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Supervision of mental health counselors and psychologists is a developing field within psychology. Supervision models and needs are being researched and defined. Supervision for correctional mental health counselors and psychologists is an important part of correctional psychology, but has received very little research attention. There are many aspects of correctional psychology that are unique from the field of psychology as a whole; this is certainly true for supervision of correctional mental health staff. This article examines the supervision needs of correctional mental health counselors and psychologists. An application of one supervision model to correctional psychology is presented.  相似文献   

Immigration is a major factor that is greatly contributing to the unprecedented demographic changes that are presently occurring in the United States. This article discusses the challenges encountered by immigrants, taking into account the historical, sociopolitical, economic, cultural, and psychological factors that contribute to successful adjustment and adaptation to their new environment. In doing so, it outlines a new theoretical approach to working with this unique cultural group that is embedded in a multicultural/social justice helping perspective.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the service needs of immigrants and refugees, paying special attention to their entry status, social, and human capital. Analyses are based on administrative data consisting of 2915 clients collected by the YMCA of Western Ontario, Windsor-Essex Branch (YMO). Results reveal that immigrants’ and refugees’ major service need priorities are (1) government services and language skills, (2) information about Canadian life and access to community services, (3) education and work in Canada, and (4) social and professional networks and community involvement. These service needs varied by the entry status of the immigrant as well as human and social capital. Government-assisted and sponsored refugees identified more service needs than economic immigrants relating to Canadian life, language and skill training, and social networks. Sponsored refugees also identified more needs than the economic immigrants with respect to access to community services and work. Convention refugees’ higher service needs over economic immigrants were related to language training and access to community services. Finally, the service needs of clients with higher education, English proficiency, and ethnic networks were lower than those of their counterparts.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Over the last decades, the number of immigrants in Germany has been rising steadily. One result of this is that currently, around 40% of children in the...  相似文献   

This paper applies the Minority Stress framework to data collected from an ongoing community-based participatory research project with health and social service agencies in Southeast Michigan. We examine the stressors and coping strategies employed by undocumented Latinx immigrants and their families to manage immigration-related stress. We conducted in-depth interviews with 23 immigrant clients at Federally Qualified Health Care Centers (FQHC) in Southeast Michigan and 28 in-depth interviews with staff at two FQHC's and a non-profit agency serving immigrants. Findings suggest that immigrants face heightened anxiety and adverse mental health outcomes because of unique minority identity-related stressors created by a growing anti-immigrant social environment. Chronic stress experienced stems from restrictive immigration policies, anti-immigrant rhetoric in the media and by political leaders, fear of deportation, discriminatory events, concealment, and internalized anti-immigrant sentiment. Though identity can be an important effect modifier in the stress process, social isolation in the immigrant community has heightened the impact of stress and impeded coping strategies. These stressors have resulted in distrust in community resources, uncertainty about future health benefits, delayed medical care, and adverse mental health outcomes. Findings provide a framework for understanding the unique stressors experienced by immigrants and strategies for interventions by social service agencies.  相似文献   

American Muslims represent a heterogeneous population that is underserved by the mental health community, despite increased psychological distress reported since 9/11. This article offers professionals an understanding of the mental health needs of American Muslims. Recommendations for conducting culturally responsive assessments and treatment are offered. Los Musulmanes Americanos representan un grupo de población heterogéneo que no se encuentra suficientemente abastecido por la comunidad de profesionales en salud mental, a pesar de un creciente malestar psicológico observado desde el 9/11. Este artículo of rece a los profesionales un entendimiento de las necesidades en salud mental de los Musulmanes Americanos. Se ofrecen tratamientos y recomendaciones para llevar a cabo evaluaciones culturalmente sensibles.  相似文献   

