3 weeks. Both stress groups showed short-lasting lowered sucrose preference, and in the EPM they showed shorter total distance moved, shorter distance moved on open arms and less time on open arms compared to controls. In the OF test, IFS rats showed shorter total distance moved up to 2 weeks after stress. The SD group showed shorter total distance moved in the OF, which was only significant 2 weeks after stress. Low pre-stressor plasma corticosterone concentration was only associated with defecation (IFS rats) and latency to enter open arms in the EPM (all low corticosterone subgroups, n?=?10 per subgroup). SD rats with high initial plasma corticosterone concentration showed enhanced ASR compared to the other subgroups with high initial plasma corticosterone concentration (n?=?9 per subgroup). The results indicate that footshock and SD, while generally leading to an increase in anxiety behaviours, represent qualitatively different stressors.  相似文献   

Corticosterone (CORT), the predominant glucocorticoid in rodents, elevated for 21 days damages hippocampal subregion CA3. We tested the hypothesis that CORT would impair spatial memory, a hippocampal function. In each of the three experiments, rats received daily, subcutaneous injections of either CORT (26.8 mg/kg body weight in sesame oil) or sesame oil vehicle alone (VEH). CORT given for 21 or 56 days effectively attenuated body weight gain and reduced selective organ and muscle weights. All behavioral testing was done on tasks that are minimally stressful and avoid deprivation. For each experiment, testing commenced 24h after the last injection. CORT given for 21 days did not impair spatial working memory in the Y-maze (Experiments 1 and 2). After 56-day administration of CORT, spatial working memory was impaired in the Y-maze (Experiment 2). CORT given for 21 days also failed to impair spatial working memory in the Barnes maze (Experiment 3). However, in trials that depended solely on reference memory, the VEH group improved in performance, whereas the CORT group did not. In conclusion, CORT elevated over a period of 21 days did not impair spatial working memory, but impaired the formation of a longer-term form of memory, most likely reference memory. Impairments in spatial working memory are seen only after longer durations of CORT administration.  相似文献   

Effects of opiate antagonists on spatial memory in young and aged rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of post-training opiate antagonist administration on spatial memory were assessed in young and aged male Long Evans rats. In Experiment I rats were trained to visit each arm of an eight-arm radial maze once in a session to obtain a food reward placed at the end of each arm. During training aged rats required significantly more trials to achieve criterion performance when compared to young mature rats. However, administration of the opiate antagonist naloxone (2.0 mg/kg) immediately after each training trial did not significantly alter the rate of achieving accurate performance in either age group. In Experiment II young and aged rats that were previously trained to a comparable criterion on the radial maze were tested on the same maze apparatus in novel spatial environments. When animals were exposed to novel spatial information, the effects of post-trial opiate antagonists were examined using a within-subjects counter-balanced design. In Experiment IIa naloxone (2 mg/kg) enhanced the performance of both young and aged rats. In Experiment IIB naltrexone (1.0 mg/kg) was found to have a comparable effect of enhancing the performance of both age groups. In addition, in Experiment IIb a significant age-related deficit was found in rats tested in novel spatial environments. These results indicate that opiate antagonists are capable of improving memory for new spatial information in both young and aged rats on a task that is sensitive to behavioral deficits during normal aging.  相似文献   

实验1比较了被试通过图片和文字布局示意两种呈现形式学习空间布局信息之后进行空间定位的成绩比较,结果发现两种条件下被试在正确率上没有显著差异,但是图片示意的反应比文字示意要快.实验2比较了文字故事叙述和文字布局示意两种呈现形式的空间定位成绩,两种条件下的正确率和反应时没有显著差异.而朝向效应在三种呈现形式条件下均有出现.所以,通过各种呈现形式获得的纯粹的空间信息在工作记忆中的存储机制是相同的.  相似文献   

