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This article is part of a comprehensive research project in which the central characteristics of the process of divorce in the kibbutz were examined. It appears that the framework of the kibbutz, free as it is from socio-economic pressures and boundary factors not directly connected with the marital relationship as such, provides an excellent and perhaps unique opportunity to investigate the pure emotional effects of the marital breakup.  相似文献   

In the kibbutz today, there are no ideological or economic barriers to prevent a couple from deciding to divorce. Both husband and wife are assured continued economic security and equal opportunities for co-parenting, thus reducing fears of disruption in the daily contact with the children. In spite of these favorable circumstances, marital breakups in the kibbutz are less frequent than in the larger cities in Israel. In recent years, however, at a time when a stronger and more intensive family life has gained legitimacy within the kibbutz structure, there is a marked tendency toward a rise in the rate of divorce. In this article we analyze the possible causes of the variations in the frequency of divorce within the kibbutz framework.The authors express appreciation to Esther Mivtzari, a psychologist on the staff of the Kibbutz Child and Family Clinic and a member of the religious kibbutz Ein-Tzurim, for assistance in gathering data on divorce in the religious kibbitzum.  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years, the author has had a unique opportunity to observe the incidence and nature of emotional disorders exhibited by the child population of about one hundred Israeli kibbutz settlements. An analysis of this clinical material shows that those factors related to disturbed relationships within the kibbutz family far outnumber all other pathogenic elements, both in the frequency of their appearance and the severity of their impact. A distinct pattern of family malfunctioning appears to be the most significant pathogenic element — this despite the centralized caretaking, training, and socializing functions of the kibbutz educators, to whom many tasks ordinarily performed by parents in the traditional family situation, have been delegated.  相似文献   

This study investigates emotional divorce in marriage in everyday life in Iran from a female perspective. Many studies have been conducted on divorce but there is vacuum in the field of emotional divorce in regard to how it is defined and which research methodologies are most appropriate. This study aims to understand the participant’s construct of emotional divorce as well as its mechanism and causes, using grounded theory to achieve a deep and holistic understanding of the issues. Analytic induction and theoretical saturation were the criteria for selecting 22 women with severe marital dissatisfaction, as subjects for the research. One of the core ideas considered is that emotional divorce increases when formal, legal divorce is difficult to obtain, Findings cover four fields including: (1) social contexts such as patriarchy, the presence of stepfathers, and female passivity; (2) intensifying factors such as men’s sex vs. women’s love and the presence of a rival wife; (3) unequal exchange and (4) the sense of inequality, rational divorce and finally emotional divorce itself. Our research findings show the occurrence of ‘emotional divorce’ often arises from rational calculation. Unequal exchange results in the sense of inequality as the main cause of emotional divorce.  相似文献   

The origins of modern divorce   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High rates of marital dissolution and easy access to divorce are not unprecedented, historically or cross-culturally. But contemporary divorce in North America and Western Europe has different origins and features than divorce in previous cultures. The origins of modern divorce patterns date back more than 200 years, to the invention of the historically unprecedented idea that marriage should be based on love and mutual affection. Ironically, then, the fragility of modern marriage stems from the same values that have elevated the marital relationship above all other personal and familial commitments: the concentration of emotion, passion, personal identity, and self-validation in the couple relationship and the attenuation of emotional attachments and obligations beyond the conjugal unit. The immediate causes of divorce may range from factors as diverse as the personal psychological characteristics of one or both spouses to the stresses of economic hardship and community disintegration. But in a larger perspective, the role of divorce in modern societies and its relatively high occurrence both flow from the same complex of factors that have made good marriages so much more central to people's happiness than through most of the past, and deterioration of a marital relationship so much more traumatic.  相似文献   


Only recently have stage of development concepts been applied to the process of divorce. Formulations about continuum of feelings, tasks to be accomplished, ordinary emotional fluctuations, and challenges to be mastered began to appear in the literature only in the past two decades (Bohannan, 1970; Froiland & Hozman, 1977; Kaslow, 1981b; 1983; Kessler, 1975). Nonetheless, when one is undertaking either divorce therapy or divorce mediation with a couple, it is vital to ascertain such life cycle factors as: 1) where each is in his or her individual life cycle development in terms of chronological age, emotional maturity, cognitive functioning, career status and aims, and child rearing; 2) how long the couple had been together, what are the personalities and ages of the children, the nature of the couple's prior relationship to each other, the extended family's response to the imminent divorce, the importance ascribed to independencelfreedom vs. sharing one's life and being concerned about a partner's wishes, the level of intimacy sought and reached, the nature and frequency of arguments, the extent of ennui and disillusionment, the perceived friendship and career opportunities beyond the current marriage and job, and the economic circumstances; and 3) if they have already decided to divorce or where they are in this emotional and legal process—predivorce, during divorce, or postdivorce?

