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为了保证公民道德建设取得实效,我们必须做到以下三个有机结合:他律机制和自律机制有机结合;灌输机制和接受机制有机结合;普遍性和特殊性有机结合。  相似文献   

Work with the elderly challenges analysts in special ways. The author presents clinical material from her practice and from investigative interviews with nine treating analysts who report personal reactions and countertransferences to analytic work with twelve elderly patients. She concludes that the major challenges in work with the elderly come more from the analyst than from the patients. Issues arising from the analyst's unresolved feelings about aging, parents, loss, and death are revived in the treatment of the elderly in an especially intense form. In this paper many aspects of transference are considered, especially those relating to illness, loss, and the problems that flow from identifications of the older analyst with the patient. The affective reverberations in younger and older analysts with regard to the initiation of analytic treatment, the inevitability of moving in and out of real life crises, the sustaining of loss, and, particularly, the impending termination, are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

本研究探析了人格因素与咨询期望的相关性及对临床工作的启示.通过方便抽样选取样本348人,用心理咨询预期简表、卡特尔16项人格因子问卷进行调查.咨询期望在性别之间无差异,心理咨询中的个人承诺与聪慧性、稳定性等人格因子呈正相关;与怀疑性、忧虑性等呈负相关.对咨询师专业性的期待与乐群性、稳定性等人格因子呈正相关;与怀疑性、忧虑性等呈负相关.人格中的有恒性、聪慧性等对个人承诺有正向影响,而忧虑性、怀疑性对其有负向影响.有恒性、乐群性对专业性期待有正向影响,而忧虑性则产生负向影响.在临床心理咨询中要想达到理想效果,需要依据来访者的人格特点,评估并适时调整咨询期望.  相似文献   

论社会主义核心价值体系基本内容的层次结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容是一种结构性存在,它所包含的四个方面的基本内容具有不同的性质,其中,马克思主义指导思想是导向性内容,中国特色社会主义共同理想是目标性内容,以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神是情感性和动力性内容,社会主义荣辱观是基础性内容。从层次结构上看,社会主义核心价值体系所包含的四个方面的基本内容,从最低层次到最高层次,构成一个逻辑严谨、层次分明、由高到低、由理论到实践、由思想到行为的整体性框架结构,而每一层次也有着自身的层次结构特点。  相似文献   

Three hypotheses derived from an explanation sketch of the ability of some individuals to understand self-embedded (SE) sentences with two embeddings involving Syllogistic reasoning ability were tested with positive results. The data indicate that those individuals who can understand SE sentences with two embeddings will be better able to reason with the use of the Syllogistic form than those who cannot, that those individuals who can reason with the use of the Syllogistic form will be able to understand SE sentences with two embeddings, and that those individuals who cannot reason with the use of the Syllogistic form will not be able to understand SE sentences with two embeddings.  相似文献   

As the names of the two main figures suggest, this fairytale deals with the shadow problem. A helpful little white horse, a gift from an unknown godfather, guides the hero safely through the dangers arising from the scheming intrigues of the shadow companion. Ferdinand the Faithful follows this little horse unquestioningly. Being “faithful” to one's instincts, to what it is in a person that knows how things should function “properly,” is obviously also attractive to the anima. At the end, the princess chooses Ferdinand the Faithful rather than the old king. This representative of ancient collective consciousness seeks to regain the lost spiritual dimension with the aid of Ferdinand the Unfaithful, i.e., with tricks and intrigue. He allows himself to be seduced by the shadow and to sacrifice truthfulness (Ferdinand the Faithful) for the renewal of feeling for life (the princess). But tricks or no tricks, consciousness is not capable of renewing itself from its own resources. The anima obviously knows the shadow and can also make it visible. And ultimately it also brings the final solution, which leads to the disappearance of the shadow, at least temporarily. The shadow cannot be fought directly by the ego, because the more unconscious it is, the more lethal it is, being in its innermost depths connected with the collective shadow. If the insight into the shadow is only intellectual, if the feeling side—the relationship with the anima—is missing, then it is an uphill struggle to come to terms with it. Fairy tales do not give us definitive advice on how to deal with the shadow, with evil. However, a solution can be found if the horse, which is instinct, is helpfully involved. M.-L. von Franz says that concealed behind the animal, which initially appears as animalistic instinct in humans, is the secret of individuation itself, the internal sense of becoming whole. And hence the secret of handling evil.  相似文献   

