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Three experiments examined visual orienting in response to spatial precues. In Experiments 1 and 2, attentional effects of central letters were stimulus driven: Orienting was dependent on the spatial layout of the cue display. When there were no correspondences between spatial features of the cue display and target location, attentional effects were absent, despite a conscious intention to orient in response to the symbolic information carried by the cue letters. In Experiment 3 clear orienting effects were observed when target location corresponded with spatial features of the cue display, but the magnitude of these effects was unaffected by whether participants were aware or unaware of the cue–target relationship. These findings are consistent with the view that (1) spatial correspondences between cues and targets are a critical factor driving visual orienting in cueing paradigms, and (2) attentional effects of spatial precues are largely independent of participants’ conscious awareness of the cue–target relationship. 相似文献
The attentional blink (AB) refers to the finding that performance on the second of two targets (T1 and T2) in a rapidly presented stimulus stream is impaired when the targets are presented within 200-500 ms. This study investigates whether a negative attentional set, a form of top-down control, has an additional detrimental effect, and whether its influence is modulated by task demands. A negative attentional set was elicited through presentation of a pre-T1 distractor (D1), which belonged to the same category as T2. The presence of D1 impaired T2 performance, and this negative effect was generally larger inside than outside the AB. Moreover, this D1 effect remained constant or was augmented when the demand on T1 processing was enhanced. These findings demonstrate that a negative attentional set is maintained even though the central system is engaged in the in-depth processing of T1 during the AB. 相似文献
When attention is focused on one location, its spatial distribution depends on many factors, such as the distance between the attended location and the target location, the presence of visual meridians in between them, and the way, endogenous or exogenous, by which attention is oriented. However, it is not well known how attention distributes when more than one location is endogenously or exogenously cued, which was the focus of the current study. Furthermore, the distribution of attention has been manly investigated in perception. In the present study we faced this issue from a different perspective, by examining the spatial distribution of the attentional bias in visuo-spatial working memory (VSWM), when attention is oriented either exogenously or endogenously, i.e., after two peripheral vs. central symbolic cues (also manipulating cue–target predictability). Results indicated a systematic difference between endogenous and exogenous attention regarding the distribution of the attentional bias over VSWM. In fact, attentional bias following endogenous cues was affected by the presence of visual meridians and by the split of the attentional focus, converging in a unipolar attentional distribution, independently of cue–target predictability. On the other hand, when pulled by exogenous cues, attention distributed uni-modally or multi-modally depending on the distance between the cued locations, with larger effects for highly predictive cues. Results are discussed in terms of space-based, object-based and perceptual grouping mechanisms. 相似文献
Shahab Ghorashi James T. Enns Thomas M. Spalek Vincent Di Lollo 《Attention, perception & psychophysics》2009,71(5):989-993
Identification of the second of two targets is impaired when the second target is presented less than about 500 msec after the first. Nieuwenstein, Chun, van der Lubbe, and Hooge (2005, Experiment 4) reported that the magnitude of this attentional blink (AB) is reduced when the location of the second target is precued. Here we show how that finding resulted from an artifact brought about by a ceiling imposed by data limitation. Instead of using an accuracy measure, the present work used a dynamic threshold-tracking procedure that was not constrained by a performance ceiling. The results show that, when the ceiling is removed, spatial cuing does not affect and is not affected by the AB. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that cue localization and target identification may take place along separate (dorsal and ventral) visual pathways. 相似文献
The attentional blink is not a unitary phenomenon 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Identification of the second of two targets is impaired if it is presented less than about 500 ms after the first. Three models of this second-target deficit, known as attentional blink (AB), were compared:resource-depletion, bottleneck, and temporary loss of control (TLC). Five experiments, in which three sequential targets were inserted in a stream of distractors, showed that identification accuracy for the leading target depended on an attentional switch whose magnitude varied with distractor–target similarity. In contrast, accuracy for the trailing target depended on similarity between the target and the trailing mask. These results strongly suggest that the AB is not a unitary phenomenon. Resource-depletion was ruled out as a viable account. The effect of attentional switching was handled naturally by the TLC model, while bottleneck models offered the best account of the effect of backward masking. 相似文献
