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Feldstein S  Field T 《Adolescence》2002,37(147):495-513
Conversational interactions of sixth-grade friends and acquaintances in mixed- and same-gender pairs were computer analyzed so that the individual and dyadic time patterns of their vocal behavior could be examined. A comparison of their time patterns revealed that the boy-boy pairs used more and longer segments of simultaneous speech with acquaintances than with friends whereas the girl-girl pairs did the opposite. In general, partners tended to coordinate the durations of their vocal behaviors with each other but, more specifically, the boys coordinated the timing of their speaking turns and switching pauses more when they were friends than when they were acquaintances, and the girls again did the opposite. Finally, the girls coordinated the durations of their pauses significantly more than did the boys regardless of whether they were with friends or acquaintances or in mixed- or same-gender pairs.  相似文献   

Studied a new device and training procedure for teaching the directional orientation and sentence tracking skills used in reading and writing western languages. Twelve preschool and 14 kindergarten children were randomly assigned to E and C groups. Between pre- and posttests, Es practiced for a total of 20 min. over a two-week period with an electronic device which flashed a correct signal only when S scribed left-to-right through successive sentences from top to bottom of the display. Any error in sequence extinguished the signal. Cs received only pre- and posttests. On test sentences prior to practice neither Es nor Cs were able to show where the sentences began or how they went from beginning to end. After using the device, Es tripled their orientation and tracking scores, while Cs not given access to the device did not improve (p < .002). Left-right and up-down directional confusion, often the subject of many hours of remedial training, were shown to be rapidly corrected in normal children by the use of a simple electronic device providing clear feedback distinguishing correct from incorrect responses. Implications for prereading instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

Peer conflicts in two age groups (toddler and preschool) of emotionally disturbed children were examined for developmental trends and for changes over time in an intervention program. Children were observed in their peer groups six times over the course of a year. Prosocial and agonistic social behaviors were coded in a continuous coding observational procedure. Friendship pairs were identified from the observational records and validated by teacher reports. It was hypothesized that agonistic responses to both prosocial and agonistic bids would decrease over time and that friendships would facilitate conflict resolution and conflict avoidance in the emotionally disturbed children. Agonistic responses to agonistic bids decreased over time for all children. Older acquaintances responded to prosocial bids with agonistic responses. Friendship relationships facilitated conflict resolution and avoidance skills in preschool-age but not toddler-age friends. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for intervention.  相似文献   


Self-presentation represents behaviors used in establishing an identity with others; such behaviors may differ across various interpersonal relationships. The current article presents two studies examining differences in self-presentation to acquaintances, friends, and romantic partners among college students in relationships. Study 1 was an experiment, and Study 2 utilized a within-subject design. Results showed that individuals engaged in more self-presentation in more established types of relationships. Additionally, both closeness and trust served as moderators, such that those lower in closeness/trust reported more self-presentation in more established types of relationships than in less established types of relationships. At higher levels of closeness/trust, the results were somewhat inconsistent, with Study 1 finding no differences between relationship types and Study 2 finding more self-presentation to romantic partners than to friends and acquaintances. These results are among the first to suggest that individuals engage in differing levels of self-presentation, depending on the type of relationship and the extent to which they feel close to and trust the person.  相似文献   

This study compares the effectiveness of a violence prevention program with young, at-risk children in two settings. Preschool and kindergarten students, residing in Chicago public-housing developments, participated in a 28-session intervention. Knowledge, behavior problems, and social skills were assessed at pretest and posttest, based on child interviews, teacher ratings, and behavioral observations. Findings suggest that both preschool and kindergarten children demonstrated significant gains in knowledge, based on interview scores, and significant decreases in problem behaviors, based on behavioral observations; however, teacher ratings did not change significantly across time. The discrepancy in findings is explored and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

