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6月21日上午,中国道教学院2009届乾道班毕业典礼在青城山道教学院隆重举行.出席典礼的领导和嘉宾有:国家宗教局四司副司长张剑,中国道教协会副会长、中国道教学院副院长张继禹,中国道教协会副会长、四川省道教协会会长唐诚青,四川省委统战部副部长、省宗教局局长王增建,成都市有关领导,中国道教协会副秘书长王炳旸,中国道教协会副秘书长、青城山道教学院院长张明心,四川省道教协会秘书长杨大明,以及四川大学宗教研究所、四川省社科院的代表.  相似文献   

陈杰 《中国道教》2009,(5):12-12
9月24日上午,国家宗教局王作安局长等一行来到中围道教协会,亲切看望慰问协会负责人并举行了座谈。中国道教协会会长任法融,副会长张继禹、黄信阳,副秘书长张立光、袁志鸿、孙同昌、冯正伟、李兆彩、王炳旸等出席了座谈会。  相似文献   

为了表达道教界对新中国60华诞的热烈庆贺和虔诚祝福,进一步发扬道教“爱国爱教、团结进步”的优良传统,展现道教“护国佑民、济世利人”的真诚情怀,发挥道教在构建和谐社会和促进经济社会发展中的积极作用,在国家宗教局的大力支持下,由中国道教协会主办,  相似文献   

2009年11月30日至12月2日,下元节期间,一年一度的对海外弟子授篆活动在龙虎山嗣汉天师府如期举行。  相似文献   


A sample of 278 male and 213 female Bible College students in England completed Form G (Anglicized) of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The data demonstrated clear preferences for introversion over extraversion, for sensing over intuition, and for judging over perceiving among both male and female Bible College students. Among females there was also a clear preference for feeling over thinking. The two predominant types among female Bible College students emerged as ISFJ (23%) and ESFJ (17%). The two predominant types among male Bible college students emerged as ISTJ (15%) and ISFJ (13%).  相似文献   

2009年9月18日至24日,中国道教协会副会长张继禹率团参加了在台北、高雄两地举办的“2009两岸三地道教界联合为台湾八八水灾祈福超荐大法会”活动,取得了圆满的成功。此次活动进一步加强了内地、香港、台湾道教界的联系交流,展现了大陆道教界良好的道风道貌和传统道教科仪,更体现了两岸同胞血浓于水的骨肉亲情,获得了各界赞誉,产生了良好的社会影响。  相似文献   

吴国富 《中国道教》2010,(1):40-44,54
清朝初年,庐山出现了一个著名的道教人物石和阳,他在唐朝道士刘混成修炼的木瓜洞隐修,声名远播,留下了不少事迹。清朝毛德琦《庐山志》、民国吴宗慈《庐山志》收录有陈梦雷的《题木瓜崖石嵩隐传赞碑铭  相似文献   

On exposure to a series of identical pictures of a young man and a young woman differing only in size of the pupils of the eyes, the eyes of married Ss dilated more to the opposite sex pictures than to the like sex pictures, dilated most to the opposite sex picture with the larger pupils, and dilated least to the like sex picture with the larger pupils. Difficulties with neutral stimuli were noted and an improved method of assessing picture stimuli brightness was described.  相似文献   

To assess current attitudes to body weight and shape in the South Pacific, a region characterised by relatively high levels of obesity and traditionally positive views of large bodies, 38 high socio-economic status (SES) adolescent males and 38 low SES adolescent males in Independent Samoa were asked to rate a set of images of real women for physical attractiveness. Participants in both SES settings preferred women with a slender figure, as did a comparison group in Britain, suggesting that the traditional veneration of large bodies is no longer apparent in Samoa. However, the results also showed that low SES adolescents were more likely to view overweight figures as attractive, which suggests that the veneration of slim figures may be associated with increasing SES. Implications of this finding are discussed in conclusion.  相似文献   

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