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This study concerns stress—protective factors—distress relationships with 297 adolescents. The first goal was to study if these relationships change depending on the sex of the participant. The second goal of the present research was to predict stress experience (frequency, intensity, severity) by depression, self‐esteem, social support and coping. Controlling the age of the participant, the results indicate that female teenagers are more threatened by chronic stress, more depressive, have more available persons in their social network, use social or avoidant coping more often whereas the male adolescents show a better self‐esteem. Concerning the second objective, self‐esteem and avoidant coping can predict stress experience (frequency and severity), while the state of depression is the only factor that can predict the three aspects of stress (frequency, intensity, severity), as opposed to social support, and social or problem‐solving coping.  相似文献   

Cette recherche s'inspire à la fois des travaux portant sur l'émergence de la communication intentionnelle et des études phonologiques des vocalisations prélangagières. Elle vise à cerner la valeur communicative des vocalisations au cours de leur développement, ainsi qu'à vérifier si le nourrisson utilise un type particulier de vocalisations (prélangagier ou non langagier) pour communiquer avec autrui. Vingt-quatre nourrissons ont été observés à 6, 9, 12, et 15 mois, dans le cadre de tâches de demande. Les résultats révèlent que le nourrisson utilise davantage son canal vocal avec l'âge, et qu'il dirige de plus en plus ses vocalisations vers autrui. Il ne semble toutefois pas employer préférentiellement un type particulier de vocalisations selon qu'il communique avec autrui ou non.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the intensity of facial emotional prototypes influences the process of their categorization in children and young adults. Two facial prototypes, one of happiness and one of disgust, including action units of three different intensities, were shown to 30 children and 30 adults who were submitted to a categorization task. As predicted, categorization accuracy was found to increase, in general, as a function of the intensity of action units. Adults were better than children but only for the categorization of disgust when the action unit intensity was weak. The happiness prototype was better categorized than the disgust prototype, and two types of errors were clearly more frequent than the others in the categorization of the disgust prototype: disgust/anger and disgust/sadness. The results are discussed in relation to the regulative processes involved in the socialization of emotion.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to contribute data concerning the cognitive functioning and development of intellectually gifted children, at the threshold of formal operational stage. It ascribes to the theory of the operational development of intelligence according to Piaget. “Gifted”, children and “average” children of an equivalent mental age (12 years and 6 months) were compared. A second group of gifted children of the same chronological age as the average children completed this study. Longeot's “Échelle de Développement de la Pensée Logique” was used for all the subjects. The results reveal dissynchronical aspects within the genesis of gifted children. They are discussed taking into account the task characteristics (type of reasoning they require) and functional specificities of compared subjects.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical data about the characteristics of Down's syndrome toddlers and their influence on parental scaffolding style during a play situation. Thirty‐six Down's syndrome children matched on mental age with thirty‐six non‐deficient children in their second year (14, 18 and 22 months) have been videotaped with one of their parents during a sorter task. The results indicate that, contrary to our expectations, parents of Down's syndrome children tend to promote the child's autonomous functioning more than parents of non‐deficient children, often using more indirect instructions. Results are discussed in relation to the specificity hypothesis of parental scaffolding linked to the characteristics of Down's syndrome children.  相似文献   

For several decades, since the work of Piaget, it has been believed that correct judgements of durations require sophisticated reasoning abilities that emerge at about 8 years of age. However, some researchers have demonstrated accurate temporal knowledge in young children and have explained their poor judgements on classical piagetian tasks not by their inability to correctly judge time, but by age-related attentional difficulties. Recently, researchers have thus reassessed the temporal behaviour in children with the experimental paradigms used in animals and humans adults in the framework of the temporal information processing models that assume the existence of an internal clock. Findings suggest that this type of clock is functional at an early age. Other findings allow us to better understand the role of the development of attention, memory and metacognitive processes in the development of the abilities to judge time. The aim of this article is to synthesize these recent findings.  相似文献   

Recent research in educational psychology, both in the United States and Europe, suggested that students' control beliefs must be considered to understand interindividual variations in students' personal engagement in learning and academic achievement. The present study was conducted with 780 French-speaking elementary school children from grade four to six. The objectives were to examine: (1) the relation between dimensions of control beliefs, (2) whether there were age-related changes in children's control beliefs, and (3) the relation between control beliefs and academic achievement across school grades. Results showed that the relations between dimensions of control beliefs and children's judgements about their importance in school achievement were stable across school grades. No relation was found between children's judgements about usefulness of specific means and academic achievement, but children's beliefs about their capacity to use these means was a powerful predictor of academic achievement. The discussion focuses on similarities and dissimilarities of these findings with those of studies conducted in the United States and Europe.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify protective and risk factors linked to substance use during adolescence. A sample of 1000 subjects participated in a four‐wave data collection. Results showed that precocious substance use is likely to be persistent. Moreover, school inadaptation, lack of parental supervision and positive self‐perception in relationships with peers have been identified as risk factors predictive of cigarette, alcohol and drug use. Protective factors were associated with high moral qualities and negative reaction to mother's use of cigarettes and alcohol. Findings are discussed in terms of developmental trajectories which might lead to substance use and abuse through adult life.  相似文献   