An experimental model tested the mediating function of interpersonal cognitive problem solving skills on behavioral adjustment in preschool and kindergarten children. Relative to controls, nursery-trained youngsters improved in three such skills, kindergarten-trained in two. In both the nursery- and kindergarten-trained groups, increased ability to conceptualize alternative solutions to interpersonal problems significantly related to improved social adjustment. Consequential thinking also emerged as a clear behavioral mediator, especially among kindergarten-aged youngsters. Improvement in behavior could not, however, be attributed to change in causal thinking skills. Having identified two significant behavioral mediators in young children, a beginning has been made to isolate specific thinking skills, which, if enhanced, can contribute to healthy social adjustment and interpersonal competence at an early age.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence and theoretical arguments seem to support the hypothesis that, on average, people assign aquaintances to the positive poles of constructs 62% of the time; these studies have focused on the mean proportion of positive judgments when collapsed across acquaintances and constructs. The present study examined the distribution of these virtues among acquaintances and constructs. Results indicated that: (a) closer acquaintances were assigned to the positive poles of constructs more frequently than comparatively distant acquaintances; (b) subjects assigned positive qualities to closer acquaintances more frequently on constructs with fewer alternative meanings, whereas the opposite relation was observed for distant acquaintances. These findings suggest that people are oriented toward formulating an unambiguous construction of the virtuous disposition of their closer acquaintances.  相似文献   

The data of recent research studies have shown that by 3 years of age children show an awareness of dysfluency and that by at least the age of six, youngsters who stutter have a speech-associated attitude that is more negative than that of their peers. These findings led to the present study in which the KiddyCAT, a self-report measure, was used to compare the attitude toward speech of 45 children, between the age of three and six, who stuttered with that of 63 who did not. The data of this investigation showed that, as a group, the preschool and kindergarten children who stuttered had significantly more in the way of a negative attitude toward their speech than was found among their nonstuttering peers of the same age and gender. This finding is not consistent with the classically held position that the reactive aspects of stuttering do not generally develop until well after its onset. It suggests the need to measure, by standardized means, the speech-associated attitude of incipient stutterers and, when appropriate, to make the assessment and treatment of negative attitude toward speech a meaningful aspect of therapy.

Educational objectives: The reader will be able to: (1) describe the difference in the speech-associated attitude of preschoolers and kindergartners who do and do not stutter; (2) summarize what we currently know about self-report tests used to assess speech-related attitude among children as young as 3; and (3) evaluate the usefulness of assessing the belief system of children whose fluency is considered problematic.  相似文献   

Background In the context of lifelong learning, self‐regulated learning is an important competence. Children between 4 and 6 years of age are at a crucial step in their life to develop self‐regulatory competence. That is why their kindergarten teachers play an important role as instructors as well as role models. Aim This study tested the effects of self‐regulation training for kindergarten teachers concerning their own self‐regulation and methods to foster self‐regulation in children at preschool age whom they were teaching. Sample In this study, 35 German kindergarten teachers and 97 children participated. All adult participants were graduated kindergarten teachers. Method The kindergarten teachers were tested with a questionnaire 2 weeks before and after the training. At the same time, the preschoolers were interviewed. A waiting control group design was applied. Results and conclusions The results obtained by means of analyses of variance show that the self‐regulation of the kindergarten teachers as well as the self‐regulated learning of preschoolers whose kindergarten teachers took part in the training improved significantly. The results indicate that it is possible to improve self‐regulated learning of preschool children by a training programme for kindergarten teachers.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that intimacy and familiarity will lead to better and more effective emotional communication between two individuals. However, research has failed to unequivocally support this claim. The present study proposes that close dyads exhibit superiority in the decoding of subdued facial cues than in the decoding of highly intense expressions. A total of 43 close friend dyads and 49 casual acquaintance dyads (all women) were compared on their recognition of their partner's and a stranger's subdued facial expressions. Dyadic analyses indicate that close friends were more accurate and also improved more rapidly than casual acquaintances in decoding one other's subdued expressions of sadness, anger, and happiness, especially the two negative emotions, but not in detecting the stranger's subdued expressions. The results strongly suggest that intimacy fosters more accurate decoding of subdued facial expressions.  相似文献   

