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Temporal contextual cuing of visual attention   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Previous research has shown how spatial attention is guided to a target location, but little is understood about how attention is allocated to an event in time. The authors introduce a paradigm to manipulate the sequential structure of visual events independent of responses. They asked whether this temporal context could be implicitly learned and used to guide attention to a relative point in time or location, or both, in space. Experiments show that sequentially structured event durations, event identities, and spatiotemporal event sequences can guide attention to a point in time as well as to a target event's identity and location. Cuing was found to rely heavily on the element immediately preceding the target, although cuing from earlier items also was evident. Learning was implicit in all cases. These results show that the sequential structure of the visual world plays an important role in guiding visual attention to target events.  相似文献   

Single items such as objects, letters or words are often presented in the right or left visual field to examine hemispheric differences in cognitive processing. However, in everyday life, such items appear within a visual context or scene that affects how they are represented and selected for attention. Here we examine processing asymmetries for a visual target within a frame of other elements (scene). We are especially interested in whether the allocation of visual attention affects the asymmetries, and in whether attention-related asymmetries occur in scenes oriented out of alignment with the viewer. In Experiment 1, visual field asymmetries were affected by the validity of a spatial precue in an upright frame. In Experiment 2, the same pattern of asymmetries occurred within frames rotated 90 degrees on the screen. In Experiment 3, additional sources of the spatial asymmetries were explored. We conclude that several left/right processing asymmetries, including some associated with the deployment of spatial attention, can be organized within scenes, in the absence of differential direct access to the two hemispheres.  相似文献   

The allocation of visual attention was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1 (n = 24), a peripheral cue was presented, and in Experiment 2 (n = 24), a central cue was used. In both experiments, cue validity was 90%, and the task was four-choice target identification. Response time distributions were collected for valid trials over five cue-target stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs), and ex-Gaussian parameters were extracted. In both experiments, only the mean of the Gaussian component decreased as a function of cue-target SOA, which implied a strict time axis translation of the distributions. The results were consistent with sequential sampling models featuring a variable delay in the onset of information uptake.  相似文献   

Subjects localized a small letter that appeared inside one of three large circles that was either validly or invalidly cued. The results indicated that, although unattended stimuli were localized fairly accurately, attention still improved localization. Moreover, the results revealed a greater dispersion of localization responses along the horizontal axis and also showed that mislocalization of attended peripheral stimuli is biased toward the periphery.  相似文献   

The authors propose a distinction between four issues underlying the debate on the status of location in visual selective attention. Three of them concern the representation within which attention operates. The grouping question focuses on whether or not this representation segments the visual field into perceptual groups. The space-invariance question focuses on whether it describes objects in spatio-topic or in space-invariant coordinates. Finally, the feature-coding question concerns whether or not it contains information about objects' non-spatial features. The last issue focuses on whether or not attention can be guided preattentively towards items possessing certain pre-specified physical properties other than location, and is referred to as the attentional-guidance question. A critical survey of the literature within the proposed framework is presented. Based on its conclusions, the status of location in current research is outlined, and avenues for further research are suggested.  相似文献   

Allocation of attention in the visual field   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This research investigated whether attentional resources can be simultaneously allocated to several locations in a visual display, whether the mode of processing (serial or parallel) can be switched within a trial, and the nature of the costs when attentional resources are concentrated on an invalid location. Subjects were required to determine which of two target letters was present in eight-letter circular displays. In precue conditions, a primary and a secondary target location were designated 150 ms before target onset by an indicator that varied in validity. In the control conditions no cue was provided. A second experiment verified several assumptions that had been made in interpreting the data of Experiment 1. Modifications in Jonides' (1983) two-process model were suggested in terms of a zoom lens model of attentional resources. Instead of two alternative processing modes, attentional resources are conceived as capable of distribution over the visual field, but with low resolving power, or as continuously constricting to small portions of the visual field with a concomitant increase in processing power.  相似文献   

The visual environment is highly regular, with particular objects frequently appearing in specific locations. Previous studies of visual search have shown that people take advantage of such regularities, detecting targets more quickly when they appear at a predictable location within a given spatial configuration. Moreover, this effect depends on implicit rather than explicit memory for the configurations. These studies have suggested that implicit long-term memory for contextual information influences the allocation of attention, modulating the flow of information through visual cortex. The present study used event-related potentials to provide the first direct support for this proposal. We suggest that this guidance of attention by implicit memory is important in the natural environment because it allows environmental regularities to influence perception without the intervention of limited-capacity conscious processes.  相似文献   