The present study examined the effect of spatial working memory load on the attentional cuing effect. It is well-known that spatial working memory and spatial attention functionally overlap or share a common resource. Given this functional overlapping, it is possible that spatial working memory would also interact with the attentional cuing effect. Considering the distinction between channel selection and channel enhancement by attention (Prinzmetal, McCool, & Park, 2005), we expected that the interaction between spatial working memory and the cuing effect would differ with attentional processing type. Two experiments conducted with the spatial cuing paradigm showed that the magnitude of the cuing effect as measured by reaction time, reflecting channel selection, was uninfluenced by spatial working memory load. In contrast, spatial working memory load reduced the cuing effect as measured by accuracy, reflecting channel enhancement. These results suggest that spatial working memory load impairs signal enhancement by attention and does not influence attentional orienting per se. The interaction between spatial working memory and visual perception is also discussed. 相似文献
Bellebaum C Rustemeier M Daum I 《Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition》2012,19(3):402-420
The present study investigated the impact of healthy aging on the bias to learn from positive or negative performance feedback in observational and active feedback learning. In active learning, a previous study had already shown a negative learning bias in healthy seniors older than 75 years, while no bias was found for younger seniors. However, healthy aging is accompanied by a 'positivity effect', a tendency to primarily attend to stimuli with positive valence. Based on recent findings of dissociable neural mechanisms in active and observational feedback learning, the positivity effect was hypothesized to influence older participants' observational feedback learning in particular. In two separate experiments, groups of young (mean age 27) and older participants (mean age 60 years) completed an observational or active learning task designed to differentially assess positive and negative learning. Older but not younger observational learners showed a significant bias to learn better from positive than negative feedback. In accordance with previous findings, no bias was found for active learning. This pattern of results is discussed in terms of differences in the neural underpinnings of active and observational learning from performance feedback. 相似文献
Christian Bellebaum Martina Rustemeier Irene Daum 《Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition》2013,20(3):402-420
ABSTRACT The present study investigated the impact of healthy aging on the bias to learn from positive or negative performance feedback in observational and active feedback learning. In active learning, a previous study had already shown a negative learning bias in healthy seniors older than 75 years, while no bias was found for younger seniors. However, healthy aging is accompanied by a ‘positivity effect’, a tendency to primarily attend to stimuli with positive valence. Based on recent findings of dissociable neural mechanisms in active and observational feedback learning, the positivity effect was hypothesized to influence older participants' observational feedback learning in particular. In two separate experiments, groups of young (mean age 27) and older participants (mean age 60 years) completed an observational or active learning task designed to differentially assess positive and negative learning. Older but not younger observational learners showed a significant bias to learn better from positive than negative feedback. In accordance with previous findings, no bias was found for active learning. This pattern of results is discussed in terms of differences in the neural underpinnings of active and observational learning from performance feedback. 相似文献
To explore the mechanisms underlying the ability to intentionally forget, the present study combined an itemmethod directed
forgetting paradigm with tasks that measure stop-signal inhibition (Experiments 1 and 2) and inhibition of return (IOR; Experiment
2). Following each study-phase instruction to remember (R) or forget (F), a target was presented centrally (Experiment 1)
or to the left or right in the visual periphery (Experiment 2); the target required a speeded response that was sometimes
countermanded by a central stop signal. Although stopsignal reaction times were unaffected by the preceding memory instruction
(or relationship with word-target location), F instructions improved stopping and delayed responses. Replicating previous
findings in the literature, significant IOR was observed following F instructions but not following R instructions (Experiment
2). These findings suggest that intentional forgetting is an active cognitive process that more likely engages attentional
mechanisms related to orienting than those related to stop-signal inhibition. 相似文献
When a series of three successive to-be-reported items (targets) is displayed in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP)
stream of distractors, it has been shown that no attentional blink—a marked impairment in the report of the second of two
targets, typically observed when the targets appear within 200–600 ms of one another—occurs in target accuracy. The present
study examines three recently introduced computational models that provide different explanations of this protracted sparing
effect. Using a standard RSVP design and these models, we provide empirical data and simulations that illustrate that structural
limitations affect the processing of successive targets. In addition, we compare the candidate mechanisms that might underlie
these limitations. 相似文献
Conlon E Herkes K 《Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition》2008,15(4):446-470