Recent studies in rodent models and in humans have shown that the status of both the gonadal and adrenal axes (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal, HPG and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, HPA, respectively) can influence learning and memory function. In this article, the effects of activating the HPA axis (stress) on performance of memory tasks in rats are reviewed. More importantly, results are presented which show that chronic stress has a different impact on performance of these tasks depending upon the sex of the rat. These observations are novel and potentially important since few studies, animal or human, have utilized females as subjects in studies of the stress response. Sex differences in the effects of chronic stress on memory were investigated in rats using an object recognition task and two spatial memory tasks, radial arm maze and object location. Given the same chronic stress--21 days of restraint for 6 h each day--males were impaired in all of the memory tests while females showed enhanced performance of the spatial memory tasks and no changes in object recognition performance. Levels of neurotransmitters and metabolites were measured in brain areas important for cognition in the subjects in order to determine neural systems that may respond to stress and mediate the cognitive responses. These results show that responses of monoamine and amino acid containing neural systems may contribute to or underlie sex differences in stress effects on cognition. Stress decreased dopaminergic activity in the frontal cortex and amygdala of males but not females; whereas, in CA3 of the hippocampus, stress increased levels of 5-HT and norepinephrine in females, but not males, and increased GABA in males, but not females. Finally, a possible role for estradiol in mediating sexually differentiated responses to stress was examined. Behavioral and neurochemical evaluations in ovariectomized, stressed females, with or without estrogen replacement, suggest that sex differences in response to stress are influenced by both the organizing and activating effects of estradiol. A few, recent studies in humans, that show sexually dimorphic relationships between chronic stress and cognition, are also highlighted. These results in humans are consistent with the pattern of results in rats. Clearly, further studies are necessary to substantiate sex differences in stress effects on memory function in humans and to understand mechanisms whereby estrogen may influence the stress response in rats. Nonetheless, recent studies show sexually differentiated cognitive responses to chronic stress and underline the importance of considering the sex/gender of subjects when studying the stress response.  相似文献   

In both humans and rodents, males typically excel on a number of tasks requiring spatial ability. However, human females exhibit advantages in memory for the spatial location of objects. This study investigated whether rats would exhibit similar sex differences on a task of object location memory (OLM) and on the watermaze (WM). We predicted that females should outperform males on the OLM task and that males should outperform females on the WM. To control for possible effects of housing environment, rats were housed in either complex environments or in standard shoebox housing. Eighty Long-Evans rats (40 males and 40 females) were housed in either complex (Complex rats) or standard shoebox housing (Control rats). Results indicated that males had superior performance on the WM, whereas females outperformed males on the OLM task, regardless of housing environment. As these sex differences cannot be easily attributed to differences in cognitive style related to linguistic processing of environmental features or to selection pressures related to the hunting gathering evolutionary prehistory of humans, these data suggest that sex differences in spatial ability may be related to traits selected for by polygynous mating strategies.  相似文献   

The effect of altering the labels attached to points was examined in three experiments. The first experiment measured the extent of clustering that occurs based on the labels alone. This experiment also established norms for the remainder of the study. In the second and third experiments, subjects were required to learn the locations of points. The points were labeled in such a way as to suggest certain spatial clusterings. It was shown that subjects cluster points with regard to the labels attached to the points and these clusters may be based solely on the labels attached to the points. Furthermore, an alteration of the learning sequence to induce an alternate clustering showed no noticeable effect.  相似文献   

Exponential decay of spatial memory of rats in a radial maze   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The persistence of spatial memory of rats (n = 14) was investigated in an eight-arm radial maze. The animals were trained until the mean number of errors in the first eight choices was 0.2. The decay of performance with time was studied using delays of 5, 20, 60, 120, or 240 min between choices 4 and 5, during which the animal was removed from the apparatus. A delay of 60 min significantly impaired performance. The mean number of errors was not significantly different from the random choice level after a delay of 120 min. The increase in the number of errors with time was exponential. Comparison of the results with those of previous studies suggests that the nature of training may have effects on memory persistence in the radial maze.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was carried out to evaluate the notion that rats given a sequence of massed daily trials on the radial maze reset working memory at the end of each trial by deleting its contents. Although curves presented by D. S. Olton [Scientific American, 1977, 236, 82–98; In S. H. Hulse, H. Fowler, & W. K. Honig (Eds.), Cognitive processes in animal behavior, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1978] show that rats return to errorless performance at the beginning of each trial after the first, the fact that accuracy falls less rapidly over choices on Trial 1 than on subsequent trials suggests a proactive inhibition (PI) effect. In Experiment 1, Olton's findings were replicated, and a PI effect was observed on Days 1–2 of testing. On Days 3–5, overall accuracy improved significantly and was associated with the development of a strong tendency for rats to enter adjacent alleys, which became particularly marked on the final trials of a day's testing. In order to prevent rats from achieving accurate performance by using an adjacent alleys pattern, a procedure was used in Experiment 2 which involved initial forced random choices followed by a retention test consisting of free choices. Repeated daily trials with this procedure yielded a significant PI effect, which was more marked at a 60-sec delay than at a 0-sec delay. Experiments 3 and 4 showed this PI effect to be robust and resistant to manipulations designed to produce release from PI. Both the PI effect and a strong tendency found in Experiment 1 for animals to avoid on the initial choices of Trial n those alleys most recently entered on Trial n?1 argue that rats do not reset working memory between trials.  相似文献   