It is important that the point of therapeutic entry and the selection of treatment strategies or the approach in divorce mediation be contingent upon etching a clear and accurate picture of their individual and couple identity, rhythms, intrapsychic integration and interpersonal resources, and the life cycle stage in these intertwined aspects of living.  相似文献   

Parental divorce is associated with problematic offspring adjustment, but the relation may be due to shared genetic or environmental factors. One way to test for these confounds is to study offspring of twins discordant for divorce. The current analyses used this design to separate the mechanisms responsible for the association between parental divorce, experienced either before or after the age of 16, and offspring well-being. The results were consistent with a causal role of divorce in earlier initiation of sexual intercourse and emotional difficulties, in addition to a greater probability of educational problems, depressed mood, and suicidal ideation. In contrast, the increased risk for cohabitation and earlier initiation of drug use was explained by selection factors, including genetic confounds. ((c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Nine hundred and ninety-eight kibbutz children aged 3 to 10 years were asked to indicate their personal choices in response to a projective test depicting a child in situations of distress and joy. The children selected their own parents as the most significant choice in all age groups, irrespective of the communal or family type of sleeping arrangement. This finding appears to confirm the contention that the family constitutes a primary emotional center for kibbutz children despite the fact that parents do not function as providers of material needs, and that children grow up in communal houses with a housemother responsible for childcare tasks usually associated with the mother in the nuclear family model.  相似文献   

Parental divorce is associated with a number of emotional and behavioral problems in young-adult offspring, but theoretical and empirical considerations suggest that the relation may be partially or fully accounted for by passive gene-environment correlation or environmental selection characteristics. The current study used the Children of Twins Design to explore whether shared environmental or genetic factors confound the relationship between parental marital instability and measures of psychopathology. Comparisons of the offspring of adult twins in Australia on 3 factors of abnormal behavior, including drug and alcohol, behavioral, and internalizing problems, suggest that environmental influences associated with divorce account for the higher rates of psychopathology. The results are consistent with a causal connection between marital instability and psychopathology in young-adult offspring.  相似文献   

Three components of the attachment transmission model were examined in 48 kibbutz dyads from 2 kibbutz sleeping arrangements: communal and home-based. Concurrent assessments used the Strange Situation procedure (M. D. Ainsworth, M. C. Blehar, E. Waters, & S. Wall, 1978) for infants' attachment relations, the Adult Attachment Interview (C. George, N. Kaplan, & M. Main, 1985) for mothers' attachment representations, and the Emotional Availability Scales (Z. Biringen, J. L. Robinson, & R. N. Emde, 1993) for emotional availability in the dyads. Security of infants' attachment relations as well as autonomy of mothers' attachment representations were associated with higher emotional availability scores. In addition, significantly poorer emotional availability was found in dyads in which infants were insecurely attached and mothers were nonautonomous. Results also indicate that in the ecology of collective sleeping, the associations between the experience of emotional availability in the dyads and infants' and mothers' attachment may have been disrupted.  相似文献   

Gender differences in health status and illness behavior have been explained in terms of sex roles and gender-related personality traits. It may be hypothesized that in a community that is committed to gender-negating ideology, where men and women alike participate in public life, and housework and child care largely collectivized, gender health differences will disappear. The kibbutz movement is committed to the ideology of the emancipation of women: women fully participate in the labor force and decision making. Nonetheless, women on the kibbutz are responsible for the housework and are concentrated in feminine occupations. The kibbutz, then, allows us to test the relationship between gender ideology and participation in public life vs. gender roles and tasks, and health. The health behavior, health status, and illness behavior of 230 members of two kibbutzim, one religious and one secular, were studied. Men and women report similar health status and illness behavior; parental status is not related to health; and marital status is related to psychological distress only. Similar patterns were observed for the secular kibbutz and the religious one despite the more traditional division of labor in the latter.Medical student, supported by the National Fund for Medical Education, 35 Kneeland Street, Boston, MA 02111.  相似文献   

Nine hundred and ninety-eight kibbutz children aged 3 to 10 years were asked to indicate their personal choices in response to a projective test depicting a child in situations of distress and joy. The children selected their own parents as the most significant choice in all age groups, irrespective of the communal or family type of sleeping arrangement. This finding appears to confirm the contention that the family constitutes a primary emotional center for kibbutz children despite the fact that parents do not function as providers of material needs, and that children grow up in communal houses with a housemother responsible for childcare tasks usually associated with the mother in the nuclear family model.(1980, Spring)  相似文献   