The neural basis for the association between taste and odor was investigated in the rat. First, behavioral procedures to study the mechanisms underlying the association between qualitative aspects of the odor and taste in rats were developed. Rats were presented with several pairings of the 0.3 mol/L NaCl solution and a flavor, and pairings of distilled water and another flavor. Then the rats received an IP injection of a furosemide to develop sodium deficiency. On the next day, the rats were presented with either of two types of odor-flavored water: water in which the flavor had been paired with NaCl, or water in which the flavor (grape or coffee) had been paired with distilled water. Normal rats avoided ingesting the water flavored with the odor previously paired with NaCl. Sodium-deprived rats, however, ingested the water flavored with that odor. Rats with lesions in either the insular cortex or in the prefrontal cortex neither preferred nor avoided the water flavored with the odor paired with NaCl. It was concluded that rats acquire association between taste and odor, and that the insular and the prefrontal cortices of the rats were involved in this association.  相似文献   

Relationships between intelligence level and Rorschach measures of developmental level (genetic scores) were examined in clinically normal adults, hebephrenic and catatonic schizophrenics, paranoid schizophrenics, psychoneurotics, cerebrally damaged, and a mixed group of neuropsychiatric patients. The Ss were white males with an IQ range of 79 to 146, and with a chronological age range of 19 to 70. The unaltered forms of the genetic (developmental) scores were used for correlation with primarily Wechsler IQs. Generally no statistically significant relationships were found between genetic scores and intelligence level.  相似文献   

《周易》尊崇的经典地位是在西汉时期确立的,汉《易》之特色在于象数学大昌。汉代易学既以其哲理观念的宏观层面的影响,更以其卦爻符号、象数模式的具体形态的影响,介入政治、经济、军事、伦理等核心领域,也介入天文历法、物候气象、灾异、医药等自然科学领域,还介入音乐、文学、建筑等艺术领域,表现出易学文化解释功能的扩张。汉代易学文化解释功能之扩张,对当时及后世均产生极大的影响,具有独特的文化意义。  相似文献   

Ten different confirmatory factor analysis models, including ones with correlated traits correlated methods, correlated traits correlated uniqueness, and correlated traits uncorrelated methods, were proposed to examine the factorial structure of the French version of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965). In line with previous studies (Tomas & Oliver, 1999; Wang, Siegal, Falck, & Carlson, 2001), our results support the existence of a single global self-esteem factor underlying responses to the scale, in spite of the fact that method effects appear to be associated more with negatively worded items than with positively worded ones.  相似文献   

This paper takes the passing of Peter McHugh as an occasion to examine the intellectual development of his work. The paper is mainly focused on the product of his collaboration with his colleague and friend, Alan Blum. As such, it addresses the tradition of social inquiry, Analysis, which they cofounded. It traces the influence of Harold Garfinkel’s Ethnomethodology on McHugh and on the beginning of Analysis. The collaboration with Blum is examined through a variety of coauthored works but most especially in the two books On the Beginning of Social Inquiry (1974) and Self Reflection in the Arts and Sciences (1984). It also examines the relation of his independent writing before 1974, and since 1984 to the expression of the tradition of inquiry as exemplified in those two texts. The paper builds on some interview material with Peter McHugh and reflects on the influence of Peter the teacher as well as the theorist McHugh. Most especially, through its engagement with this material, it seeks to exemplify the dialectic and living nature of the program called Analysis.  相似文献   

This paper begins with an explanation of the four Chinese characters that represent the project of the Garden of the Heart and Soul. This project was founded to help the psychological development of orphans, as well as to provide psychological relief for the victims of ecological disasters such as earthquakes through the use of Jungian psychology, sandplay therapy, and the psychology of the Heart. Eleven years after its founding, there are 83 work‐stations on mainland China. The authors discuss how the Chinese characters influenced the way they set up their project and the values that guide them. In addition to helping the individuation of the people they work with, their work provides a container for the collective psyche and a connection with the cultural archetypal roots.  相似文献   

It is argued that the format for developing recent versions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) taxonomy is constrained in ways that seriously impair the quality of the product. These constraints include inappropriate assumption of a categorical model, ensured persistence of traditional categories of disorder, excessive concern with interdiagnostician agreement, insufficient attention to the issue of construct validity, and excessive preoccupation with clinician acceptance. These problems and certain others are illustrated with an analysis of the nosologic status of the schizophrenia construct. There is a significant danger that the adequacy of DSM-IV will be compromised by continuing difficulties of this sort.  相似文献   

The thesis is that Adorno has a normative ethics, albeit a minimal and negative ethics of resistance. However Adorno's ethical theory faces two problems: the problem of the availability of the good and the problem of whether a normative ethics is consistent with philosophical negativism. The author argues that a correct of understanding the role of the ineffable in Adorno's Negative Dialectics solves both problems: it provides an account of the availability of the good that is consistent with his philosophical negativism. The author counters the prevalent objection that Adorno's aporetic philosophy, like some negative theology, leads to irrationalism and mysticism. The parallel with negative theology is developed by means of a comparison with Nicholas of Cusa. Drawing on Wittgentstein's saying/showing distinction and Adrian Moore's work the author argues that Nicholas and Adorno can be seen to share a philosophically defensible notion of ineffable knowledge.  相似文献   