Memory for lists of items was tested in rats (N = 18) in an 8-arm radial maze. In Experiment 1 trials consisted of a study phase, in which the rat could freely choose five arms to obtain a food reward, and a test phase in which the animal was presented with a choice between a novel and a previously visited arm. The rat received additional food reinforcement only when visiting the novel arm. The two phases of a trial were separated by a retention interval of 30 sec or of 4, 16 or 60 min. It was found that recall of the five free arm choices was related to the serial position of the previously visited arm. There was a significant recency effect at the 30-sec delay. With longer retention intervals this disappeared, and a significant primacy effect could be observed. In Experiment 2 the same animals were given forced arm entries during the study phase and delays of 30 sec or 4 or 16 min before the test phase. Again, there was a trend towards a recency effect after the shorter delays and a significant primacy effect after the 16-min interval. These results show that, in the recall of lists of spatial items, rats have serial position curves with primacy and recency effects, depending on the length of the retention interval.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Saccade trajectory often curves away from a previously attended, inhibited location. A recent study of curved saccades showed that an inhibitory effect prevents ineffective reexamination during serial visual search. The time course of this effect differs from that of a similar inhibitory effect, known as inhibition of return (IOR). In the present study, we examined whether this saccade-related inhibitory effect can operate in an object-based manner (similar to IOR). Using a spatial cueing paradigm, we demonstrated that if a cue is presented on a placeholder that is then shifted from its original location, the saccade trajectory curves away from the original (cued) location (Experiment 1), yet the IOR effect is observed on the cued placeholder (Experiment 2). The inhibitory mechanism that causes curved saccades appears to operate in a location-based manner, whereas the mechanism underlying IOR appears to operate in an object-based manner. We propose that these inhibitory mechanisms work in a complementary fashion to guide eye movements efficiently under conditions of a dynamic visual environment.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that reactivation of a memory returns it to a labile state, initiating a restabilization process termed reconsolidation, which allows for updating of the memory. In this study we investigated reactivation-dependent updating using a new positively motivated spatial task in rodents that was designed specifically to model a human list-learning paradigm. On Day 1, rats were trained to run to three feeders (List 1) for rewards. On Day 2, rats were trained to run to three different feeders (List 2) in either the same (Reminder condition) or a different (No Reminder condition) experimental context than on Day 1. On Day 3, rats were cued to recall List 1. Rats in the Reminder condition made significantly more visits to List 2 feeders (intrusions) during List 1 recall than rats in the No Reminder condition, indicating that the reminder triggered reactivation and allowed integration of List 2 items into List 1. This reminder effect was selective for the reactivated List 1 memory, as no intrusions occurred when List 2 was recalled on Day 3. No intrusions occurred when retrieval took place in a different context from the one used at encoding, indicating that the expression of the updated memory is dependent upon the retrieval context. Finally, the level of intrusions was highest when retrieval took place immediately after List 2 learning, and generally declined when retrieval occurred 1-4 h later, indicating that the List 2 memory competed with short-term retrieval of List 1. These results demonstrate the dynamic nature of memory over time and the impact of environmental context at different stages of memory processing.  相似文献   

Aged rats with extensive prior training on the radial maze retain the capacity for accurate spatial working memory (WM) for at least 3 months without practice. To investigate the temporal limits of this influence of prior experience we compared the reacquisition of spatial WM by a group of experienced 21.5-month-old rats to the original acquisition by naive 3-month-old rats. The aged rats had received 225 radial maze tests between 3 and 11 months of age. Despite 10 months without practice the old rats rapidly reacquired critical performance. Their reacquisition was markedly superior to original learning by the young rats, even when delays as long as 5 h were imposed between the rats' fourth and fifth choices during the daily tests in the eight-arm maze. Additional tests showed that neither young nor old rats employed a response strategy to maintain accurate spatial WM performance. Experience clearly confers long-lived protection against the otherwise deleterious effects of aging on spatial WM, but the mechanism by which this influence arises is unknown.  相似文献   