Sensitivity to the attributes of a stimulus (form or motion) and accuracy when detecting rapidly presented stimulus information were measured in older (N = 36) and younger (N = 37) groups. Before and after practice, the older group was significantly less sensitive to global motion (but not to form) and less accurate on a rapid sequencing task when detecting the individual elements presented in long but not short sequences. These effect sizes produced power for the different analyses that ranged between 0.5 and 1.00. The reduced sensitivity found among older individuals to temporal but not spatial stimuli, adds support to previous findings of a selective age-related deficit in temporal processing. Older women were significantly less sensitive than older men, younger men and younger women on the global motion task. Gender effects were evident when, in response to global motion stimuli, complex extraction and integration processes needed to be undertaken rapidly. Significant moderate correlations were found between age, global motion sensitivity and reports of perceptions of other vehicles and road signs when driving. These associations suggest that reduced motion sensitivity may produce functional difficulties for the older adults when judging speeds or estimating gaps in traffic while driving. 相似文献
B A Eriksen C W Eriksen J E Hoffman 《Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance》1986,12(4):476-483
In two experiments, using memory sets of up to 10 letters, the response competition paradigm was employed to investigate the extent to which extraneous visual stimuli interfere with or affect the process of memory search. It was assumed that if selective attention could exclude the effect of noise letters from a Sternberg-type memory comparison process, then there would be an increase in intercept for the reaction time-set size functions but no increase in slope. This result was obtained. However, a large difference in response times to both positive and negative set targets was found when the accompanying noise letters indicated a competing response, as opposed to when they indicated the same response as the target. This implies rapid identification of the nature of both target and noise, independent of a serial comparison process. A modification of a dual process model (Juola, Fischler, Wood, & Atkinson, 1971) in which stimuli activate a familiarity value independent of memory search was suggested to account for these results. 相似文献
The present study investigated the conditions for attentional amplification in the processing of relevant objects and for
attentional inhibition in the processing of irrelevant objects. Participants reported the color of one of two superimposed
objects that was specified by occlusion. Irrelevant color words were presented as part of the relevant object, as part of
the irrelevant object, or in the background; the words were either congruent or incongruent with the color of the relevant
object. The size of the congruency effects provided a measure of the (relative) strength of the processing of the objects
and the background. Finally, the two objects had the same shape in one session and different shapes in another session. In
both sessions, results showed larger Stroop effects from words belonging to the relevant object than from words in the background,
indicating attentional amplification of the relevant object that was unaffected by object similarity. In contrast, smaller
Stroop effects from words belonging to the irrelevant object than from words in the background occurred only when the two
objects differed in shape. The latter result suggests that a shape difference is both a necessary and a sufficient condition
for inhibiting the processing of an irrelevant visual object. 相似文献
Pacheco-Unguetti AP Acosta A Lupiáñez J Román N Derakshan N 《Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)》2012,65(4):646-660
Traditionally, anxiety has been associated with a selective attentional bias for threat and a decreased capacity in attentional control. In two different experiments, we investigated whether individuals with different levels of self-reported state anxiety (Experiment 1) and induced anxiety (Experiment 2) had impaired response inhibition processes (attentional control deficit) as characterized by a different response style in the presence of negative stimuli under low and high perceptual load conditions. A go/no-go paradigm with emotional distractors (angry, happy, and neutral faces) was used to provide measures of perceptual sensitivity, inhibition, and response style. Our findings showed that perceptual sensitivity, as assessed by the d' parameter of signal detection theory, was reduced in all participants for angry faces under low perceptual load, where enough perceptual resources were available to be attracted by distractors. Importantly, despite similar perceptual sensitivity, the beta parameter indicated that high state anxiety individuals in both experiments were less flexible at adjusting to task demands in the presence of angry face distractors by adopting a stricter criterion. Implications of findings are discussed within current models of attentional control in anxiety. 相似文献
When people know what critical feature will define a target for a block of trials, only cues that share a critical feature with targets will capture attention. This result is taken to mean that attentional control settings play a role in target identification. To examine the validity of the attentional control settings hypothesis while controlling for potential sensory artifacts, the first experiment compared conditions in which the critical target features were either blocked or randomized. The results indicated that all cues captured attention in the random conditions, but only cues that matched targets captured attention in the attentional set condition. The second experiment used the same two conditions to examine the effect of attentional set on inhibition of return (IOR). No differences were found between the blocked and random conditions, indicating that attentional set did not impact the IOR effects. Overall, the results indicate that (1) the previous findings of attentional set effects were not due to an artifact of the method, and (2) attentional set influences and early occurring attentional cueing effects but not later-occurring IOR effects. 相似文献