论《伏羲六十四卦方图》与黄泛平原土壤剖面之契合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
古易博大精深 ,今易功用深奥。对《伏羲六十四卦方图》用心领悟 ,“极深研几” ,偶与黄泛平原之壤平垂分布之象比拟 ,其相似程度令人嗟叹不已 :六十四卦二进制象数与土壤质地和层次排列关系完全相符 ,其易理幽然 ,其意义非凡。它对于现代西方土壤学研究的启迪作用显示着东方文化的无穷魅力  相似文献   

A number of previous studies have examined both the overall level of belief expressed by young people in the paranormal and the major demographic predictors of such belief. Building on this research tradition, the present study examines how one specific paranormal belief concerning contact with the spirits of the dead integrates with the wider teenage worldview. Data provided by 33,982 pupils age 13 to 15 years throughout England and Wales demonstrated that almost one in three young people (31%) believed that it is possible to contact the spirits of the dead. Compared with young people who did not share this belief, the young people who believed in the possibility of contacting the spirits of the dead displayed lower psychological wellbeing, higher anxiety, greater isolation, greater alienation, less positive social attitudes, and less socially conforming lifestyles. Overall, paranormal beliefs seem to be associated with a less healthy worldview, in both personal and social terms.  相似文献   

The final moments of the analytic hour are a repetitive reenactment whose symbolic meaning can be both a challenge and an opportunity. Each member of the analytic dyad is vulnerable to the revival of deprivation and loss that is introduced by the end of the hour, and each will handle the experience in a unique way. When this cocreated moment occurs in the absence of awareness, there can be avoidance and enactment. When it occurs in the context of shared understanding, the analytic pair is free to intensify, play with, and confront the limitations and inevitabilities of life that are revived again and again when we approach and reach the end. Integrating theoretical perspectives on mourning, attachment, and self-states, along with clinical vignettes, the paper will show how existential questions are present in many of our analytic encounters. As we help our clients negotiate this moment, we too may acknowledge aspects of ourselves that can intensify our awareness, and facilitate our therapeutic effectiveness. Our capacity to explore this important edge of analytic space with our patients can help them to live and to love and can enrich our work if we can be open to its multifaceted meaning.  相似文献   

论公民道德建设的内在规律性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民道德建设取得实效的关键在于认识和把握其内在规律性。道德内化是贯穿于公民道德建设全过程的一个不以人的意志为转移的客观规律 ,它支配着公民道德的形成和发展。道德内化规律发生作用的过程是一个他律和自律、受动性和主动性有机统一的过程 ,并呈现出阶段性的特点。所以 ,在公民道德建设的过程中 ,我们应当把他律机制和自律机制、灌输机制和接受机制、先进性要求和广泛性要求有机地结合起来。  相似文献   

正念冥想是有意识、非评判地将注意集中于当下经验的方法。近年来,正念冥想作为一种潜在的方法被引进到ADHD儿童干预领域。因为ADHD儿童的特异性,为了增加正念冥想方案对ADHD儿童的适切性,研究者从练习设置、奖励系统、解释方式和家长纳入几个方面对标准的正念减压训练方案做了改编。越来越多的研究证据表明,正念冥想训练能有效地减轻ADHD儿童的核心缺陷、改善其内外化症状和亲子关系。本文通过对已有相关实证研究的分析认为这些积极的影响可能与ADHD儿童的执行功能与去中心化等心理功能的改善有关,而大脑相关区域激活模式的变化和结构的积极改变可能是正念冥想影响ADHD儿童的神经基础。文章也提出已有研究在内容和方法学上的不足及其以后的探究方向。  相似文献   

Gender differences in the construct validity of Jack's (1991) Silencing the Self Scale (STSS) were assessed using 187 female and 169 male undergraduates. Results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed gender differences in the scale's latent structure and at best provided only limited support for the validity of the scale's four subscales for women. Among men, the studies exposed a weakness in the scale's construct validity and provided insights into possible alternative interpretations made by men when responding to the scale's items. Convergent and discriminant validity of the scale were assessed by correlating it with measures of neuroticism and attachment. Whereas the construct validity of the STSS for use with women was supported, evidence was weaker for men. For men, data suggest that the STSS, in part, taps a motive to avoid intimacy and relationship situations that limit one's sense of independence and autonomy, a construct incongruous with Jack's notion of self-silencing.  相似文献   

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