The present study compares the effects of two different socialization environments—the Israeli kibbutz and the city—on the social values held by 16-17 year-olds. A total of 352 boys and girls, 195 porn the city and 157 porn the kibbutz, filled out a specially prepared thirteen-item questionnaire on social values. The results revealed the existence of four factors underlying these values: self-oriented concerns (factor 1), other-oriented concerns (factor 2), reliance on innate spiritual capacities (factor 3), reliance on physical and productive capacities (factor 4). Significant differences on factors 1 and 3 were uncovered for the kibbutz and the city subjects, while boys and girls differed significantly on factors 2 and 4. The findings were discussed in light of the differences in educational systems between the kibbutz and the city, and in light of sex-role differences characteristic of Western society in general.  相似文献   

Family therapy with the whole family after a divorce has taken place provides a unique opportunity for intervention. Though the spouses have legally terminated their relationship, their parenting function remains. However, this reality is often clouded by the emotional conflicts generated by the divorce. Family therapy can be useful in facilitating life in the post-divorce period. A four-part model for intervention is described. The first task is to redefine the family as existentially including all members. Next, generational boundaries are firmed in order to reduce the parentification process, often intensified by the parent's physical absence. Third, the family needs to have a replay of the history of the marriage to correct developmental distortions and offer a changce to mourn the loss of the intact family. Finally, the therapists attempt to facilitate an emotional divorce. A case study is presented to elucidate the manner in which these steps unfold in treatment.  相似文献   


Divorce has been conceptualized as a process. Research has extensively demonstrated that it is pre/postdivorce family environment factors that primarily account for the variability in children’s adaptation over parental divorce process rather than the legal divorce per se. Amongst various factors, interparental conflict has been consistently identified as a prominent one. Surprisingly, a single source is still lacking that comprehensively synthesizes the extant findings. This review fills this gap by integrating the numerous findings across studies into a more coherent Divorce Process and Child Adaptation Trajectory Typology (DPCATT) Model to illustrate that pre/postdivorce interparental conflict plays crucial roles in shaping child adaptation trajectories across parental divorce process. This review also summarizes the mechanisms (e.g., child cognitive and emotional processes, coparenting, parent–child relations) via which pre/postdivorce interparental conflict determines these trajectories and the factors (e.g., child gender and age, child coping, grandparental support) that interact with pre/postdivorce interparental conflict to further complicate these trajectories. In addition, echoing the call of moving beyond the monolithic conceptualization of pre/postdivorce interparental conflict, we also review studies on the differential implications of different aspects (e.g., frequency versus intensity) and types (e.g., overt versus covert) of interparental conflict for child adjustment. Last, limitations of prior studies and avenues for future research are discussed. The proposed framework may serve as a common knowledge base for researchers to compare/interpret results, detect cutting edges of the fields, and design new studies. The specificity, complexity, nuance, and diversity inherent within our proposed model await to be more fully revealed.


This study reports on teacher perceptions of the impact of parental divorce on behaviour and emotional development in children of divorce. Participants were a purposive sampling of 80 primary school learners with parental divorce experience and a comparison group of 40 others from typical or intact families (n = 120: males = 64; females = 56; age range = 6 to 12 years). Teachers completed the Conners' Rating Scales—Revised (CRS—R: Conners, 1998; Casat et al., 1999) on each of the learners. The findings suggest that teachers perceive younger children from divorced parents were more likely to have emotional and behavioural challenges than those from intact families. By contrast, teachers perceived older children from intact were to have emotional and behavioural difficulties.  相似文献   

Prevention programs in mental health theoretically can benefit from selecting participants who have a greater likelihood of developing psychological problems because of their exposure to the putative mediators targeted for change in an intervention. Screening on mediators may increase statistical power to detect program effects, enhance the cost-effectiveness of intervention trials, and decrease the possibility of iatrogenic effects. The circumstances that optimize the strategy of screening on the basis of mediating variables are discussed, and data are presented to illustrate the development of a mediational selection strategy to identify families who might best benefit from a preventive intervention for children of divorce. In addition, we present evidence that adjustment problems for children experiencing a divorce, as with most mental health problems, are not the result of one specific factor, but are jointly determined by several mediating processes that occur subsequent to the divorce. The mediational selection strategy developed illustrates the utility of measuring a set of mediational processes central to conferring risk for mental health problems to children of divorce.  相似文献   

242例吸毒女性自尊及背景资料的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用自尊量表和背景资料调查问卷对甘肃省两大戒毒所242例吸毒女性进行测查,结果表明:(1)年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、经济收入水平等因素与吸毒女性自尊评分无显著相关;(2)回归分析显示,人际关系因子对吸毒女性自尊评分有显著影响,认知、行为因子对其自尊评分的影响没有达到显著性水平;(3)文化程度不高,无固定的经济收入,失恋或离婚等因素是吸毒或吸毒成瘾的重要关联因素。  相似文献   

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