Rwandan leaders in the health and educational sectors have begun to discuss the necessity for establishing culturally appropriate community-based mental health counselling services in Rwanda, especially trauma counselling. The need for a community psychology approach is anchored in the lingering effects of the genocide and the continuing post-traumatic stress symptoms suffered by many in the population. Capacity building in an effort like this would require the design of multi-level counselling curricula that are sensitive to the social structures within Rwandan culture. These curricular endeavours call for the development of a National Counselling Centre to serve as a structural mechanism for organizing community-based counselling initiatives. We consider the community health services needs in Rwanda here, along with associated challenges and strategies for effective mental health services in a country with a recent history of genocide. A community psychology approach to mental health would benefit Rwandan society by making trauma counselling and recovery services available and accessible to citizens throughout the country.  相似文献   

An inexpensive needs assessment was conducted using volunteer university students as telephone interviewers. The procedure and findings are described in terms of the literature, and the applicability of the low-budget approach to other settings is discussed.  相似文献   

We present information with implications for the design of comprehensive systems of care for children with severe emotional disturbance and their families. Combining quantitative data derived from children and caregivers on multiple standardized assessments and qualitative data based on the caregivers' personal comments, we provide a detailed account of child clinical status, service needs, involvement in normative childhood activities, aspects of family coping and functioning, and expectations of mental health services. Research participants were from a random sampling of children, 9 to 11 years of age, receiving an above average number of services from a large urban public mental health system. Results from this comprehensive needs assessment demonstrate the serious nature of the children's disabilities, illuminate the corresponding challenges for families, and provide direction for enhancing the system of care. The caregivers rated recreation and after school programs as their first priority. Since traditional mental health services are fairly well articulated and evolved, we concentrate on using information about child functioning and family context to inform the development of recreation and after school programs that can accommodate children with extremely challenging behaviors.  相似文献   

Alcohol or drug use and road rage behaviors in drivers are threats to traffic safety. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between alcohol or drug use and aggression in Turkish drivers, and to evaluate the mediating role of driving anger in this relationship. 270 amateur and professional Turkish drivers (170 male, 100 female) have filled up Driving Anger Scale (DAS), Driver Aggression Indicators Scale (DAIS), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and the Questionnaire Form. 15.9% of the participants scored 8 and higher on the AUDIT scale (alcohol problem). The most prevalent substance is cannabis, used at least once in a lifetime (20%). The results of mediated regression analysis indicates that driving anger has an increasing mediating role in the relationship between alcohol use and driver aggression. Due to limitations in the data, we could not reveal the relationship between substance use and driver aggression. These findings have led us to think that drinking use may contribute to being a perpetrator and/or a victim of the road rage. Taking precautions against drinking driving and road rage and going over the current implementations is important in order to create a safer traffic environment. Scientific researches carried out in this field must aim to provide the desired efficiency on prevention and intervention programs that reduce the prevalance of such dangerous acts.  相似文献   

This study examines the religious participation of Islamic immigrants in Belgium using data from the Migration History and Social Mobility Survey collected in 1994–1996 from 2,200 men who had immigrated from Turkey and Morocco. Religious participation is measured as mosque attendance, fasting during Ramadan, and sacrificing a sheep at the Festival of Sacrifice. Results show that the religious participation of Islamic immigrants depends on both premigration and postmigration characteristics. Religious participation is higher among immigrants who: (1) attended a Koranic school in their country of origin, (2) were socialized in a religious region of their home country, (3) received little schooling, (4) currently live in an area of Belgium with a greater number of mosques, and (5) associate with a high number of co‐ethnics. These results suggest that the religious participation of Islamic immigrants in Belgium is an outcome of characteristics unique to immigrants as well as processes common among the general population.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this assessment was to verify the mental health needs of Hmong living in a mid-west community in order clarify the format, content, and feasibility of providing mental health services for Hmong in the future. Using a Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) model, we held four focus groups with 36 men, women, adolescents and professionals, all of Hmong descent, as well as interviewed 28 individual medical, mental health, education, and social service providers in the Eau Claire community. Our Hmong sample was frequently unclear about what “mental” health meant, indicating a low level of mental health literacy. Results confirmed that there are significant mental health needs in this refugee and immigrant population. Participants described problems consistent with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, and severe social stress and acculturation difficulties in every generation. Elder people and male adolescents were described as the most disaffected and in need of immediate services. It will be critical to address mental health literacy before designing future interventions. Treatment suggestions were provided with the intention of removing barriers and incorporating culturally sensitive methodologies, while continuing to work closely with our local mental health providers and Hmong leadership.  相似文献   

