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Stereotyping and implicit theory on benevolent prejudice toward an Aboriginal student were investigated in a mock work setting. In a 2 (Stereotype: prime vs. no prime) × 2 (Theory: entity vs. incremental) × 2 (Race: Aboriginal vs. Caucasian) between‐subjects design, non‐Aboriginal participants were primed or not primed with a negative Aboriginal stereotype and an entity or incremental implicit theory before evaluating an Aboriginal or Caucasian student. Consistent with a benevolent prejudice perspective, when primed with the stereotype, only participants holding an entity theory expressed greater desire to help the Aboriginal compared to the Caucasian candidate, despite both candidates demonstrating identical performance information. Implications for prejudice in work environments are discussed.  相似文献   

This research aimed to study those factors that predict different types of ethnic prejudice in a representative subsample of Spanish young people. The instrument we used was Pettigrew & Meertens' (1995 ) blatant/subtle prejudice scale. Results show that although there is a similar underlying pattern in both types of ethnic prejudice, subtle prejudice is based more on cultural differences, whereas blatant prejudice also stresses the racial, economic, and labor effects of immigration. Moreover, blatant prejudice is also influenced by the formal level of education and political position. The results are interpreted within the Spanish context; and the implications for identity formation and maintenance, and practical programs directed toward ethnic prejudice awareness are discussed.  相似文献   

A process called "actuarial prejudice" is discussed. Actuarial prejudice is a cognitive bias, based on available information about a group from the past and the present, that causes individuals to expect inferior performance from persons who belong to the group. The process, in part, explains why both women and men expect relatively low achievement from women and why women are less likely to achieve than are men. Hypotheses are proposed for future research to test the implications of this process.  相似文献   

The attitudes of 293 first-time entering students at a large, public eastern university were measured using the revised Situational Attitude Scale (SAS) Student-Athlete. The findings suggested that freshman students perceived student-athletes negatively in situations dealing with academic competence. The contention was made to include the student-athlete culture as one susceptible to prejudice and discrimination. Student-athletes should be educated to the “isms” they may be facing from their peers in the classroom and on the campus. These results also indicated the need to include the student-athlete culture when engaging in “ism” reduction efforts with members of the campus community. Se midieron las actitudes de 293 estudiantes del primer año en una universidad pública grande en el este, usando el Revised Situational Attitude Scale (SAS) Student-Athlete. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes del primer año perciben a los estudiantes-atletas de una manera negativa en situaciones que tienen que ver con la competencia académica. Se discutió la visión de la cultura estudiante-atleta como susceptible de prejuicio y discriminación. Se debe educar a los estudiantes-atletas sobre los “-ismos” que ellos podrán encontrar en el aula y en el campus. Estos resultados también indican la necesidad de incluir la cultura estudiante-atleta cuando los miembros de una comunidad universitaria intentan reducir los “-ismos.”  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which intercultural effectiveness dimensions (cultural empathy, open‐mindedness, social initiative, emotional stability, flexibility) and right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA) predicted the ethnic prejudice of 166 Australian respondents toward Indigenous Australians. Intercultural effectiveness was assessed on the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire, and RWA was assessed on the RWA scale, whereas ethnic prejudice was measured on the Modern Racism Scale. The results revealed that intercultural effectiveness (open‐mindedness, flexibility, cultural empathy) was inversely related to ethnic prejudice, with open‐mindedness being the main predictor. Intercultural effectiveness was also inversely related to RWA, the latter being directly related to ethnic prejudice. The implications of these findings for the potential role of intercultural effectiveness in combating ethnic prejudice are discussed.  相似文献   

Women who pursue or possess power are at risk for backlash, defined as social and economic penalties for defying stereotypic expectations ( Rudman, 1998 ). Rule-based gender stereotypes stipulate acceptable behaviors for women and men and when these rules are violated, perceivers react negatively. We review research demonstrating the Catch-22 that female leaders face, such that they are required to display agency to overcome the lack of fit between their gender and leadership yet when they do so, they risk prejudice and hiring discrimination (i.e., backlash). Our review reveals how this dilemma encumbers women in all aspects of their career. We consider factors that moderate the likelihood of backlash effects and describe recent research that sheds light on the mechanisms responsible for negative reactions toward women striving for positions of power. Finally, we discuss the implications of backlash for preserving stereotypes in the culture-at-large and the gender status quo and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

