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This study examines the effects of leader behaviors and leader gender on employees' perceptions of support from the organization and employee commitment to the organization. Ninety-one employees completed a survey measuring leader behaviors, perceived organizational support, and organizational commitment. Results confirmed the hypothesis that a high interpersonal orientation and high task orientation had the most positive effect on employee attitudes. However, the high interpersonal orientation and high task orientation were not equally effective for both female and male leaders. Employees perceived more support from the organization when their supervisors, either female or male, used a high consideration–high initiating structure style than when they used a low consideration–low initiating structure style. On the other hand, only those employees who work for a male supervisor who is high in consideration and high in initiating structure were more committed to the organization.  相似文献   

The prediction of future negative events was studied in a sample of undergraduate students varying on measures of anxiety and dietary restraint. Cognitive theories of psychopathology hypothesize that the emotional concerns of an individual determine which types of information are most often cognitively processed with a biased interpretation. This prediction has generally been called the content specificity hypothesis. Based upon this aspect of cognitive theory, we hypothesized that a high level of trait anxiety would be associated with higher ratings of the probability of future physically threatening events. In addition, it was hypothesized that a high level of dietary restraint would be associated with lower ratings of the probability of future occurrences of overeating. The results of the study supported these hypotheses. These prediction biases were found to be more pronounced in women, as compared to men. The findings were interpreted as supportive of the content specificity hypothesis.  相似文献   

本研究探讨心率变异性(HRV)特征在高水平应激条件下对神经质水平的区分力。研究选取200名被试以大五人格量表测量情绪稳定性,实施了应激诱发实验,利用光体积扫描传感器采集被试者HRV指标;利用LASSO回归分析筛选参数构建对神经质的预测模型。结果显示:模型的预测数据与神经质得分高低显著正相关;不同阶段内预测数据与神经质得分显著正相关;两两比较中实验条件阶段与其他阶段预测值差异显著。研究表明,在高应激条件下,HRV是人格神经质较好的预测指标。  相似文献   

宽恕的结果包含两个方面, 一是就被冒犯者而言的结果, 二是就冒犯者而言的结果。就被冒犯者而言, 宽恕的积极结果已被广泛证实, 但就冒犯者的行为而言, 以往研究的结果并不一致。有研究指出, 宽恕会导致进一步伤害的发生, 但也有研究指出, 宽恕能够降低进一步伤害的可能性。出现这种不一致结论的原因在于, 不同研究对于宽恕与和解的关系、冒犯者的内心体验和双方人际互动的认识不一致, 但进一步分析可以发现, 认为宽恕会避免进一步伤害的证据更充分, 因此宽恕仍然是处理人际伤害的有效方式。但无论是被冒犯者还是冒犯者, 在做出宽恕决定或是接受他人的宽恕时, 仍有一些方面要加以注意。  相似文献   

Gary   L.   Brase 《心理学报》2007,39(3):398-405
当形式操纵有助于贝叶斯推理时会有怎样的加工发生呢?一种观点认为自然取样的频率可以激发在其操作中具有相对特异性的特权表征系统。而与之相对的一种观点则认为,自然取样频率只是引发具有嵌套关系的更为普遍的加工的一种方式。比较两种观点,后者预示着只需要使用相当简要和直接的干预(如简单的指示)就能够促进推理的改善,而前者则意味着更为广泛的干预和/或更有洞见的理解才能改善推理。本研究表明,无论是短暂立即的干预,还是预存的表征偏向,抑或是表征的灵活性都不能促进被试的表现。另一方面,也有证据显示,频率论者的问题解释可以改善统计推理表现,而且有时还会增加其反应的信心。这些结果支持了特权表征系统观  相似文献   

Earlier cross-cultural research on replicability of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) suggested that personality trait structure is universal, but a recent study using an Italian translation has challenged this position. The present article re-examines the psychometric properties of the Italian NEO-PI-R and discusses the importance of orthogonal Procrustes rotation when the replicability of complex factor structures is tested. The arguments are supported by data from a slightly modified translation of the NEO-PI-R, which was administered to 575 Italian subjects. These data show a close replication of the American normative factor structure when targeted rotation is used. Further, the validity of the Italian NEO-PI-R is supported by external correlates, such as demographic variables (age, sex, education), depression, and affect scales.  相似文献   

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