黄羽商  曹立人 《心理学报》2018,50(11):1222-1234
通过考察构成视觉客体构型的两种因素在视觉工作记忆任务中的影响, 探讨了构型对视觉工作记忆绩效的作用机制。采用变化觉察实验范式, 在构型朝向不变和旋转两种条件下, 系统地控制构型中的客体相对方位和整体几何形态两种因素的变化, 考察其对视觉工作记忆绩效的影响。实验结果显示, 无论构型朝向不变还是旋转, 只要客体相对方位保持一致, 工作记忆绩效就可以维持较高水平, 而几何形态没有表现出显著作用。上述发现提示构型客体相对方位是构型影响视觉工作记忆绩效的主要因素。  相似文献   

Rats of the Dark Agouti strain were trained on delayed alternation under conditions that should encourage egocentric working memory. In two experiments a T-maze was set within a cross-maze so that different arms could be used for the sample and test runs. The maze had high opaque side-walls, and testing was conducted in low light levels so that distal visual cues might be eliminated. By rotating the maze 90° between the sample and choice run and by using two identical mazes set side by side it was possible to nullify other spatial strategies. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that rats preferentially used place information, intramaze cues, and direction cues, even though only egocentric or idiothetic (nonmatch-to-turn) working memory could successfully solve every trial. Rats were able to maintain an accurate sense of location within the maze even though distal cues were not visible and the animal was moved between the sample and choice runs. Experiment 2 confirmed that another rat strain (Long-Evans) shows the same learning profiles. Both experiments indicate that rats are very poor at using either egocentric or idiothetic information to alternate, and that retention delays as short as 10 s can eliminate the use of these forms of memory.  相似文献   

Pairs of rats were tested in a radial-arm maze to determine whether the spatial choices made by one rat affect the subsequent spatial choices of the other rat. In a free-choice procedure, rats showed an increased tendency to choose the location that had most recently been chosen by a foraging partner but a decreased tendency to visit locations that the foraging partner had visited earlier. Forced-choice procedures were used to better control the social stimulus and the interactions between the rats. Under some conditions, locations were chosen later in the choice sequence of a subject rat if another rat had been observed choosing that location. Odor and other physical traces of the other rat's visits were ruled out as explanations for this effect. The results demonstrate the existence of working memory for locations visited by a familiar conspecific.  相似文献   

Rats of the Dark Agouti strain were trained on delayed alternation under conditions that should encourage egocentric working memory. In two experiments a T-maze was set within a cross-maze so that different arms could be used for the sample and test runs. The maze had high opaque side-walls, and testing was conducted in low light levels so that distal visual cues might be eliminated. By rotating the maze 90° between the sample and choice run and by using two identical mazes set side by side it was possible to nullify other spatial strategies. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that rats preferentially used place information, intramaze cues, and direction cues, even though only egocentric or idiothetic (nonmatch-to-turn) working memory could successfully solve every trial. Rats were able to maintain an accurate sense of location within the maze even though distal cues were not visible and the animal was moved between the sample and choice runs. Experiment 2 confirmed that another rat strain (Long-Evans) shows the same learning profiles. Both experiments indicate that rats are very poor at using either egocentric or idiothetic information to alternate, and that retention delays as short as 10 s can eliminate the use of these forms of memory.  相似文献   

Kv4 channels regulate the backpropagation of action potentials (b-AP) and have been implicated in the modulation of long-term potentiation (LTP). Here we showed that blockade of Kv4 channels by the scorpion toxin AmmTX3 impaired reference memory in a radial maze task. In vivo, AmmTX3 intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) infusion increased and stabilized the EPSP-spike (E-S) component of LTP in the dentate gyrus (DG), with no effect on basal transmission or short-term plasticity. This increase in E-S potentiation duration could result from the combination of an increase in excitability of DG granular cells with a reduction of GABAergic inhibition, leading to a strong reduction of input specificity. Radioactive in situ hybridization (ISH) was used to evaluate the amounts of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 mRNA in brain structures at different stages of a spatial learning task in naive, pseudoconditioned, and conditioned rats. Significant differences in Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 mRNA levels were observed between conditioned and pseudoconditioned rats. Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 mRNA levels were transiently up-regulated in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, retrosplenial, and cingulate cortices during early stages of learning, suggesting an involvement in the switch from egocentric to allocentric strategies. Spatial learning performance was positively correlated with the levels of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 mRNAs in several of these brain structures. Altogether our findings suggest that Kv4 channels could increase the signal-to-noise ratio during information acquisition, thereby allowing a better encoding of the memory trace.  相似文献   

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