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Matt McGue 《心理学报》2008,40(10):1073-1087
虽然遗传研究在20世纪初期的心理学里呈上升趋势,早期行为遗传学与优生学的襟带关系使这个学科蒙上阴影。20世纪下半叶的双生子和养子女的研究重新树立了该学科的威信,并为现今的遗传与环境互动的研究奠定了基础。本文以发展行为遗传学、遗传环境互动以及用行为遗传学来验证因果关系的研究为例,来突显这一学科对心理学的贡献。今后遗传与环境互动的研究将更侧重于辨识“候选基因”的技术。“全基因组关联”的研究为未来行为遗传学的发展提供了一个乐观的前景  相似文献   

青少年焦虑、抑郁与偏差行为的行为遗传学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为等问题的行为遗传学研究有助于了解人类情绪与行为受遗传和环境交互影响的内在机制。近年来,行为遗传学研究方法的迅速发展使科学家们能够更深入地探讨了基因与环境的作用和影响。文章了分析了焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为的行为遗传学研究进展,介绍了国内外双生子研究的发展情况,提出在我国建立双生子数据库,开展有关青少年焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为的行为遗传学研究  相似文献   

随着行为主义衰落和生物学技术发展,长期遭受“冷遇”的人格行为遗传学研究近些年成为颇受关注的领域,并由数量遗传学取向发展到分子遗传学取向.数量遗传学取向主张运用双生子研究、收养研究等设计来估计群体中遗传因素对人格表现型方差的贡献率,在人格特质、人格障碍、态度与偏好等人格方面做了大量研究.分子遗传学取向主张在DNA水平上用基因测定方法研究特定基因对人格表现型的影响效应,着重从多巴胺、5-羟色胺和去甲肾上腺素三种神经递质路径考察了基因与人格的关系.未来研究要强调在数量遗传设计中加入对特定基因型的直接测量,注重多学科和多范式的有效整合,扩大对健康人群积极人格品质的研究,加强基因对人格的深层作用机制研究和分子医学层面的人格干预研究.  相似文献   

进化遗传学是现代遗传学的主要研究领域之一。文章首先对进化遗传学研究的理论基础及早期重要的研究进行回顾及简要介绍。进而着重阐述了当前该领域的三种主要进化遗传机制模型,选择中立机制、突变——选择平衡机制以及平衡选择机制,对个体智力差异和人格差异的解释,并列举一系列实证研究证据。最后本文探讨了进化遗传学研究对于解释个体心理差异的贡献与不足。  相似文献   

行为遗传学研究之新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自上世纪80年代以来,行为遗传学取得了长足的进展。在定量遗传学方面,共享环境和非共享环境概念的引入深化了人们对环境作用的认识;对于环境和遗传关系,不仅认识到基因型-环境的交互作用可能存在三种形式,还揭示出遗传对环境测量的影响——基因型-环境的相关。分子遗传学作为新兴的研究途径,目前以寻找基因为主,将来则以认识基因如何工作为重。行为遗传学的发展前景将是定量遗传学和分子遗传学以行为基因组学为中心的整合。  相似文献   

发展行为遗传学是发展心理学与行为遗传学的交叉学科, 旨在探明遗传与环境对人类心理与行为发展是否存在影响, 如何产生影响, 以及该影响及其作用机制是否随年龄增长而发展变化的问题。该学科与行为遗传学在研究对象、设计和内容等方面存在不同; 开展发展行为遗传学研究需要综合运用心理测量法和行为遗传学研究方法; 未来研究应拓宽和深化候选基因与行为关联性的考察, 并着力探析基因与环境的相互作用机制。  相似文献   

叶浩生 《心理科学》2006,29(3):520-525
从基因的角度认识人的社会行为,以遗传决定论的观点看待心理和行为的产生和发展,这种生物还原论的观点近年来在西方心理学中有着很大的市场。社会生物学、进化心理学和对行为遗传学研究成果的错误理解和解释是这一思潮的主要代表。实际上,基因的作用是有限的,它并不能决定个体的行为选择。个体发展是基因和环境共同作用的产物,心理与行为是受文化制约的,文化决定了个体心理的发展过程。  相似文献   

该文首先介绍了Cloninger的人格生物社会模型的7个维度,综述了该模型在神经递质、基因遗传学、脑血流以及脑电方面等的经验性证据。还探讨了该模型与其他人格生理模型之间的关系,特别是较详细比较了Cloninger的人格生物模型与Eysenck模型的差异。最后,对Cloninger的理论模型进行了评述,并提出研究生理机制、环境和个体行为的交互影响作用,是今后人格研究的一个发展方向  相似文献   

葛小佳 《心理学报》2008,40(10):1041-1041
大约两年前回国,<心理学报>的主编杨玉芳老师要我帮忙组一期行为遗传学的专辑.组稿的初衷是向国内同行介绍行为遗传学的最新发展.行为遗传学,顾名思义,也就是研究遗传因素如何对行为发生影响的学问.传统的行为遗传学主要借助孪生子及养子女作为手段,加以统计量化分析,以推算遗传和环境对行为,情感,认知,或智商等心理特征的影响.  相似文献   