Passow S Westerhausen R Wartenburger I Hugdahl K Heekeren HR Lindenberger U Li SC 《Psychology and aging》2012,27(1):99-105
Older adults often experience hearing difficulties in multitalker situations. Attentional control of auditory perception is crucial in situations where a plethora of auditory inputs compete for further processing. We combined an intensity-modulated dichotic listening paradigm with attentional manipulations to study adult age differences in the interplay between perceptual saliency and attentional control of auditory processing. When confronted with two competing sources of verbal auditory input, older adults modulated their attention less flexibly and were more driven by perceptual saliency than younger adults. These findings suggest that aging severely impairs the attentional regulation of auditory perception. 相似文献
Van der Burg E Olivers CN Bronkhorst AW Koelewijn T Theeuwes J 《Perception & psychophysics》2007,69(7):1230-1241
The second of two targets is often missed when presented shortly after the first target--a phenomenon referred to as the attentional blink (AB). Whereas the AB is a robust phenomenon within sensory modalities, the evidence for cross-modal ABs is rather mixed. Here, we test the possibility that the absence of an auditory-visual AB for visual letter recognition when streams of tones are used is due to the efficient use of echoic memory, allowing for the postponement of auditory processing. However, forcing participants to immediately process the auditory target, either by presenting interfering sounds during retrieval or by making the first target directly relevant for a speeded response to the second target, did not result in a return of a cross-modal AB. Thefindings argue against echoic memory as an explanation for efficient cross-modal processing. Instead, we hypothesized that a cross-modal AB may be observed when the different modalities use common representations, such as semantic representations. In support of this, a deficit for visual letter recognition returned when the auditory task required a distinction between spoken digits and letters. 相似文献
Mild memory impairment was detected in 28% of a sample of healthy community-dwelling older adults using the delayed recall trial of a word list learning task. Statistical analysis revealed that individuals with memory impairment also demonstrated relative deficits on other measures of memory, and tests of executive function, processing speed and global cognition, as measured by the CERAD and CogState batteries and CANTAB paired associate learning task. These relative deficits cannot be explained by age-related changes, education, intelligence, mood, health-related factors, or the individuals' ApoEepsilon4 status. Memory-impaired individuals (n = 30) did not recognize the extent of their memory and cognitive difficulties beyond the general complaints expressed by normal elderly (n = 77) within the study and their apparent difficulties did not appear to impact on their participation in life activities. These findings suggest it is unlikely that the memory and cognitive difficulties demonstrated by individuals with mild memory impairment reflect normal aging. Rather it is possible that such impairment may signal early neurodegenerative processes worthy of further investigation. 相似文献
We investigated the role of spatial probabilities in target location during participants' performance of a visual search task. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that spatial probabilities could serve as a powerful attentional bias that produced faster detection of targets in high-probability locations than of those in low- or random-probability locations. The effect could not be explained by repetition priming alone. Moreover, responses to targets in low-probability locations were slowed only when a distractor was present in the high-probability location. In Experiments 3-5, we compared the effects of spatial probability with an explicit endogenous cue and a salient exogenous cue. Facilitation due to spatial probability was independent of any benefit afforded by the explicit endogenous cue but interacted with the salient exogenous cue, such that the exogenous cue validity effect was compressed for targets in the high-probability location. Together, these results suggest that the spatial probabilities governing target location constitute a potent bias of visual processing and, as such, can be considered an attentional cue that differs from both typical explicit endogenous and salient exogenous cues. 相似文献
This study assessed whether inhibitory processes occurring in IOR affect perceptual processing of hierarchically organised stimuli. Experiment 1 used a global/local task that presented stimuli to the left or the right side. Results showed a global task advantage and a larger interference in the local than in the global task—the global precedence effect (GPE). These effects were larger than in previous studies using centrally presented stimuli, which suggests a greater involvement of low spatial frequency analysis with peripheral than with central stimuli. Experiment 2 combined the global/local task with IOR. Results replicated those of Experiment 1 but there was no interaction with stimulus location. That is, the GPE was not affected in IOR. Thus, we conclude that the GPE and inhibitory processing occurring in IOR are subserved by different mechanisms. 相似文献