Dans cet article nous examinons les rapports qu'entretiennent la capacité d' analyse intentionnelle de la parole par les enfants et leur plus ou moins grande facilité à aborder le domaine de l'écrit. Ceci nous conduit à poser plusieurs questions. La première est relative au domaine d'application. Les sujets disposent de connaissances procédurales sur leur langue. Comment parviennent-ils à construire des connaissances sur ces connaissances? La seconde a trait à la nature de l'acquisition de ce type de compétence: s'agit-il de quelque chose de comparable à l'acquisition du langage, ou s'agit-il d'un apprentissage par instruction? La troisième concerne la nature de la “conscience phonique”. La variété des appellations qu'on trouve dans la littérature montre bien qu'il existe encore une grande incertitude sur le contenu de cette notion. Enfin dans la quatrième on s'interroge sur la valeur adaptative de ce type de compétence. Dans cette analyse, nous développons parallèlement les problèmes 1 et 2. Nous disons quelques mots du problème 3. Puis nous abordons le problème 4 en présentant quelques résultats empiriques.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate in the metaphysics of dispositions regarding which type of modality governs their manifestation. This paper assumes as its default position the view that dispositions manifest by conditional necessity; that is, when in appropriate circumstances dispositions manifest necessarily. From this standpoint, the paper engages critically with an existing alternative in the literature, put forward most prominently by Mumford and Anjum, and known as dispositional modality. According to this latter view, even when in appropriate manifestation conditions, dispositions only merely tend towards their manifestation. By raising difficulties for this alternative, the paper offers indirect support for the conditional necessity view.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between working memory capacity (WMC) and reading comprehension in children by testing the processing of pronouns. Two groups of nine- to ten-year-old children classified as high span and low span were administered a pronoun processing task. In this task, the computation of the antecedent referent for pronouns was varied by manipulating the distance between the pronoun and its antecedent and the availability of a gender cue. The results showed that compared to high-span children, low-span children experienced more difficulties in computing a pronoun's referent. High-span children spent longer reading sentences containing anaphoric pronouns when pronouns could not be resolved on the basis of the gender alone, suggesting that the pronouns were resolved as they were read. Low-span children tended to delay resolution until it was required by the task. In the question-answering times, low-span children were more adversely affected by distance than high-span children. Altogether these findings support the view that working memory capacity constrains resolution of anaphoric pronouns in children.  相似文献   

This present study examined the relationship between interpersonal affects, personality, psychological distress, attachment and marital adjustment. More specifically, we hypothesized that the inclusion of a direct subjective evaluation of interpersonal affects would add to our understanding of marital adjustment, even when other variables (personality, psychological distress, attachment) are being taken into account. The sample included 204 heterosexual French Canadian married or cohabiting couples. Results showed that women experienced more feelings of insecurity, unfairness, depreciation and powerlessness than men. Also, individuals who were less satisfied with their marriage reported more feelings of insecurity, unfairness, depreciation and powerlessness.  相似文献   

This study examines the processing of emotionally positive words in memory. The processing level of the stimuli during encoding (low‐level or deep‐level processing) and the retrieval type (free recall or recognition) were varied. An effect of the valence was observed in the “low‐level processing—free recall” condition. Subjects recall more positive words than neutral ones when few retrieval cues are available. This result is confirmed by a qualitative analysis which shows an organized recall according to the emotional valence only for the “low level” condition. The results and the implications of this research are discussed in relation to Bower's theory (1981, 1987).  相似文献   

La présente étude vise à préciser la nature des déficits visuo-spatiaux observés dans la Maladie de Parkinson (MP) afin de mieux comprendre la pathophysiologie associée à cette maladie. Jusqu'à présent, l'investigation des troubles spatiaux chez ce groupe de patients a donné lieu à des résultats controversés, et ce possiblement en raison de l'intrusion de biais due à la présence de composantes motrices ou à l'implication d'habiletés relevant de l'intégrité des lobes frontaux dans les tâches expérimentales. Dans le but de départager l'influence de ces variables, et de définir davantage le(s) type(s) de demande(s) des processus cognitifs aptes à produire un déficit chez cette population clinique, 15 patients atteints de MP idiopathique, sans démence associée, et 15 sujets témoins sont évalués à l'aide de trois tâches visuo-spatiales. Deux de ces épreuves font appels à des habiletés visuo-spatiales de base et ne nécessitent pas de contribution motrice, soient la discrimination d'orientation de lignes et l'exécution d'opération mentale de rotation impliquant des stimuli tri-dimensionnels. La troisième tâche consiste en une série de problèmes visuo-spatiaux qui fait appel aux capacités de raisonnement visuo-spatial et à la flexibilité intellectuelle, et qui s'est avérée sensible aux lésions corticales frontales. Les résultats montrent que les sujets MP ont un déficit à l'ensemble des trois tâches, suggérant ainsi la présence de troubles purement visuo-spatiaux dans la Maladie de Parkinson. Les changements pathophysiologiques pouvant expliquer de tels déficits sont discutés.  相似文献   