有关智力的遗传研究演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张坤  李其维 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1250-1252
智力是被行为遗传学广泛研究的重要内容之一。过去十几年问。有关智力的遗传研究超越了最基本的先天与后天之争,通过发展的遗传分析、多变量遗传分析以及对遗传与环境交互作用的探讨获得了许多重要发现。分子遗传学的发展更是为智力研究展开了新的一页,使得确定与特定认知能力有关的基因成为可能。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article deals with the contribution of genetic and environmental factors to individual differences in the three major dimensions of personality (Psychoticism, Extraversion, and Neuroticism) Twin studies indicate, and family studies confirm within limits, the strong genetic determination of these and many other personality factors, additive genetic variance accounting for roughly half the total phenotypic variance On the environmental side, shared family environment plays little or no part, all environmental effects being within-family Assortative mating, important in the formation of social attitudes, has little impact on personality Dominance may be important for Extraversion Epistasis (emergenesis) may account for the comparative low values of dizygotic (DZ) twins' correlations Evidence for differential heritability of traits is present, but not very strong It is concluded that behavioral genetics forms a vital part of the psychological understanding of the causes of individual differences in personality  相似文献   

Environment and genes. Determinants of behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent behavioral genetic research has demonstrated that genetic influence on individual differences in behavioral development is usually significant and often substantial and, paradoxically, also supports the important role of the environment. This article reviews research on the heritability of intellectual factors, personality factors, and psychopathology. It discusses the importance of investigating within-family environmental differences in order to understand the environmental origins of individual differences in development.  相似文献   

Biological considerations raise an important set of issues for psychology: what behavioral attributes of the species are genetically based, what are the mechanisms by which genetic influences affect behavior, what are the evolutionary antecedents of genetically-based attributes, and what are their consequences? This article examines a subset of these issues by exploring some potential consequences of extant genetic variability for personality functioning, social interaction and the current genetic evolution of our species. Behavior genetics provides a methodology for discovering genetically-influenced behavioral variation. Five disparate areas (socialization, personality development, personality assessment, interactionism and assortative mating) are examined in which findings from behavior genetics can guide research and theory in personality psychology. Relationships between organismic and social parameters are emphasized. The final section combines these five areas by placing them within the broader context of theory-building in psychology.  相似文献   

动物个体差异研究对人格心理学的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物个体差异的研究与人格心理学的关系已经引起了很多学者的关注。虽然对动物个体差异有许多相关描述,但文章采用一个广泛的工作定义,即动物在不同的情景下一致表现出来的一套相关行为。对动物个体差异的测量需要考虑物种间的可比较性和物种内的充分性。文章从人格结构的探讨,遗传和环境的作用,理解人格与认知、健康的关系,以及个体与环境的匹配等方面讨论和分析了动物个体差异的研究对人格心理学的可能贡献  相似文献   

The focus of this study is to identify specific genotype-environment (GE) interactions as they contribute to individual differences in personality in later life. In behavioral genetics, GE interaction refers to the possibility that individuals of different genotypes may respond differently to specific environments. A sample of 99 pairs of identical twins reared apart, whose average age is 59 years, has been studied as part of the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (SATSA). Hierarchical multiple regression was used to detect interactions between personality and environmental measures after the main effects of genotype and environment were removed. Analyses yield evidence for 11 significant interactions that provide the first evidence for GE interaction in human development using specific environmental measures. Thus, in addition to the main-effect contributions of heredity and environment, GE interactions contribute to individual differences in personality as measured in the second half of the life course.  相似文献   

J Dunn  R Plomin 《Family process》1991,30(3):271-283
Siblings, who are 50% similar genetically and grow up within the same family, nevertheless differ markedly in personality and psychopathology, and most of these sibling differences cannot be explained by genetic factors. These findings from the field of behavioral genetics imply that within-family processes that lead to sibling differences, called nonshared environment, are crucial for understanding environmental influences on individual development. Such nonshared environmental influences cannot be identified by the conventional strategy of comparing one child per family on a family-by-family basis; what is needed are studies of siblings that focus on why they are so different. The implications of these findings for investigating family process are outlined, and research is reviewed that explores the extent to which siblings in a family have different experiences, and that begins to assess links between such differential experiences and developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

Although research on personality and behavioral genetics has focused on the continuity of traits, both fields and their interface will profit from the consideration of trait change. In this article we review personality research on age differences in heritability and propose the counterintuitive hypothesis that, when developmental changes in heritability are found, heritability tends to increase. We also focus on behavioral genetic analyses of long-term developmental change. Research to date suggests that genetic involvement in adult personality change is slight whereas personality change in childhood is governed substantially be genetic factors. Finally, we consider a new topic, genetic influence on short-term change in personality.  相似文献   

It is now well established that nature and nurture are both important contributors to variation in human personality. As a result, the field of personality behavior genetics is moving beyond simply estimating the magnitude of genetic and environmental influences on various personality constructs. Recent methodological advances provide for the study of how these different sources of influence interact in the development of personality. Specifically, newer biometrical moderation models allow for group‐specific estimates of heritability and environmental influences on personality (a form of gene–environment interaction). In the current paper, we review selected recent research using these models. Furthermore, we explore how moderation might also be important in understanding links between specific genes and personality. Accounting for the contingencies between genes and environment will be an important catalyst for the molecular genetic study of personality, as unmoderated ‘main effect’ types of gene → personality associations have been elusive.  相似文献   

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