Forty-seven psychotherapists were studied to determine if they construed their clients more negatively than personal acquaintances. The sample included personal construct therapists, psychoanalytic candidates, and therapists from a community mental health center; they varied in terms of sex, age, years of experience, and clinical discipline. Subjects chose six personal acquaintances and six nonpsychotic individual-therapy clients who were then used as elements in a repertory grid. Constructs were elicited by comparing pairs of elements; all elements were rated on the constructs. Elements were also directly rated on several dimensions, including liking and similarity to self. Results indicated that therapists selectively focused on clients' negative characteristics and acquaintances' positive characteristics. Clients were liked less than acquaintances and were judged to be less like the self. The correlations between valuative variables tended to be higher in the construing of clients than in the construing of acquaintances, whereas expected improvement with therapy was not related to affective evaluation. There were no gender differences in these effects. Although there were no differences in degree of negative construal of clients among the therapist subgroups, the psychoanalytic candidates construed acquaintances less positively than did other therapists. The results suggest that deviancy may be a major dimension distinguishing therapists' construal of clients from their construal of acquaintances. This dimension may result from both therapeutic ideology and the fact that clients selectively present negative aspects of themselves in therapy, producing a bias in the information therapists receive. Possible negative implications for the therapeutic relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that people are more likely to attribute a stranger's behavior to external causes if that behavior is common in a given population than if it is relatively unique (the consensus rule). It was proposed in the present paper that another and perhaps simpler rule is available for causal attributions for an acquaintance's behavior, such that more external attributions are made as the behavior becomes increasingly inconsistent with extant impressions of the target (the goodness-of-fit rule). It was found that the goodness-of-fitrule, but not the consensus rule, was used in the attribution of causality for acquaintances when the behavior could be made to fit with extant impressions. When the behavior was completely inconsistent with extant impressions, both consensus and goodness-of-fit rules were used, such that the most external attributions were made in the poor fit/high consensus condition.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how converts and their close acquaintances perceive changes in personality characteristics after religious conversion and possible demographic influences of these perceptions. Sixty Slovakian respondents self-defined as having experienced conversions rated themselves twice on measures of Big Five personality traits, self-esteem, and meaningfulness in life. The first rating provided retrospective information concerning pre-conversion conditions and the second rating obtained data reflecting the convert's present self-understanding. In addition, every convert was rated on the same characteristics by someone who knew the person well during both pre- and post-conversion times. The convert and the rater both provided demographic information (age, education, religiosity, relationship to conversions and converts etc.). Analyses showed that the converts perceived several personality changes: neuroticism decreased while self-esteem, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion increased. They also reported a large increase in meaningfulness. Perceived changes were in part related to education level and age for converts, and to religiosity in both converts and close persons, suggesting a retrospective bias.  相似文献   

Drawing from an affect-induction model of laughter (Bachorowski & Owren, 2001; Owren & Bachorowski, 2002), we propose that "antiphonal" laughter--that is, laughter that occurs during or immediately after a social partner's laugh--is a behavioural manifestation of a conditioned positive emotional response to another individual's laugh acoustics. To test hypotheses concerning the occurrence of antiphonal laughter, participants (n = 148) were tested as part of either same- or mixed-sex friend or stranger dyads, and were audiorecorded while they played brief games intended to facilitate laugh production. An index of antiphonal laughter for each dyad was derived using Yule's Q. Significantly more antiphonal laughter was produced in friend than in stranger dyads, and females in mixed-sex dyads produced more antiphonal laughter than did their male partners. Antiphonal laughter may therefore reflect a mutually positive stance between social partners, and function to reinforce shared positive affective experiences.  相似文献   

Ectomorphy scores were not associated with cerebrotonia scores in a sample of 105 kindergarten children.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the role parent-child relationship quality has on two types of memories, those of parents and those of friends. Participants were 198 Italian university students who recalled memories during 4 separate timed memory-fluency tasks about their preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school and university years. Half were instructed to recall memories involving parents and the remainder memories involving friends. Moreover, parent-child relationships were assessed by the Network of Relationships Inventory (NRI; W. Furman & D. Buhrmester, 1985) and Adolescents' Report of Parental Monitoring (D. M. Capaldi & G. R. Patterson, 1989). Results showed that men with positive parent-son relationships had more memories of parents and more affectively positive memories of friends, supporting a consistency model positing similarity between parent-child relationships and memories of friends. Women with positive parental relationship quality had more affectively positive memories of parents but for friends, positive relationship quality only predicted positive memories when young. At older ages, especially middle school-aged children, negative parent-daughter relationships predicted more positive memories of friends, supporting a compensatory model. The gender of parent also mattered, with fathers having a more influential role on affect for memories of friends.  相似文献   

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