The norm for mental health is not what it should be. Counseling theory is currently expanding its horizons to encompass higher potential of human behavior. The Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI) is presented as a theoretical model for the promotion of more complete development of the individual. SCI's applied aspect, the Transcendental Meditation program, is discussed in terms of research data and its application to the developmental concepts of readiness, intensity of challenge, and identify. The article concludes with a preliminary discussion of the possible interface of present counseling modalities and the practice of SCI. Perhaps SCI has relevance to planning for the promotion of greater mental health.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the extent to which masculine gender‐role stress, sexual prejudice, and antigay anger collectively facilitate antigay aggression. Participants were 135 heterosexual men who completed a structured interview assessing masculine gender‐role stress, sexual prejudice, anger in response to a vignette depicting a non‐erotic male–male intimate relationship (i.e., partners holding hands, kissing), and past perpetration of antigay aggression. The results indicate that the association between masculine gender‐role stress and antigay aggression is partially mediated by antigay anger among sexually prejudiced men. These findings contribute to theoretical understanding of antigay aggression. Implications for future research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Social identity theory, the contact hypothesis, and prejudice research are three important perspectives for studying ingroup information and preferences in the context of ethnic groups. This paper studies the utility of the three perspectives in a particular interethnic group context among 160 Dutch subjects between 12 and 15 years of age. The results show that the evaluation of ethnic identity and rate of cross-ethnic contact are strongly correlated with ingroup formation and preference. Prejudicial attitudes seem to be dependent on contact and especially on the evaluation of ethnic identity. Prejudice seems to be a function of positive identification with the Dutch as a group. Applied implications for ethnic-group relations are discussed.  相似文献   


Religion is often a driving force in negative attitudes; however, in the specific case of migrant-based attitudes, research has produced conflicting findings. That is, religion can paradoxically facilitate either tolerance or intolerance toward this group. In light of these inconsistent findings, we conducted a meta-analytic review to estimate the effect size of this relationship with two major aims—first, to explore differences as a function of how religion was operationalised, and second, to explore differences in the target migrant-type (e.g., differences in religion-based attitudes toward immigrants and refugees/asylum seekers). Our search strategy was applied to PsycINFO, EBSCO Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Collection, Web of Science, PsycEXTRA, and ProQuest Central for peer-reviewed English language studies and made calls for unpublished data through relevant professional bodies. This search strategy yielded 37 records (including 43 studies; N = 472,688). Religion was quantified in two ways: either as categorical religious affiliations (k = 60) or as individual differences in self-reported religiosity (k = 30). The meta-analyses revealed that religion quantified as affiliation, but not religiosity, was related to negative migrant attitudes. Specifically, religiously affiliated samples report more negative attitudes than nonreligious affiliated samples, and this effect was often stronger when the target groups were refugees rather than immigrants. In addition, analyses revealed that Muslims have more negative attitudes toward migrants than Christians. Religiosity was unrelated to negative attitudes. These findings are discussed in light of rising antimigrant attitudes.  相似文献   

This study was an attempt to examine the effects of two components of social identification (i. e., ethnic and mainstream) on stress related to both cultural disparity and perceived discrimination. Results based on a sample of 164 Hispanics indicated the independence of these two dimensions of social identification. As hypothesized, lack of mainstream acceptance was associated with acculturative stress. Furthermore, among individuals with a high level of ethnic identification, poor identification with the mainstream resulted in more stress than high mainstream identification. These findings suggested that the bipolar model, in which ethnic and mainstream affiliation are considered opposites of each other, should be revised.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment examined the impact of a derogatory remark on expressions of prejudice toward a gay male leader. Students participated in same‐sex groups with a male confederate who was obviously gay or presumably straight. Half of the participants in the gay condition heard a derogatory remark about the confederate. This resulted in 3 experimental conditions: gay/remark, gay/no remark, and straight/no remark. Participants evaluated the leader's abilities less favorably and evidenced more negative nonverbal behaviors toward him in the gay/remark condition than in the gay/no remark or straight/no remark conditions. These findings extend research on derogatory remarks to a nonracial minority and highlight the powerful effect of immediate social context on expressions of prejudice.  相似文献   

This study tested the effects of multiple ideologies on support for restrictive policies against gay and lesbian individuals and organizations and if these effects were mediated by sexual prejudice. Social dominance orientation (SDO), conservatism, and right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA) each had significant direct and indirect effects. SDO had the most consistent direct effects in addition to its effects through sexual prejudice. The direct effects of conservatism were smaller and similar in size to its indirect effects through prejudice. Although the direct effect of RWA was significant for policy attitudes, its effect was entirely mediated through sexual prejudice for organization opposition. Results suggest that high‐RWA individuals adopt their positions largely because of prejudice toward sexual minorities, while high‐SDO individuals adopt their positions partly out of prejudice and partly because these positions perpetuate hierarchies between heterosexuals and sexual minorities. Results also diminish the principled conservatism argument that conservative positions on these policies and organizations are absent of prejudice. As policies continue to be enacted that affect the sexual minority community, research is needed to identify the underlying motivations for individuals' positions toward these policies.  相似文献   