A series of studies tested for distractor compatibility effects across wide target/distractor distances (0.6 degree to 20 degrees of visual angle). The effects of precue condition, constant/varied target location, horizontal/vertical distractor distance, and foveal/peripheral presentation were studied. Results show strong compatibility effects across wide distances when distractors are at peripheral retinal locations. When both stimuli were presented at the same peripheral location in opposite hemifields, compatibility effects were evident within an area of at least 2.5 degrees of visual angle. In contrast, when foveally placed distractors were used, compatibility effects were found primarily with target letters positioned near. The findings suggest that distance effects are not homogeneous across retinal location.  相似文献   

Movements of attention across the visual field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vocal reaction times were measured for targets presented at three distances from fixation. The targets were preceded by a cue, and the time interval between the cue and the target (stimulus-onset asynchrony; SOA) was varied. For each peripheral distance, the reaction time function initially declined as SOA was increased and then reached asymptote. The further the target from fixation, the longer the SOA at which the function reached asymptote. The asymptotic SOA values were taken as a measure of the time it takes attention to reach a given target. Comparisons of these values for the three peripheral distances permitted estimating the velocity of attention movements. These measurements suggest that when summoned by a peripheral cue, attention travels through space at a constant velocity of about 1 degree per 8 msec.  相似文献   

Voluntary allocation versus automatic capture of visual attention   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Is there a difference in the kind of attention elicited by an abrupt-onset peripheral cue and that elicited by an instruction (e.g., a central arrow cue) to move attention to a peripheral location? In Experiment 1, we found that peripheral cues are no more effective in orienting attention than are central cues. No evidence was found for separable attentional systems consisting of a volitional response to central cues and an automatic response triggered only by peripheral cues. Rather, an identical or similar attentional process seems to be activated by either type of cue, although perhaps in different ways. Peripheral cues seem to have an automatic component, however, in that once attention is engaged by a peripheral cue, it cannot easily be disengaged for refocus elsewhere. In Experiment 2, after several sessions of practice, subjects were able to circumvent automatic attentional capture by an abrupt-onset peripheral cue and to volitionally redirect the focus of attention. Thus, attentional capture by abrupt-onset stimuli is not strongly automatic.  相似文献   

This study examined whether a change in the amount of attention equally allocated to two locations affects judgments of the simultaneity or successiveness of stimuli presented at those locations. Observers were cued to expect two brief flashes either to the left and right of fixation or above and below fixation. Stimulus onset asynchrony was randomly varied. On a small proportion of trials, the stimuli appeared at the unexpected locations. Observers were more likely to report the stimuli as simultaneous when they appeared in the unexpected locations. A model proposed to account for the data assumes that a brief stimulus event is represented by a probability distribution reflecting the uncertainty in determining the time of the event’s occurrence, and two events are judged to be simultaneous if they are perceived to fall within some critical temporal interval, c, which is a function of the amount of attention allocated to the task.  相似文献   

The present study is concerned with the redundany gain: the observation that subjects respond faster to simultaneously presented redundant targets than to single targets. This finding is usually interpreted as evidence for parallel, self-terminating, unlimited-capacity processing. Alternatively, it has been claimed that the reaction-time advantage with redundant targets is simply due to spatial uncertainty under single-target conditions. The present study tested this hypothesis. In Experiment 1, subjects responded when one, two, or three letters E were presented, and refrained from responding when one, two, or three letters F were presented. In half of the trials, location uncertainty was eliminated by presentation of a line segment at one of the locations of the subsequently appearing target letters. The results reject the alternative spatial-uncertainty explanation: even when the location of the impending target is cued in advance, there is no attenuation of the redundancy gain. Experiment 2 served as a control experiment and showed a clear redundancy gain, even in conditions in which it was ensured that, before display onset, attention was directed to a location of one of the impending targets.  相似文献   