We explored personal, social, and legal factors associated with different types of mental health treatment orders in one Missouri metropolitan court where the majority of system-involved youth are African-American. The research question under investigation is: with objective assessment information at their disposal, do judges order mental health treatment based on indicators of need or do they follow the pattern found in other studies where demographic and legal variables are key indicators? The bivariate results indicate that while males and females do not differ in mental health status, they do differ in psychosocial needs and offense patterns. In the multivariate analysis, the mental health treatment specific model indicates that commonly used indicators of need, prior mental health status and being female are related to receiving treatment orders. In the substance abuse treatment specific model, the significant factors are closely aligned with need: drug offenses, substance abuse problems, and negative influence of peers.  相似文献   

In the literature on religion and assimilation, Muslims are usually categorized into one group without any reference to their differences in terms of religious practice and ethnicity. This paper sheds light on such differences by illustrating the case of Turkish immigrants in the USA, one of the least studied immigrant groups. Based on interviews with practicing and non-practicing Turkish Muslims in Houston, we address the issue of how practices of religion play its role in the assimilation of Turkish immigrants. Data reveal that while Turks in general are fairly well adapted into American society, there are some major differences between practicing and non-practicing Turkish Muslims, even though practically all Turks identify as Muslim.  相似文献   

School counselors have an important part to play in helping schools respond to the increasing number of students whose mental health needs place them at risk for school failure. This article identifies the shortcomings of the current developmental guidance and counseling service delivery model as it relates to work with at-risk youth. In addition, a transformed model is proposed, with suggestions for changes in program organization and planning, school counselor role and function, and skills and expertise. Potential barriers to change are also identified.  相似文献   

As research reveals that the healthy immigrant effect, whereby the health of immigrants at the time of arrival is high but subsequently declines and converges toward that of the native-born population, also extends to mental well-being, this paper aims to examine the barriers to mental health care for immigrants in Hamilton, Ontario. Through the use of face-to-face interviews with eight service providers, barriers to care were revealed to include cultural insensitivity, stigma and shame, and limited resources. Suggestions for improvements to mental health care are also discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the association among anxiety, religiosity, meaning of life and mental health in a nonclinical sample from a Chinese society. Four hundred fifty-one Taiwanese adults (150 males and 300 females) ranging in age from 17 to 73 years (M = 28.9, SD = 11.53) completed measures of Beck Anxiety Inventory, Medical Outcomes Study Health Survey, Perceived Stress Scale, Social Support Scale, and Personal Religiosity Scale (measuring religiosity and meaning of life). Meaning of life has a significant negative correlation with anxiety and a significant positive correlation with mental health and religiosity; however, religiosity does not correlate significantly anxiety and mental health after controlling for demographic measures, social support and physical health. Anxiety explains unique variance in mental health above meaning of life. Meaning of life was found to partially mediate the relationship between anxiety and mental health. These findings suggest that benefits of meaning of life for mental health can be at least partially accounted for by the effects of underlying anxiety.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that laypersons differ as a function of gender and ethnicity in their views about the meaning of “mental health.” The current study examined agreement among psychotherapists about the nature of healthy psychological functioning. National samples of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and psychoanalysts completed the Mental Health Values Questionnaire, a measure of value dimensions used in appraising emotional adjustment. Results indicated a relatively high degree of consensus among the four professional disciplines surveyed. Individual differences were associated with gender and with the geographic area in which the therapist was raised.  相似文献   

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