This article presents a group position model of prejudice and a set of individual-level theoretical approaches to explain prejudice toward immigrants, who are a relatively new minority group in Western Europe. It specifically tests the effects of the perceived threat posed by the new minorities to the dominant group position of the citizens in the European nation-states. Threat is measured both as individuals’ perceptions of threat over economic and sociocultural resources and as contextual factors. Results show that individuals’ perception of threat to their ingroup’s position has the most powerful effect on prejudice, whereas context does not seem to matter. The findings imply that sources of perceived threat should be addressed to help reduce prejudice.  相似文献   

Prejudice has been studied as a function of personality and situation, but there has been little integration of these 2 domains. Our model suggests that people who are especially open and agreeable are more likely to initiate intergroup contact and interpret contact experiences favorably. Such experiences lead to positive intergroup attitudes. To test this mediation hypothesis, participants ( N = 163) completed a measure of (a) the Big Five personality traits, (b) past contact experiences with African Americans, and (c) pro-Black/ anti-Black attitudes. A second study used Asian Americans as the outgroup. In both studies, the model was supported. The results have implications for integrating personality and situational approaches to prejudice and enhancing our understanding of intergroup relations.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between mindfulness, sexist motivations and beliefs, and prejudice toward women who violate traditional gender roles—namely feminists. In a preliminary study, 672 (251 men, 421 women) undergraduates from a United States Midwestern university completed a measure of mindfulness and warmth toward feminists and consistent with hypotheses, more mindfulness was associated with more warmth toward feminists. Extending this initial finding to the main study, 653 (273 men, 380 women) undergraduates from a U.S. Midwestern university completed measures of mindfulness, motivation to respond without sexism, ambivalent sexism, and warmth toward feminists. Consistent with hypotheses, compared to women participants, men participants were lower on internal motivation to respond without sexism, higher on hostile and benevolent sexism and less warm toward feminists. Also consistent with hypotheses, for men participants, more mindfulness was associated with higher internal motivation to respond without sexism, less benevolent sexism, and more warmth toward feminists. In contrast, for women participants, more mindfulness was only associated with less hostile sexism. Finally, a path analysis revealed that the positive relation between mindfulness and warmth toward feminists for men participants was partially mediated by more internal motivation to respond without sexism (i.e., a significant indirect effect), but not by less sexist beliefs. Implications for mindfulness, sexism, and prejudice more generally are discussed.  相似文献   

We propose that the internalization of orthodox Christian beliefs serves as a basis for a personal moral standard that discourages prejudice against others as well as for self-critical emotions that follow upon behaving in a discriminatory manner. Two correlational studies tested hypotheses derived from our theory. Study 1 demonstrated that to the extent people endorse orthodox Christian beliefs, they report an internal motivation to respond without prejudice toward homosexuals. Study 2 demonstrated that, when controlling for the effects of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), endorsement of orthodox Christian beliefs was related to positive attitudes toward homosexuals as individuals or as a group, but not toward homosexuality as a behavior or lifestyle.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between contact and sexual prejudice. A quantitative synthesis with 83 effect sizes from 41 articles, using mostly samples from the United States, showed a significant negative relationship between contact and sexual prejudice. Among six possible moderators tested (type of sexual prejudice scale used, correlational versus experimental studies, attitudes toward lesbians versus gay men, publication year, quality of study, and where study was conducted), three were shown to significantly moderate the relationship between contact and sexual prejudice. The relationship between contact and sexual prejudice varied as a function of the type of sexual prejudice measure used, the target group toward which the prejudicial attitudes were assessed, and where the study was conducted.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of research has demonstrated the value of imagined contact in reducing social prejudice. The current study investigated the efficacy of imagined intergroup contact in improving attitudes towards male homosexuals on both explicit and implicit measures. Eighty-five heterosexual undergraduate students were randomly allocated to one of three conditions: imagined interaction, prime control or unrelated imagery control. Overall, no significant differences were found between the imagery conditions for either the explicit or implicit attitude measures, even when controlling for prior contact. Accordingly, the present findings, unlike those of Turner et al. (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 93: 369–388, 2007b) and (Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 10: 427–441, 2007a), do not offer support for the effectiveness of indirect contact in reducing prejudice toward male homosexuals. Some explanations for the inconsistency of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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