Formal features (i.e., rapid action, dialogue, and animation) and content variables (i.e., violence, theme, and sex of characters) were analyzed as possible determinants of gender differences in children's television viewing. Two studies are reported. In Study 1, 5- and 7-year-old boys' and girls' visual attention was observed during four animated programs representing four combinations of high and low action with high and low violence. Boys' visual attention was greater than girls'. Attention was higher to high violence than to low violence. Boys' attention did not vary across treatments, but girls attended more to programs with low action than with high action. In Study 2, nine earlier laboratory studies, each with an independent sample, were subjected to a secondary analysis. The procedures were similar to Study 1; the samples ranged from 3 to 11 years old. Across experiments, boys attended significantly more than girls. The secondary analysis was designed to identify program form and content variables that might account for gender differences. Most content and form attributes failed to account for the pattern of gender differences in attention across or within studies. There was weak support for the notion that violent content and animation appeals more to boys than girls. Boys' greater visual attention was not associated with greater comprehension relative to girls'. It was proposed that girls focus more on the verbal auditory content of television, and boys focus more on the visual content.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that covariations between the global layout of search displays and target locations result in contextual cuing: the global context guides attention to probable target locations. The present experiments extend these findings by showing that local redundancies also facilitate visual search. Participants searched for randomly located targets in invariant homogenous displays, i.e., the global context provided information neither about the location nor about the identity of the target. The only redundancy referred to spatial relations between the targets and certain distractors: Two of the distractors were frequently presented next to the targets. In four of five experiments, targets with frequent flankers were detected faster than targets with rare flankers. The data suggest that this local contextual cuing does not depend on awareness of the redundant local topography but needs the redundantly related stimuli to be attended to.  相似文献   

To the extent that individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) reflect differences in attention (Baddeley, 1993; Engle, Kane, & Tuholski, 1999), differences in WMC should predict performance on visual attention tasks. Individuals who scored in the upper and lower quartiles on the OSPAN working memory test performed a modification of Egly and Homa’s (1984) selective attention task. In this task, the participants identified a central letter and localized a displaced letter flashed somewhere on one of three concentric rings. When the displaced letter occurred closer to fixation than the cue implied, high-WMC, but not low-WMC, individuals showed a cost in the letter localization task. This suggests that low-WMC participants allocated attention as a spotlight, whereas those with high WMC showed flexible allocation.  相似文献   

Contextual cuing refers to the facilitation of performance in visual search due to the repetition of the same displays. Whereas previous studies have focused on contextual cuing within single-search trials, this study tested whether 1 trial facilitates visual search of the next trial. Participants searched for a T among Ls. In the training phase, the spatial layout on trial N=1 was predictive of the target location on trial N. In the testing phase, the predictive value was removed. Results revealed an intertrial temporal contextual cuing effect: Search speed became progressively shorter in the training phase, but it significantly lengthened during testing. The authors conclude that the visual system is capable of retaining spatial contextual memory established earlier to facilitate perception.  相似文献   

We explored how variability in the probability of target locations affects visual search in normal individuals and in patients with hemispatial neglect, a deficit in attending to the contralesional side of space. Young and elderly normal participants responded faster when targets appeared in the more probable region than when targets appeared in the less probable region. Similarly, patients were sensitive to the distribution of targets, even in the neglected field. Although the attentional gradient that characterizes neglect was not eliminated, the response facilitation due to the probability distribution was proportionate to that of control participants and equal in magnitude across the neglected field. All participants exploited the uneven distribution of targets to enhance task performance without explicit instructions to do so or awareness of biases in their behavior. These results suggest that attentional orientation and sensitivity to external probabilities are possibly dissociable. An early sensory and a late motor mechanism are postulated as possibly being involved in the observed probability–matching behavior of participants.  相似文献   

张頔  郝仁宁  刘强 《心理学报》2019,51(7):772-780
以往研究发现个体能够同时巩固一定数量的项目信息进入视觉工作记忆系统。本研究将考察视觉工作记忆的巩固容量是否会受到分配到记忆项目上的注意资源量的影响。实验1在同时序列掩蔽范式的基础上, 用控制记忆项目呈现区域的大小的方法操纵被试的注意范围, 从而达到操纵分配到单个项目上的注意资源量的目的。研究结果显示, 被试的记忆成绩随着注意范围的扩大显著降低, 但在并行和序列呈现条件之间不存在显著差异; 实验2则证实实验1中对注意资源量分配的控制不会影响对项目的知觉编码效率。本研究结果表明, 分配在记忆项目上的注意资源量能够影响记忆巩固的效率, 但不会影响巩固容量。  相似文献   

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