Dans le but de connaître la généralisation de données recueillies auprès d'enfants américains de race blanche et de race noire, cette recherche a porté sur la tendance d'enfants québécois francophones de lre, 3e et 4e années du primaire à partager leurs jeux avec les 25% d'enfants d'origines asiatique et latino-américaine de leur classe. S'aidant d'une photo du groupe, chaque sujet pouvait indiquer tous les enfants avec qui il aime ou n'aime pas jouer à la récréation. Outre une préférence pour les relations de même sexe, les résultats montrent, comme dans les études antérieures, une tendance, chez les Québécois, à partir de la troisième année, à créer des réseaux de relations où les néo-Québécois n'ont pas toute leur place. Par contre, ces derniers ne sont pas rejetés et bien peu d'enfants québécois les excluent complètement. Ces données sont mises en relation avec les caractéristiques générales de la population québécoise.  相似文献   

Implementation of executive control over thought and action can only be guided by the goals that one desires to reach. Over the last decade, research has pointed out the central role of goal representation in executive control both during childhood and adulthood. The present paper reviews these findings, emphasizing the developmental dynamics observed during childhood. More precisely, it addresses the role of active goal maintenance in working memory, as it has been stressed by developmental and neurocognitive theoretical models. Beyond goal maintenance, the question as to how goal representations are formed in working memory has attracted research efforts lately. With age, children successfully process increasingly subtle environmental cues to infer the current task goal and when task goals need to be updated, as evidenced by the effect of cue transparency on switching and inhibition performance. In addition, the paper addresses how goal representation sheds light on the interplay between executive skills and conceptual knowledge, through the presentation of research in such domains as analogical reasoning, categorical flexibility, and class inclusion quantification. Taken together, these lines of research show that executive control development does not rely exclusively on a growing ability to implement appropriate actions, but it also depends largely on increasingly efficient identification of what such actions should be.  相似文献   

Cette recherche vise à définir le rôle du milieu culturel dans la substitution d'un outil par un autre instrument dans trois tâches techniques quotidiennes: découpage, dévissage, clouage. Trois catégories de sujets (n = 180) d'âge préscolaire (milieu: gitan, technicien, “favorisé”) ont été testées dans deux conditions expérimentales de substitution: (1) les sujets ont à choisir un instrument adéquat parmi les substituts (11 objets proposés) socialement marqués par leur usage courant; (2) les sujets sont invités à remplacer l'outil manquant par un objet non investi de significations sociales particulières. Les résultats montrent une supériorité générale du milieu gitan dans les deux conditions expérimentales; surtout dans la mesure où le substitut proposé ne se trouve pas investi par les valeurs culturelles propres au mode de vie du groupe social.  相似文献   

Nous rapportons dans cet article des données nouvelles sur les comportements d'escalade et de descente d'un escalier hélicoïdal par 12 enfants, dans un local spécialement aménagé. Âgés entre 17 et 21 mois au début de la recherche, ils ont été répartis en deux groupes: pour l'un, la première marche était triangulaire; pour l'autre, quadrangulaire. Les měmes enfants ont été étudiés entre 23 et 27 mois dans les měmes conditions et selon le měme protocole, mais avec une inversion de la configuration de la première marche. On observe que: (1) dès la classe d'âges de 17 à 21 mois, les enfants des deux groupes privilégient le pied droit pour attaquer la première marche, avec le plus souvent alternance des deux pieds sans diminution du pas et sans arrět; (2) la configuration de la première marche joue un rôle significatif dans la fréquence de choix du pied d'attaque en début d'escalade et en fin de descente; (3) les comportements en fin d'escalade et en début de descente apparaissent influencés par la configuration du sommet de l'escalier et par la configuration de la première marche d'escalade; (4) entre 23 et 27 mois, l'influence des facteurs de développement est particulièrement nette en début d'escalade et en fin de descente; (5) les comportements en fin d'escalade et en début de descente apparaissent influencés par une combinaison de facteurs de développement, de la configuration du sommet de l'escalier, des expériences individuelles au début de l'escalade et des expériences individuelles au cours de la première partie de l'étude.  相似文献   

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